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4. The three (hunt) decided to camp in the thick forest.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单 词的正确形式。

           My name is Mae Jemison. When I was a little girl,I was very 21 (interest) in space and science. I dreamed of 22 (travel) to outer space one day. However,it wasn’t a dream that could 23 (easy) come true back then. So when I told others about my dream,I was laughed 24 by them. But I believed that my dream 25 (come) true one day.

           Though many people questioned my interest in science,I followed my passion. I went on to attend Stanford University to study engineering. But it was really hard for a woman to become 26 astronaut after I graduated from university. I became a doctor and then joined the Peace Corps to help provide health services for people in Africa.

           In Africa I never forgot my childhood dream. While I was working there,I contacted NASA and applied for their astronaut program. Luckily,I 27 (accept) into the space program. In 1992, I traveled into outer space on the Space Shuttle Endeavor. My dream finally came true.

          Now I focus on inspiring children 28 (explore) , ask questions,try new ways of doing things,take chances,follow 29 (they) dreams and study science.

           Do you have a dream? 30 you do,don't give it up!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



David: Hi,Tony,I'm moving on Sunday. 1. (Could / Should) you help me?

Tony: I 2. (should / would) like to help you,but I have a bad back. I went to my doctor and he suggested me that I

3. (shouldn,t / can't) lift anything heavy for a while. 4. (Would /Can) I help you in any other way?

David: Yes. I need some boxes. 5. (Should/Would) you please help me find some?

Tony: Sure. I have to go shopping tomorrow. I 6. (can / should) pick up some at the supermarket.

David: Boxes 7. (can / will) be heavy.You,d  better not lift them yourself.

Tony: Don’t worry. I’ 11 have someone put them in my car for me.

David: Thanks. I have another favour to ask.8. (May / lyíust) I borrow your car on Saturday?

Tony: I have to work on Saturday. Let me ask my brother. He has a car,too. He 9. (will / might) be able to let you use his car.

David: Thanks,rd  appreciate it if you 10.(could / might) ask him. I 11. (must / shall) go now. I 12.(couldn’t / can't) go to class all last week. There's so much work to do.

Tony: I know what you mean. You 13.,(can’ t / must) be very tired.

David: Yes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


          You've probably heard about the -dangers of smoking. The good news is that fewer teens smoke today than at any time since the 1990s. But here's  the bad news. Every day,nearly 4,000 kids in the U.S. try a cigarette for the first time. And every day,1,000 kids become regular smokers. Almost all teen smokers plan to quit within five years. But more than 60 percent are still smoking 7 to 9  years later.

           Most people hope every teen in the world stays away from cigarettes,but not the people who work for- tobacco companies. Before people knew that cigarettes were dangerous,tobacco companies openly marketed their products to teens. In the early 1900s,some cigarette packs included collectible baseball cards. In the 1940s and 1950s,tobacco advertisements often featured actors and actresses. That ended in 1964,when the U.S. government released the results of a major scientific study on the effects of smoking on health. New laws banned cigarette advertising on TV and radio.

            Advertising isn't  the only way tobacco companies have tried to market their products. Candy-flavor^

cigarettes were once common. They contained tone (有毒的) chemicals and were as dangerous and addictive as regular cigarettes. Studies showed that these products were especially popular among teen smokers. And many teens mistakenly believed that these sweet cigarettes were safer than unflavored cigarettes. In 2009,flavored cigarettes were banned in the U.S..

            By now,maybe you,ve noticed a pattern: Each time new laws are passed to protect teens,tobacco companies come up with new methods. Many states have approved high taxes on cigarettes; and prices have been increased to reduce smoking. To deal with this,tobacco companies give discounts to convenience stores so they can charge less for cigarettes.

            The fact is that tobacco companies need you to become addicted to a deadly habit. Without new smokers,they will eventually go out of business. But you can at least make sure of one thing: They won't get you.

5. We can learn from Paragraph 1 that .

   A. smoking is still a problem among teenagers

   B. the number of teen smokers has increased greatly

   C. there are more teen smokers in the U.S. than other countries 

   D. the U.S. government has paid more attention to teen smokers 

6. Which of the following is the correct order according to the text?

a. Flavored cigarettes were banned in the U.S..

b. Some cigarette packs contained collectible baseball cards.

c. New laws banned cigarette advertising on TV and radio.

d. Tobacco advertisements often featured actors and actresses.

   A. a-d-c-b   B. b-a-c-d   C. b-d-c-a   D. a-b-d-c

7. Compared with regular cigarettes,candy-flavored cigarettes were.

   A. cheaper for teens

   B. much more addictive

   C. more popular among actors

   D. as harmful as regular cigarettes

8. The text is most probably taken from .

   A. a geography textbook    B. a newspaper report   

   C. a travel magazine       D. a book review


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. This is an area of outstanding natural(美) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


4. Kim,s birthday cake was the shape of a train.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. I really think you (can / should) go and see the doctor,but it’s up to you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. She simply welcomed him and reminded him the last time they had met.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. I would do anything to get back your trust in me.

I would do anything to   your trust in me.

