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 Country singer and songwriter Adrienne Young brings together music and agricultural activities.She even included seeds in the album cover of her first CD.

Adrienne Young wants people to know that she supports the movement in America to increase local farming.She offers information about agricultural issues on her Web site.And now part of the moneyfrom her third and newest release, “Room to Grow”,will be donated to help support community gardens.

Adrienne Young’s family has lived in Florida for seven generations.Her ancestors helped develop the agriculture industry there.The state of Florida is the nation’s second largest producer of fruits and vegetables, 'after California.

Adrienne Young has said that her interest in nature was shaped by the fact that she did not grow up on a farm.She grew up in a house her grandfather build on what had been farmland two generations ago.But the land was developed and was now part of a highway.

Adrienne Young has teamed up with two organizations that support local farming and gardening efforts.One is the American Community Gardening Association.The other is FoodRoutes,a group she has represented for several years.

FoodRoutes says buying locally grown food is not only about taste and freshness.The group says buying locally also helps to strengthen local economies and protect the environment.Exports say food in the United States travels all average of more than three thousand kilometers from farm to store.

1.The aim to write the passage is to _________ .

A.tell us a singer aims to grow interest in local farming

B.show Adrienne Young promotes her third CD album

C.praise Adrienne Young for her contributions to agriculture

D.call on singers to learn from Adrienne Young

2.Adrienne Young supports to increase local farming in _______ ways.





3.It can be learned from the passage that ________ .

A.Adrienne Young’s parents used to be farmers

B.Adrienne Young grew up on a farm

C.Florida is good for farming

D.no old houses existing on the farm belongs to Adrienne Young

4. Buying locally grown food has many advantages EXCEPT _________ .

A.it is fresh

B.it’s tasty

C.it’s environmental protection

D.it raises local production








1.推理题,由第一段和第二段和第四段第一句话Adrienne Young has said that her interest in nature was shaped by the fact that she did not grow up on a farm.可知选A

2.细节题,由第二段She offers information about agricultural issues on her Web side和ow part of the moneyfrom her third and newest release, “Room to Grow”,will be donated to help support community gardens.可知选A

3.推理题,由第四段Adrienne Young has said that her interest in nature was shaped by the fact that she did not grow up on a farm可知选C




科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年辽宁省抚顺市六校联合体高二下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Several hundred strangers received “love letters” from a young man on the street. The letter was written and given out by Yang Yang, a student majoring in human resources at Chongqing University of Science and Technology,who hoped to show his disappointment with job hunting.
Yang’s story has caught media attention perhaps because it is similar to those of millions of recent graduates seeking jobs and struggling for survival in the country’s wealthiest cities. They have diplomas, rather than professional skills,and come to big cities in hopes of better lives, only to find low-paying jobs and poor living conditions.
They are China’s “ant tribe(蚁族)”, a term created by sociologist Lian Si from Peking University in his 2009 book, Ant Tribe. “They’re so similar to ants. They share small and narrow living areas. They’re intelligent and hard-working, yet nameless and underpaid.” The term also speaks to their helplessness in a world governed by the law of the jungle -- only the strongest survive.
A survey in Lian’s another book published this year, Ant Tribe II, found nearly 30 percent of “ants” are graduates of famous universities—almost three times last year’s percentage. Most had degrees in popular majors. In addition, 7.2 percent of "ants" have at least a master’s degree compared to 1.6 percent in 2009.
An “ant’s” average monthly salary is l, 904 yuan, with about 64 percent of them earning less than 2,000 yuan a month.
Another survey in the 2010 Annual Report on the Development of Chinese Talent found more than 1 million “ants” live in big cities.
“Most ants are from rural families or small towns, and their experiences in universities didn’t arm them well enough to fight with competitors in big cities’ employment markets.” Professor Zhang Ming at Renmin University of China said.
The “ant tribe’s” embarrassing living situations have become a serious social problem, and the government should develop smaller cities to attract more graduates from big cities, Zhang
However, “ants” expect more study and training opportunities in big cities, which keeps them positive despite their situations.
【小题1】Yang’s story is introduced in order to_________.

