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【题目】请认真阅读下列短文, 并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意: 每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题纸上相应题号的横线上。

What do you do when somebody hurts you? Do you want to hurt that person back, or do you hold it against them for the rest of your life? If you answered “yes” to these questions, know that you are like most people. To forgive is something that most people generally have difficulty with.

People don’t forgive readily, because it is easier to hate than to forgive. Some people think to forgive is a sign of weakness, but actually to forgive takes courage and effort.

Forgiveness is a gift from a generous heart. It is not a reward for good behavior. It is not based on whether the person deserves it or whether the person has asked for it.

Besides, forgiveness is an act and a process, which often takes time. The deeper your pain, the longer it usually takes to completely forgive. It is an act because it is not just the words you say, but also your actions which show if you’ve truly forgiven someone.

Forgiveness is necessary because it helps removes the burden of bitterness and hate. It takes a lot of energy to hate and to keep that hate in place. Hate puts unnecessary stress on your body. It is a well-known fact, proven by numerous studies, that bitterness and hate can actually make you sick. The moment that people forgive and let go of their hate, they will start to get well. Forgiveness brings freedom, whereas revenge (报复) is neither sweet nor satisfying.

I have personal experience of this. I used to be very cynical about life and didn’t forgive easily. At the time, I also struggled in every area of my life. Things just didn’t seem to work out for me. It is as if everything that could go wrong, always went wrong. That was until somebody told me to take a look at my attitude. And when I forgave those who wronged me and changed my attitude, everything else changed. It didn’t happen overnight. It took a while, but I could see and feel the difference.

Are things not working out in your life, despite you doing all the “right” things? Is it possible that you are holding “unforgiveness” in your heart? It is worth thinking about.


It is common that people find it difficult to forgive those 1them.

Myth of forgiveness

To forgive is a sign of weakness.

Truth of forgiveness

To forgive is in fact a sign of 2

To forgive shows you have a generous heart, not that someone has done something good that is 3 your forgiveness..

The time it takes to forgive someone is decided by the 4 of the pain.

It is your action rather than words that really 5.

Reasons for forgiveness

To hate requires much energy, thus 6 unnecessary stress on the body.

Forgiveness 7 you from bitterness and burden.

Author’s experience

Everything seemed to go wrong until I was 8 of my own attitude towards things happening to me.

Everything changed in 9 to my changed attitude.


When you find everything going wrong 10 your effort, think about your attitude toward forgiveness.



2strength / courage / effort(s)



5counts / matters


7releases / frees.






1考查同义转换。根据第二段第一句People don’t forgive readily, because it is easier to hate than to forgive.可知人们很难原谅伤害他们的人。因thosehurt构成主动关系,所以表格里使用现在分词短语hurting them做定语修饰those。故填hurting。

2考查原词再洗。根据第二段最后一句but actually to forgive takes courage and effort.可知原谅他人是需要勇气的;表格里使用名词courage做介词of的宾语。

3考查同义转换。根据第二段最后一句It is not based on whether the person deserves it or whether the person has asked for it.可知原谅他人是因为你有善良的心灵,而不是别人值得你这样做。报告里使用be worth…代替deserve。故填worth。

4考查同义转换。根据第四段第二句The deeper your pain, the longer it usually takes to completely forgive.可知人们受到的痛苦越多,原谅他人所需要的时间就越长。也就是上受伤的程度越深,越难以原谅他人。故填depth。

5考查同义转换。根据第四段第三句It is an act because it is not just the words you say, but also your actions which show if you’ve truly forgiven someone.可知重要的是我们所采取的行动,所以使用动词countmatter。表格里是一个强调句型,被强调的是主语your action,所以要使用第三人称单数形式counts/matters。

6考查词形变化。根据第五段第三句Hate puts unnecessary stress on your body.可知痛恨突然会给我们的身体带来压力。本句中使用现在分词形式putting….做结果状语。故填putting。

7考查同义转换。根据第五段第四句It is a well-known fact, proven by numerous studies, that bitterness and hate can actually make you sick.可知原谅他人会让我们摆脱苦涩和疾病。所以使用动词短语release/free…from…。故填release/free。

8考查同义转换。根据第六段第六句That was until somebody told me to take a look at my attitude.直到有人告诉我的时候,我才注意到自己的态度有问题。本句使用remind代替tell。表格里要使用被动语态,所以填过去分词reminded。

9考查同义转换。根据第六段第七句And when I forgave those who wronged me and changed my attitude, everything else changed.可知当我们开始原谅别人的时候,一切都改变了。事情的变化是回应了我态度的变化。所以使用介词短语in respond to…。

10考查原词再现。根据文章最后一句Are things not working out in your life, despite you doing all the “right” things? 可知尽管你做了所有的事情,但一切并不如你所愿的时候,请注意一下你的态度。表格里使用介词despite表示尽管”。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作九 文中共 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的的增加、删除、或修改。





As we can see, some students in our school are in poor health, what deserves our attention. It is obvious that poor health is close related to bad living habits. Some students stay up late doing their homework and playing with their mobile phones. As result, they have difficulty concentrating on our lessons in class . Some students don't have a balanced diet. They always eat snacks instead of having healthy meal. Besides, some students never take exercise, which lead to weight problems.

It is time to reflecting on our way of life. Let's develop good living habits to keep fit. By having enough sleep, eat a balanced diet and taking regular exercise, we can live in healthily and happily.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I don't know the reason ______ you were absent from the meeting, but I'm sure someone will tell me the reason ________ you haven't told me.

