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She removed   hat she was wearing and tried on _____ black silk one.

  A.a; a     B.the; the   C.the; a    D.a; the



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       One day in September we were doing repair work on my parents’ old house to get it ready for my youngest daughter’s wedding. We had to  36  a great climbing plant that had grown  37  a roof beam(房梁),so that we could repair the roof and   38  the walls.

       When my husband was taking the plant away, he found a  39  of a blackbird that had made its home in the leaves. He then  40  something  41  among that mass of earth and straw of the nest. He broke the earth around it into pieces with his finger tips and, to his  42  ,saw glittering gold. It was a child’s bracelet(手镯). He ran into the house to  43  me.

       “You won’t believe that the   44  blackbirds not only steal the best fruit we   45  to feed on,” he said,“but they also want their children to  46  in a cradle(摇摆)of gold!”

       When my daughter came over on the eve of the  47  ,we told her about this   48  occurrence.

       “Don’t you remember, Mother?” she said with a loud   49  .“When I was eight, you gave me a bracelet that I   50  a few days later while out playing in the yard? It was this one!”

       As the bracelet no longer  51  its owner and was dirty, I decided to take it into my safekeeping.

       In December of the following year, the young couple’s baby son was baptized(受洗礼).Among the   52  the newborn baby received, I placed his mother’s bracelet, now shining like  53  . I hope that if my grandson  54  loses it, one of the   55  that live in my backyard is somewhere nearby.

36.A.remove                   B.cover                      C.grow                      D.water

37.A.beyond                   B.over                       C.across                     D.through

38.A.build                      B.paint                      C.rescue                     D.print

39.A.nest                        B.baby                       C.body                      D.egg

40.A.moved                    B.got                         C.picked                    D.noticed

41.A.nice                       B.colorful                  C.shiny                      D.special

42.A.horror                    B.surprise                  C.delight                    D.disappointment

43.A.ask                         B.tell                         C.show                      D.give

44.A.working                 B.cheating                  C.dreaming                D.thieving

45.A.buy                        B.plant                      C.store                       D.collect

46.A.lie                          B.sing                        C.listen                      D.wait

47.A.party                      B.Christmas               C.birthday                  D.wedding

48.A.important               B.strange                   C.terrible                   D.funny

49.A.cry                         B.sigh                        C.laugh                      D.sound

50.A.hid                         B.threw                            C.lost                        D.broke

51.A.fitted                      B.satisfied                  C.matched                  D.interested

52.A.jewels                    B.toys                        C.clothes                    D.presents

53.A.attractive                B.new                        C.modern                   D.golden

54.A.almost                    B.just                        C.even                       D.ever

55.A.blackbirds               B.grandchildren          C.neighbors                D.mice


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山东省聊城市高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Sarah came running in saying, "Look what l found. " Over the top of the paper I was reading I saw a long object that made me jump. It was a piece of snakeskin that had been shed (脱皮)  by one of our garden snakes.

'Isn't it beautiful?" said my wide-eyed 7~year-old daughter. I stared at the organic wrapper and thought to myself that it really was not that beautiful, but I did not want to disappoint Sarah.  Everything children see for the first time is elementary to their sense of beauty and creativity. They see only merit (忧点) and excellence in the world.

"Why does it do this?" Sarah asked. I like to teach my children that there is something else going on besides what they see in front of them. "Snakes shed their skin because they need to renew themselves," I explained.

"Why do they need to renew themselves?" Sarah asked. "We often need to shed our skins, those coatings that we cover ourselves with," I said to my now absorbed daughter. "We outgrow some things and find other stuff unnecessary. This snake no longer needs this skin.  It is probably too old, and the snake probably doesn't think it looks as smart in the skin as it once did.  Like buying a new suit. "

Of course, I'm sure this explanation won't suit naturalists. But Sarah got the point. As we talked, I knew that she began to understand that renewal is part of progress; that we need to take a good look at ourselves, and rooms and schoolwork and creativity, and she began to see what we need to keep and what need to cast off.  I was careful to point out that this is a natural process, not one to be forced.

"Snakes don't peel off their skin when they feel like it," I explained.  "lt happens as part of their growth. "

"I see, Dad. " said Sarah.  She then jumped off my lap, grabbed the snakeskin, and ran off.

