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So who ________ for the broken vase?

A. is blamed                   B. will blame                   C. is to blame          D. will be blamed



科目:高中英语 来源:英语外研必修五设计 外研版 题型:001




W:Hi, Tom, we haven’t seen each other for a long time.What are you doing these days?

M:I’m reading an interesting book at the moment.I’ll lend it to you when I’ve finished it.

1.What will the man probably do when he finishes reading the book?

A.He’ll return the book to the library.

B.He’ll lend the book to the woman.

C.He’ll borrow another book from the woman.

W:I hear you’ve been offered a job.

M:That’s right, but I’m not going to take it.

2.What does the man think of the job offered to him?

A.The job is too demanding.

B.It is the job he is looking forward to.

C.He does not like the job.

M:Has George decided what to do when he leaves school?

W:Oh, yes.Everything is planned.He’s going to have a holiday for a few weeks and then he’s going to do an English course.

3.What is George going to do right after he leaves school?

A.To do an English course.

B.To make a plan.

C.To take a holiday.

M:Did you finish your work this afternoon?

W:Yes.There was nobody to disturb me, so I was able to finish it.

4.Why was the woman able to finish her work this afternoon?

A.Because she was helped by someone.

B.Because she was not disturbed by anybody.

C.Because she overworked this afternoon.

W:I wonder why Ann didn’t come to the party.Perhaps she wasn’t invited.

M:Yes, it’s possible.She might not have been invited.

5.Why didn’t Ann come to the party?

A.Perhaps she was not asked to.

B.Perhaps she did not want to come.

C.Perhaps she busied herself with something else.




W:I’m going to have a party next Saturday.Can you come?

M:On Saturday? I’m not sure.Some friends of mine are coming to stay with me next week but I think they’ll have gone by Saturday.But if they’re still here I won’t be able to come to the party.

W:OK.Well, tell me as soon as you know.

M:Right.I’ll phone you during the week.

6.What is the man NOT sure?

A.Whether his friends will come to stay with him.

B.Whether his friends will have gone by Saturday.

C.Whether his friends will come to the party with him.

7.How does the woman know whether the man can come to the party or not?

A.The man’s friends will try to tell her his decision.

B.She will get in touch with the man during the week.

C.The man will call her before Saturday.


W:Brian! How nice to see you! What are you doing these days?

M:I’m training to be a supermarket manager.

W:Really? What’s it like? Are you enjoying it?

M:It’s all right.What about you?

W:Well, actually I’m not working at the moment.I’m trying to find a job, but it’s not easy.But I’m very busy.I’m painting my flat.

M:Are you doing it alone?

W:No, some friends of mine are helping me.

8.What does the man want to be?

A.A supermarket manager.

B.A school master.

C.A technician.

9.What is the woman trying to do?

A.To keep her job.

B.To quit her job.

C.To find a job.

10.What is she doing now?

A.Helping her friends.

B.Painting her flat.

C.Taking care of her children.


M:So you want to borrow some money.How do you want to spend it?

W:We’re going to advertise on local radio and in the paper.We’ve planned it carefully.We only need $500.

M:Very well.The bank will lend you the money.But you must pay us back in three months.Can you do that?

W:We’ll do it, I promise.

M:Now, go and see the loans clerk and he’ll help you fill in the necessary forms.

W:Thank you for your help.

M:You’re welcome.

11.How much money does the woman want to borrow?




12.When must she pay the money back?

A.In three years.

B.In three months.

C.In three weeks.

13.What is the woman most probably going to do?

A.To fill in some forms.

B.To make a careful plan.

C.To visit the bank manager.

听第9段材料, 回答第14~16题。

W:Well, who shall we ask to this party?

M:Oh, not too many.Just a few people we can be relaxed with.

W:Yes, I agree.So, who, for example?

M:My cousin John, of course, and Carlo.

W:Carlo?Who’s he?

M:He’s the Italian guy who is staying with John’s family.

W:Oh, yeah.Is he the one whose wallet got stolen when they were in London?

M:That’s right.They caught the guy who did it, but he’d already spent all the money Carlo had brought with him.

