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() 79. —You shouldn’t fight with your classmate.

 —I won’t do it again.

   A. Really?   B. You’ re right,

   C. Why?    D. Sounds great.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


although,go, way,make,even,


    One day,I read an article about a book named Life Without Limits. After I read it,I (l) to buy that book. How.wonderful it is!The book tells the true story of a young man (2) Nick Vujicic.

    Nick is a man who has no arms or legs.(3) his body is not complete(完整的) ,he vv never gives up. He tried everything impossible and(4) , them possible at last. For example,he can swim,paint and (5) drive now.

    His story teaches me that no matter(不论) how difficult problems are,I should try my best to solve them. Also,it (6) me it’s okay to fail. It will let me know what to do and what not to do. I also learn that if I want to be (7) , I have to change my thought first.

    As Nick says in the book,you may not be able to see a (成功的途径) right now,but (8) doesn’t mean it's not there.” I think on (9) and never lose hope. Also I know I shouldn’t depend on anyone because this is the only (10) to make me strong. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

A: Maty,you’re a famous Olympic skater. You w (61) a gold  medal(金牌) at the Olympics several years ago!

B: Yes. I feel very (自豪的) .

A: You s (62) feel proud!Not all people can win a medal at the Olympics.

B: Well,all of them work really hard.

A: I’m sure they do. H (63) hours a day did you practice?

B: I practiced five to seven hours a day.

A: Getting ready for the Olympics is a full-time job.

B: It really is. I trained six days a week for many  years!

A: When did you s (64) skating?

B: I began when I was 5 years old.

A: Do you like being a skater?

B: Yes,I love it!I (65) I didn’t love it,I couldn, I work so hard.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 9. If you have to leave,please wait the rain stops.

   A. since   B. if

C. until   D. although


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 50. My sister has difficulty English. She can't communicate with my American friend well.

   A. speak   B. to speaking

   C. speaking   D. to speak


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 67. — Why do you always ask us to read English aloud,Mr. Li? 

—Because I think it’s better to read aloud than to read .

   A. in silence   B. in surprise

   C. in trouble    D. in control


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 74. There’s no need for you him the news. He has heard of it.

   A. to tell   B. tell

   C. telling   D. told 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 23. —Jane didn't go to the concert yesterday.

— did 1.1 studied for my math test.

   A. So   B. Neither

C. Either   D. Also 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

74. 米勒先生浏览了这份报告。 

Mr. Miller   the report before the meeting.

