¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Swiss researchers said Monday they have developed a wireless camera system to monitor vital signs in premature babies, a move that could replace uncomfortable and highly inaccurate skin sensors (´«¸ÐÆ÷) which produce false alarms in up to 90 percent of cases, mainly set off by the baby¡¯s movement.

¡°This is a cause of discomfort for the babies, because we have to check on them every time,¡± said Jean-Claude Fauchere, a doctor at University Hospital Zurich¡¯s newborn clinic.

His hospital is preparing to begin tests of a new, contactless system created by researchers at the EPFL polytechnical university in Lausanne and at the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology.

The system designed in Switzerland should allow premature babies kept warm in incubators (ºãÎÂÏä) to be medically monitored using highly sensitive cameras that detect the newborn¡¯s pulse by analyzing its skin color, which changes so slightly every time its heart beats.

¡°Breathing is monitored by measuring movements of its chest and shoulders. At night, infrared (ºìÍâÏßµÄ) cameras take over, and monitoring can be carried out non-stop,¡± the statement said.

The visual system was designed by CSEM researchers, who chose cameras sensitive enough to detect minute changes in skin color, while the EPFL researchers designed algorithms (ÔËËã³ÌÐò) to process the data in real time.

¡°We ran an early study on adults, where we looked at a specific part of skin on their foreheads,¡± EPFL doctoral student Sibylle Fallet said. ¡°With our algorithms we can track this area when the person moves, and use tiny changes in their color to determine the pulse,¡± she said. ¡°The tests showed that the cameras produced practically the same results as conventional sensors.¡±

Once the system has been widely tested on premature babies, it could one day replace skin sensors altogether, the schools said.

¡¾1¡¿What is the advantage of the wireless camera system?

A. It is light and painless. B. It is mobile and effective.

C. It is cheap and convenient. D. It is comfortable and accurate.

¡¾2¡¿What is the key for the wireless camera to monitor a premature baby?

A. Its non-stop measurement.

B. Good condition of incubators.

C. Its sensitivity to sense skin color change.

D. The algorithms to process the data in time.

¡¾3¡¿It be inferred from what Sibylle Fallet said that .

A. their early study on adults was successful

B. the system has been used on premature babies

C. the visual system can sense the people¡¯s pulse

D. the wireless cameras will replace conventional sensors

¡¾4¡¿What¡¯s the schools¡¯ attitude towards the visual system?

A. Doubtful. B. Optimistic. C. Unconcerned. D. Uncertain.








¡¾1¡¿ÍÆÀíÅжÏÌâ¡£¸ù¾ÝµÚÒ»¶Îa move that could replace uncomfortable and highly inaccurate skin sensors (´«¸ÐÆ÷) which produce false alarms in up to 90 percent of cases, mainly set off by the baby¡¯s movement.¿ÉÖªÕâÖÖÐÂÐÍÎÞÏßÏà»úϵͳ¿ÉÒÔÈ¡´úÒÔÇ°µÄÁîÈ˲»Êæ·þÒ²²»×¼È·µÄ´«¸ÐÆ÷£¬Ò²¾ÍÊÇ˵ÕâÖÖеÄϵͳÁîÈËÊæ·þÒ²ºÜ׼ȷ¡£¹ÊDÏîÕýÈ·¡£

¡¾2¡¿ÍÆÀíÅжÏÌâ¡£¸ù¾ÝµÚËĶÎusing highly sensitive cameras that detect the newborn¡¯s pulse by analyzing its skin color, which changes so slightly every time its heart beats.¿ÉÖªÕâÖÖÐÂÐÍϵͳ¿ÉÒÔʹÓø߶ÈÃô¸ÐµÄÏà»ú£¬ÕâÖÖÏà»ú¿ÉÒÔ¼à²âÔç²ú¶ùµÄƤ·ôÑÕÉ«±ä»¯¡£ÕâÒ»ÌصãÊÇÕâ¸öϵͳµÄ¹Ø¼üËùÔÚ¡£¹ÊCÏîÕýÈ·¡£

¡¾3¡¿ÍÆÀíÅжÏÌâ¡£¸ù¾Ýµ¹ÊýµÚ¶þ¶Î×îºóÒ»¾ä¡°The tests showed that the cameras produced practically the same results as conventional sensors.¡±¿ÉÖªÔçÆÚÑо¿½á¹û˵Ã÷ÐÂϵͳ²âÁ¿µÄÊý¾ÝºÍ´«Í³µÄ¸ÐÓ¦Æ÷Ч¹ûÊÇÒ»ÑùµÄ¡£ËµÃ÷ÕâÏîÔçÆÚÑо¿ÊǺܳɹ¦µÄ¡£¹ÊAÏîÕýÈ·¡£



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2. Ö»ÔÊÐíÐÞ¸Ä10´¦£¬¶àÕߣ¨´ÓµÚ11´¦Æ𣩲»¼Æ·Ö¡£

I lost my passport two days before at about 8:30 in the evening that I bought three dictionaries at the MBC bookstore. By accidents, I left my passport at the shop. When I realized what I have done, I telephoned the shop, but the shop assistants there could not find one. I would be grateful if you could tell me what documents I need send you in order to get a new passport. Do you require any passport photographs, and if so how many? How much will a new passport cost but in which currency would you like me to pay off? I must apologize to any inconvenience caused and look forward to hear from you soon.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º


What makes the sea tum red and causes thousands of fish to die£¿As far back as anyone could remember£¬the blame was placed on the "red tides. " In 1947£¬scientists finally connected the red tides with a microscopic sea organism£¨ÓлúÌ壩¡¾1¡¿£¨call£©the dinoflagellate.