I hoped she would remember this. Often, in order to find our real selves underneath the layers of community and culture we are cloaked (掩饰) in year after year, we need to start examining these layers. We need to gently peel some away, as we recognize them to be worthless, unnecessary, or flawed (有缺陷的);  or at best,  remember the things we discard(丢掉)to teach us how we can improve.

1.When Sarah asked the author whether the snakeskin was beautiful,___________

A.he was shocked and jumped

B.he tried to understand her point of view

C.he thought that telling the truth was a merit

D.he decided to teach her something about the garden

2.How did Sarah feel about the author's explanation?

A.Confused.         B.Boreci            C.Satisfied.          D.Excited.

3.Which of the following would the author agree with?

A.By reflecting on ourselves, we can better ourselves.

B.It is necessary to force others to remove some things.

C.The community and culture force us to change.

D.It is natural to keep some old clothes.

4.From the text, we can conclude that the author___________.

A.does not like nature much

B.takes the chilcl's feelings lightly

C.is both a logical and thoughtful person

D.loves to see his daughter excited about animals

5.Which of the following could be the best title for the article?

A.The things we should cast off              B.A shed snakeskin in Sarah's eyes

C.A natural part of our growth               D.Renewal for snakes and us



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届浙江省高三9月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

As the price of a college degree continues to rise, there's growing evidence that the monetary(货币的) payoff isn't quite as big as often advertised. The best estimate now is that a college degree is worth about $300,000 in today's dollars--nowhere near the million figure that is often quoted.

"That million number has driven me crazy!" says Sandy Baum, a Skidmore economist who studied the value of a college degree for the College Board last year.

Baum's research showed that college graduates earn, on average, about $20,000 a year more than those who finished their educations at high school. Add that up over a 40-year working life and the total differential is about $800,000, she figures. But since much of that bonus is earned many years from now, taking away the impact of inflation means that$800,000 in future dollars is worth only about $450,000 in today's dollars.

Then, if you remove the cost of a college degree--about ,$30,000 in tuition and books for students who get no aid and attend public in-state universities--and the money a student could have earned at a job instead of attending school, the real net value in today's dollars is somewhere in the $300,000 range, a number confirmed by other studies.

But, especially these days, that still makes a college degree one of the most lucrative investments a person can make, Baum notes.

 Better yet, college graduates can go on to earn advanced degrees, which return even bigger payoffs. The average holder of a bachelor's degree earns about$51,000 a year, Baum calculates. But those who've gone on to earn MBAs, law degrees, or other professional degrees earn about $100,000 a year.

 In addition, Baum found that there are plenty of other rewards for a degree. The quality of the jobs college graduates get is far better, for example. College graduates are more likely to get jobs with health insurance. And it is easier for them to find and hold jobs. The unemployment rate for college graduates was just 2.2 percent last year, half the unemployment level of those with only high school diplomas.

There are lots of other nonmonetary benefits as well. College graduates are healthier, contribute more to their communities, and raise kids who are better prepared academically, studies show.

Other researchers have found that the payoff of a degree is especially lucrative for students from low-income families, since the education and degrees give them a chance to break out of low-paying careers.

1.What can be inferred from Para 1 ?

   A. The payoff of a college degree is still big enough to match the advertised.

   B. It’s more and more difficult to get a college degree.

   C. The return of a college degree is less than often quoted.

   D. A college degree is worth about one million dollars.

2.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “lucrative” in Para.5?

   A. attractive                 B. worthless                C. approachable                 D. balanced

3.How can a college graduate increase his or her yearly income according to the passage?

   A. By getting jobs with health insurance immediately.

   B. By going on for higher degrees.

   C. By breaking out of low-paying jobs.

   D. By contributing more to his or her community.

4.Which of the following statements can be learned from the text ?

A.  According to Baum's research, high school graduates earn more than those who have college degrees.

B.  College education is enough to ensure you a good life.

C.  Nonmonetary benefits from the degree attract students more than monetary ones.

D. Students from low-income families still think degrees are profitable to change their life.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届浙江省高三第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Megan's Library of Love book drive began in 2006, in memory of a student who passed away. The_ 21__ to send books to a school _22 _was created by Megan's classmates at Cedar Grove-Belgium Middle School as a tribute(悼念)to her.

