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“So, how's your brother doing?” Such a common question nowadays. I 1 give long answers on what he was doing each day of the week, but now I just respond, “He's fine.” I've gotten 2of the question. While everyone wants to know how my brother is doing, no one 3 asks me how I'm doing.
I lived with him for over seventeen years of my life, and for some reason, no one thinks it would be4 for me to let him go. But it is. He was the 5of my world. My entire life went around him. I wore what he wore. If it was fifty degree outside, and he wore shorts, I6wear shorts, too.
I lived in my brother's 7_for over seventeen years. He was popular with everyone. Before, I thought that people liked me. But no. People liked my brother. They were8_to him, and I just happened to be there.9 now, away from him, I'm facing a world so much bigger than before. He used to 10_me from the brunt(冲击) of the adult stuff, and I walked11_him, only seeing the nice stuff.
But now I can see 12_the world is really like. And I'm ready to13 it on my own. I may never be popular, but I can be friendly and make new friends. I'm ready to step out from his shadow and let my own shadow fall on the ground. Maybe they won't like me.14_, it's better than just being a copy of him. It's time to 15_ from behind his shadow. It's time to let the sun warm me up, instead of standing in my brother's cold shadow.
(1)A.used to B.planned to C.decided to D.failed to
(2)A.disturbed B.frightened C.tired D.exhausted
(3)A.also B.just C.ever D.often
(4)A.easy B.hard C.happy D.sad
(5)A.sun B.teacher C.power D.center
(6)A.must B.should C.would D.might
(7)A.world B.reality C.protection D.shadow
(8)A.attached B.admitted C.sensitive D.attractive
(9)A.So B.And C.But D.Or
(10)A.protect B.prevent C.keep D.escape
(11)A.along B.behind C.around D.with
(12)A.which B.that C.how D.what
(13)A.explore B.live C.accept D.fight
(14)A.Instead B.Otherwise C.Besides D.Anyhow
(15)A.step out B.pull out C.call out D.break out


(1) 考查动词。 used to“过去常常”。句意:我过去会给出很长的回答…。和下句(现在我只是说“他很好”)做对比,所以选A。
(2)考查形容词。 句意:我已经厌倦了这些问题。A. disturbed“受打扰的”;B. frightened“害怕的”;C. tired “厌倦的”;D. exhausted“疲惫的”。故选C.。
(3)考查副词。 A. also“也”;B. just“仅仅”;C. ever“曾经”;D. often“经常”。句意:每个人都想知道我哥哥怎么样,而没有人曾问过我怎么样。选选C项。
(4)考查形容词。 A. easy“容易的”;B. hard“困难的”;C. happy“快乐的”;D. sad “伤心的”。句意:我和他在一起生活了超过17年,出于某些原因,没有人认为让他走出我的世界很难。故选B。
(5) 考查名词。A. sun“太阳”;B. teacher“老师”;C. power“能量”;D. center“中心”。句意:但是真的很难,他是我世界的中心。可知正确答案为D项。
(6) 考查情态动词。would表示过去的习惯。句意:如果气温是50度的话,他穿着短裤,我也会穿着短裤。故选C项。
(7) 考查名词。A. world“世界”;B. reality“现实”;C. protection“保护”;D. shadow“影子”。句意:我生活在哥哥的影子下超过17年。故选D项。
(8) 考查形容词。 attached“依恋的,附属的”。句意:他们非常喜欢哥哥,我只是恰好在那。故选A项。
(9)考查动词。 句意:但是现在,和他不再一起,我要面对一个比现在更大的世界。根据语境选C项。
(10)考查动词。A. protect“保护”;B. prevent“阻止”;C. keep“保持”;D. escape“逃脱”。 protect sb from 固定短语“保护某人免受(伤害)”。句意:他过去常常保护我免受成人东西的冲击。故选A项。
(12) 考查宾语从句引导词。 句意:现在我能看到这个世界真正的样子。宾语从句选择用what担当宾语,故答案选D项。
(13) 考查动词。A. explore“探索”;B. live“生活”;C. accept “接受”D. fight“斗争,打架”。句意:我准备独立探索。根据语境选A项。
(14)考查副词。 根据上句可能他们不会喜欢我,可知这里不管怎样,那也强于作为哥哥的替代品。故选D。
(15)考查动词短语。A. step out“走出”;B. pull out“拨出,退出,驶出”;C. call out“召集,唤起”;D. break out“爆发”。句意:我应该从他后面的影子里走出来了。可知选A项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】— The boy has never listened to what teachers say in class or done his homework, but in this exam he got such a good mark again.
— ___________
— What he learnt from Bad Genius(《天才枪手》) is wrong.
Which sentence can be best used in the blank?
A.He cheated in the exam.
B.He has cheated in the exam.
C.He is always cheating in the exam.
D.He cheats in the exam.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Bank of China and Alibaba are the dream employers for Chinese students, according to a new survey.

The survey of more than 55,000 students, 1(conduct) by a research firm Universum, found that 2(rough)a quarter want to work for an international company, while only 9% want to work for a start-up. Five percent want to start 3own business.

When it comes to desirable companies, business students4(name)Bank of China the top choice for seven years, and it shows no signs of 5(give)up its lead.

William Wu, manager of Universum, said that banking remains6attractive industry for young Chinese. “China’s government is now emphasizing the revolution of finance industry, 7leaves the younger generation with the impression that though banking is a 8(tradition)industry, there are still a lot of development 9(opportunity),” Wu said.