The dinoflagellate is so tiny ¡¾2¡¿ 6£¬000 of these organisms may be contained in ¡¾3¡¿ single drop of water. It stands on the borderline between plant and animal in its clasification. it produces its own food£¬as plants do. But it moves ¡¾4¡¿£¨free£©and eats other organisms£¬as animals do.

Dinoflagellates are normally only one of the many kinds of organisms found in plankton. Plankton is the name given to all very small ¡¾5¡¿£¨form£©of sea life. However£¬when the air and water ¡¾6¡¿£¨be£©calm and warm£¬dinoflagellates multiply with ¡¾7¡¿£¨amaze£©sped. The surface of the water appears ¡¾8¡¿£¨cover£©with a red carpet.

The dinoflagellates give off a poison. Many fish die. Their bodies are washed up on the beach. Beaches are not fit ¡¾9¡¿ any use. Fish that are not killed may become ¡¾10¡¿£¨poison£©to animals or people who eat them. Commercial fishing comes to a stop.

As dinoflagellates consume all the food and oxygen in an area£¬they die. After a time£¬the sea returns to normal. But when conditions are right£¬the red tide comes again.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿When I was a child I thought a lot about what it means to love. I once asked my mother if she loved me or my father ¡¾1¡¿(many), certain that I knew the answer ¡ª me. Instead, she bent down and looked at me¡¾2¡¿ the eye, hands gently on each shoulder. She explained that she couldn¡¯t help ¡¾3¡¿(love) me and that the love of a mother for her baby was incredibly strong. But then she told me that the love she had for my daddy was a love of ¡¾4¡¿(choose), which made it special. Of all the people in the world, she chose ¡¾5¡¿ and he chose her. Now that I¡¯m married, I consider each day ¡¾6¡¿ it takes to stay married as long as my parents have. It¡¯s not that I don¡¯t believe in romance. ¡¾7¡¿ I believe more in the sacred of the ordinary. I believe in love that is sustained by deliberate ¡¾8¡¿(kind) and the choice to see little acts as testaments of love and commitment rather than indicators of a spark that has died of love communicated each time he cooks meals and I schedule his dental appointment. This picture of love is certainly less ¡¾9¡¿(excite), but decidedly real, and more romantic in its own way because of the weight of its ¡¾10¡¿(real).


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º

¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿Alfred Nobel's greatness ______ his outstanding ability to combine the qualities of an original scientist with ______of a forward-looking industrialist.

A. lies in; thoseB. brings out; the onesC. accounts for; thatD. comes to; ones


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º





×¢Ò⣺1. ÿ´¦´íÎó¼°ÆäÐ޸ľù½öÏÞÒ»´Ê£»

2. Ö»ÔÊÐíÐÞ¸Ä10´¦£¬¶àÕß(´ÓµÚ11´¦Æð)²»¼Æ·Ö¡£

It was in a hot summer holiday which I visited Qingdao, port city in Shandong Province. My favourite sport is swimming, so I decide to go swimming in the sea one afternoon with my friend, Wang Fei and Li Lei.

It was the first time that I had swum in the sea , with waves come one after another to the shore and making great noises. Facing the rough sea, I felt a bit worrying and nearly gave up at first. And when I saw many people enjoying myself in the water, my fear was reducing. At last I joined in the swimmers. Now I still remember what wonderful swimming in the sea was.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º



1. ϲ»¶ÕâÏîÔ˶¯µÄÔµÓÉ£»

2. ¿ªÕ¹ÕâÏîÔ˶¯µÄÇé¿ö£»

3. ´ÓÊÂÕâÏîÔ˶¯µÄÌå»á¡£

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2. ¿ÉÊʵ±Ôö¼Óϸ½Ú£¬ÒÔʹÐÐÎÄÁ¬¹á¡£

Dear Emily,

I am so delighted to receive your e-mail.________________________________________________________







What about your favorite sport?


Dear Emily,


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º


¡¾1¡¿What was the speaker¡¯s job when he was 6 years old?

A. Washing plates. B. Cleaning tables. C. Shining shoes.

¡¾2¡¿What was one of the requirements from the speaker¡¯s father?

A. He must work six days a week. B. He should never be late for work.

C. He must study hard in his spare time.

¡¾3¡¿What did the speaker ask his father to do one day?

A. To pay him for his work. B. To give his friends free drinks.

C. To let him have 3 meals a day in the restaurant.

¡¾4¡¿What did the speaker think of his father¡¯s reply?

A. It gave him a lesson. B. It was discouraging. C. It made him upset.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£º


¡¾1¡¿What is the important weather news?

A. There will be rain all night.

B. There will be a storm this morning.

C. There will be sunny skies tomorrow.

¡¾2¡¿When will the storm pass?

A. On Tuesday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.

¡¾3¡¿Where is the tornado starting?

A. in Tulsa. B. In Springfield. C. in Oklahoma City.

¡¾4¡¿What supplies does the speaker suggest people prepare in the end?

A. Umbrellas. B. Rain boots. C. Water and food.

