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     Never will Zhou Yang (ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.
His discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin (HX), was to strongly influence his life as a journalist.
HX: Welcome. We're (1) d______ you're coming to work with us. Your first (2) j______ here will be an
       assistant journalist. Do you have any question?
ZY: Can I go out on a story (3) i______?
HX: (laughing) That's (4) a______, but I'm afraid it would be unusual! Wait till you're more experienced.
       First we'll put you as an assistant to an experienced journalist. Later you can (5) c______ a story and
       submit the article yourself.
ZY: Wonderful. What do I need to take with me? I already have a notebook and camera.
HX: No (6) n______ for a camera. You'll have a (7) p______ photographer with you to take photographs.
       You'll find your (8) c______ very eager to assist you, so you may be able to concentrate on photography
       later if you're interested.
ZY: Thank you. Not only am I interested in photography, (9) b______ I took an amateur course at university 
       to (10) u______ my skills.
HX: Good.
1. delighted   2. job   3. immediately   4. admirable   5. cover
6. need   7. professional   8. colleagues   9. but   10. update

科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:情景交际

Computer voice: Welcome!
Joe: Welcome!
Computer voice: You've got mail!
Joe: Thanks. Who does it come l. f______?
Computer voice: A friend called Catherine.
Joe: Oh, Catherine? This is the 2.f______ time I've got her mail. Let me see.
Catherine's voice: Hi, dear friend, I'd like to start 3.m______ notes to you as if we're already in the 
                          middle of a 4.c______. I pretend that we are the 5.o ______ and dearest friends 
                          although we are 6.a______ people who don't know each other's names and meet
                          in a chat room 7.w______ we both claim we've never been before. What will you,
                          NY152, say to me today, I 8.w______?I turn on my computer, I wait impatiently
                          as it connects, I go online and my breath 9.c______ in my chest until I hear the
                          three little words:"You've got mail!" I hear nothing, not even a sound on the streets
                          of New York, just the beat of my own heart. I'm 10.e______ mail from you!
Joe: Hello, my new friend.


科目:高中英语 来源:0114 期中题 题型:情景交际

B= Barry
T= Taylor
B: Morning!You are back.How was your trip to China?
T: (1)S_____! We visited a high school called Lian Tang No.1 Middle School, in Nanchang County,
    Jiangxi (2)P_____
B: Tell me some details!How is the campus like?
T: Well, as its name suggests, lotus and lotus related culture are the theme of the campus. A lake with
    beautiful lotus perches amid the campus. You can see (3)v_____ of flowers and trees everywhere.
    The (4)s_____ are really beautiful.
B: I see! Then how about the students there?
T: In fact, communication with the students there is an important part of our visit. As I know, a majority
    of the students are (5)o_____ about their future. They firmly believe they can achieve a bright future.
    Under their educational system, college entrance examination is (6)v_____ to high school students, which
    determines the college they can enter. Thus everyone is trying their best to (7)a_____ knowledge hoping
    to do a good job in the examination.
B: Yes! I have always heard that Chinese students are pretty diligent.
T: Exactly! However, sometimes, some students also feel the (8)p_____ of the study.
B: I can understand. After all, study is not an easy task. So how are the teachers there?
T: As I could see, they are responsible. Although they are very (9)s_____ with the students in their study, 
    they actually treat them as friends.
B: It seems that you have a really good (10)i_____ on the school, hah?
T: That's true.


科目:高中英语 来源:模拟题 题型:情景交际

A. Is this your first trip to China?
B. I hope you will have a nice time here.
C. Welcome to China.
D. Shall I help you when you are in Xi'an?
E. I hope you had a pleasant journey.
F. That's the reason why I decided on this trip.
G. Shall I carry your luggage for you?
M: Excuse me, are you Juana from Seattle?
W: Yes?
M: I'm Liu Zhifeng from the Sunny Travel Agency. 1_____
W: Thank you.
M: This way please, Juana. 2_____
W: No, thanks. I can manage it myself.
M: OK. 3_____
W: Quite fine. Everything was good.
M: 4_____
W: No, but it's my first trip to Xi'an. Several years ago, that was in 2007, I went to Beijing for a business
     coherence. The city impressed me strongly. 5_____
M: Your stay in Xi'an will be very fantastic and impressive too, I suppose.
W: That's for sure. After my stay here, I will visit Beijing. It may have changed a lot.
M: Yes...


科目:高中英语 来源:模拟题 题型:情景交际

— Hello, Tom, glad you're back. We all missed you.
— Oh, hello, Edith, I missed you too.   1  
— Fine, thanks.I've been working on the summer paper over the past two weeks, and now it's nearly
finished.   2  
  3    But it was easy. You see, I got a job.
— A job? What did you do?
— But you're not a teacher.
— I told Tony I couldn't teach, but he insisted on having a talk with me in English three times a week.
— Did your pupil learning much English?
—   5   
A. I gave English lessons to a tailor. His name's Tony.
B. How are you?
C. Have you ever been to Italy?
D. Yes, I suppose I should have done so.
E. I heard you went to Italy?
F. I don't know, but I learned a lot of Italian.
G. I hadn't expected to stay there so long either.


科目:高中英语 来源:0103 月考题 题型:情景交际


— John: Fred, can I have a look at your copy of China Daily?
— Fred: 1______
— John: I want to have a look at what's on this weekend. Let me see now.
— Fred: 2______
— John: "The Red Roses" are giving a performance at the People's Theatre. 3______
— Fred: They are a pop group. They are said to be very good. 4______
— John: 7 p.m. Will you be free then?
— Fred: Yes, I'll be free. I'd like to go.
— John: Let's go together then. 5______
— Fred: Good! See you then. Bye.

A. I'll meet you at the theatre at six thirty.
B. Do you know what they are?
C. Here we are.
D. Is there anything good on?
E. Sure. Go ahead.
F. Is there anything important in it?
G. What time does the performance start?


科目:高中英语 来源:0103 模拟题 题型:情景交际

— Good morning. 1______. 
— Yes. I'd like some information about English courses in your college. 2______ 
— Yes, there's a beginners' course on Monday evenings at 7:30.
— On Monday? 3______
— Yes, I'm afraid so.
— Well. 4______ But do you think you'll have a course on some other night in the future? 
— Well. 5______ Perhaps we will offer one in the future.
A. I work on Mondays, so I'm afraid that's no good for me.
B. Do you have any courses for complete beginners?
C. Is that the only course you've got?
D. Why not come earlier?
E. Can I help you?
F. I want to have English lessons.
G. Wait for some time, please.


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省期中题 题型:听力题


1.Who is the man probably?

A. A taxi driver.        
B. The store manager.    
C. A policeman.

2.How far is the department store from here?

A. About a 15-minute walk.      
B. About a 25-minute walk.
C. About a 50-minute walk.

3.What do we know about the woman?

A.She has to walk one more block to the store.
B.She is walking in the wrong direction.
C.She will take a taxi there instead.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省月考题 题型:听力题

1. Where does the man come from?
A. Australia.    
B. France.    
C. America.
2. What will the man do on Sunday? 
A. Go to the woman's home.
B. Book a ticket.
C. Have a pizza with Mr. Zhang.
3. What is the relationship between the speakerws?
A. Friends.  
B. Father and daughter.  
C. Husband and wife.

