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You have probably been told by your high school instructor that writing is an important and practical skill. However, you may not be convinced that the ability to write will be important in your own future. If so, you will be surprised at the results of a recent survey by the National Institute of Education. More than four thousand working men and women who had graduated fifteen years earlier were asked to name the courses they would have taken in college if they had known better. The designer of the survey expected people to name courses in computer science, mathematics, or business. But the course most often mentioned was writing.
If you already have a job, you are probably not surprised at their answers. Many jobs require the ability to write. Despite the increasing use of the telephone and the computer, much information must be communicated in writing.Some ten million people—managers, engineers, sales representatives, and many others— write regularly as part of their jobs. Summaries, reports, reports, letters and speeches are required in today's work world. The ability to write, therefore, is an important skill. The successful individual is almost always the one who can communicate successfully in writing.
Writing communicates your thoughts and feelings to others; it also tells you something about yourself. Maybe this is what Eldridge Cleaver had in mind in his autobiography, “I started to write... to save myself...I had to seek out the truth... I had to find out who I am and what I want to be ,what type of man I should be ,and what I could do to become the best of which I was capable.”
(1)Why does the author say writing is very important?
A.Because it is a required course at high school and college.
B.Because it is a way to communicate your thoughts.
C.Because it is an important skill for many jobs.
D.Because it shows your good quality.
(2)The survey conducted by the National Institute of Education shows that.
A.more than 4,000 working people value the course of writing
B.many people regard computer science as a useful course
C.some people would study business if they had a chance
D.most people consider writing to be an important course
(3)The author suggests thatneed to communicate a lot in writing.
C.sales representatives
D.all of the above
(4)Why is Eldridge Cleaver's autobiography mentioned in the passage?
A.To clarify what writing means to people.
B.To show what good writing is.
C.To encourage people to write.
D.To provide evidence for the survey.


(1)C 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Summaries, reports, reports, letters and speeches are required in today's work world. The ability to write, therefore, is an important skill.”可知写作能力是一项重要的技能。故选C。

(2)D 推理判断题题。根据第一段中“More than four thousand working men and women who had graduated fifteen years earlier were asked to name the courses they would have taken in college if they had known better. The designer of the survey expected people to name courses in computer science, mathematics, or business. But the course most often mentioned was writing.”可知最常提及的课程是写作,说明写作是一个重要的课程。故选D。

(3)D 细节理解题。根据第二段“Some ten million people—managers, engineers, sales representatives, and many others— write regularly as part of their jobs.”可知约10万人的经理,工程师,销售代表,和许多其他人定期书写是他们的工作的一部分。故选D。

(4)A 细节理解题。最后一段第一句Writing communicates your thoughts and feelings to others; it also tells you something about yourself.在解释写作的作用,接着提到了Eldridge Cleaver的自传,可知以Eldridge Cleaver的例子告诉我们什么是写作。故选A。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

My parents and I went to the park on last Sunday.There were lots of visitors standing in front of ticket window.We waited for a long time and buy three tickets.In the Tiger Mountain of the park.I was too eager to see the fierce frightening animals that I quickened his steps through the crowd.Unfortunate,I got separated from my parent.I had a hard time looking for them,and I had no luck.Wandering in the park,I felt alone without any companions.Worse still,I had no money,so I had to walk home,covered as for as 5 kilometers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Imagine you’ve finally landed a job of your dreams in another city. It’s everything you’d hoped for, but there’s only one problem — housing costs in the area are so high that you’re forced to live in a parking lot.

While this sounds like an impossible situation, this predicament is a reality for one man.

Brandon, 25, is a software engineer for Google at its San Francisco, California campus.

“I realized I was paying too large an amount of money for the apartment I was staying in, and I was almost never home,” he told Business Insider. “It’s really hard to justify throwing that money away. You’re not putting money into anything and you are not building it up for a future.”

Since scoring his job in May 2015 following a successful internship, he’s been living in a truck on a parking lot a short distance from his workplace.

The tech worker makes up for the lack of facilities by eating, using the bathroom and showering at work, also charging his phone and computer there.

San Francisco is home to the most expensive rental market in the US, with the average rental for a one-bedroom apartment coming to $3,590 (24,900 yuan) a month, according to property site Zumper.

And while some may not be able to handle giving up life’s luxuries just to put aside some cash, Brandon estimates that he’s saved almost $28,000 since he moved in just over 18 months ago.

“Not only do I get to invest all of that redirected rent money, but I get to invest all the money I’m not spending on furniture, facilities and buying food,” Brandon wrote on his blog.