Alibaba improved six places from 2014, 10(rank)second among business students. It held a record-breaking $25 billion IPO in September.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Ongoing conflicts across the Middle East have prevented more than 13 million children from attending school, according to a report published by UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund.
The report states that 40% of all children across the region are currently not receiving an education, which is a result of two consequences of violence: structural damage to schools and the displacement (转移) of populations, also called “forced migration.” Both issues result from the violence that has crossed the region in recent years. The report examines nine countries where a state of war has become the ordinary state. Across these countries, violence has made 8,500 schools unusable. In certain cases, communities have relied on school buildings to function as shelters for the displaced, with up to nine families living in a single classroom in former schools across Iraq.
The report pays particularly close attention to Syria, where a bloody civil war has displaced at least nine million people since the war began in 2011. With the crisis (危机) now in its fifth year, basic public services, including education, inside Syria have been stretched (竭尽所能) to breaking point. Within the country, the quality and availability of education depends on whether a particular region is suffering violence.
The report concludes with an earnest request to international policymakers to offer money and other resources to help ease the regional crisis. With more than 13 million children already driven from classrooms by conflict, the educational future of a generation of children are in the balance. This is destroying the future for an entire region.
(1)What is this article mainly about?
A.Why people are moving away from their own countries.
B.Why there are civil wars and violence in the Middle East.
C.Why many schools have become shelters for displaced families.
D.Why many children in the Middle East are not attending school.
(2)Why is “Iraq” mentioned in the second paragraph?
A.To convince people that temporary housing can be easily found.
B.To prove that class rooms there are big enough to host many families.
C.To give an example of why schools are not usable for children's learning.
D.To show how structural damages of school can affect the quality of education.
(3)What does the phrase “in the balance” in the last paragraph most likely mean?
A.Being well taken care of.
B.In an uncertain situation.
C.Under control by the authority.
D.Moving in the wrong direction.
(4)According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
A.The war in Syria has been going on since 2011.
B.More than nine thousand schools have been destroyed by wars.
C.Thirteen million people have been forced to leave their homes in the Middle East.
D.Forty percent of all children in the world are not attending schools due to ongoing conflict.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Have you ever wondered what an American high school is really like?
A typical American high school has several large buildings and enough space for about 1,500 students.When students first arrive at school, they go straight to their lockers to put away or get their textbooks and to hang up their outdoor clothes. As American textbooks are expensive, students would rather rent than buy them.
American students have different types of school transport. They usually take a yellow school bus or walk to school if they live close enough.When they turn 16 years of age, most take a free driving class at school for one term. If students earn passing grades in the class and also pass their state driver's exam, they can begin driving themselves to school.
They must take science, math, English and social studies. They can choose art, homemaking, fashion design and other classes. In some schools students are required to take one or more of the following special classes: health education, physical education or foreign language studies. Students move to different classrooms for each subject. This is because each teacher has their own classroom. There is a five-minute break between classes, to give the students the time to hurry to their next class.
The regular school day usually ends early in the afternoon. After school more than half of the students are involved in after-school activities. These activities include sports-especially football, basketball, baseball and soccer or clubs, such as yearbook, speech, school newspaper, photograph or student government.
A. Every student is given a locker.
B. Each day, students take six or seven classes.
C. Sometimes their parents drive them to school.
D. Students must pay back if they lost any of them.
E. This is because each teacher has their own classroom.
F. The regular school day usually ends early in the afternoon.
G. This article will describe a typical American high school and its students.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:














科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读下面短文, 根据其内容写一篇60字左右的内容概要。
Over the past few years, there has been a big increase in the number of people sharing information online. In this article, we will learn about some positive reasons for people to share information online.
94% of those surveyed by The New York Times said they put a lot of thought into how the content they are sharing will be beneficial to others. We often share information with our friends in the office or at home to educate, entertain, or pleasantly surprise them. This is also true while sharing information online. If you look at the Facebook wall posts of your friends, you will realize that most of their updates are usually famous quotes(引述), entertaining videos, humorous images, funny jokes, etc.
A lot of people share information online to picture their true self to the outside world. Some people, especially those who are shy and not comfortable talking about their areas of interest in the presence of others, find it extremely convenient to share that information online with others.
According to the study, 78% of the people said they shared information online because it helps them develop better relationships. Today, people are so busy that they do not have the time to meet each other personally. A lot of people now “meet” each other online, rather than in places like restaurants and pubs.
Lastly, when we share our thoughts online, we are actively communicating with a large number of people who are a part of the World Wide Web. Sharing information will affect the viewpoint of others, or add to their understanding about the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


set up; provide...for...; distribute...to...; smooth away; go hungry; operate on; donate ...to...; in need

(1)The hotel a reservation of tickets its residents.
(2)Any differences between them were soon .
(3)The charity aims to provide assistance to the people .
(4)We will have to his eyes.
(5)It is now our aim to a factory.
(6)I'd rather than eat that!
(7)She a large sum of money the charity.
(8)Please the pictures children.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Most children with healthy appetites are ready to eat almost anything that 1(offer)to them. A child seldom dislikes food 2it is badly cooked. The way meal is cooked and served is most important and a 3(good) served meal will often improve a child’s appetite. Never ask a child 4he likes or dislikes the food and never discuss likes and dislikes in front of him or allow anybody else to do 5. Parents should accent the fact6he likes everything and he probably will. Nothing healthy should be omitted from the meal because of a7(suppose)dislike. At meal times it is a good idea to give a child a small part and let him come back for 8second helping rather than give him as much as he is likely to eat all at once. Do not talk too much to the child during meal times, 9let him get on with his food; and do not allow him to leave the table immediately after a meal or he will soon learn to swallow his food so that he can hurry back to the toys in his room10no condition must a child be forced to eat.

