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Just before midnight, six University of Cincinnati students were watching TV in an on-campus apartment when three men burst through the door. While one of the intruders pointed a gun at the group, the other two scooped up $4,400 worth of laptops, cell phones, video games and cash. Once they had what they wanted, the trio fled into the night.

Furious, the students chased down and tackled one of the burglars -- the one with the gun. In the struggle, it went off, and a bullet grazed a student's leg. His friends piled on the gunman and held him until police showed up.

By the next day, the injured young man was back in his apartment, and the suspect was in jail, charged with burglary, felonious assault and receiving stolen property. But how did the men manage to storm into an on-campus residence that November night in the first place? Simple: Students told police the building's main doors hadn't latched properly for days.

As parents confront ballooning college costs and shrinking acceptance rates, they are finding themselves with an even bigger, more basic problem: Which campuses are safe? Colleges seem like idyllic and secure places, and for the most part, they are. But ivy-covered walls can't keep out every bad element. This country's 6,000 colleges and universities report some 40,000 burglaries, 3,700 forcible sex offenses, 7,000 aggravated assaults and 48 murders a year. Other hazards -- fires, binge-drinking, mental-health problems -- are also on the rise.

Of course, that's not what parents and students see on America's serene campuses. There's a false sense of security, says Harry Nolan, a safety consultant in New York City. "Students see guards patrolling at night or a video camera monitoring the dorm entrance and think, Nothing bad can happen to me," he explains. "People don't know that safety controls are often very lax."

1.What did the students do after the burglars fled into the night?

    A. They stood there in surprise.            B. They ran after the burglars at once.

    C. They waited for the police.              D. They phoned their teacher.

2.What does the underlined word “latched” in the third paragraph probably mean?

    A. watched      B. fixed                C. locked           D. kept

3.What worries parents most except ballooning college costs and shrinking acceptance rates?

    A. Their children’s grades in the universities or colleges.

    B. Their children’s safety in the universities or colleges.

    C. Their children’s behavior in the universities or colleges.

    D. Their children’s relationship with classmates in the universities or colleges.






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


[1]It’s a fine line parents walk as they try to guide their kids into adulthood.You want to protect but not treat too kindly,advise but not control and let them live their own lives—with some input,of course.

[2]When your child asks for help or advice,give only what was asked for.If your Child asks you to tie a particular hard-to-tie knot(绳结)for a project she is working on,just tie the knot.Don’t start helping with the rest of the project or making suggestions on how to do it.She wants to do it herself,in her own way.Befor                 which your child has not askd for,count to ten.Perhaps in those seconds you’ll decide that the advice would do no good,or isn’t really that important,and you’ll drop it.If the advice still seems important,you will give it,but the pause may lead you to give it in a more thoughtful way.

[3]Remember that your child is not you and is not a reflection of you.We mak a serious mistake if we try to shape our children into copies of ourselves,or if we think of them as extensions or reflections of ourselves.We need to help them to be them,not try to turn them into us or into something that we think will make us look good.

[4]Our primary responsibility to our children is not that of telling them moment-to-moment or day-to-day how to behave but providing them with a healthy environment in which to develop.For example,one of the best ways you can help your kids is to work with your community to create safe-enough outdoor places to play in your neighborhood.

What’s the best title of this text? (no more than 10 words)


Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one?

It’s not your duty to help her finish the whole thing or give her advice on the way of doing it.



Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 5  words)


Make a list of three mistakes that we parents usually make in guiding the kids.(no more than 24 words)




Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.




