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17.Social media is one of the fastest-growing industries in today's world.A study conducted by the US pew Research Center showed that 92 percent of teenagers go online daily.The wide spread of social media has changed nearly all parts of teenagers'lives.
*Changing relationships
High school student Elly Cooper from Illinois said social media often reduces face-to-face communication."It makes in person relationships harder because of people's attention given to their phones instead of their boyfriends or girlfriends,"Cooper said.
Yet,some people believe social media has made it easier to start relationships with
anyone from anywhere.Beth Kaplan from Illinois met her long distance friend through social media.He currently lives in Scotland,but they're still able to frequently communicate with each other."I can feel close to someone that I'm talking to via Face Time,"Kaplan said.
*Wanting to be° liked"
The rise of social media has changed the way teenagers see themselves.The 19-year-old Essena O'Neill announced on the social networking service lnstagram that she was quitting social media because it made her unable to stop thinking about appearing perfect online.
Negative comments also can do great damage to a teenager's self-esteem.Teenagers who get negative comments can't help but feel hurt.
*Opening new doors
However,Armin Korsos,a student from Illinois,takes advantage of the comments he receives over social media to improve his videos on the social networking site Youtube.
"Social media can help people show themselves and their talents to the world in a way that has never been possible before,"Korsos said.
21.Who met the long-distance friend through social media?B
A.Elly Cooper.B.Beth Kaplan.C.Essena O'Neill.D.Armin Korsos.
22.What does Essena O'Neill think of social media?C
A.It hurts her seriously.
B.It promotes friendship.
C.It upsets her sometimes.
D.It develops confidence.
23.What is the topic of the text?B
A.Teenagers J attitude toward social media.
B.Social media's influence on teenagers.
C.A recent study conducted in the USA.
D.New ways of self-improvement.

分析 本文主要介绍了社交媒体对青少年的影响.社交媒体是当今世界上发展最快的行业之一,美国的一家研究中心进行的一项研究表明,百分之九十二的青少年每天上网,社交媒体的广泛传播改变了青少年生活的几乎所有部分.

解答 21.B 细节理解题.根据*Changing relationships部分的"BethKaplan from Illinois met her long distance friend through social media."可知,来自伊利诺斯的贝斯•卡普兰通过社交媒体认识了她的远方的朋友,故选B.
22.C 细节理解题.根据*Wanting to be° liked"部分的"The19-year-old Essena O'Neill announced on the social networking service lnstagramthat she was quitting social media because it made her unable to stop thinkingabout appearing perfect online."可知,Essena O'Neill宣布退出深交媒体是因为她不能停止思考出现在网上的完美形象,所以她认为社交媒体有时会让她感到不舒服,故选C.

23.B 主旨大意题.根据第一段可知,社交媒体是当今世界上发展最快的行业之一,美国的一家研究中心进行的一项研究表明,百分之九十二的青少年每天上网.社交媒体的广泛传播改变了青少年生活的几乎所有部分,然后主要从三个方面的改变进行说明.所以本文的主题是社交媒体对青少年的影响,故选B.

点评 本文是日常生活类阅读,考查学生对细节的理解把握和推理判断能力,做题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.The book issetin(以…为背景)17th century Spain.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Fix it on your own
Did you know that a bowl of rice could save your iPod if you drop it in a swimming pool by accident?Or that the camera on your phone could tell you what's wrong with your TV remote control?The experts at Geek Squad (geelsquad.co.uk) have made a gadget(小机件) rescue guide.So,let's take a look at some of their useful advice.
●How to get more juice out of your phone battery(电池)
If your battery goes dead but you need to get a number or send one last text,try warming it up.That may give you a tiny bit of power.Take the battery from the phone and rub it between your hands.Or warm it under your arm for a few minutes.Then try to start the phone-but use it quickly.
●What to do if your gadget gets wet
First,try drying it out with a vacuum cleaner.If a vacuum cleaner isn't at hand,fill a pot or bowl with uncooked rice and put your we gadget inside.The dry,uncooked rice will absorb all the water and,after a few hours,you should be able to use the gadget.Don't forget to remove the battery and SIM card before you dry it.
●What to do if your TV remote control stops working
If replacing the batteries doesn't work,get the camera function up on your phone and point the remote at the lens(镜头).When you press a button on the remote,if it's working then the glass bobble(小球) at the front of the remote will light up when you look at it on the screen of your phone.This is because the screen on a phone or digital camera picks up infrared rays (红外线),even though your eyes don't.If the glass bobble doesn't light up,the remote is broken.If it does,the receiving device is broken.

