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   Everything worked out so smoothly and everyone was so kind to me,an America girl,that I had the most wonderful time as a volunteer teacher there.

   I felt at home right away. Also my host family was amazing.  I really found ? secoiid family in Thailand and we got along well even without speaking the same language. My host mother made a great effort to leam some English and I did my best to learn a couple of Thai words .

   Teaching was great fun and also quite challenging because I taught many different classes at different levels of English. So I always had to first check and then quickly adapt to (适应) their levels of English.

   But luckily,all the former teachers kept a teacher’ s diary and wrote down their exp?riences with the students so I could check in advance what kind of games or exercises they had been doing. Its stress was on conversation. And this was best done through little games. Students loved the competition and teaming up against each other. It sometimes took a bit to involve them because they were often very shy. But once they warmed up it was so much fun. I must say I enjoyed all the classes.

   On Sundays I went to temple school to teach the little students together with other teachers from Prangku. All the teachers at Prajigku were willing to spend much of their own free time helping these students. And the students were so nice,polite and really eager to learn English.

  I want to share this experience with everyone who enjoys being with children,and with everyone who is interested in getting to know a new culture. This is really an unforgettable experience.

1. Living with the host family,the author .

   A. became part of the family quickly

   B. found what the family did was strange 

    C. was often misunderstood by the family   

    D. could talk with the family fluently in Thai

2. Why did the author consider teaching in Thailand a challenge?

   A. No teacher gave her a helping hand.

   B. Her students were too shy to speak English,

    C. She had difficulty dealing with large classes.

   D. Her students were at different levels of English.

3. According to the author,teachers,from Prangku

   A. recorded studentsJ activities in a diary

   B. thought highly of what the author did 

    C. had a strong sense of responsibility   

    D. were not good at organizing games

4. The author thinks her experience in Thailand is

   A. worthwhile   B. adventurous

    C. uncomfortable   D. doubtful 

1. A. 细节理解题。由第二段可知,作者在住到泰i I国的寄宿家庭后,马上感到很轻松,她把这个寄i I宿家庭称为自己的第二个家,由此看来,她当时 I 很快轻松地融入了该寄宿家庭。

2.D. 细节理解题。由第三段第一句中的because I taught many different classes at different levels j ofEnglish可知,作者认为在泰国教学很有挑战? I 性,因为她所教班级数量多且学生英语水平参 差不齐。

3.C. 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的All the i teachers at Prangku were willing to spend much ? of their own free time helping these students 可 I 知,来自Prangku的老师责任心很强,自愿周日 无偿帮助寺院学校的学生。

4. A. 推理判断题。由第一段以及最后一段可知,作者认为自己在泰国的工作经历是令人难忘I 的,自己所做的一切是值得的。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课程36-43期答案 > 第41期2015-2016年高一新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                B  ★★★★☆

     In schools and at home,most of US have been scolded(责备) or éven got punished for daydreaming. The majority of people say that by daydreaming we waste our time and energy on something unproductive. But many medical studies have shown something different. They’ve stressed the fact that daydreaming works wonders on our imagination,creativity and situation-handling techniques. In fact,many problems can be easily solved if we daydream.

    The topmost benefit of daydreaming is that your mood gets the right improvement. By separating yourself from the world around you,you tend to enjoy the loneliness in your mind and get peace from daydreaming as you think about something that calms your senses. When you start imagining things,you will forget all tiie stress and tension(紧张) Instead,you will get happiness from it and this happiness will turn into a source of energy that helps you work in a good mood.

    Many 边(心理学家) have said that people who daydream tend to have a sharper memory. It’s true. When you,re daydreaming,yoil tend to g?t carried away to imagine various situations,either real or unreal. You tend to act differently in different situations,trying to satisfy your mind by doing what you want in your dreams. When your mind gets satisfied,you’ re in a better position to concentrate more on your work. Since daydreaming activates (激活) the nerves of your brain,you tend to have higher attentiveness and your ability to remember things will develop.

    When you daydream,you automatically imagine yourself as your heart says and therefore,you get to know yourself better. You ai§0 start realizing the mistakes you,ve made in life anti trying your best to avoid repeating them. Such imagination techniques help you to connect yourself with your soul.

