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A special costume contest(比赛)just for kids!This contest will be"Runway"style.Contestants can wear costumes bought in stores or made at home.Here are information,rules and regulations that you should know.
Time:September 20th,2017
Entry fee:free
Awards will be given for the following categories:
●Best in show
●Best Individual (under 5 years old)
●Best Individual (5-9 years old)
●Best Individual (10-13 years old)
●Best Group
Competition rules:
1.One entry per person.
2.The competition is limited to 50 entries,with no exceptions.
3.There is a performance time limit of 90 seconds for individuals and 3 minutes for groups.
4.This contest is only open to children aged 13 years or younger.Parents may walk the stage with their children.
5.All costumes must come from an established cartoon,comic book,video game,novel,or movie.
6.All contestants must fill out the entry form first.
7.No harmful or potentially harmful materials will be allowed.
Who can enter?
All attendees who have an event badge(徽章)for Florida Supercon can enter this contest.Participants can enter as individuals or in groups.
(1)Register online.This is the most preferred method.You will receive an email confirmation.The online entry will be cut off on July 20,2017 at midnight.
(2)Register at the convention(大会).Participants will be able to sign up for the contest at the COSPLAY BOOTH,TBA,located in the Main Exhibition Hall.Fill out and return the entry form to the registration table.You will be given a contestant number and further information.Everyone must be signed in and all the farms must be handed in by 4:00 p.m.on July 21,2017.
Roll Call:
All the entrants must show up 30 minutes prior to the competition for roll call at Booth TBA.If you have any questions,please e-mail us at info@superconventions.com.

21.What kind of costumes should contestants wear?D
A.Any style of costumes bought in stores.
B.Any style of costumes made at home.
C.Costumes delivered by the competition organization.
D.Costumes designed from a special theme as regulated.
22.Which competition rule must contestants follow?C
A.One can attend no less than one program.
B.One's performance is limited to 3 minutes.
C.One must fill the form before attending it.
D.One can choose any material he or she likes.
23.If you want to attend the competition,you mustA.
A.have an event badge                                  
B.be accompanied by your parents
C.pay the fee as regulated                                
D.be over 13 years old
24.The contestants registering online shouldA.
A.show up 30 minutes before the competition for the roll-call   
B.register the information by September 20th,2017
C.hand in the form by 4:00 p.m.on July 21,2017                     
D.fill in the form after receiving the email confirmation.

分析 本文主要讲述了一个为孩子举办的一场特别的服装竞赛,并对其赛规和注意事项进行了说明.

解答 21.D 细节题.根据文章内容,All costumes must come from an established cartoon,comic book,video game,novel,or movie.所有参赛者的服装必须是有一定主题设计的,比如动漫、小说、游戏等,结合选项,故选D
22.C 细节题.根据文章内容,All contestants must fill out the entry form first.所有的参赛者们必须首先填写表格,来申请参赛,结合选项,故选C
23.A  细节题.根据文章内容,Who can enter?…All attendees who have an event badge(徽章)for Florida Supercon can enter this contest.那种有着Florida Supercon 徽章的人可以参加这个竞赛,结合选项,故选A
24.A 细节题.根据文章内容,Register online.This is the most preferred method.You will receive an email confirmation.The online entry will be cut off on July 20,2017 at midnight…All the entrants must show up 30 minutes prior to the competition for roll call at Booth TBA.网上报名是最受大家喜欢的形式,你会受到一封确认邮件,另外报名截止日期是2017年的7月20号午夜,所有参赛者必须提前30分钟出现候场.结合选项,故选A

点评 本文是一个广告布告类阅读,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

As winter comes,there are much rain and snow in many parts of our country including our city.It is too cold that an increasing number of students catch a cold.Even worse,some students fell down and hurt them because the icy roads.So we should protect ourselves from cold weather and there are many things what are of help.First,we should put up more clothes when going outside.Then to remember not to run or walk too fast on slippery roads.Luckily,some measures have been taking to prevent us from falling down.For example,some mats have been placed on the step of the teaching building.I hope everyone is safe and health.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Marco Polo:The Boy who Traveled The Medieval World
Author:Nick McCarty
ISBN:0-9225 8932
Divided into four chapters,"A Boy in Venice","Setting,Out","The Long Journey",and"Working for Kublai Khan",Marco Polo examines the fascinating life of the merchant and traveler.Marco was a teenager by the time his father and uncle returned home.Both men were full of tales from their travels through China,including a story about meeting the great Kublai Kahn,the ruler of the Mongols.
Rabbit's Gift
Author:George Shannon
Illustrator:Laura Dronzek
Rabbit's Gift is a modern retelling of the"giving"fable.Through the eyes of the adorable forest creatures the reader sees that while he is not responsible for the happiness of others,his actions can deeply impact those he comes in contact with.
A Little Peace
Author:Barbara Kerley
A Little Peace is a book with an important message.The spare,refreshing text winds its way around and through full-color photographs.Each vividly captures the universal emotions and peaceful pursuits of everyday people around the world:a young girl in Kenya smiling into a mirror;a group of waving school children in Bali.Near the end of the book a double-page spread offers pictures along with an explanation of where it was taken.
How One Small Loan Made a Big Difference
Author:Katie Smith Milway
Illustrator:Eugenie Fernandes
The families in Kojo's village come up with an idea.Each family contributes a small amount of savings so that one family at a time can borrow the money to buy"something important".Kojo's mother uses the loan to buy a cart with which to carry firewood to the marketplace as well as rent out to those who need to transport items.

