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Boeing said Wednesday that it was entering the space tourism business, an announcement that could bolster(增强)the Obama administration’s efforts to transform the National Aeronautics and Space Administration into an agency that focuses less on building rockets and more on nurturing a commercial space industry.
The flights, which could begin as early as 2015, would most likely launch from Cape Canaveral in Florida to the International Space Station. The Obama administration has proposed turning over to private companies the business of taking NASA astronauts to orbit, and Boeing and Bigelow Aerospace of Las Vegas won an $18 million contract this year for preliminary (初步的)development and testing of a capsule that could carry seven passengers.
Current NASA plans call for four space station crew members to go up at a time, which would leave up to three seats available for space tourists. The flights would be the first to give nonprofessional astronauts the chance to go into orbit aboard a spacecraft launched from the United States. Seven earlier space tourists have made visits to the space station, riding in Russian Soyuz capsules.
“We’re ready now to start talking to possible customers,” said Eric C. Anderson, co-founder and chairman of Space Adventures, the space tourism company based in Virginia that would market the seats for Boeing.
Boeing and Space Adventures have not set a price, although Mr. Anderson said it would be competitive with the Soyuz flights, which Space Adventures arranged with the Russian Space Agency. Guy Laliberté, founder of Cirque du Soleil, paid about $40 million for a Soyuz ride and an eight-day stay at the space station last year. But the possibilities that anyone buying a ticket will get to space on an American vehicle depend on discussions in Congress about the future of NASA.
小题1: Which of the following is most probably a private travel company?
A. Boeing.                     B. Space Adventure.
C. NASA.                       D. Russian Space Agency.
小题2: How many people can be carried along on a capsule to the space station?
A.3. B.4. C.7. D.11.
小题3: What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The American space tourism company is located in Virginia.
B.Russia has already taken lead in working on the space tourism business.
C.NASA has decided to focus less on building rockets because of the financial crisis.
D.In 2015, America would be the first country in the world to run the space tourism business.
小题4:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Taking NASA Astronauts to Orbit.B.Living in the Space Station Space.
C.Ticket Price under Discussion.D.Boeing Could Fly You to Orbit by 2015.

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Are you still wishing your friends and partners “Happy New Year”? In the first few days of a new year, we say these three words countless times. The ___16___ is that we say them almost without thinking. The result of such a wish is that it ___17___ its meaning and power.
Last month, I ___18___ Dada J P Vaswani’s first speech after his return from the US. The ___19___ of his speech was “In 2012, all will be fine”. While sharing one of his many ___20___ ideas, he said that while “Happy New Year” is a nice greeting, there’s a more beautiful and encouraging way to ___21___ others—“Happy New You!”
Those three ___22___ words show that New Year is a time to leave behind our ___23___ and step forward. It’s the time to renew ourselves by getting rid of the negative things of the past — ___24___, pain and so on. It’s also the right time to give up thoughts of fear and failure.
For those who are ___25___ what to change, Dada has a simple suggestion: write down all the things that you don’t ___26___ about yourself… every single one. They could be small or big, easy or difficult — ___27___ write them all down. Putting them on ___28___ brings clearness of thought, which is the first step towards bringing about any change.
So this New Year, let’s wish each other “Happy New You” and then ___29___ that trend all through the year. Each time you wish others, you will be ___30___ not only them but also yourself to leave behind sadness and the past — because it’s time for being Happy and New.
A.surprise B.wishC.require D.disappoint
A.like B.thinkC.careD.ask


