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() 25. The shows a wide difference in tastes around the country.

   A. calendar   B. research .

C. decision   D. invitation


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

         My name is Virginia Mahoney. My father Bill Mahoney was a kind-hearted man. He was always ready to help others. He had 41 good sense of humor and made people smile everywhere he went. He was also a loving husband and father. 42 (sad) , we lost him on April 30 ,2013 because cancer took his life away.

         After the death of my father,my elder sister Jojo and I were very sad. But it didn’t take long for us 43 (cheer) up. We decided to do something in memory 44 our father. We talked for a few hours and then agreed to start a dub 45 (call) B kind. We wanted to encourage acts of kindness in our everyday lives,just like my father 46 (do) . After we told our mother about our 47 (decide) , she was very supportive. So some days later,B kind was started.

          B kind believes that even the 48 (small) acts of-kindness are worth recognizing,worth celebrating,and worth 49 (build) a community around. Being kind can change someone's life; it ’can also change the world. Now we encourage and help kids start B kind clubs at 50 (they) schools.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



            In 2014 and 2015,a Gallup World Poll surveyed people m 119 countries. A group of scientists analyzed how people answered two of the questions: How much do you know about global warming,and how serious was it to you and your family? And they were surprised.

            Most scientists think the world's  climate changing fast,yet many people do not share the scientists,view.What's  more,how people responded depended on various reasons. These included where people livd,how;many years they'd  gone to school,how much money they earned,their gender — even things such as how polluted the air was in the place where they lived. It's the first time those have been studied for their possible link to people' s thoughts on climate change.

            Many people were not even aware of global warming. Most people in Africa and the Middle East had!never heard of the concept. In contrast,people in the wealthier and more highly educated nations were quite familiar with global warming. Among people who were : aware of global warming,those in the poorer nations i tended to judge it as a far bigger threat. And in Latin Amenca and Europe people were more likely to see global warming as a bigger menace (威胁) when they understood the role that humans have played in that : warming. In Africa people were more likely to see :

climate change as a risk if it was tied to local temperatures or air pollution.

          “To our knowledge,this is the first and only truly global study,”according to the study's  lead author Lee.; Lee says the new analysis indicates that there's  still much work to do to get the word out about global warming. Indeed,helping people in different parts of the globe  understand it may require explaining the data and risks in;very different ways. Those explanations might have to differ from one neighboring country to another.

5. What surprises scientists according to the text?

   A. People's different opinions on climate change.

   B. Different causes of global warming.

   C. The seriousness of global warming.

   D. The fast pace of climate change. t

6. What can we infer from Paragraph 3 ?

   A. Africa has suffered severe air pollution.

   B. In Europe most people have studied climate change.

   C. Most people knew about the reasons for global;warming.

   D. Highly educated people were more aware of global wanning.

7. What does Lee learn from the research findings?

   A. It takes more effort to popularize global warming.

   B. Global warming will need more data to prove.

   C. Global warming puts people at great risk.

   D. It's difficult to stop global warming.

8. Where does this text probably come from?

   A. A lesson plan.        B. A news report.

   C. A fashion magazine.   D. A tourist guidebook.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

70. This is one of (wide) roads in the town.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. With Ms. Hand’s help,Linda a her dream at last.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. This skirt is much (expensive) than that one.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

根据短文内容,从方框i选择恰当的单词或短语 填空,有的需要变换形式。

excite,or so,adult,marry,wild,smile,shine,protect 

    The town of Longview has a very busy street. Many cars use it every day. In the past squirrels (松鼠) tried to cross the street and were killed.Amos Peters wanted (1) these lovely animals,so he built a bridge for them — one that would let them cross above the traffic.

    Now I'm standing on the bridge. The weather is fine. The sun is (2) bright.Around me I only see lots of (3) squirrels. Some are (4) squirrels and some are baby squirrels. They all look at me with(5) . Some of them even (6) at me. It seems that they say, “Hey,young manf Where are you from?”

    The bridge has been a symbol of the town for over 40 years (7) Some young couples come here to take photos before they get(8) ! . And every Christmas,the local (当地的) people add a small Christmas tree to the center of the bridge. How lovely!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 30. —What do you think of the film Devil and Angel?

—Oh,it's one of films I have ever seen.

   A. amazing   B. more amazing

C. most amazing   D. the most amazing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对 话,其中有两项多余。

A: Hi,Mary. Welcome to the show. You like exploring (探险) ,doh’t you?

B: (46) And I just went on an adventure (冒险)

A: Tell us about it.

B: I went on a night tour at the zoo. It's called Night Adventure.

A: (47)

B: Oh no. There’ re lots of animals awake at night.

A: Wow. OK,Mary. (48)

B: I went with my guide.

A: (49)

B: We saw bears walk up and down and tigers look around on a rock. Many forest animals woke up at night.

A: Really? (50)

B: I was really scared.

   A. How did you feel when you saw that?

   B. Tell us what you saw.

   C. Who did you go with?

   D. Where are they from?

   E. That's right.

   F. It sounds good.

   G. Aren’t all the animals sleeping at night?

