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近来,有调查显示,有动物做伴孩子更健康。请参考以下要点,以Pets make good company为题写一篇100字左右的短文。开头已经为你写好,不算入总词数。注意不要逐条翻译,请适量增加细节使文章内容丰富连贯。




4.还是儿童心灵成长(spiritual development) 的良好伙伴;

                        Pets make good company

According to a latest survey, children raised with pets show many benefits._______________

Pets make good company

According to a latest survey, children raised with pets show many benefits. It’s reported that children with companion animals are not likely to be lonely and are more willing to share with others compared with those who do not have pets.Meanwhile.developing positive feelings about pets can probably contribute to a chlid’s. self-confidence.It's obvious that a child.who learns to care for an animal and treat it kindly and patiently, may get valuable training in learning to treat people the same way.So a good relationship with a pet can surely help developing communication and trusting relationships with others.To some extent.companion animals can play. kind of human role; if properly raised, they can also help develop responsible behavior in the children who care for them and are good for children’s spiritual development. (124 words)