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you still remember your dreams from childhood? They’re like flowers that never fade, “23-year-old Liu Wei told a happy audience during a broadcast of the nationwide talent competition China’s Got Talent. Liu, an ___16____ pianist from Beijing, was named one of the show’s finalists.
Liu once had arms. At the age of 10 he accidentally grabbed a high-voltage wire and lost his arms. “My family and I were so ___17____ then,” Liu recalled. He credits a disable boy he met at the hospital who gives him the __18_____ to cheer him up.
He was forced to __19_____ playing soccer (his favorite sport) but bounced back and ___20____himself to learn swimming. After two years, Liu had won two gold medals and one silver at the National Swimming Championship for the disabled in 2002.
By the age of 19, Liu had taught himself __21_____ to play the piano with his feet, fulfilling a childhood ___22____ of composing and producing music, he said ___23____ a big smile. “__24_____ enough time, I could be just as same as anyone.”
“I can read music and have __25_____ the ‘toeing’ by myself,” he told. According to Liu, the big toe is the most __26_____ digit when “toeing,” but that he can only reach five keys at the same time. “It means I have to train my toes to move more ___27____,” he said.
One of the show’s hosts, Cao Kefan, told press. “He was __28_____ so hard his feet were constantly cramping,” Cao said.
“ We’ve all __29_____ our dreams when we were young, but no one has fought as hard as you,” commented Gao Xiaosong. Gao is one of the show’s judges and one of most ___30____ music producers in China.
“You tell us that to __31_____ our dream, we need to spare no pains,” said Yi Nengjing, a show judge and Taiwanese pop star.
“I’ve received a lot of letters of support, all ___32____ me to focus on my music,” Liu said. When asked what he would do when the show was ___33____, he revealed several music companies had asked to __34_____ him. But whatever happened, he added he is sure he would keep __35_____ his dream.
“Music is like water and air to me,” he said. “I can’t live with out it.”
A.desperate B.happy C.angryD.nervous
A.powerB.strengthC.energy D.enthusiasm
A.give awayB.give inC.give upD.give off
A.letB.devotedC.abandoned D.challenged
A.atB.toC.in D.with
A.givenB.ifC.whenD.only if
A.carried outB.figured outC.worked out D.gave out
A.heavilyB.rapidlyC.slowly D.slightly
A.lookingB.workingC.exercising D.practicing
A.looked forB.fought forC.make for D.took for
A.makeB.gainC.get D.realize
A.byB.outC.over D.off
A.offerB.sign C.answer D.find
A.pursuingB.lookingC.thinking D.promising


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Unemployment will certainly be in double-digits next year--and may remain there for some time. And for every person who __1_ as unemployed in the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ household survey, you can bet there’s another either too __2__ to look for work or working part time who’d rather have a full-time job or else taking home less pay than before. And there’s yet another person who’s more fearful that he or she will be the __3__ to lose a job.
__4__, 10 percent unemployment really means 20 percent underemployment or anxious employment, all of which translates __5__ into late payments on mortgages, credit cards, auto and student loans, and loss of health insurance. It also means sleeplessness for tens of millions of Americans, and, of course, __6__ purchases.
Unemployment of this magnitude and duration also translates into ugly __7__, because fear and anxiety are __8__ grounds for the political resentment against immigrants, blacks, the poor, government leaders, business leaders, Jews and other easy _9__. It’s already started. Next year is a mid-term election. Be prepared for worse.
So why is unemployment and underemployment so high? And why is it _10__ to remain high for some time? Because, as noted, people who are worried about their jobs or have no jobs, and who are also trying to _11__ from under a pile of debt, are not going to do a lot of shopping. And businesses that don’t have customers aren’t going to do a lot of new _12__. And foreign nations also suffering high __13__ aren’t going to buy a lot of our goods and services. And without customers, companies won’t __14__. They’ll cut payrolls instead.
This brings us to the obvious question: Who’s going to buy the stuff we make or the services we provide, and therefore bring jobs back? There’s only one __15__ left: The government.
A.keeps toB.sticks toC.shows upD.attaches
A.On the other handB.By contrastC.As a wholeD.In other words
A.enormously B.definitelyC.exactlyD.directly
A.get outB.get aroundC.get intoD.get off


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are a book-lover or merely you are there to buy a book as a present. You may even have entered the shop just to find shelter from a sudden shower. Whatever the reason, you can soon become totally unaware of your surroundings. You soon become engrossed in some book or other, and usually it is only much later that you realise you have spent far too much time there and must dash off to keep some forgotten appointment—without buying a book, of course.
This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think, the main attraction of a bookshop. There are not many places where it is possible to do this. You can wander round such places to your heart's content. If it is a good shop, no assistant will disturb you with usual greetings, "Can I help you, sir?" Of course you may want to find out where a particular section is. Then, and only then, are his services necessary. However, when he has led you there, the assistant should retire carefully and look as if he is not interested in selling a single book.
You have to be careful not to be attracted by the variety of books in a bookshop. It is very easy to enter the shop looking for a book on ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latest best-selling novel. This sort of thing can be very dangerous. Apart from running up a huge account, you can waste a great deal of time wandering from section to section.
. Which may not be included in the writer's experiences while he is in a bookshop?
A.Getting relaxed without buying a book.
B.Quarrelling with the shop assistant.
C.Buying other books instead of those he wanted.
D.Forgetting some important appointment.
. What does the writer mean by saying "time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable"?
A.You may free yourself from the real life.
B.Reading is free of charge there.
C.There is nobody disturbing you there.
D.You can enter without any certain reason.
What does the underlined wordengrossed most probably mean in the first paragraph?
. The writer wrote the passage in order to ________.
A.suggest a good way of running a bookshop
B.encourage people to do some reading in bookshops
C.share his experience in bookshops
D.give some advice on buying books in a bookshop