43.If your cell phone falls into a sink,you canB.
A.warm it up under your arm.
B.put it into the uncooked rice.
C.press it with both of your hands.
D.remove the battery after you dry it.
44.Why can a phone be used to prove the TV remote control works well?A
A.Because it can receive infrared ray.
B.Because it can reflect infrared ray.
C.Because it can improve the TV remote control.
D.Because it can picture the TV remote control.
45.In which section of a newspaper can we possibly read this text?D
A.Entertainment             B.Finance
C.Culture                   D.Life
46.The purpose of the passage is to give peopleC.
A.professional guides       B.necessary warnings
C.practical tips            D.personal opinions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.A 17-year-old boy,caught sending text messages in class,was recently sent to the vice principal's office at Millwood High School in Halifax,Nova Scotia.The vice principal,Steve Gallagher,told the boy he needed to focus on the teacher,not his cellphone.The boy listened politely and nodded,and that's when Mr.Gallagher noticed the student's fingers moving on his lap.He was texting while being scolded for texting."It was a subconscious act,"says Mr.Gallagher,who took the phone away."Young people today are connected socially from the moment they open their eyes in the morning until they close their eyes at night.It's compulsive."
A study this year by psychology students at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain,Ga.,found that the more time young people spend on Facebook,the more likely they are to have lower grades and weaker study habits.Heavy Facebook users show signs of being more sociable,but they are also more likely to be anxious,hostile or depressed.(Doctors,meanwhile,are now blaming addictions to'night texting'for disturbing the sleep patterns of teens.)
Almost a quarter of today's teens check Facebook more than 10 times a day,according to a 2009 survey by Common Sense Media,a nonprofit group that monitors media's impact on families.Will these young people get rid of this habit once they enter the work force,or will employers come to see texting and'social-network checking'as accepted parts of the workday?
Think back.When today's older workers were in their 20s,they might have taken a break on the job to call friends and make after-work plans.In those earlier eras,companies discouraged non-business-related calls,and someone who made personal calls all day risked being fired.It was impossible to imagine the constant back-and-forth texting that defines interactions among young people today.
Educators are also being asked by parents,students and educational strategists to reconsider their rules."In past generations,students got in trouble for passing notes in class.Now students are adept at texting with their phones still in their pockets,"says 40-year-old Mr.Gallagher,the vice principal,"and they're able to communicate with someone one floor down and three rows over.Students are just fundamentally different today.They will take suspensions rather than give up their phones."
63.The underlined word"a subconscious act"refers to an actB.
A.on purpose  B.without realization C.in secret    D.with care
64.Young people addicted to the use of FacebookC
A.are good at dealing with the social relationships and concentrate on their study
B.have high spirits and positive attitudes towards their life and work
C.have been influenced mentally in the aspects of behaviors and habits
D.are always in bad mood and have poor performance in every respect
65.Mr.Gallagher reminds us that the students in the past and those todayC
A.like to break rules and have the same means of sending messages
B.are always the big problem for the educators and their parents
C.like sending text messages but those today do it in a more secret and skillful way
D.cannot live without a cellphone
66.What's the best title of the passage?B
A.Teenagers and Cellphones   B.Teenagers'Texting Addiction
C.Employers and Teenagers   D.Teenagers'Education.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.Lackingequipment(设备),we couldn't continue climbing the mountain.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.She would move quietly up to the sparrow on a small tree just to get a better look,her face __________ with childlike expressions at one of God's simple wonders.(  )
A.shoneB.shiningC.having shoneD.being shone


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Billy Wilder (1906-2002)was a Jewish Polish-born American filmmaker,screenwriter,producer.Many experts say that Billy Wilder changed the histroy of American movies.He is oftern called the best movie maker Hollywood has ever had.
Billy Wilder started law school in Vienna,Austria.Then he decided not to become a lawyer.Instead,he began reporting for a Vienna newspaper.Wilder became a screenwriter in the late 1920s while living in Berlin.After the rise of the Nazi Party,Wilder,who was Jewish,left for Paris,where he directed a movie The Bad Seed for the first time.He moved to Hollywood in 1933,and in 1939he had a hit when he co-wrote the screenplay for Ninotchka.In 1944,Billy Wilder made a film called Double Indemnity.Some critics said this movie established him as one of the greatest Hollywood directors.
As a director,Billy Wilder often violated Hollywood customs about social issues.For example,someone who drank too much alcohol had rarely been a movie subject.But Billy Wilder directed The Lost Weekend in 1945,whose subject was about alcohol.Reports at the time said manufacturers of alcoholic drinks tried to stop the movie.They did not succeed.The Lost Weekend also won the first prize of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes,France.
In 1950,Wilder made Sunset Boulevar,which won three Academy awards.The movie marked the last time Billy Wilder and Charles Brackett wrote together.In 1954,Billy Wilder became an independent producer.The next year,Wilder's first movie The Seven Year Itch as an independent filmmaker was a huge success.In 1959,Wilder made a funny movie that was very popular.Billy Wilder continued to make interesting movies through the nineteen sixties and nineteen seventies.
In recent years,however,Billy Wilder received many more awards and honors.Critics praised his gifts to movie making.In 1987,he received the Irving G.Thalberg Memorial Award,which is the highest award a producer can receive.Wilder died in 2002.A current Hollywood producer said,"Billy Wilder dies.Nobody's perfect."
32.The author introduces Billy Wilder mainly byD.
A.giving examples  
B.comapring facts
C.following space order   
D.following time order
33.What does the text mainly talk about?B
A.The background of American movies.
B.Billy Wilder's achievements in American movies.
C.Billy Wilder's attitude to American movies.
D.The development American movies.
34.From the text,what can we learn about Billy Wilder's Double Indemnity?B
A.It met many critical challenges.
B.It was a major hit.
C.It won many awards.
D.It was his first works.
35.What can be inferred from what a current Hollywood producer said?B
A.Billy Wilder made lots of mistakes.
B.Billy Wilder received high remarks.
C.Billy Wilder was severely attacked by critics.
D.Billy Wilder was the greatest filmmaker.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

10.Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants.Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home.Which do you prefer?Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

11.Responsibility is one of the most treasured traditional values in China.The children are taught to be responsible when they are very young.At schools,the students are also instructed to be responsible.
In fact,responsibility can be understood in many ways.For parents,they have had the responsibility for caring for and fostering their children since the birth of their babies; for teachers,both in kindergartens and colleges,they also should be responsible for the study and life of their students,that is to say,teachers are the second parents of children to some extent; for us,to promote a better relationship with our friends,we bear the responsibility for helping our friends when they are in trouble or faced with difficulties.