科目:高中英语 来源:天津市河西区2010届高三第一次模拟(英语) 题型:完型填空

A handsome, middle aged man walked quietly into the cafe and sat down. Befor he  16  ,he couldn’t help but  17  a group of younger men at the table next to him. It was  18  that they were making fun of something about him and it wasn’t until he remembered he was  19  a small pink ribbon-on the lapel(翻领) of his suit that he became aware of what the  20  was all about.
The man paid  21  attention to all this, but the whisper and laughter began go get to him. He looked one of the   22  men straight into the eye, placed his hand beneath the    23  and asked, “This?”
With that the young men all began to laugh out loud. The man he had   24  said, “Hey, sorry man, but we were just commenting on how   25  your little pink ribbon looks against your blue jacket!”
The middle-aged man   26  invited the joker to come over to his table, and politely seated him.   27  as he was, the young guy had to, not really sure why. In a   28  voice, the middle-aged man said, “I wear this ribbon to bring   29  about breast cancer. I wear it in my mother’s   30  .”
“Oh, sorry. She died of breast canner?”
“No, she didn’t. She’s alive and   31  . But her breasts nourished me as a baby, and were a soft   32  place for my   33  when I was scared or   34  as a little boy. I’m very grateful   35  my mother’s breasts, and her health.”
16.A.ordered    B.sponsored    C.realized    D.left
17.A.notice    B.meet    C.glance   D.catch
18.A.common    B.strange    C.natural    D.obvious
19. A.showing    B.wearing    C.hanging    D.fixing
20. A.fun    B.talk    C.joke    D.story
21. A.a lot    B.much    C.many    D.no
22. A.happy    B.rude    C.dishonest    D.selfish
23.A.ribbon    B.lapel    C.jacket     D.suit
24.A.interrupted    B.spoken to    C.scolded    D.questioned
25.A.ugly    B.small    C.big   D.pretty
26.A.quickly    B.calmly    C.cleverly    D.carefully
27. A.Unfortunate    B.Uncertain    C.Unfair    D.Uncomfortable
28. A.high    B.sharp    C.soft    D.loud
29. A.awareness    B.promotion    C.changes    D.lessons
30. A.name    B.honour    C.request    D.sense
31.A.suffering    B.wealthy    C.lucky     D.well
32.A.hiding      B.healing     C.resting    D.sleeping
33.A.hand       B.arm        C.head      D.mind
34.A.hungry     B.lonely     C.proud     D.nervous
35.A.with       B.by         C.in         D.for


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届度山东省淄博市高三第一次模拟考试英语卷 题型:其他题


[1]It’s a fine line parents walk as they try to guide their kids into adulthood.You want to protect but not treat too kindly,advise but not control and let them live their own lives—with some input,of course.

[2]When your child asks for help or advice,give only what was asked for.If your Child asks you to tie a particular hard-to-tie knot(绳结)for a project she is working on,just tie the knot.Don’t start helping with the rest of the project or making suggestions on how to do it.She wants to do it herself,in her own way.Befor                 which your child has not askd for,count to ten.Perhaps in those seconds you’ll decide that the advice would do no good,or isn’t really that important,and you’ll drop it.If the advice still seems important,you will give it,but the pause may lead you to give it in a more thoughtful way.

[3]Remember that your child is not you and is not a reflection of you.We mak a serious mistake if we try to shape our children into copies of ourselves,or if we think of them as extensions or reflections of ourselves.We need to help them to be them,not try to turn them into us or into something that we think will make us look good.

[4]Our primary responsibility to our children is not that of telling them moment-to-moment or day-to-day how to behave but providing them with a healthy environment in which to develop.For example,one of the best ways you can help your kids is to work with your community to create safe-enough outdoor places to play in your neighborhood.

1.What’s the best title of this text? (no more than 10 words)


2.Which sentence in the text is closest in meaning to the following one?

It’s not your duty to help her finish the whole thing or give her advice on the way of doing it.



3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 5  words)


4.Make a list of three mistakes that we parents usually make in guiding the kids.(no more than 24 words)




5.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.





科目:高中英语 来源:2009年高考试题(安徽卷)解析版 题型:读写任务



Many people need guidance in choosing a career (职业). Fortunately, there is much information on the Web about job opportunities (机会). With all the information available, it's not surprising that people can feel confused. So if you're ready to start your first job or change careers, where do you begin?

