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But he ____________ ____________ when he thought about helping ordinary people ____________ ____________ cholera.

2值得赞扬的是,虽然这四个国家的确在某些方面共同合作,例如在货币和 在国际关系上,但它们在有些制度上仍然存在着很大的区别。

__________ ___________ ____________, the four countries do work together in some areas (eg, the _____________ and international relations), but they still have very different institutions.

3然而,当我们到达一个看上去像一个大市场的地方时, 由于太多的气垫车向四面八方飞奔,我看不见王平了。

However, I _________ _________ _________WangPing when we reached _________looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.


Have you ever had a ________ _________someone _________your journalists _______ getting the wrong end of the stick?


Remove clothing ___________ ____________ __________ __________ unless it is stuck to the burn.


【1】became inspired; exposed to

【2】To their credit; currency

【3】lost sight of; what

【4】case where; accused; of

【5】using scissors; if necessary



【1】became inspired; exposed to 考查动词时态,became inspired感到振奋,exposed to面临、遭遇,用过去时,故填became inspired; exposed to。

【2】To their credit; currency考查固定搭配和名词。To their credit值得赞扬的是,currency货币,

故填To their credit; currency。

【3】lost sight of; what考查动词固定搭配和代词。lost sight of看不见...,what做主语代地方,故填lost sight of; what。

【4】case where; accused; of考查名词、动词时态和介词。case where情况,accused控告; of

后接控告的内容。故填case where; accused; of。

【5】using scissors; if necessary考查动词和形容词。using scissors使用剪刀; if necessary如果需要的话,

故填using scissors; if necessary。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】---Currently it is difficult to find a good job in the fierce job-hunting market

---_____But highly-qualified graduates are always in great demand

A. I hope so B. That’s all right

C. No kidding D. That sounds reasonable


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It was the last time Susan Butcher ran the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race in 1992. An hour into the race, Susan and her sled dog team sped down a hill and crashed into a fallen tree. Although hurt, Susan continued the difficult race.

The Iditarod Race started in 1925 when a doctor in Nome, Alaska was desperately in need of medicine to stop the spread of a deadly disease. Only a hospital had what he needed, but it was 700 mile-away! In January, it was too dangerous to send a boat and too stormy for his tiny airplane. The only hope was to use several sled dog teams following a trail, called the Iditarod Trail. They passed the medicine from one sled team to another. Wind and snow did not stop the men and their dogs. The medicine was delivered in record time. The race follows the route of the famous medicine run. Over 1,000 miles long, it is considered the toughest race in the world.

Susan Butcher was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In her teens Susan was given a Siberian husky dog and became very interested in huskies as sled dogs. After reading about the Iditarod Race, Susan moved to Alaska. She got several jobs to earn money to buy herself a sled and a team of huskies. After years of hard work and training, Susan achieved her dream of racing on the Iditarod Trail.

In 1978, at the age of 24, Susan entered the race for the first time and became the first woman to finish in the top 20. In 1982 she came in second. In 1984 she was leading her team across a frozen waterway when they fell into the water. Her lead dog managed to pull Susan and the other dogs out of danger. Remarkably, she came in second.

In her fourth race, in 1985,a starving moose(驼鹿) attacked her dogs, killing two and injuring eleven. Susan had to leave the race. In 1986 Susan joined the race again. This time, she won. She won again in 1987. In 1988 she became the first person ever to win three Iditarod races in a row. Unbelievably, Susan won for the fourth time in 1990.

【1】According to text, Susan Butcher entered the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race at least times.

A. six B. seven C. eight D. nine

【2】In Paragraph 2, the author wants to tell us .

A. how the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race began

B. how the spread of a deadly disease was stopped

C. how tough the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race was

D. how Susan Butcher began to show interest in the race

【3】In the year , Susan Butcher won three races in a row.

A. 1984, 1985 and 1986 B. 1985, 1987 and 1988

C. 1986, 1987 and 1988 D. 1987, 1988 and 1990

【4】What led to some of Susan Butcher’s failures?

A. Snowstorm. B. Lack of food.

C. Accidents. D. Lack of experience.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The question of _________ English will keep on changing in the future, though most people doubt, is actually easy________.