21.What is the feature of Nick McCarty's book?A
A.It is made up of four chapters.
B.It introduces the scenery in China.
C.It was intended for children.
D.It invites Macro Polo to read it.
22.When Marco Polo was young,B.
A.he often travelled with his father                        
B.he heard a lot about China
C.he developed an interest in travelling                   
D.he lived a fascinating life
23.What is the book A Little Peace about?C
A.It is about description of forest creatures.
B.It is about how to send important messages.
C.It is about people's life around the world.
D.It is about children's life in Kenya and Bali.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.The outdoor billboard presents a masked health worker in a protective suit appearing over a bed-ridden patient.Above them,bright red letters warn people on a busy street in Abidjan,Ivory Coast that"The Ebola risk is always there."
As the country tries to keep off an Ebola outbreak destroying neighboring West African states,such serious reminders of the catastrophe unfolding across its western border are everywhere.The worst recorded outbreak of the virus has killed more than 2,622 people in Liberia,Sierra Leone and Guinea and has also spread to Nigeria and Senegal.Yesterday it was confirmed there were 5,335 cases diagnosed,though that figure may be inaccurate as most patients are at home not in hospital.
If Ebola reaches Ivory Coast,the powerhouse of French-speaking West Africa,the economic consequences could be huge.The country exports 40 percent of the world's cocoa,the raw material for chocolate,an d supplies its landlocked neighbors with everything from rice to fuel.
The country is therefore taking the kind of aggressive anti-infection measures.Hand-washing stations have appeared at the entrance of government buildings and office towers i n Abidjan.People have also abandoned the traditional three-kiss greeting.Mass text messages have been sent out nationwide.And children,exposed to warnings on radio and television,separate their classmates in a playground game they call"Ebola".
Coast government has even imposed strict measures at its borders.Flights to and from Guinea,Sierra Leone and Liberia have been banned-arousing anger in those count ries-and last month the western border was shut.
"The infectious disease,particularly in Sierra Leone and Liberia,is outpacing our attempts to control it,"said Marc Poncin."Ivory Coast is the country most at risk.It's probably a matter of time before it appears in Ivory Coast."
Citizens of Abidjan are cautious.On packed public buses,people try to avoid touching."It's often difficult because you can't avoid human contact,"said student Cesar Kouakou."But we try to do it because no one knows what causes this sickness."
24.According to the text,Ivory Coast is the place whereD.
A.the Ebola risk is actually everywhere
B.about 5,335 people were infected by Ebola
C.Ebola is spreading nationwide quickly
D.it provides the world with much cocoa
25.Which measure did Ivory Coast take to fight Ebola?A
A.People give up their traditional greeting way of kiss
B.Children are advised to play a game of Ebola
C.All flights to Ivory Coast have been cancelled
D.Text messages on Ebola are sent every day
26.According to the text,it can be implied thatD.
A.Ebola will be completely controlled in Ivory Coast
B.The public buses aren't crowded any more
C.Touching others is forbidden in buses
D.The root of Ebola hasn't been discovered
27.What might be the most suitable title for the passage?D
A.Western African countries suffer from Ebola
B.Ebola is getting out of control in Africa
C.Ebola is spreading across Ivory Coast
D.Ivory Coast battles to keep Ebola out.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