A.analyze graduates’ difficulties in finding jobs
B.lead to the topic of the article—“ant tribe”
C.tell readers a story about those big cities
D.show a clever way of dealing with pressure
【小题2】The “ants” fail to find high-paying jobs mainly because__________.
A.they have no diplomas from good universities
B.their majors do not meet the needs of society
C.those from rural areas are not treated equally
D.they do not have necessary professional skills
【小题3】“Ant tribe” members are similar to ants in the following aspects EXCEPT that_________.
A.they live in narrow and small places in groups
B.they work hard but earn little for survival
C.they are in a world judged by the jungle law
D.they are pleased with being nameless and underpaid
【小题4】Professor Zhang thought “ants” problems could be solved by__________.
A.creating more jobs for graduates in big cities
B.developing smaller cities to attract graduates
C.sending graduates to rural areas and small towns
D.training graduates to improve their ability


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省自贡市普高2010级第四次诊断性考试(英语) 题型:阅读理解

“Human influenza viruses can survive and be infectious for several days when they are deposited on banknotes,” according to the latest study by Yves Thomas and his colleages in Switzerland. Scientists put different types of flu virus onto Swiss franc notes and found that they could survive from a few hours to more than a week. The results depended on the type of flu virus.
According to the study, Swiss-banknotes are mostly cotton covered by a nonporous resin(无孔树脂). Banknotes from other countries may be composed of different materials, and this could affect viral transmission. “Whether similar results would be obtained with banknotes from other countries and with different characteristics needs to be studied.” the authors wrote. In an interview with Reuters, Thomas said. “Our studies have convinced us that it is possible to catch the flu from banknotes, but the chances are very, very small and there is no cause for concern among the gneral population,” To be sure, many kinds of frequently touched surfaces could temporarily hide the flu virus. Broadly speaking, scientists consider the risk of transmission in this way to be low. Particularly if hand-washing and other hygiene measures are practiced.
Three things must happen for a flu virus to be transmitted from one person to another via money. First, a person who is infected with the flu virus must sneeze or cough onto the banknote. Next, an uninfected person would need to touch the money while the virus si still present. Finally, that person would need to put his hand in his mouth or pick his nose, says Thomas. The best defense against infection: follow public health guidelines and wash your hands frequently.
49. What does the underlined word “this” refers to in the second paragraph?
A. The time when people stay in a bank.
B. The fact that banknotes may consist of deferent materials.
C. The bank where people draw their money.
D. The country where the banknotes are in circlation.
50. From the last paragraph, we can know that an infected person should ________.
A. pay attention to his personal hygiene    B. wash his hands after leaving a bank
C. be monitored at a bank                D. not cough at a bank
51. What can we learn from the passage?
A. Any person who touches banknotes will become infected.
B. Different flu viruses stay on the surface of banknotes for different lengths of time.
C. The bank should not allow any infected person to enter.
D. Only banknotes in Switzerland can transmit the flu virus.
52. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Is it Dangerous to Stay in a Bank?
B. How to Avoid Being Infected with the Flu Virus?
C. Can You Catch the Flu from Handling Money?
D. Why Do People Refuse to Use Banknotes in Switzerland?


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省大同五中2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试试卷(英语) 题型:填空题

I’m very glad to have received the letter you sent me two        76.           
weks ago . I have been thinking about a question you aked      77.           
me . In my opinion, you should go back after you finish your      78.           
stuides abroad. For  one reason, that you are studying si badly   79.           
needed nowadays in our country, It will be quite  easily for you   80           
to find a good job , In fact , I know a few bitg company here in    81           
our city hopes to hire people like you , For another reason, .        82           
I think it will be very much more convenient for you ot look         83.           
after your parents as they are getting old, Therefore this is only     84.           
my point of view, It is up for you to make right choice.             85.           


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省自贡市普高2010级第四次诊断性考试(英语) 题型:阅读理解

“Human influenza viruses can survive and be infectious for several days when they are deposited on banknotes,” according to the latest study by Yves Thomas and his colleages in Switzerland. Scientists put different types of flu virus onto Swiss franc notes and found that they could survive from a few hours to more than a week. The results depended on the type of flu virus.

According to the study, Swiss-banknotes are mostly cotton covered by a nonporous resin(无孔树脂). Banknotes from other countries may be composed of different materials, and this could affect viral transmission. “Whether similar results would be obtained with banknotes from other countries and with different characteristics needs to be studied.” the authors wrote. In an interview with Reuters, Thomas said. “Our studies have convinced us that it is possible to catch the flu from banknotes, but the chances are very, very small and there is no cause for concern among the gneral population,” To be sure, many kinds of frequently touched surfaces could temporarily hide the flu virus. Broadly speaking, scientists consider the risk of transmission in this way to be low. Particularly if hand-washing and other hygiene measures are practiced.

