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10.We experienced and unusual weekend last month!
Early in the morning,we went to the country and spent a whole day(26)Bwild flowers.(27)Dthe car full of(28)Bwe were going home.On our way back,my wife(29)Aa bookshelf outside a furniture shop."Buy it,"my wife said at once."We'll(30)Bit home on the roof-rack(车顶架).I've always wanted one like that."
Ten minutes(31)C,we were back with the bookshelf in the flowers on the roof.
In the gathering darkness I drove(32)D.Other drivers seemed unusually (33)Athat evening.The(34)Beven stopped traffic to let us through.I had thought carrying furniture was a good idea.
After a time my wife said,"There's a long line of cars(35)A.Why don't they overtake(超车),I wonder?"Just at that time a police car did(36)C.The two officers inside looked at us seriously(37)Cthey passed.But then,with a kind smile they asked us to(38)Btheir car through the busy traffic.The police car stopped at our village church.One of the(39)Acame to me.
"Right,sir,"he said,"Do you need any more help?"
I was a bit(40)A."Thanks,officer,"I said."You have been very kind."
He was staring at our car,first at the flowers,then at the bookshelf."Well,well,"he said,(41)B."It's a bookshelf you've got there!We thought it was something else."
My wife began to laugh.Suddenly I understood(42)Dthe police drove here.The truth(43)Dme.I smiled at the officer,"Yes,it's a bookshelf,(44)Bthanks again."Then I(45)Ahome as fast as I could.


分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们讲述的是我们在踏青回家的路上买了一个书橱,放在车顶上.结果很多人都以为我们车子装的是棺材,纷纷给我们让路的小故事.

解答 26.B 动词辨析.A成长,生长;B捡起;C购买;D出售;我们到乡下去采了一天的野花,然后把这些野花都装在了车里;故选B.
27.D 语法分析.本题考察的是with复合结构:with+宾语+宾语补足语;with the car full of flowers表示车里都是花.本句是指车里装着花,我们准备回家去了;故选D.
28.B 上下文串联.根据26空spent a whole day          wild flowers可知我们到乡下去采野花了.所以才有会有花放在车里;故选B.
29.A 动词辨析.A注意到;B听见;C注视,观察;D感觉;在回家的路上,我的妻子注意到一家家具店外面的一个书橱,决定要买下它;故选A.
30.B 动词辨析.A邮寄;B携带;C送;D坚持,抓住;妻子决定要买下这个书橱,我要把这个书橱放在车顶上带回去.Carry不强调方向;故选B.
31.C 语法分析.一段时间+later表示一段时间以后;10分钟以后,我们带着这个书橱回家了(这个书橱放在车顶上;故选C.
32.D 副词辨析.A迅速地;B安静地;C粗心地;D缓慢地;天越来越黑,我的车开得很慢.所以才会有下一段很多车都在我后面没有超车,让我们感觉很奇怪;故选D.
33.A 形容词辨析.A礼貌的;B担忧的;C粗鲁的;D害怕的;当我开车的时候,感觉到周围的司机出乎意料地有礼貌,实际上这些人认为我车子上装的是棺材;故选A.
34.B 名词辨析.A司机;B警察;C清洁工;D村民;stopped traffic to let us through.能够停止交通让我们通过的只有警察.本句说明警察也在帮助我们;故选B.
35.A 副词辨析.A后面;B前面;C旁边;D一直;妻子告诉我在我们车子的后面有一长队的车子,都开得很慢;故选A.
36.C 动词辨析.A走;B停止;C超过;D到达;就在我的妻子很纳闷的时候,真的有一辆警车超过了我们,车里的警察很严肃地看着我们.因为他们认为我们的亲人去世了;故选C.
37.C 连词辨析.A当…时;B在..之后;C当…使;D在…之前;while表示当…时,要和延续性动词连用,而本句中的pass是一个短暂性动词.故使用as表示当..时;故选C.
38.B 动词辨析.A拿走;B跟随;C移动;D推;虽然这两个警察很严肃地看着我们,但是他们对我们微笑着让我们跟着他的车经过这一段很忙碌的交通;故选B.
39.A 名词辨析.A警官;B过路人;C司机;D大臣;根据下文中40空后的"Thanks,officer,"可知有一个警官走向了我们;故选A.
40.A 形容词辨析.A困惑的;B兴奋的;C压抑的;D高兴的;对方对我说:还有什么可以帮助我的?对于对方的说法和做法让我感觉很困惑;故选A.
41.B 动词辨析.A咳嗽;B大笑;C哭;D大喊;因为警察原来因为是棺材,结果去发现是一个书橱.所以他们大笑;故选B.
42.D 连词辨析.A如何;B什么;C谁;D为什么;我终于理解为什么警察会开车来这里了;故选D.
43.D 动词辨析.A使…高兴;B愚弄;C使…感兴趣;D突然想起…;句式:sth hit sb某人想起某事;我突然想起了事实;故选D.
44.B 连词辨析.A于是;B但是;C和;D或者;我说:这的确是一个书橱,但是仍然要谢谢对方;故选B.
45.A 动词辨析.A驾驶;B步行;C飞行;D离开;我意识到这是一个令人尴尬的事情,所以尽可能快地离开;故选A.