The Occupation Handbook is a good resource.  Regularly updated, the Handbook is available as a book and on-line. Not only is information provided about the United States as a whole, but readers can easily search for information about their particular state. You can read about the fastest-growing occupations in the area where you live and find out what they are like. You can also learn how to apply for jobs.

Take, for example, Nadia's situation. Nadia was a doctor's assistant in Iran, and her goal in the United States is to become a nurse. However, she needs to work while she is studying nursing. She is interested in becoming a medical assistant to help work her way through college.  When going on-line to the Handbook and searching under "medical assistant", Nadia is happy to read that this is expected to be one of the fastest-growing careers through 2010. Besides, job opportunities are even better for people with experience. She discovers that medical assistants not only have to do some office work, but have medical responsibilities as well. Nadia decides this job will be interesting and will also provide excellent experience for her nursing career.

The Occupation Handbook is just an example of websites that can help you plan a new career. When you have found information about some different careers, you will be ready to talk to career advisers. Choosing your future career is an extremely important decision. It's worth taking the time and finding as much information as you can.


Title     Finding Information on the 1.for Tomorrow’s Job

Introduction  There is a lot of job information on-line, but too much of it may smoetioes be 2.

Facts of the handbook  The information is updated in a 3.manner.

                    Its vast resources include ways of job 4.

Nadia’s 5.She wats to become a nurse in the United States.

             Shneeds to work to make 6.for her college study.

             Her previous 7.may help her to get the job.

             If she’s a medical assistant, she’ll also take medical 8.

Conclusion    Find some information on-line befor 9.career advisers.

             The time you spend and the efforts you make will be 10.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



A handsome, middle aged man walked quietly into the cafe and sat down. Befor he  16  ,he couldn’t help but  17  a group of younger men at the table next to him. It was  18  that they were making fun of something about him and it wasn’t until he remembered he was  19  a small pink ribbon-on the lapel(翻领) of his suit that he became aware of what the  20  was all about.

The man paid  21  attention to all this, but the whisper and laughter began go get to him. He looked one of the   22  men straight into the eye, placed his hand beneath the    23  and asked, “This?”

   With that the young men all began to laugh out loud. The man he had   24  said, “Hey, sorry man, but we were just commenting on how   25  your little pink ribbon looks against your blue jacket!”

   The middle-aged man   26  invited the joker to come over to his table, and politely seated him.   27  as he was, the young guy had to, not really sure why. In a   28  voice, the middle-aged man said, “I wear this ribbon to bring   29  about breast cancer. I wear it in my mother’s   30  .”

   “Oh, sorry. She died of breast canner?”

“No, she didn’t. She’s alive and   31  . But her breasts nourished me as a baby, and were a soft   32  place for my   33  when I was scared or   34  as a little boy. I’m very grateful   35  my mother’s breasts, and her health.”

16.A.ordered    B.sponsored    C.realized    D.left

17.A.notice    B.meet    C.glance   D.catch

18.A.common    B.strange    C.natural    D.obvious

19. A.showing    B.wearing    C.hanging    D.fixing

20. A.fun    B.talk    C.joke    D.story

21. A.a lot    B.much    C.many    D.no

22. A.happy    B.rude    C.dishonest    D.selfish

23.A.ribbon    B.lapel    C.jacket     D.suit

24.A.interrupted    B.spoken to    C.scolded    D.questioned

25.A.ugly    B.small    C.big   D.pretty

26.A.quickly    B.calmly    C.cleverly    D.carefully

27. A.Unfortunate    B.Uncertain    C.Unfair    D.Uncomfortable

28. A.high    B.sharp    C.soft    D.loud

29. A.awareness    B.promotion    C.changes    D.lessons

30. A.name    B.honour    C.request    D.sense

31.A.suffering    B.wealthy    C.lucky     D.well

32.A.hiding      B.healing     C.resting    D.sleeping

33.A.hand       B.arm        C.head      D.mind

34.A.hungry     B.lonely      C.proud     D.nervous

35.A.with       B.by         C.in         D.for

