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Women tend to live longer than men.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Read the following passage.Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and required words limit.Write your answers on your answer sheet.

       Scientists have determined it's not advisable to hurry marriage.But what’s the best age to wed?

       When Avril Lavigne announced she was splitting from her husband, comments from her friends suggested that she was only 21 when she tied the knot and later she said that she realized she'd been too young to make such a life-altering decision.Could fellow young celebrity divorcées(离婚者) Reese Witherspoon, Kate Hudson, and Britney Spears have also hit the same age-related issue?

       The Magic Number

       There are practical reasons for the mid-20s dividing line, and most of them boil down to two biggies: education and money.

       It turns out that the more years of higher education a woman has under her belt on her wedding day, the lower the chances that she'll get divorced ...and by 25, you're more likely to have earned a degree or two.Educated women tend to be more confident about who they are and less willing to settle for a man who doesn't meet their standards.

       Odds(可能性) are that by 25 you're also supporting yourself, so there's less incentive(刺激; 鼓励)for you to rush into marriage because you're seeking financial security from him.But the marriage-related benefits of working and having money of your own go beyond feeling secure.Learning to budget your cash carefully when you're single will help you avoid financial problems—one of the main causes of couple fights—for the rest of your life.

       Knowing the Real You

       At 25, you've had time for some crucial life experiences, including a relationship or two that may have improved your Mr.Right radar.You've probably dated enough to have a better idea of what you don't want in a man, which makes it easier to know what you can live with and can't live without.

       Perhaps the most important aspect of waiting is that you'll know what your goals and values really are.While you don't want to marry someone just like you, marriage is a lot easier if you two share a similar outlook on life.

       Twenty-four and already married to the man of your dreams? Don't worry: Many young marriages survive.But given the choice, you might consider putting off the big day until your mid-20s or later.

What main factors influence the mid-20s dividing line? (No more than 3 words)


According to the author, why does a couple probably fight?(No more than 4 words)


How do you know what you don’t want in a man? (No more than 5 words)


What suggestion does the passage mainly give? (No more than 10 words)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Last year, I was speaking at a gathering of wealthy male investors. The organizers posted the   1   of a survey showing that only a small percentage of wealthy men believed their wives spent too much.

'What?'   2   one participant. 'Those guys have to be lying.'

There is no reliable   3   of who spends more among the rich: men or women. Both will say the other is the   4   spender.

A recent survey by Wilmington Trust, Campden Research and Relative Solutions proves the   5   . The companies polled 40 women (I know, that is more like a show of hands than 'survey'), each with a net worth of $25 million or more.

About half the respondents(受调查者) inherited(.继承) their   6   , a quarter   7   it from their husbands and the other quarter earned it   8   . That is roughly in line with other surveys of   9   women and the source of their money. One interesting note: among the self-made women, 90% got their money from owning a business, rather than   10   a salary.

As for   11   , almost all the women (90%) described their spending habits as 'below their means.' The report on the survey said that is 'possibly   12   they do not view their extreme wealth as defining their success.

'Women tend not to spend as much as   13   and splash(泼洒得使到处是) their names all over the place,' said one woman in the survey, describing her spending as conservative and he lifestyle as 'below the radar.'

Many women also worried about wealth having   14    effects on their children and didn't want to spend lavishly(挥霍) to   15   a bad example.

At the same time, 70% of the women said they 'buy nice things when   16   .' And 93.5% of the women said they were responsible for making   17   on major purchases, which   18   that they do a lot of the big spending.

Of course, for truly major purchases a house in Aspen, Colo., a Gulfstream, a Feadship the couple probably makes the decision   19   .

But what about other   20   ? Do you think men or women do most of the high-end spending?

(   ) 1. A. results                B. reasons             C. times                D. directions

(   ) 2. A. cried                  B. sighed              C. shouted            D. laughed

(   ) 3. A. data                   B. measure            C. division            D. news

(   ) 4. A. biggest               B. bigger              C. smaller             D. worse

(   ) 5. A. matter                B. message            C. point                D. report

(   ) 6. A. spirit                 B. money              C. habit                D. cost

(   ) 7. A. bought                      B. robbed             C. got                   D. earned

(   ) 8. A. itself                  B. herself              C. ourselves          D. themselves

(   ) 9. A. wealthy              B. poor                 C. ordinary            D. honest

(   ) 10. A. making            B. earning             C. taking              D. spending

(   ) 11. A. buying             B. wasting            C. spending           D. saving

(   ) 12. A. when                      B. if                     C. whether            D. because

(   ) 13. A. women             B. youth                      C. adults               D. men

(   ) 14. A. serious             B. good                C. bad                  D. various

(   ) 15. A. send                 B. set                   C. do                    D. give

(   ) 16. A. necessary          B. possible            C. pleased             D. anxious

(   ) 17. A. plans                B. decisions          C. appointments    D. suggestions

(   ) 18. A. notices             B. stresses             C. implies             D. intends

(   ) 19. A. away                B. together            C. as well             D. out

(   ) 20. A. purchases         B. effects              C. differences        D. examples


科目:高中英语 来源:2010~2011学年福建省长泰一中高二下学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

There have been great changes in the lives of women. During the twentieth century ,there was an unusual shortening of the time of a woman’s life spent in caring for children. A woman marrying at the end of the 19th century would probably have been in her middle twenties, and would be likely to have about eight children, of whom about five lived till they were five years old. By the time the youngest was fifteen, the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years, during which custom, chance and health made it unusual for her to get paid work. Today women marry younger and have fewer children. Usually a woman’s youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five and is likely to take paid work until retirement at sixty. Even while she has the care of children, her work is lightened by household appliances(家用电器) and convenience(方便) foods.
This important change in women’s way of life has only recently begun to have its full effect on women’s economic position. Even a few years ago most girls left school at the first opportunity and most of them took a full-time job. However, when they married, they usually left work at once and never returned to it. Today the school-leaving age is sixteen, many girls stay at school after that age, and though women tend to marry younger, more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first child is born. Very many more afterwards, return to full or part-time work. Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage, with both husband and wife accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfaction of family life, and with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money and running the home, according to the abilities and interest of each them.
【小题1】Women marrying at the end of the 19th century ________.