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The first MP4 player was born years ago. Soon many music fans were wondering how fantastic it is! If you have been into technology enough, perhaps you may have a knowledge of the MP4. If not, you do need to know something before buying one, even if you are familiar with MP3. MP3 is the CD-like disc with greater capacity. How about MP4? This small digital product will really enrich the joy from listening to music. You can even feel the “touch” of music to your soul!
Now, some similar digital products advertised as “MP4 player” are simply MP3 players, which do not play video and MPEG format and also lack other particular functions. These products confuse some buyers, as they may think the “MP4” players simply mean they can do more than MP3.
What is MP4?
It is a multimedia container. It is not only used to store digital audio and digital video streams, especially those of MPEG, but can also be used to store other data such as subtitles and pictures. As a most modern container format, it allows streaming over the Internet.
With the help of a piece of MP4 video equipment, you can change various programs such as MPEG to MP4, ASX to MP4, AVI to MP4 and so on, which can be done very quickly and easily without any effect on the sound quality. By installing DVD-MP4 software, you can transfer particular music from a DVD to an MP4 video file. It really excites your listening music experience.
Then, there is MP4 advanced and you can set your own collection of all the programs—TV shows, games, and music. You can even see movies which are still running in cinema. What else digital product could you possibly ask for?
小题1:. It is suggested here that you should ______ before buying an MP4 player.
A.first be a music fanB.have a knowledge of MP4
C.get familiar with MP3D.buy a CD-like disc
小题2:. From the passage, we can see that MP4 is ______ MP3.
A.much bigger thanB.just as advanced as
C.not so particular asD.more functional than
小题3:.Which function of MP4 is NOT directly mentioned in this passage?
A.Storing digital audio and video streams.
B.Recording some movies in cinema.
C.Playing TV shows, games and movies.
D.Transferring particular music from a DVD.
小题4:.From the last sentence, it’s clear that the writer tries to tell us it is ______.
A.reasonable to buy other digital products
B.impossible to buy something else
C.a very wise choice to buy an MP4
D.an exciting experience to buy an MP3


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

THIS was the year the Earth struck back.
Earthquakes, heat waves, floods, volcanoes, super typhoons, snow storms, landslides and droughts killed at least a quarter of a million people in 2010 – the deadliest year in more than a generation. More people were killed worldwide by natural disasters this year than have been killed in terrorism attacks in the past 40 years combined.
"It just seemed like it was back-to-back and it came in waves," said Craig Fugate, who heads the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency. It handled a record number of disasters in 2010.
And we have ourselves to blame most of the time, scientists and disaster experts say.
Even though many catastrophes have the ring of random chance, the hand of man made this a particularly deadly, costly, extreme and weird(古怪的) year for everything from wild weather to earthquakes.
Poor construction and development practices conspire to make earthquakes more deadly than they need be. More people live in poverty in vulnerable(脆弱的) buildings in crowded cities. That means that when the ground shakes, the river breaches, or the tropical cyclone hits, more people die.
Disasters from the Earth, such as earthquakes and volcanoes "are pretty much constant," said Andreas Schraft, vice president of catastrophic perils for the Geneva-based insurance giant Swiss Re. "All the change that's made is man-made."
The January earthquake that killed well more than 220,000 people in Haiti is a perfect example. Port-au-Prince has nearly three times as many people - many of them living in poverty - and more poorly built shanties than it did 25 years ago. So had the same quake hit in 1985 instead of 2010, total deaths would have probably been in the 80,000 range, said Richard Olson, director of disaster risk reduction at Florida International University.
In February, an earthquake that was more than 500 times stronger than the one that struck Haiti hit an area of Chile that was less populated, better constructed, and not as poor. Chile's bigger quake caused fewer than 1,000 deaths.
Climate scientists say Earth's climate also is changing, bringing extreme weather, such as heat waves and flooding.
In the summer, one weather system caused oppressive heat in Russia, while farther south it caused flooding in Pakistan that inundated 161,200 square kilometers, about the size of Wisconsin. That single heat-and-storm system killed almost 17,000 people, more people than all the worldwide airplane crashes in the past 15 years.
Scientists have calculated that the killer Russian heat wave—setting a national record of 43.9℃—would happen once every 100,000 years without global warming.
小题1:What is responsible for the most human deaths in 2010?
A.Natrual disasters.B.Terrorist attacks.
C.Poor buildings.D.Too rapid developrnent.
小题2:According to Andreas Schraft,             .
A.earthquakes are happening more often because of human beings
B.earthquakes are causing more damage because of human beings
C.stronger houses should be built to limit storm damage
D.Port—au—Prince is now overpopulated
小题3:The main point of the article is to           
A.list the natural disasters that occurred in 2010
B.give the details of some natural disasters of 2010
C.warn that more natural disasters are to strike
D.blame humanity for not helping those affected by the disasters


