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The hunter insisted that he _____ a tiger and that a searching team ______ to hunt for it.

A. has seen; be set up

B. had seen; be set up

C. saw; would be set up

D. should see; should be set up



试题分析:考查动词时态和see的用法。从insisted中可以推断猎人看的这个动作是发生在过去的过去的,故应该用过去完成时,应该是had seen,而动词see sb do sth表示看见某人做过某事,此处应该是看到过搜查小组建立,故用be set up。本题意为:猎人坚信他看到了老虎,并且看到了为了猎捕而建立起来的搜查小组。故这道题应该选B项。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年安徽怀宁中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My second piece of advice is that he ________a bicycle as soon as he can.

A.should buy B.will buy

C.could buy D.might buy


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山西朔州平鲁李林中学高三2月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Give it a minute __________ you’ll be able to see the result better .

A. but B. till C. and D. or


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江磐安第二中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

_____, the great mother, in order to save her sick child, kept waiting for four hours in the heavy snow.

A. It depends B. Take it easy

C. Believe it or not D. It is OK


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江磐安第二中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It’s _______ hot here. We can’t stay here for a long time.

A. much B. very much

C. much too D. too much


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江磐安第二中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Do you have any difficulty ________?

A.on listening B. to listening

C. for listening D. in listening


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江杭州求是高级中学高二上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Many people say dolphins are very intelligent. They seem to be able to think, understand, and learn things quickly. But are they smart like humans or more than cats or dogs? Dolphins use their brains differently from people. But scientists say dolphin intelligence and human intelligence are similar in some ways. How?

Fact 1: Talk to me

Like humans, every dolphin has its own “name”. The name is a special whistle. Each dolphin chooses a specific whistle for itself, usually by its first birthday. Actually, scientists think dolphins, like people, “talk” to each other about a lot of things, such as their age, their feelings, or finding food. And, like humans, dolphins use a system of sounds and body language to communicate. But understanding their conversations is not easy for humans. No one speaks “dolphin” yet, but some scientists are trying to learn.

Fact 2: Let’s play

Dolphins are also social animals. They live in groups, and they often join others from different groups to play games and have fun—just like people. In fact, playing together is something only intelligent animals do.

Fact 3: Fishermen’s helper

Dolphins and humans are similar in another way: both make plans to get something they want. In the seas of southern Brazil, for example, dolphins use an interesting strategy to get food. When fish are near a boat, dolphins show signs to the fishermen to put their nets in the water. Using this method, the men can catch a lot of fish. What is the advantage for the dolphins in doing so? They get to eat some of the fish.

1.What does a dolphin often use as its “name”?

A. A body language. B. A special whistle.

C. Its feeling. D. Its age.

2.Why do dolphins join others from different groups?

A. To learn to “talk”.

B. To meet their families.

C. To play games.

D. To find food.

3.How do dolphins help fishermen catch fish?

A. By playing with other fish.

B. By following fishing boats.

C. By leading the fish into the net.

D. By showing signs to the fishermen.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Dolphins are smarter than humans.

B. Dolphins make friends with humans.

C. Dolphins teach humans to speak “dolphin”.

D. Dolphins and humans are similar in some ways.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届甘肃省张掖市高一上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Greenwich (格林威治) is on the River, five miles from the middle of London, and its history is two thousand years old. The first English people were fishermen there, and they named the place Greenwich, meaning "green village". Later the English kings and queens lived at Greenwich in their beautiful places.

The name of the earliest palace was Placentia. Its windows were made of glass--the first in England. But trouble was coming to Greenwich. In 1649, a war started in England and for eleven years there was no king. The men who had worked for him at Placentia decided to live in the place themselves. They sold all its beautiful things, and bought small pieces of the palace garden with money. Finally, the war ended and King Charles II came back. But Placentia was falling down. So King Charles built a new and bigger palace, which is now open to the public.