5. Many studies have found that daydreaming.

   A. helps solve probleins

   B. broadens your horizons 

    C. decreases creativity

   D. is a waste of time and energy

6. The underlined word “mood” in Paragraph 2 probably means

   A. creativity

   B. loneliness

    C. the way you feel   

    D. situation-handling technique

7. According to the text,daydreaming helps improve memory because it .

   A. calms the nerves of the brain

   B. results in more concentration 

    C. connects people with their souls

   D. allows people to know themselves better

8. What's the text mainly about?

   A. Some tips on daydreaming.

   B. The causes of daydreaming,

    C. The benefits of daydreaming.

   D. Some solutions to daydreaming  


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

          B  ★★★☆☆

    The Beatles are reaching a new audience through streaming (流媒体) and Come Together is Fab Four's most popular song.

    The best-selling band in history ended a long time of silence and made its songs available through streaming,the fast-growing part of on-demand online music,on Christmas Eve.

    According to the largest streaming service Spotify,in the first three days fans had streamed Beatles songs 70 million times,which meant that every user of the website listened to one Beatles sofig around the Christmas holiday. Come Together was well ahead as the most popular song.

    The bluesy rock song from 1969 was the opener on Abbey Road,The Beatles,best-selling album,so it may have benefited from listeners who immediately hit play on the album. Here Comes the Sun,off Abbey Road,was also among the most listened although it had fewer listeners than two othqr Beatles songs with themes of hope — Let It Be and Hey Jude.

    Spotify said 65 percent of its Beatles listeners were under 34 — too young to have direct memories of the band that broke up in 1970. “We’ re helping to introduce a new generation of fans to the most important band in history/' Spotify founder and CEO Daniel Ek said.

    Ek,32, said that The Beatles’ arrival on spotify reminded him of his childhooi. “The one thing in my youth that everyone in my family — my mom,uncle,aunt and grandparents 一 could all agree on musically was The Beatles,” he said.

5. According to the text,streaming services helped The Beatles .

   A. sell the largest number of albums

   B. become a best-selling band 

    C. produce new online music   

    D. become popular again

6. Which of the .following songs has the smallest number of listeners?

   A. Come Together.

   B. Here Comes the Sun. 

    C. Hey Jude.

   D. Let It Be.

7. According to Spotify,more than half of its Beatles listeners .

   A. were young people

   B. paid for their listening 

    C. were bom in the 1970s

   D. knew the history of the band

8. What is Daniel Ek’s attitude towards The Beatles’ arrival on Spotify?

   A. Concerned.   B. Doubtful,

    C. Supportive.   D. Unfavorable.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   I was acted as a volunteer at the Old People5 s Home in our town during the summer vacation. Apart from do some cleaning for the elderly,I took some photos of them. Most of the photos I have taken came out real well. I enlarged and framed some photos I thought were quite good. Then I gave each of the old people the photo. Looking for their own photos,they were much more excited. They both said to me with a smile,uThank you for doing such a nice thing for us." To be honesty,I was very happy to have been able to brighten their days.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In my life,I have had a number of good teachers ,many common ones and a few who were truly exceptional. Many years before,I was a rule-obeying kid and lived a very peaceful life. I liked school but felt bored.

   And then I entered fourth grade. My teacher,;

Mrs. Gerlip,was a young woman who combined art,music,theatre and other forms of creative expression into a lively class. I blossomed. I formed a “Fun Club” with other girls in my class which was all about having fun. I wrote a book called Through the Forest about the adventures of Polly and Jack who disobeyed their parents. Much of the joy and self-confidence I experienced that year was owed to the great teacher whom I never forgot.

   So you can imagine my surprise when fifty years later I received a letter in the mail. A few days later ,reunion was planned at Mrs. Gerlip's home. Reconnecting with Mrs. Gerlip was a journey back in time. Five decades had passed,but my teacher still remembered eveiy student. She hadn' t forgotten the class (恃强欺弱者) who used to hit me on my way to school. In a time when bullying was considered nothing serious,Mrs. Gerlip put a stop to it.

   Now,in my mid-fifties,I appreciate even more the gifts I was given in fourth grade. I am deeply grateful. It' s never too late to reach out and express thanks to that extraordinary teacher in your life. I hope you are fortunate enough to have one,like Mrs. Gerlip,who not only develops your mind but your soul.

5. What do we know about the author before she entered grade four?

   A. She was outgoing.

   B. She was well-behax^d.

    C. She was an excellent,student.

   D. She came across a good teacher.

6. The underlined sentence “ I blossomed ’ in Paragraph 2 probably means that the author.

   A. lost her memory

   B. felt disappointed

    C. got tired of studying   

    D. found true happiness

7. When Mrs. Gerlip knew about student bullying,she

   A. tried to prevent it

   B. thought it was common 

    C. pretended to disagree

   D. had mixed feelings about it

8. What kind of teacher was Mrs. Gerlip?

   A. Friendly and brave.

   B. Kind and inspiring,

    C. Strict and determined.

   D. Hard-working and confident.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 今天早上戴尔(Dale) 打篮球伤了左腿。(hurt)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    When I was a child,everyone I knew celebrated festivals in the same way: in the family home with all kinds of sweets and delicious vegetables made according to recipes guarded by a grandmother.Days,often weeks,were spent in cutting,chopping,boiling,frying and storing them to be shared with every neighbor and relative within reach.