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Every summer thousands of Americans stay at home instead of going on holiday because they're overweight. They don't want people to see them sunbathing and they don't want to have to squeeze into plane seats,But now,thanks to the growing number of weight-friendly holiday packages,the overweight are having their days in the sun.
"Overweight people will have a great time on our holidays as we don't judge them like other people do," said Liz Nickels,the owner of Big Adventures,a US-based company that hosts scuba-diving—a sport of swimming underwater while breathing through a tube connect­ed to a tank on your back for larger people. As a way to keep up with the demand for extralarge accommodation,many hotels in the US have started to offer features such as wide beds and hand-held showers. But the best in plus-size vacation lies at Mexico's Freedom Paradise,a 112-room resort(度假胜地) opening this month,which urges guests to" Live Large,Live Free" .
The hotel has wide doorways,reinforced furniture and extra large chairs. It also boasts a private beach to protect people from the stares that can occur on public bea­ches. "It's not a hotel just for large people. It's a size-friendly place where anyone can enjoy a holiday," said owner J urrian Kilnk,"What we noticed was that a lot of oversized people don't feel comfortable at resorts. "Staff members of all sizes are hired by the hotel to make overweight people feel OK.
Though many welcome the new service,some feel differently. "I have a real problem with this,"said Nancy Lenhart,the owner of Camp La Jolia,a Californian weight-loss and fit­ness camp.
"If you talk about oversized beds and doorways you are throwing their weight in their faces. Overweight people want to be normalized. They shouldn't be discriminated against like this. "
小题1: Large people don't want to go on holiday because        .
A.they don't like sunbathing B.they don't want to be looked at
C.the planes are too crowded D.hotels are not open to them
小题2:In the first paragraph,weight-friendly holiday packages mean        .
A.there are some free packages for the overweight
B.people are friendly to the overweight
C.special holiday for the overweight
D.the overweight can lose weight
小题3:Scuba-diving is a sport of swimming        .  
A.for people to lose weight B.only for larger people
C.jumping from the platform D.underwater
小题4: Mexico's Freedom Paradise is a hotel        .
A.for people of all sizes B.only intended for larger people
C.where everything is oversized D.where larger people can live for free
小题5:The underlined part" you are throwing their weight in their faces" means        .
A.you are beating them in the faceB.you are showing them that they are overweight
C.their faces seem bigger than othersD.you can make them lose weight


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Temperature is measured by means of a thermometer (温度计). One general form of thermometer depends upon the fact that most solids and liquids expand as their temperature rises. There are one or two exceptions. There is, for instance, a kind of steel called invar (from “invariable”) which does not change its dimensions as temperature changes; it is valuable for making pendulums (钟摆), since, if the length of a pendulum changes, its time of vibration changes. It is also used for making very accurate measuring scales. In both cases, then, changes of atmospheric temperature have no effect if invar is used.
Another exception is that very odd liquid, water, which has many strange properties (特性). As water gets colder it contracts (收缩), which is ordinary behavior, until it reaches the temperature of 30℃. above freezing point. After that, as it gets colder, it expands. This is fortunate---for considering the freezing of a pond. As the water on top gets colder, it shrinks; and so, volume for volume, it becomes heavier and sinks. This goes on until all the pond is at 30℃, but after that, as the water becomes colder it expands. Therefore the colder water stays on top and freezes, covering the pond with ice. If the water went on contracting down to the freezing point, the pond would become a solid block of ice in the end. This would not worry people who live in hot climates, but it would be very serious for those who live in cold climates, especially for those who want to break the ice and catch fish which live in the cold water beneath.
小题1: Invar is valuable for making pendulums because _______.
A.it can hardly change its shape or size as temperature changes.
B.it will change its dimensions without the change of temperature.
C.its time of vibration doesn’t change if its length changes.
D.its time of vibration does not change if its length changes.
小题2: As water gets colder after reaching the temperature of 30℃. it will _______.
小题3: Which of the following statements is true, according to this passage?
A.Only invar can be used to make a thermometer.
B.Only water can be used to make a thermometer.
C.Both invar and water can be used to make a thermometer.
D.Neither invar nor water can be used to make a thermometer.
小题4:The best title of this passage is most likely to be  _____.
A.Temperature MeasurementB.Two Exceptions
C.Uses of Invar D.Properties of Water