19.Some Life Skills Teenagers Should Learn
Healthy habits,
Teens should understand the importance of sleep,exercise and nutrition.(36)GAlso,teach healthy self-soothing(自我安抚)skills for managing disappointment.Teens don't handle disappointment well these days,which contributes to anxiety
Dealing with conflict.
Whether dealing with a thoughtless roommate or an unclear boss,teens need to learn to have uncomfortable conversations.When we handle things for our kids,they learn to avoid situations that feel difficult.
Phone skills.
(38)DThis seems simple to you.However,this seems not so much to a generation of texters.Have teens practice by ordering the family's to-go meal by phone and making their own doctor and dentist appointments.If they get sick in college-and they will-they'll need to contact the student health clinic without you.
Teens should know how to settle their checking account and understand budget basics.Explain how health insurance works,what a co-pay is and the nuts and bolts of credit cards.
Household chores.
Teens should not only understand two to run a washing machine,but how to fold clothes and put them away.Have your child sweep the floor,clean a bathroom,cook breakfast for the family or go to the grocery store for you.(40)E they  may complain but the more tasks teens handle,the more competent they'll feel when they move out.Competence begets confidence.

A.Money basics.
B.Developing confidence.
C.Sometimes they might lost patience.
D.Teens need practice talking on the phone.
E.Kids need to experience great skill at home.
F.So let your teen handle talking to her coach,teacher or boss.
G.Before you can do anything well,you have to have healthy habits.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

At about 9o'clock last night,I was doing my homework while suddenly I heard my neighbor shouting and laugh loudly.He was watching football game on TV.I couldn't go on studying and became impatiently.I covered my ears,trying to keep the noise out,and in vain.So I had to go to my neighbor's.
I knocked at her door and said,"Good evening,Mr,Yang!Could you please turn up your TV a bit?I was doing my homework.""Oh,I'm really sorry to have being disturbed you,I'll do as you say,"My neighbor said politely."Thank you very much,"I said and went back to continue my works.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

16.How to Communicate With a Deaf Person
Communicating with a deaf person doesn't have to be as difficult as it might seem.The trick is to be patient,straightforward,and to remember that deaf people communicate visually.
Method 1:Starting Your Conversation
(36)AYou can do this by moving into the person's field of vision and waving from a polite distance,or by tapping the person gently on the shoulder.
Position yourself carefully.Make sure that the light in the room is shining directly onto your face,and that you're not standing with your back to a light. (37)E
Find out how the person prefers to communicate.Some deaf people are better lip-readers than others.Some deaf people may prefer to write back and forth or to use an interpreter.Man interactions between the deaf and the hearing require a combination of these methods.(38)F
Method 2:Communicating through Lip-reading.
Keep your sentences simple and use plain language. (39)GThe more complex your phrasing and vocabulary,the more likely your deaf companion is to miss something.
When someone else is speaking,don't turn away from the deaf person in your group.(40)D
You don't have to look at the deaf person while someone else is talking,but try to make sure your face is visible.

A.Get the person's attention.
B.It's important not talk too quickly.
C.Or,they'll miss parts of the conversation.
D.If so,it'll make them feel left out of the conversation.
E.Stand directly in front of the person,at a normal distance.
F.The best way to know which methods are most effective is to ask.
G.Try not to be too difficult when using your words in the beginning.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

13.Positive thinkers admit when they feel frustrated or depressed,they don't ignore it.But they don't blame themselves either.(36)DThey counter(反击)them with more positive ones.
So how do you stay positive,maintain motivated and sustain healthy behaviors?Here are some tips:
Look for a good role model.There is always someone who seems to be doing just what you want to be doing.Maybe they've scheduled exercise into their workday and switched from coffee to green tea.(37)EAsk them how they keep healthy and follow their footsteps.
(38)ATake a minute to give yourself an ego boost(自我吹捧).Repeat some motivational words out loud to yourself.Negative talk such as"I can't do it.""I'm fat."is dangerous for your well-being and healthy goals.Try to avoid the negative self-talk before it harms you.Remind yourself that you deserve happiness and can make positive changes.
Get support.Tell your friends and family about your healthy habits.It helps to have an encouraging network.
Reward yourself.(39)CTake a nice bath,get a massage,and enjoy a new DVD or CD.
Have a plan.Making a plan to exercise or eat healthy lunches with a friend can mean the difference of sticking with your goals or falling off rack.If you've planned for an activity,you'll like stick with it.You may even find that writing down your goals and steps to achieve them can help you stay on track.Take it day by day or week by week.(40)F

A.Try some positive self-talk and avoid negative talk.
B.Stay with your parents and relatives and you can avoid frustration or depression.
C.Treat yourself to something for your healthy efforts.
D.They try to understand the negative thoughts and feelings,instead.
E.Learn from a successful friend,family member or colleague.
F.The process of writing down your personal action plan is a good way to watch your progress or failures.
G.Believe in yourself and do as others do.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.The girl had hardly rung the bell ________ the door was opened suddenly,and her friend rushed out to greet her.(  )