W:Poor Carlo.Perhaps the party will cheer him up.

14.What are they talking about?

A.The coming party.

B.The arrangement of the party.

C.Whom to be invited to the party.

15.Where is Carlo from?




16.What is wrong with Carlo?

A.He has spent all his money.

B.He has caught by the police.

C.He lost his wallet.


W:Hi, Ed.Are you in town for another job interview?

M:Yes, I’m pretty hopeful this time.I’ve just finished my second interview with this company.

W:That sounds great.I hope it works out for you.But wasn’t it expensive just getting here?

M:No, in fact the company is paying all my expenses.They’ve put me up in a hotel downtown.

W:How nice! How many people are they interviewing?

M:Well, they interviewed 16 the first time, and now four of us were chosen to come back for this interview.

W:It sounds like you have a good chance to be selected then.

M:I hope so.The manager told me he would call us on Monday.

W:Well, I hope it goes well.John and I would love it if you came to this area to work.

M:I would too, but my girlfriend doesn’t want to leave her family.She hopes I find a job close to her home.

W:Oh dear, what a decision.

M:But anyway, I’ve got to wait until Monday to find out whether I can even have the chance.

W:Good luck!

17.How does the man seem to feel after this interview?




18.How many people were chosen for the second interview?




19.When will the man probably get to know whether he gets the job?

A.That afternoon.

B.Next Monday.


20.What does the man’s girlfriend want?

A.She hopes to find a job near the man.

B.She hopes the man finds a job near her.

C.She hopes the man gets the job.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


“Down-to-earth” means someone or something that is honest, practical and easy to deal with. It is   36   to find someone who is down-to-earth. A person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk to and   37   other people as equals. A down-to-earth person is just the   38   of someone who acts important and proud.

Down-to-earth persons   39   be important members of society, of course.   40  they do not let their importance “go to their heads”. They do not   41   themselves to be better persons than others of less importance. Someone who is filled with his own importance and pride, often without cause, is   42   to have “his nose in the air”. There is   43   way a person with his nose in the air can be down-to-earth.

Americans   44   another expression that means almost the same as “down-to-earth”. The expression is “both-feet-on-the-ground”. Someone with both-feet-on-the-ground is a person with a good   45   of reality. He  46   what is called “common sense”. He may have   47  , but he does not allow them to   48   his knowledge of what is real.

The opposite kind of   49   is one who has his “head-in-the-clouds”. A man with his-head-in-the-clouds is a dreamer whose   50   is not in the real world.

   51  , such a dreamer can be brought back to earth.   52   words from a teacher can usually bring a day-dreaming student down-to-earth..

Usually, the person who is down-to-earth is very   53   to have both feet on-the –ground.   54   we have both our feet on-the –ground, when we are down-to-earth, we act honestly and openly   55   others. Our lives are like the ground below us, solid and strong.

36. A.pleasant  B.sad   C.common    D.surprising

37. A.meets B.welcomes      C.receives  D.accepts

38. A.case  B.kind  C.opposite  D.example

39. A.must  B.may   C.should    D.will

40. A.But   B.So    C.For   D.And

41. A.wish  B.expect    C.desire    D.consider

42. A.said  B.told  C.asked D.made

43. A.some  B.a C.no    D.every

44. A.discover  B.find  C.make  D.use

45.A.understanding B.wish  C.reason    D.expectation

46. A.demands   B.lacks C.has   D.likes

47. A.fortunes  B.dreams    C.achievements  D.disadvantages

48. A.block B.protect   C.own   D.gain

49. A.idea  B.people    C.attitude  D.person

50. A.mind  B.life  C.body  D.head

51. A.Always    B.Therefore C.However   D.Sometimes

52. A.Sharp B.All   C.No    D.Bad

53. A.possible  B.probable  C.likely    D.able

54. A.Though    B.Since C.When  D.Unless

55.A.toward B.for   C.over  D.onto


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省启东中学高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

