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2.James Dean came to Hollywood when he was eighteen,hoping to get into the movies.At first,he was not successful at all.Then he went to New York.He got a part in a play and was seen by the great director Elia Kazan.Kazan was planning the movie East of Eden and realized Dean would be perfect for one of the main roles.
    By this time,Dean had already had a reputation and was difficult to work with.He then went back to Hollywood to make East of Eden and then made two more movies,Rebel Without a Cause and Giant.He almost always wore the same overcoat and jeans and he had hardly any friends at all."If he didn't like you,he wouldn't even give you the pleasure of his anger.You could be in the same telephone booth with him,but you wouldn't exist,"someone who knew him said later.
    In spite of his poor eyesight,he loved driving fast motorcycles and even faster sports cars.A few days after he finished Giant,on September 25,1955,Dean went for a drive in his new Porsche.It was evening and the light was poor.Dean was not wearing his glasses.Suddenly,he saw a car in front of him.It was slowing down and trying to turn off the highway.Dean tried to slow down too,but it was too late.He hit the car at high speed and was killed immediately.
    A few years later,a New York salesclerk wrote a book called Jimmy Dean Returns in which she claimed that she was in contact with Dean from the other side of the grave.Half a million copies of the book were sold.It was only the beginning of a strange legend(传奇) that goes on,even today.
56.Why did James Dean leave Hollywood for New York (within 7 words)Because he was not successful(there/in Hollywood).
57.Who made James Dean famous?(within 2 words)Elia Kazan
58.Why did James Dean have no friends?(within 7 words)Because he was difficult to work with.
59.What happened on September 25,1955?(within 8words)James Dean/He hit a car and was killed/James Dean died (in an accident).   
60.What was written in the book Jimmy Dean Returns (within 6 words)The writer's contact with Dean..

分析 本文介绍了电影明星James Dean的生平故事.詹姆斯迪恩十八岁时来到好莱坞,但是起初,他并没有成功.然后他去了纽约.后来由于被大导演伊利亚•卡赞选中后而成名,拍了《伊甸园之东》,以及另外两部电影《无因的反叛》和《巨人传》.由于迪恩不好相处,所以他几乎没有任何朋友;尽管他的视力很差,但他喜欢开快车.1955年9月25日,在他拍完《巨人传》的几天后,迪恩开车兜风时,发生了车祸,并在车祸中丧生.

解答 答案:56.Because he was not successful(there/in Hollywood). 细节理解题  题干是"詹姆斯迪恩为什么离开好莱坞去了纽约?"根据第一段"James Dean came to Hollywood when he was eighteen,hoping to get into the movies.At first,he was not successful at all.Then he went to New York."可知,詹姆斯迪恩十八岁时来到好莱坞,希望能进军电影界.起初,他并没有成功.所以后来他去了纽约.故填Because he was not successful(there/in Hollywood).
57.Elia Kazan.细节理解题 根据第一段"He got a part in a play and was seen by the great director Elia Kazan.Kazan was planning the movie East of Eden and realized Dean would be perfect for one of the main roles."可知,他被大导演伊利亚•卡赞发现并被选中主演《伊甸园之东》,所以是伊利亚•卡赞使他成名.故填Elia Kazan.
58.Because he was difficult to work with. 细节理解题  根据第二段"…was difficult to work with"(他很难相处)以及下文进一步举例提到"If he didn't like you,he wouldn't even give you the pleasure of his anger.You could be in the same telephone booth with him,but you wouldn't exist,"他如果不喜欢你,都不会对你动怒或是无视你的存在.所以他没有朋友.故填Because he was difficult to work with.
59.James Dean/He hit a car and was killed/James Dean died (in an accident). 细节理解题 根据第三段"A few days after he finished Giant,on September 25,1955,Dean ….He hit the car at high speed and was killed immediately.可知James Dean于这一天,在车祸中丧生.本题只要表达出这个意思并且字数不超过8个字,即可.故可以填ames Dean/He hit a car and was killed/James Dean died (in an accident).
60.The writer's contact with Dean. 细节理解题 根据第四段"A few years later,a New York salesclerk…in which she claimed that she was in contact with Dean from the other side of the grave."可知在这本书里作者"称她在坟墓的另一端与迪恩联系",故填The writer's contact with Dean.