1Which of the following can replace the underlined word “predicament” in Paragraph 2

A. possibility B. disappointment C. dilemma D. mess

2Why does Brandon prefer to live in a truck on a parking lot?

A. Because he has no time to go back to an apartment.

B. Because the rent is too high and he thinks it isn’t worthwhile

C. Because his workplace provides him with what he needs

D. Because he wants to save money for an apartment of his own.

3What does Brandon think of his choice?

A. Difficult. B. Embarrassing. C. Painful. D. Wise.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

When I was six, Dad brought home a dog one day, who was called “Brownie”. My brothers and I all loved Brownie and did different things with her. One of us would walk her, another would feed her, then there were baths, playing catch and many other games. Brownie, in return, loved each and every one of us. One thing that most touched my heart was that she would go to whoever was sick and just be with them. We always felt better when she was around.
One day, as I was getting her food, she chewed up(咬破)one of Dad's shoes, which had to be thrown away in the end. I knew Dad would be mad and I had to let her know what she did was wrong. When I looked at her and said, “Bad girl,” she looked down at the ground and then went and hid. I saw a tear in her eyes.
Brownie turned out to be more than just our family pet. She went everywhere with us. People would stop and ask if they could pat her. Of course she'd let anyone pat her. She was just the most lovable dog. There were many times when we'd be out walking and a small child would come over and pull on her hair. she never barked(吠) or tried to get away. Funny thing is that she would smile. This frightened people because they thought she was showing her teeth. Far from the truth, she loved everyone.
Now many years have passed since Brownie died of old age. I still miss days when she was with us.
(1)What would Brownie do when someone was ill in the family?
A.Look at them sadly.
B.Keep them company.
C.Play games with them.
D.Touch them gently.
(2)We can infer from Paragraph 2 that Brownie______.
A.would eat anything when hungry
B.felt sorry for her mistake
C.loved playing hide-and-seek
D.disliked the author's dad
(3)Why does the author say that Brownie was more than just a family pet?
A.She was treated as a member of the family.
B.She played games with anyone she liked.
C.She was loved by everybody she met.
D.She went everywhere with the family.
(4)Some people got frightened by Brownie when she______.
C.rushed to them
D.tried to be funny
(5)Which of the following best describes Brownie?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不计分。
Dear John,
Yesterday I had read a notice on the Internet. You wanted to look for a Chinese friend online who can actual help you learn the Chinese language, cultures or customs.
I'm looking forward to be your friend on the Internet but I wonder whether or not you would like to accept me. If I become our friend on the Internet, I'll try my best to help you for Chinese in my spare time. At same time, I'll introduce some cultures and custom of China to you step by step.
So if you are interesting in this, please let me know your QQ number and I really expect what we can make good friends soon.
Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