点评 考察学生的推理判断能力和联系上下文的能力,在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.此类的填空题一定要联系上下文,根据上下文的内容加上自己的理解,再作出正确的判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear Miss Clinton,
I'm very sorry that 
Li Jin.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.________ is known to all,China will be an _______ and powerful country in 20or 30years.(  )
A.That; advancingB.This; advancedC.As; advancedD.It; advanced


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.______ for his action on the playing field,but he is also famous for the things that he does off the playing field.(  )
A.Not he is only knownB.Not only is he known
C.Only is he known notD.He is only not known


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.I don't mean to be rude(粗鲁的),but could you tell your children to keep quiet?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.The honking of horns (喇叭),as anyone who has tried to get more than a few minutes of sleep in New York will tell you,is one of the city's most widely enjoyed common pastimes.But Aaron Naparstek has had enough of it.On one occasion,the 31-year-old website developer approached the open window of a 4x4.waited for the driver to finish honking,offered a polite"excuse me"and then yelled"Ho-o-o-o-o-o-onk!"in his face.(The response was fierce anger.) Then a few months ago he lost his patience and threw three eggs from the window of his Brooklyn apartment on to the windscreen of a car honking loudly below.But the driver threatened to kill him.So,nobly,he chose the path of non-violence.He started writing anti-honking haiku verses-honku,he called them-and taped them to local lampposts:
Oh.forget Enron*
The problem around here is
All the damn honking
(*Enron a major American company that recently caused a scandal by going bankrupt because of corrupt mismanagement)
"Then this really weird thing started happening,"Naparstek says."All these other haiku started appearing that I hadn't written."Naparstek's section of Brooklyn is now covered in anti-honking poetry,written by everyone from scary environmental activist types to violent revolutionaries;
Patience slowly fades
Residents store up their eggs
That day is coming soon.
Inevitably Naparstek has started a website-www.honku.org-and now people from across the country send him news of their own anti-honking campaigns.Poetry,it turns out,can change the world after all (if you've got enough tape ).Then,just recently,anti-anti-honking haiku started to appear,taped up by locals who thought Naparstek should stop worrying about honking and start worrying about starving children,say,or war in the Middle East instead.Naparstek has an answer for that."Stop me if this is too tenuous(不靠谱的),"he says,"but they talk about the violence in the Middle East like it's a force of nature,like it's beyond our control.But actually it's kind of like the honking-the violence is man-made.If we can figure out how to stop honking on Clinton Street,I think we could learn some things that we could use on a large scale."He pauses for a moment."I told you it was tenuous."

55.We can learn from the beginning of the passage thatA
A.honking noise has influenced people's life in New York
B.most New Yorkers enjoy sleeping late in the morning
C.New Yorkers have formed a habit of honking while driving
D.New Yorkers enjoy listening to the honking of horns
56.What is Naparstek's final response to the honking of horns?D
A.Ignore it. 
B.Yell at the driver.
C.Write to the government.
D.Act in a peaceful way.
57.The underlined word"haiku"in the passage is most probablyC
A.a type of game         B.a kind of language      C.a style of poem    D.a websile
58.According to the passage,most New Yorkers think Naparstek's response is.
A.pointless    B.reasonable      C.strange       D.abnormal
59.In response to the criticism of his anti-honking campaign,Naparstek believesA
A.finding the solution to anti-honking is as meaningful as that to starvation
B.violence in the Middle East is more of an issue worthy of note
C.big issues are beyond our control while small ones are under our control
D.if not handled properly,honking may cause serious problems like starvation
60.Which of the following best describes the tone of this passage?
A.Matter-of-fact.  B.Pessimistic.  C.Humorous.  D.Serious.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.The traffic is not busy now.We             arrive before dark.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.-Mom,I have had a high fever.
-      !Let's go to see the doctor.(  )
A.Poor thingB.Good luckC.Go aheadD.Take care


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

20.What are the speakers talking about?