At this time, Charles was worried about losing so many of its ships at sea because their sailors did not know how to tell exactly where they were. So in 1675, Charles made John Flamsteed, the first astronomer (天文学家) in England, try to find the answer. Flamsteed worked in a new building on the high ground in Greenwich Park. From it with a telescope which he made himself, Flamsteed could look all round the sky. And he did, night after night, for twenty years. Carrying on Flamsteed's work a hundred years later, an astronomer called Harrison finally made a clock which told the time at sea, and helped sailors to know where they were.You can see Harrison's clock, still working, in Greenwich's museum of the sea. Because of Flamsteed's work, every country in the world now tells its time by Greenwich time.

1.The first English people living in the "green village" were _____.

A. sailors

B. fishermen

C. King Charles and his family

D. The families of king and queens

2.Placentia was _____ palace in Greenwich.

A. the biggest B. smallest

C. the earliest D. the latest

3.What kind of trouble came to Greenwich in 1649?

A. A war started in England.

B. Placentia was destroyed.

C. Ship-yards were built .

D. King Henry died.

4.Charles made John Flamsteed try to find ______.

A. how to tell the time

B. hot to build ships

C. a way for sailors to tell their positions at sea

D. a place to set up a telescope

5.Who made the first clock which could tell the time at sea?

A. Harrison B. Flamsteed

C. Henry D. Charles


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏宿迁沭阳银河学校高三上12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Are we getting more stupid? According to Gerald Crabtree, a scientist at Stanford University in the US, we are.

You may not want to hear this, but Crabtree believes that human intelligence reached its peak more than 2,000 years ago and ever since then has been going downhill. “If an average Greek from 1,000 BC were transported to modern times, he or she would be one of the brightest among us,” Crabtree told The Guardian.

At the heart of Crabtree’s thinking is a simple idea. In the past, intelligence was critical for survival when our ancestors had to avoid dangerous animals and hunt for food. The difference of being smart or stupid is often life or death. However, after the spread of agriculture, when our ancestors began to live in dense farming communities, the need to keep their intelligence in peak condition gradually reduced.

This is not hard to understand. Most of the time, pressure is what keeps us going – you need the pressure from your teachers to finish your homework; the pressure of looking pretty prompts you to lose weight when summer comes. And the same is also true of our intelligence – if we think less, we become less smart.

These mutations(变异) are harmful to our intelligence and they were all developed in the past 3,000 years. The other evidence that Crabtree holds is in our genes. He found that among the 2,000 to 5,000 genes that we have that determine human intelligence, there are two or more mutations in each of us.

However, Crabtree’s theory has been criticized by some who say that early humans may have better hunting and surviving abilities, but people today have developed a more diverse intelligence. For example, spearing a tiger doesn’t necessarily require more brainpower than playing chess or writing a poem. Moreover, the power of modern education means a lot more people have the opportunity to learn nowadays.

“You wouldn’t get Stephen Hawking 2,000 years ago. He just wouldn’t exist,” Thomas Hills of the University of Warwick, UK, told Live Science. “But now we have people of his intellectual capacity doing things and making insights that we would never have achieved in our environment of evolutionary adaptation.”

1.What is Crabtree’s recent finding according to the article?

A. The Greeks from 1,000 BC could have been the smartest in human history.

B. Our ancient ancestors had no better surviving abilities than we do nowadays.

C. Humans have been getting steadily more intelligent since the invention of farming.

D. Mutations in genes that decide human intelligence have affected the development of intelligence.

2.According to Crabtree, ancient humans _______.

A. had much more genes that determine human intelligence

B. were forced to be smart due to natural selection pressures

C. relied more on group intelligence than individual intelligence

D. developed a diverse intelligence to adapt to the harsh realities

3.Some argue that Crabtree’s theory is false because they think _______.

A. people today are under much more pressure than early humans

B. it’s ridiculous to compare a hunter’s and a poet’s intelligence

C. modern education is far more advanced than ancient education

D. human intelligence nowadays is different from that of the distant past

4.What is Thomas Hills’ attitude toward Crabtree’s theory?

A. Supportive B. Unfavorable

C. Worried D. Confused.