A.if; to be answered B.whether; to answer

C.how; answered D.what; to answer


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


My parents and I went to the park on last Sunday. There were lots of visitors stood in front of the ticket window. We waited for a long time and buy three tickets. In the Tiger Mountain of the park,I was too eager to see the fierce frightened animals that I quickened my steps through the crowd. Unfortunate,I got separated from my parents. I had hard time looking for him,but I had no luck. Wandering in the park,I felt alone without any companions. Worse still,I had no money,so I had to walk home,covered as much as 5 kilometers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The small boat was almost sunk by the dinosaurs which suddenly ________ to the surface, fighting each other, but fortunately the three men ________ get away.

A.rose; could B.rose; were able to

C.arose; could have been able to D.raised; could have


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The USA shows great concern _______ human rights of all other countries, which is a laughing stock, _______ the many cases of blacks being maltreated in their own country.

A.about ; of B.to; relating to

C.for; concerning D.with; including


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The Labrador (拉布拉多猎犬) has won the honor of the most popular breed (品种) for the past eighteen years. It has been described as gentle, clever and friendly. Yet not all Labs are the same.

John Grogan discovered this after he and his wife adopted a Labrador that they named Marley. The dog caused Mr. Grogan a lot of trouble, but it also provided many stories for his newspaper articles. Later, he wrote a best-selling book, “Marley and Me: Life and Love with the World’s Worst Dog.”

Marley was happy and fun-loving. But he was also extremely large and difficult to control. He bit anything that he could find around the house, including plastic, clothing and jewelry. And he had a great fear of loud noises, especially thunderstorms. Unfortunately, the Grogans lived in Florida where many thunderstorms develop. Marley would attack the furniture, walls and doors until his feet bled if he was left alone in the house during a thunderstorm. Marley almost damaged their home several times.

John Grogan said that at first he considered that probably his dog could be trained to be a show champion. But he soon realized that was impossible. Marley didn’t like to learn skills that didn’t belong to dogs, and he was driven out of the dog training school for causing troubles for other dogs. He didn’t want to hide his emotions. He would show his anger and tiredness if he felt them.

Even if that, Marley still had earned a place in the Grogans’. He didn’t know how to dance, and he didn’t know how to walk on its two legs, but he was what he was. He would never be a Lassie or a Benji or an old Yeller for he would never like to take part in a dog show, but the Grogans accepted him and loved him very much.

【1】The underlined word “this” in the second paragraph refers to the fact that ____.

A. not all dogs won the honor of the most popular breed

B. not all Labs are gentle, clever and friendly

C. Marley caused the Grogans a few troubles

D. Marley provided many stories for the newspaper articles

【2】We can infer when John Grogan wrote the book “Marley and Me: Life and Love with the World’s Worst Dog.”, he was very ____.

A. angry B. disappointed

C. happy D. frightened

【3】What made Marley attack the furniture when he was left alone in the house during a thunderstorm?

A. The fear of hearing loud noises.

B. The anger of being left alone.

C. The unhappiness of having no toys.

D. The disappointment of getting nothing to eat.

【4】Marley was driven out of the dog training school because he ____.

A. didn’t like to learn skills that didn’t belong to dogs

B. made it difficult for other dogs to get trained

C. liked to attack the trainers when getting angry

D. didn’t know how to hide his emotions

【5】From the passage we can know ____.

A. every dog in America attends the dog training school

B. a Lassie should be a troublesome dog just like Marley

C. Marley often losthis temper and bit other dogs

D. Marley led a life full of love in the Grogans’


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







Dear friends,

I have some advices about computers to share with you.

Now the computer had become a good friend of students. It has made our life more colorful. We can get information fast under its help. Through the Internet we can talk with people thousands of miles away.

However, there have some disadvantages. It gives us some trouble. I’m afraid that we spend a bit too much time play games in front of the screen. Our studies and health are getting worse. Our parents are beginning to worry us. In the addition, we surely have less time leaving to get together with others. In this case, the computer is taking away our human nature.

I suggest that we would use the computer to improve our life and work on the one hand, and enjoy the sunshine or fresh air with our fiends on the other hand.