It was once common to regard Britain as a society with class distinction. Each class had unique characteristics.
In recent years, many writers have begun to speak of the 'decline of class ' and 'classless society ' in Britain. And in modern day consumer society everyone is considered to be middle class.
But pronouncing the death of class is too early. A recent wide-ranging study of pubic opinion found 90 percent of people still placing themselves in a particular class; 73 percent agreeed that class was still a vital part of British society.; and 52 percent thought there were still sharp class differences. Thus, class may not be culturally and politically obvious, yet it remains an imprtant part of British society. Britain seems to have a love of stratification.
One unchanging aspect of a British person's class position is accent. The words a person speaks tell her or his class. A study of British accents during the 1970s found that a voice sounding like a BBC newsreader was viewed as the most attractive voice. Most people said this accent sounds 'educated ' and 'soft '. The accents placed at the bottom in this study, on the other hand, were regional(地区的) city accents. These accents were seen as 'common ' and 'ugly '. However, a similar study of British accents in the US turned these results upside down and placed some regional accents as the most attractive and BBC English as the least. This suggests that British attitudes towards accent have deep roots and are based on class prejudice.
In recent years, however, young upper midder-class people in London, have begun to adopt some regional accents, in order to hide their class origins. This is an indication of class becoming unnoticed. However, the 1995 pop song ' Common People ' puts forward the view that though a middle-class person may ' want to live like common people ' they can never appreciate the reality of a working class life.
(1)A recent study of pubic opinion shows that in modern Britain _________.
A.it is time to end class distinction
B.most people belong to middle class
C.it is easy to recognize a person's class
D.people regard themselves socially different
(2)The word stratification in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_________.
(3)The study in the US showed that BBC English was regarded as _________.
(4)British attitudes towards accent_________.
A.have a long tradition
B.are based on regional status
C.are shared by the Americans
D.have changed in recent years
(5)What is the main idea of the passage?
A.The middle class is expanding.
B.A person's accent reflects his class.
C.Class is a key part of British society.
D.Each class has unique characteristics.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Imagine you are in a jumping contest. Animals and insects can also enter this contest. But they might just leave humans in the dust!
The first event is the long jump. The human athlete is Mike Powell. In 1991, he jumped nearly 30 feet, which is the world record for the long jump. That is about five times his own height.
His competitor in the long-jump contest is a frog named “Rosie the Ribbiter.” Rosie set the world record for frogs in 1986 by jumping more than 21 feet. Her record has never been broken by any other frog. Compared to Mike Powell, Rosie's jump is not that amazing. But wait! Rosie is only about 10 inches long when her legs are stretched to their full length. She can jump more than 25 times her size. Rosie, the frog, wins the long-jump event.
The next event is the high jump. Javier Sotomayor, the world record holder, can jump a bar (横杆) 8 feet high. That is about as high as the ceiling in most homes.
Looking around for someone to challenge his record, Javier might need a magnifying glass (放大镜). The next contestant is a tiny insect called the spittlebug (吹沫虫).
The spittlebug can jump 28 inches into the air. It is only a quarter-inch long, less than the width of a pencil. If the spittlebug were the same size as Javier, it would be able to jump 600 feet into the air. That is like a human jumping over a building 55 stories high!
Though the humans lose the “jumping contest,” their competitors would probably agree that Mike and Javier are still pretty excellent athletes. If only Rosie and the spittlebug could speak!
(1)The underlined word “contestant” in Paragraph 5 means “_____”.
D.record holder
(2)What can we learn about the spittlebug?
A.It likes living on the ceiling.
B.It is good at flying in the air.
C.It is the same length as a pencil.
D.It has a wonderful jumping talent.
(3)In the author's opinion, Rosie and the spittlebug's jumping abilities are ________.
(4)How does the author develop the text?
A.By giving instructions.
B.By making comparisons.
C.By following the order of time.
D.By following the order of importance.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

To me, inspirations mean to put my thoughts, heart, and creations into my jewelry. Sometimes I become so inspired with what I'm working on that I can finish one or more sets in less than an hour. Because of that feeling, I have named my jewelry collection “Inspirations”.
I am a 17-year-old student with sickle-cell anemia. With this, I am in and out of the hospital a lot. So I started making jewelry a year ago when I was in the hospital. I really needed something to do, so I was introduced to jewelry making by a child life expert.
One day while lying in my hospital bed, I decided to get up and go to the patient's playroom ,and look through the craft designs. That was when I became inspired to design my jewelry collection, and named it “Inspirations”.
When I'm not sick, I try to keep a positive attitude through reading, schoolwork and craft activities. Even though there is a lot of work, I try to stay focused all the time. When I need a break or just to be free I turn to my craft activities. This is a way to ease my mind and it always helps me to especially get through those stressful times.
I am getting very excited about graduating next year and preparing myself for college. Who knows my collection of “Inspirations” would take me to the places I always dreamed of? I may see celebrities I admire and even sell them some of my beautiful “Inspirations”. If they wear my “Inspirations”, it will be well known and in great demand. What a great way to make some extra money for college! I never thought being sick would bring me “Inspirations”. I want people to look beyond my illness and see the creations I've made in my collection called “Inspirations”.
(1)What does “sickle-cell anemia”refer to?
A.A hospital.
B.An illness.
C.A place.
D.A doctor.
(2)What can we infer from the passage?
A.The writer plans to be a jewelry designer after graduation.
B.The writer wants to be a doctor in the future.
C.The writer will graduate from college next year.
D.The writer is a senior high school student.
(3)What is the best title of the passage?
A.Create “Inspirations”.
B.How to Get Through Bad Times.
C.My Jewelry Collection.
D.My Illness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2)、防台措施: (1)密切关注有关台风的报道,及时采取防范措施;(2)位于低洼地带的人们,务必撤离以防洪涝;(3)……
注意:1. 词数100左右,可以适当增加细节。2. 信得开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。3. 信中不得出现你的真实姓名与学校。
参考词汇: 财产 property; 低洼地带 low-lying areas;洪涝灾害 flood disaster
Good afternoon, everyone,
I'm Li Hua, and it's my honor to give a speech about typhoon prevention.
I hope we can be less affected by typhoon in the future.