点评 本文介绍了电影明星James Dean的生平故事:包括他成名的过程,他的性格特点以及他去世的原因.文章叙事的思路清晰,所以整体意义比较好掌握.做好本题的关键是对文章细节方面的理解.需要注意答题时不能超过题目规定的字数.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.Cindy hopes to live a simple life       she can explore the world alone rather than rush to all classes and trainings.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.______ your teacher the problem with learning,theoretically,and they will help you.(  )
A.TellingB.To tellC.TellD.Having told


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Big storms.High waves.Technical failures.Loneliness.After battling hard times and danger for over nine months,British teenager Mike Perham made history last month as the youngest person to sail solo around the world.
The 17-year-old made the record after he cleared the Panama Canal and then sailed through the Caribbean and home across the Atlantic.
Mike is only three months younger than Zac Sunderland,the 17-year-old American boy who had taken the crown as the youngest solo around-the-world sailor in July.
The two youngsters met in Cape Town in South Africa as they crossed the globe in different directions.Mike insisted they were not rival."No.It's two teenagers going out there,living their dream and having the adventure of a life time."he said.
Mike may be young,but he is no stranger to sailing adventures.He picked up the hobby at age 6when his father took him out in a small boat on a local lake.Father and son sailed separate boats across the Atlantic when Mike was 14,making him the youngest person to cross that ocean solo.That record gave him the taste for this even greater challenge.
On the recent journey,the scariest moment for Mike came when his sailboat was hit by storms in the southern Indian Ocean.
"We were picked up by what felt like a 60-foot wave and threw down on our side at 90degrees,"he said.
"It felt like I was going right over.Stuff was flying around and I just thought‘Oh no'."
At other times,he had to dive into the Pacific and fix problems.He tied himself to the boat,jumped into the water and went to work with a knife in 30-second dives underneath the boat to cut a rope away.
Mike said he felt proud that he made his dream come true."You've got to have confidence in yourself that you will make it,"he said.

56.Which canal did Mike Perham cross?(No more than 3words)thePanamaCanal.
57.What does the underlined word"taste"in the fifth paragraph mean?(1word)Experience.
58.What did Mike believe in?(No more than 10words)Having confidence in yourself will make you successful..
59.What's the main idea of the passage?(No more than 15words)How a British teenager succeeded in sailing solo around the world as the youngest person..
60.What do you think of Mike Perham?(No more than 10words)He is brave and self-confident..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.Mr.While _____in our school for nearly forty years before he retired last month.(  )
A.workedB.has workedC.had workedD.would work


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.-I'm sorry I've brought you too much trouble.
-       .(  )
A.All rightB.That's rightC.That's OKD.You're welcome


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.-Have you read the novel?
-Yes.I ________ it three times while I was in university.(  )
A.had readB.readC.have readD.was reading


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.An 80-year-old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his 45-year-old highly educated son.
Suddenly a crow(乌鸦) perched on the tree near their window.
The father asked his son,''What is this?''
The son replied,''It is a crow.''
After a few minutes,the father asked his son the 2nd time,''What is this?''
The son said,''Father,I have just now told you'It's a crow'.''
After a little while,the old father again asked his son the 3rd time,''What is this?''
''It's a crow,a crow,a crow.''said the son loudly.
A little after,the father again asked his son the 4th time,''What is this?''
This time the son shouted at his father,''Why do you keep asking me the same question again and again?'IT IS A CROW'.Are you not able to understand this?''
A little later the father went to his room and came back with an old diary,which he had kept since his son was born.On opening a page,he asked his son to read that page.When the son read it,the following words were written in the diary:
''Today my little son aged three was sitting with me on the sofa,when a crow was sitting on the window.My son asked me 23times what it was,and I replied to him all 23times that it was a crow.I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question again and again for 23times.I did not at all feel annoyed; I rather felt affection for my innocent child.''

41.What does the underlined word''perched''mean in the passage?B
A.knocked   B.landed     C.hit      D.flew
42.In what tone did the son say to his Father''It's a crow,a crow,a crow.''?B
A.hurried   B.impatient  C.excited  D.surprised
43.Why did the Father ask the same question again and again?D
A.Because he couldn't understand what his son said.
B.Because he was too old to remember anything.
C.Because he wanted to make his son angry.
D.Because he wanted to see how patient his son would be.
44.How old was the old man when his son asked him 23times''What is this''?C
A.80years old.    B.45years old.
C.38years old.    D.35years old.
45.What is the most suitable title for the passage?D
A.A crow.        B.An old man.
C.An old dairy.  D.Father's love.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.The cinema ______ ten years ago when we first moved to this town.(  )
A.builtB.has builtC.was builtD.would be built