   My childhood was spent in Nainital,then a small,sleepy town high up in the Himalayan foothills and we lived actually on top of a hill. So I wonder,who makes those sweets and vegetables now?

   I now package these memories as popular bedtime stories to tell my wide-eyed grandchildren. And they are bestsellers: I just finish one,and then they beg another. Since my grandchildren live abroad,additional information has to be provided to serve as cultural footnotes.

   As I recycle my memories,I realize that what has also disappeared with the day-long kitchen work is the special flavor (XP?) of slow-cooked food. In the early 1960s,our food was often cooked overnight to be ready for the morning meal. This was also the secret of the melt-in-the-mouth Awadhi dum-pukht food cooked overnight.

   If you tiy overnight cooking in a modem kitchen,thea/arw (火警的警铃) will frighten your neighbors out of their beds at night. I tried making pamí/?íiy (印度煎饼) for my granddaughter in a Los Angeles kitchen at night. Just as she was waiting for her next one,the fire alarm sounded so hard.

   Somehow,our warmest memories are always those that are related to food. I have never forgotten the taste of my grandmother's wonderful dal(木豆) . Even today,when I am unable to sleep at night,I think of the taste of that delicious dal.

1. In the author* s hometown,sharing food .

   A. was very rare

   B. was a waste of time 

    C. was a festival custom   

    D. was ? children's game

2. The author's grandchildren think her childhood stories are.

   A. boring        B. interesting

    C. frightening   D. acceptable

3. The food in the author's childhood had a special flavor partly because

   A. it used special vegetables

   B. it was made in the kitchen 

    C. it was guarded by her mother   

    D. it was cooked for a long time

4. What happened while the author was making parathas for her granddaughter?

   A. Her kitchen caught fire.

   B. She troubled her neighbors,

    C. Her neighbors offered to help.

   D. Her granddaughter set off the alarm.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Maybe it's Katie,the North Carolina native who started a community(社区) garden at her elementary scRool as a means to support her local food bank,forming an organization that has since spread to nearly 30 states.

  Perhaps itJ s Ashley,the Colorado student who,while on a field trip to Africa,saw the bad situation of young girls there and decided to find a way to help them. She went on to found an organization that has since provided education for more than 40 ,000 African girls through 13 new schools in East Africa.

  Or maybe it's Shawn,the young man growing up in Queens who decided to work together with his classmates to take back empty land near his school that was plagued with drugs and criminal activities,establishing a garden taken care of by the students.

  It is hard for T. A. Barron to pick the young hero. In fact,they all inspire the writer,who was honored for his contributions (^" life.) to literature for diildren and young adults.

  In 2001,Barron founded the Gloria Ba?on Prize for Young Heroes,a program that aims to,as Barron describes it, spread the word about the examples young heroes make,so that other young people from all backgrounds will be inspired to do something themselves to make the world better."

  In the 15 years since its founding,the Gloria Barron Prize has awarded more than $540,000 to 364 young leaders. The honorees come from 46 states,the District of Columbia,and Canada,and have raised more than $ 15 million for their causes.

 “Every single year we have kids that just knock me out with the things they have done to help others,or help the environment,or help the? cortimunity,” says Barron. “I hope their examples will empower other kids to do the same thing,in whatever way they choose."

5. The three young people mentioned at the beginning of the text .

   A. improved their communities

   B. helped students in Africa 

    C. are friends of Barron

   D. inspire Barron a lot

6. The underlined words “wa& plagued with” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean “

   A. was free from   B. was fighting for

    C. was suffering from   D. was suitable for

7. What's the purpose of the Gloria Barron Prize?

   A. To recognize,the best youth for colleges.

   B. To raise money for young heroes’ causes,

    C. To help young heroes with their education.

   D. To encourage the heroic efforts of young people.

8. The last paragraph mainly talks about .

   A. Barron's hopes for kids

   B. kids that set good examples

    C. kids’ ways of doing good deeds   

    D. Barron's advice on helping others 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. I think giraffes have the longest (neck) in the world.