The project formed out of the desire to23 _Megan, to help our community heal, and to make a _24__ in the life of others. Students have many   25_ of Megan, but the most vivid was her love for her family and the diligent 26__ she gave to her classmates. They combined this with her _27_ for learning and reading to create the Library of Love. This project honors Megan's special qualities. In the _28__of one of her classmates, Megan was, “A good daughter, a good student, a good friend. ”We are all blessed to have been a _29_ of Megan's life.

Every February, on Megan's birthday, fifth graders at Cedar Grove-Belgium Middle School _30 _donations of newly purchased books and send them to a school in need. The “Love books” are truly a __31__ of love meant to _32_ reading and learning. Students earn the money for postage by writing letters to local _33 _.The fifth graders also have the _34_ of labeling every book with a Library of Love sticker(标签),  _35_ the books into categories(类别), and _36_ all the books for shipping.

In the two years since the Library of Love _37 _began, students have collected over 5000 newly purchased books to send to schools in need. In 2006, 3419 books were sent to St. Bernard's Parish to help _38  their school library after Hurricane Katrina destroyed the community. In 2007, 1613 books were sent to White Mountain School in Alaska, who _39 _their high school in a fire. Students look forward to sending the gift of _40 _to other schools in the future.








A.in need

B.in trouble

C.in difficulty

D.in pain















































































































科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江苏省苏南四高三12月月考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Today is National Bike-to-Work Day. And on New York City’s jammed streets, people are cycling on hundreds of miles of new bike lanes. But New York’s widespread efforts to make streets safer for bikes have also left some locals complaining about the loss of parking spots and lanes for cars.

When the weather is good, Aaron Naparstek likes to pedal(用踏板踩)his two young kids to school on a special Dutch-made bicycle. Naparstek supports the new lane.

Aaron: The bike lane on Prospect Park West is really introducing a lot of new people to the idea that it’s possible to use a bike in New York City for transportation or to travel around. This is what 21st century New York City looks like.

Prospect Park West is still a one-way road, but where it used to have three lanes of car traffic, now it has two, plus a protected bike lane. Supporters say that makes the road safer for everyone, including pedestrians, by slowing down cars and taking bikes off the sidewalk. But some longtime residents disagree. Lois Carswell is president of a group called Seniors for Safety. She says the two-way bike lane is dangerous to older residents who are used to one-way traffic.

Lois: We wanted a lane — the right kind of lane that would keep everybody safe, that would keep the bikers safe. But we want it to be done the right way. And it has not been done the right way.

Craig Palmer builds bars and restaurants in Manhattan. I was interviewing him for a different story when he brought up the bike lanes all on his own.

Craig: I think the biggest problem is that Bloomberg put all these bike lanes in. You took what used to be a full street and you’re shrinking it.

Then there are the Hasidic Jews in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, who forced the city to remove a bike lane through their neighborhood. But polls show that the majority of New Yorkers support bike lanes by a margin of 56% to 39%. Bicycle advocate Caroline Samponaro of Transportation Alternatives calls that a mandate.

Caroline: If this was an election, we would have already had our victory. The public has spoken and they keep speaking. And I think, more importantly, the public is starting to vote with their pedals.

1.What does Aaron mean by saying “This is what 21st century New York City looks like.”? 

A.There are hundreds of miles of new bike lanes in 21 st century New York City.

B.Drivers slow down their cars and bikes are taken off the sidewalk in New York.

C.Bikes are used as a means of transport in 21 st century New York City.

D.It’s possible to make the streets safe for pedestrians in New York.

2.According to the passage, which of the following CANNOT support the opponents of these new bike lanes?   

A.Drivers lose parking spots and lanes for cars.

B.The two-way bike lane is dangerous to older residents.

C.We took what used to be a full street so the road is broader than before.

D.The removal of one bike lane through a neighbourhood in Brooklyn was not supported by the majority of New Yorkers.

3.“A mandate” in Paragraph 8 was referred to a demand or command from ______.

A.the authority       B.the public         C.the supporters      D.the government

4.What of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A.Ride on National Bike-to-Work Day          B.A New Bike Lane Appears in New York

C.A Bike Lane Divides New Yorkers            D.Who Wins an Election


