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  Worrying about how you’ll perform on a math test may actually contribute to a lower test score, US researchers said on Saturday.

  Math anxiety-feelings of dread and fear and avoiding math-can weaken the brain’s limited amount of working capacity, a resource needed to calculate difficult math problems, said Mark Ashcrafi, a psychologist at the University of Nevada Las Vegas who studies the problem.

  “It turns out that math anxiety occupies a person’s working memory,” said Ashcraft, who spoke at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in San Francisco.

  Ashcraft said while easy math tasks such as addition require only a small part of a person’s working memory, harder calculations require much more.

  Worrying about math takes up a large part of a person’s working memory stores as well, spelling disaster for the anxious student who is taking a high-stakes test(高风险测验).

  Stress about how one does on tests like college entrance exams can make even good math students choke.“All of a sudden they start looking for the short cuts,” said University of Chicago researcher Sian Beilock.

  Although test preparation classes can help students get over this anxiety, they are limited to students whose families can afford them.

  Finally, she said, “It may not be wise to rely completely on scores to predict who will succeed.”

  While the causes of math anxiety are unknown, Ashcraft said, “People who manage to get over math anxiety have completely normal math ability.”


Sian Beilock points out that stress ________.

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can’t be avoided before college entrance exams


contributes to scores in college entrance exams


has no effects on good math students


has side effects on students in college entrance exams


What does the underlined word “spelling” probably mean?

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taking away


preparing for


What can we learn from the text?

[  ]


The causes of math anxiety have already been found.


All of the students attend test preparation classes.


Math anxiety weakens working memory needed to do math.


Few measures can be taken to get rid of math anxiety.


What does the passage suggest middle school students do before exams?

[  ]


Get relieved.


Review lessons.


Go to the doctor’s.


Rely on scores.


科目:高中英语 来源:哈师大附中2008-2009学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:050


  Like so many girls of my generation, I went straight from college to society.Through my family's attempt, I found my suitable job.I thought I was doing a great job.

  One day, a female program director arrived at the station.This large and frightening woman came to work every day with an equally large and frightening German dog.She didn't like me.When she called me into her office one Friday afternoon, she simply said,“You're fired!”leaving me to wonder what had gone so terribly wrong.

  Six months later, after calling every program director in town, I went to work for another major-market radio station, doing four-minute stories for a low $15 each.With two young children and a husband who was just starting his own career, I took a chance.

  Today, some 28 years later, I am still at WOR Radio with a two-hour daily talk show interviewing celebrities, authors and politicians, giving information to more than a million listeners a week and loving every minute of it.

  I was young when those firings happened, but the process is still the same.Firings know no age or gender.The trick is to get out from under the covers and make things happen.This is exactly what Sherrye Henry did.

  Sherrye, when her organization came across a sudden financial failure, she was fired.“This wasn't the first job I had lost.Hard as it is, one must remember that there is always life after losing a job.”said Sherrye.Helpful friends, good luck and a good resume got Sherrye back on track.Within a month, she landed what she calls the most satisfying job of her life:raising money for Episconpal Relief and Development(ERD), which provides emergency assistance to people in 40 countries.


The author was fired because ________.

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she didn't like her job


she lacked working experience


the program director didn't like her


she made a big mistake


The author worked for the major-market radio station because ________.

[  ]


she could interview many celebrities


she had to support the family


the salary was very satisfying


her husband had no job at that time


What can we infer from the last paragraph?

[  ]


Sherrye caused the financial failure of her organization.


Although she was optimistic, Sherrye was often out of work.


Sherrye got her new job on ERD without much difficulty.


Sherrye volunteered to provide emergency assistance to the people in trouble.


The author described her and Sherrye's experiences to tell people that ________.

[  ]


they were fired at the same time


it was hard to find a job


they once had the same situation


when facing firing, one shouldn't lose heart