Whenever my kids have a party at school, I am the mom who always signs up to bring the juice boxes. It’s not because I’m   36  or that I don’t care if my kids have a good party. I am just not good at making homemade bread into holiday-themed shapes like other mothers.   37 , I’m happy to try, even though it’ll   38  me a long time to do it.
People say that housewives should have the   39  to make delicious meals, keep their houses clean, and   40  every minute of their child’s life. Their words used to   41  me a lot. I felt that I should also be able to do those things as a housewife. So   42  I couldn’t make the turkey-shaped cookies, I   43  feeling like a failure as a mom.
After many   44  attempts at baking, and many afternoons spent crying over my inabilities as a mother, I finally accepted the   45  that my lot(命运) in life is to be the juice box mom. I worked hard to be the   46  one in the elementary school. And after one of my daughter’s class parties, it   47 . Her teacher stopped me as I was leaving and said, “Thank you so much for always bringing   48  drinks. Sometimes parents forget that other children will also   49  class parties, and they end up being left out because we don’t have enough   50  for everyone.”
I just accepted her appreciation, rather than telling her that I brought extra drinks because I could   51  remember how many kids were in the class. But her   52  taught me an important lesson: I’m not a failure as a mom.
Not everyone is cut out to be a(n)   53  mom. I believe it’s okay to be the juice box mom. I may not bake cookies and decorate them beautifully, but I  54  something to drink. And I think that’s just as   55 .

A.However B.Therefore C.OtherwiseD.Besides
A.compare B.saveC.treasureD.teach
A.ended upB.went onC.insisted onD.set out
A.stood outB.got outC.came backD.paid off
A.attend B.holdC.enjoyD.leave
A.believable B.ridiculousC.interestingD.important


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年度湖北省武汉市部分重点中学高二上学期期中考试(英语) 题型:阅读理解

We would probably all be amazed if we watched a videotape of ourselves performing basically unconscious acts as we go about the business of the day. These unconscious acts consist of all the little personal habits that we don’t even think about, but definitely should. These are some of the things that present an image of who we are to others, and if we are careless in performing them, this image may well be other than we would like it to be.
Parents who insist that their children practice good manners and habits at home are doing them a great service, for these habits then become lifelong and the natural way they do things. It proves true that their unconscious actions will reflect a well-mannered person.
People who, for example, eat with both arms on the table at home will likely do so when out. Those who are lazy and slow in private will certainly be so in public. Children who are permitted to be disrespectful to their parents will follow suit with other adults, and will, most likely, become adults who are disrespectful of others. This is an area where the saying “practice makes perfect” may be applied.
There is an article about the actress, Audrey Hepburn, known for her beautiful carriage and posture. According to her biographer, her grandmother tied her neck to the back of her chair, at table, so that she would not drop down suddenly over her food, but rather would learn to put only small amounts of food on her spoon or fork and bring them to her mouth. This is a rather extreme “at home” method for the development of erect (直立的) posture, but it does illustrate the effectiveness of practicing good habits so that, when in public, they are instinctive.
【小题1】Which of the following expresses the main idea of the passage?

A.Parents should be responsible for their children’s good habits.
B.The actress is well known for her beautiful posture.
C.We should always be aware of our manners.
D.Without good manners, one can never be perfect.
【小题2】 Those who eat with both arms on the table at home ______.
A.will probably change the habit when eating out with their relatives
B.will probably have the same habit when they have meals in the restaurant
C.will feel embarrassed when having meals with so many strangers in public
D.will always put their arms on the table no matter where they eat
【小题3】 The meaning of “practice makes perfect” in the third paragraph is ______.
A.the more practice one has, the better job he will do
B.the more perfect one is, the more practice he needs
C.if one has enough practice, he will become perfect
D.perfect makes a person practice more
【小题4】Which of the following are NOT true?
A.If we are not careful about our unconscious acts, the images of ourselves presented to others will be quite undesirable.
B.The good habits formed in one’s childhood will benefit him throughout his life.
C.If parents do not care about the disrespectful attitude adopted by their children towards themselves, their children might be disrespectful to others.
D.It is unlikely that a well-mannered person will not embarrass himself in public.