A.would have fewer children than those today.
B.would have more children than those today.
C.lived as hard as those in the 20th century
D.lived more comfortably than those in the 20th century
【小题2】 According to the passage, a woman in the 19th century would likely to have about eight children and _______.
A.only about three of them could live more than five years old.
B.only about three of them could live for five years.
C.about eight children lived to be more than five years.
D.about eight children lived to be less than five years.
【小题3】 From the second paragraph, we know _______.
A.women today are not willing to run their home together with their husbands.
B.women today wouldn’t like to do any housework.
C.women today will return to work after they have their babies.
D.were unlikely to find jobs like the mothers before .
【小题4】According to the passage, which of the following is right ?
A.in the past most women often stay at home after leaving school
B.women today like to marry men younger than themselves
C.women today are playing important parts in work and family life.
D.husbands today needn’t do any work at home.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建省漳州市高三七校第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Decision-making under Stress

  A new review based on a research shows that acute stress affects the way the brain considers the advantages and disadvantages, causing it to focus on pleasure and ignore the possible negative (负面的) consequences of a decision.

  The research suggests that stress may change the way people make choices in predictable ways.

  “Stress affects how people learn,” says Professor Mara Mather. “People learn better about positive than negative outcomes under stress.”

  For example, two recent studies looked at how people learned to connect images(影像) with either rewards or punishments. In one experiment, some of the participants were first stressed by having to give a speech and do difficult math problems in front of an audience; in the other, some were stressed by having to keep their hands in ice water. In both cases, the stressed participants remembered the rewarded material more accurately and the punished material less accurately than those who hadn’t gone through the stress.

  This phenomenon is likely not surprising to anyone who has tried to resist eating cookies or smoking a cigarette while under stress –at those moments, only the pleasure associated with such activities comes to mind. But the findings further suggest that stress may bring about a double effect. Not only are rewarding experiences remembered better, but negative consequences are also easily recalled.

  The research also found that stress appears to affect decision-making differently in men and women. While both men and women tend to focus on rewards and less on consequences under stress, their responses to risk turn out to be different.

  Men who had been stressed by the cold-water task tended to take more risks in the experiment while women responded in the opposite way. In stressful situations in which risk-taking can pay off big, men may tend to do better, when caution weighs more, however, women will win.

  This tendency to slow down and become more cautious when decisions are risky might also help explain why women are less likely to become addicted than men: they may more often avoid making the risky choices that eventually harden into addiction.

1.We can learn from the passage that people under pressure tend to ______.

A.keep rewards better in their memory

B.recall consequences more effortlessly

C.make risky decisions more frequently

D.learn a subject more effectively

2.According to the research, stress affects people most probably in their ______.

A.ways of making choices                   B.preference for pleasure

C.tolerance of punishments                 D.responses to suggestions

3.The research has proved that in a stressful situation, ______.

A.women find it easier to fall into certain habits

B.men have a greater tendency to slow down

C.women focus more on outcomes

D.men are more likely to take risks



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年安徽省高三最后一卷英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Researchers found that walking around with a forced smile and fake (假的) happiness simply leads to people feeling unhappier. So, putting a brave face on your sadness could be harmful. The research also found that women suffered more than men when pretending to be happy.

    Dr. Brent Scott, who led the study, said employers should take note because forcing workers to smile when dealing with the public can result in bad outcomes. He said, “Smiling for the sake of smiling can lead to emotional tiredness, and that’s bad for the organization.” He also said the research showed customer-service workers who had “fake smiles” throughout the day fell into a bad mood and didn’t want to work, so their productivity dropped.

    The study is one of the first of its kind to examine emotional expressions over a period of time and compare the different effects on men and women. Dr. Scott’s team examined the effects of “surface acting”, or fake smiling, compared to “deep acting”, or making people smile by thinking of peasant memories.

    Dr. Scott said, “Women were harmed more by surface acting, meaning their moods worsened even more than men’s. However, they were helped more by deep acting, which means their moods improved more by thinking of pleasant memories. ”

    According to Dr. Scott, women tend to suffer more when pretending to be happy because they are expected to be more emotionally expressive than men. Therefore, forcing a smile while feeling down is more likely to go against their normal behavior and cause more harmful feelings.

    Although deep acting can improve moods a little in the short term, Dr. Scott says, it’s not a long-term solution to feeling unhappy. “There have been some suggestions that if you do this over a long period you start to feel unreal. You’re trying to develop positive emotions, but at the end of the day you may not feel like yourself any more.”

1.According to the passage, Dr. Scott’s study ______.

    A. is supported by some big employers in the USA

    B. is meaningful as there haven’t been many similar ones

    C. examined more women than men for a long time

    D. aimed to make the employees more productive

2.Women suffer more from fake happiness mainly because ______.

    A. they usually turn up shy in public places

    B. they should be more emotionally expressive

    C. they are often treated in a terrible way

    D. they like thinking of pleasant memories

3.It is implied in the passage that deep acting _____.

    A. doesn’t have any effect on men         

B. cannot improve our moods in any case

    C. harms our feelings in the long run      

D. pleases people by feeling like another person

4.What is the best title for the passage?

    A. Fake smiling makes people unhappy.  

B. Women shouldn’t be forced to smile.

    C. An important suggestion for workers.

D. Why people don’t want to work.