Three things must happen for a flu virus to be transmitted from one person to another via money. First, a person who is infected with the flu virus must sneeze or cough onto the banknote. Next, an uninfected person would need to touch the money while the virus si still present. Finally, that person would need to put his hand in his mouth or pick his nose, says Thomas. The best defense against infection: follow public health guidelines and wash your hands frequently.

49. What does the underlined word “this” refers to in the second paragraph?

A. The time when people stay in a bank.

B. The fact that banknotes may consist of deferent materials.

C. The bank where people draw their money.

D. The country where the banknotes are in circlation.

50. From the last paragraph, we can know that an infected person should ________.

A. pay attention to his personal hygiene    B. wash his hands after leaving a bank

C. be monitored at a bank                D. not cough at a bank

51. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Any person who touches banknotes will become infected.

B. Different flu viruses stay on the surface of banknotes for different lengths of time.

C. The bank should not allow any infected person to enter.

D. Only banknotes in Switzerland can transmit the flu virus.

52. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Is it Dangerous to Stay in a Bank?

B. How to Avoid Being Infected with the Flu Virus?

C. Can You Catch the Flu from Handling Money?

D. Why Do People Refuse to Use Banknotes in Switzerland?



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年辽宁省抚顺市六校联合体高二下学期期末考试英语题 题型:阅读理解

Several hundred strangers received “love letters” from a young man on the street. The letter was written and given out by Yang Yang, a student majoring in human resources at Chongqing University of Science and Technology,who hoped to show his disappointment with job hunting.

    Yang’s story has caught media attention perhaps because it is similar to those of millions of recent graduates seeking jobs and struggling for survival in the country’s wealthiest cities. They have diplomas, rather than professional skills,and come to big cities in hopes of better lives, only to find low-paying jobs and poor living conditions.

They are China’s “ant tribe(蚁族)”, a term created by sociologist Lian Si from Peking University in his 2009 book, Ant Tribe. “They’re so similar to ants. They share small and narrow living areas. They’re intelligent and hard-working, yet nameless and underpaid.” The term also speaks to their helplessness in a world governed by the law of the jungle -- only the strongest survive.

A survey in Lian’s another book published this year, Ant Tribe II, found nearly 30 percent of “ants” are graduates of famous universities—almost three times last year’s percentage. Most had degrees in popular majors. In addition, 7.2 percent of "ants" have at least a master’s degree compared to 1.6 percent in 2009.

    An “ant’s” average monthly salary is l, 904 yuan, with about 64 percent of them earning less than 2,000 yuan a month.

  Another survey in the 2010 Annual Report on the Development of Chinese Talent found more than 1 million “ants” live in big cities.

   “Most ants are from rural families or small towns, and their experiences in universities didn’t arm them well enough to fight with competitors in big cities’ employment markets.” Professor Zhang Ming at Renmin University of China said.

The “ant tribe’s” embarrassing living situations have become a serious social problem, and the government should develop smaller cities to attract more graduates from big cities, Zhang


    However, “ants” expect more study and training opportunities in big cities, which keeps them positive despite their situations.

1.Yang’s story is introduced in order to_________.

A. analyze graduates’ difficulties in finding jobs

B. lead to the topic of the article—“ant tribe”

C. tell readers a story about those big cities

D. show a clever way of dealing with pressure

2. The “ants” fail to find high-paying jobs mainly because__________.

A. they have no diplomas from good universities

B. their majors do not meet the needs of society

C. those from rural areas are not treated equally

D. they do not have necessary professional skills

3. “Ant tribe” members are similar to ants in the following aspects EXCEPT that_________.

A. they live in narrow and small places in groups

B. they work hard but earn little for survival

C. they are in a world judged by the jungle law

D. they are pleased with being nameless and underpaid

4.Professor Zhang thought “ants” problems could be solved by__________.

A. creating more jobs for graduates in big cities

B. developing smaller cities to attract graduates

C. sending graduates to rural areas and small towns

D. training graduates to improve their ability