A.why; thatB.that; why

C.Because; whichD.of which; that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1How can you pay in the TWU Cafeteria?

A.By signing your name.

B.By using your mobile phone.

C.By using your ID cards.

2Where can you cook?

A.In the Globe.B.In the TWU Cafeteria.C.In the Douglas Hall.

3What do we know about the Wellness Center?

A.It is open on workdays.

B.It offers service free of charge.

C.It only gives advice on mental health.

4When can the students take the TWU Express?

A.At 7 a.m. on Sundays.B.At noon on Thursdays.C.At 2 p.m. on Saturdays.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What happened to the man's phone?

A.He broke it.B.He lost it.C.He threw it away.

2What do we know about the after-sale services?

A.The man can get his money back in a week.

B.The phone comes with a two-year warranty.

C.No exchange is allowed after a month.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Dear Sir,

Thank you for invite me to the summer English course in your school.As for your choice between the two courses, I prefer the fourweek course because of this will allow me more time to do some traveling but make a few new friends.Of all the subject I’m learning at school, I like English best.I had been learning English for eleven years but my spoken English remains poorly.So I really hope to take this chance improve it.If possible, I’d like to stay with a family for a couple of days in order that I can know some customs in England, that I’m particularly interested in.I believe I will have wonderful time this summer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


In elementary school, George wasn’t 1 (exact) popular, but he always had a couple of really good friends. In middle school, he was really good at science and math. 2 most kids were going to 3movies on weekends, George preferred to design his own special projects. He dreamed of owning his own technology company someday. When George got to high school, some of the other students made fun of him for being into books and computers. This made George very upset, but he tried not to let anything keep his dream from 4 (achieve). George got excellent grades and was admitted 5 both Harvard and Yale, but he decided to go to Stanford 6 there were many opportunities for people 7 wanted to work in Silicon Valley. This was the first time George 8 (feel) accepted by the people around him. He took many computer classes, and kept designing his own projects on weekends. During the summer months, he would take extra classes, and he ended up 9 (graduate) a year early. He took a job 10 a computer programmer at Apple. After five more years there, George left to start his own company, finally realizing his childhood dream.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 At 18, you say goodbye to your childhood and become an adult. You are legally allowed to do a lot of things from voting to driving a car. 1

On March 10, California lawmakers voted to change the legal age for buying cigarettes from 18 to 21. It meant that the US state in which the most people live was about to become the second after Hawaii to ban teenagers from smoking. 2 Up to now, over 100 cities in the US, including New York and San Francisco, have passed similar laws of their own.

“We can save billions of dollars in direct health care costs and, most importantly, save lives,” senator Ed Hernandez, who wrote the bill, told the Associated Press.

3 Last year the Institute of Medicine(IOM) in the US predicted that if the legal age were raised to 21, by the time today’s teenagers became adults, the smoking rate would be cut by 12 percent. 4For example, Vending machines (自动售货机) would go away and less than 10 percent of stores would sell cigarettes illegally to teenagers.

5 An article in USA Today pointed out that taking in nicotine(尼古丁) during your teenage years is likely to badly affect brain function and development. Teenagers get addicted to smoking more easily than adults because the parts of the brain that control most decision making and self-control are still developing. As for the health effects, the risks of smoking-related illness rise with the number of years a person smokes.

A. There is evidence that supports Hernandez's words.

B. There are many reasons to cut youth smoking further.

C. The law will take effect 90 days after the governor signs it.

D. Meanwhile, other ways of getting cigarettes would disappear.

E. Some people argue that 18-year-olds are mostly able to make adult decisions.

F. Many countries in the world, including China, have set the legal smoking at 18.

G. But in some parts of the US, there’s still one thing an 18-year-old can’t do—smoke.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Think about the longest elevator ride that you’ve ever taken. Whether you rose five floors or 100, it probably took less than a few minutes. Now imagine riding in an elevator higher and higher as it climbs for nearly a day. When you reach the top floor, prepare for views that are really out of this world. You’ll be in space!

Space elevators might sound like a crazy idea, but they’re something scientists have been working on for decades.

Why would anyone want a space elevator? At the moment, riding in a capsule is the only way ordinary people can get to and from space. But those rides are very expensive — about $25 million per person per flight.

Researchers are still figuring out the details about how a space elevator might work. One idea is stretching (伸展) a very long cable — more than 37,000 kilometers — up to space from the earth’s equator (赤道). The location is important: Objects in space above the equator orbit (……的轨道飞行) the earth at the same speed that our planet turns. A weight on the end of the cable would stretch it tight. An elevator tied to the cable could use it to climb up and down.

The only problem is that besides being long, this cable must also be very strong. Storms, including hurricanes might break it. One way to solve this problem is to stretch the cable from the moon instead of from the earth. Airplanes designed to climb higher than a typical jet might take off from the earth and link up with the cable, which would be held in place by the pull of gravity from the earth. An elevator car waiting there would then take riders the rest of the way to the moon. Fueled by solar power, the elevator could transport people and materials without much expense or effort per ride.

So, when will you be taking your first spaceelevator ride? Probably not for a while.

1The first paragraph is presented by________.

A. giving an example

B. making a comparison

C. asking questions

D. analyzing causes

2Why have scientists been working on space elevators?

A. To make trips to space cheaper.

B. To help astronauts do research in space.

C. To find a more convenient way to the moon.

D. To prove an assumption which seems crazy.

3The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 4 refers to ________.

A. the cable

B. the equator

C. an object in space

D. a weight on the end of the cable

4Which part of a magazine may the article appear in?

A. Science and technology. B. Sports.

C. Literature. D. Entertainment.

