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【题目】A man came to the USA from other country. After 【1】 (settle) down at an island, he went into a cafeteria to get something 2 (eat). He sat down at an empty table and waited for someone to take his order, but nobody did. 3 (final), a woman with a tray full of food sat down opposite him and informed him 4 the cafeteria worked.

“Start out at that end,” she said. “Just go along the line and pick out what you want. At 5 other end they’ll tell you how much you have to pay.”

“I soon 6 (learn) how everything worked in the USA,” the man told his friend. “Life’s a cafeteria there. You can get anything you want as long as you are willing to pay the price.You can even get success, 7 you’ll never get it if you wait for someone to bring it to you. You have to get up and get it 8 .”

You can’t change the inevitable. The only thing you can do 9 (be)to control your attitude. Once you reach that point in life, happiness and 10 (satisfy) can’t be too far away.



【2】to eat










试题分析:考查动词名词等的掌握情况 【1】settling考查动名词。根据前面的介词 After,可知这里用动名词,所以用 settling。

【2】to eat考查非谓语动词。这里不定式做目的状语,所以用 to eat。

【3finally考查副词。这里用在句首,意思是最终地,所以用 finally。

【4】how考查状语从句。这里how指后面的the cafeteria worked,做方式状语,所以用how。

【5】the考查冠词。这里at the other end意思是在另一段,所以用the。

【6】learned考查时态。根据前后文可知这里用一半过去时,所以用 learned。


【8】yourself考查反身代词。根据句意可知你不得不自己去做,所以这里用反身代词 yourself。

【9】is考查系动词。这里是一个主系表结构, The only thing you can do是主语,缺少系动词,所以用is。

【10】satisfaction考查名词。根据 happiness可知这里用名词形式 satisfaction。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

My father is now in his late forty but he looks young for his age. He is very strict with me, especial in my studies. Besides, I know he loves me deeply in his heart. Once I fail to do well in my math exam, I was afraid that it would make my father angry and disappointing. On contrary, he said I had tried my best and offered him a few words of encouragement. He told me that there is no need to feel bad about one and two failures and the most important thing is to learn anything from failure and never give up. Today is Father’s Day and I want to say thank you for my father.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Hearing ability is one of the important senses a human being has.1. Hearing loss may be temporary or permanent. Usually, temporary hearing loss is reversible(可医治的) after proper treatment.2. Due to constant exposure to loud sounds, the sensitive structures in the inner ear get damaged, which results in hearing loss. This type of hearing loss is accompanied by ringing of the ears.3. Infections in the middle ear can also cause temporary hearing loss. It may be accompanied by pain and bloody drainage(排泄) out of the ear. Temporary hearing loss may also result from damage to the sensory structures of the inner ear, which may get damaged by infections, drugs, and skull injuries. Besides, the intake of medicines which have side effects such as aspirin for a long period can give rise to temporary hearing loss.Temporary hearing loss can be prevented.4. You should avoid the exposure to loud sounds as much as possible.5. Make friends, family and colleagues aware of the dangers of loud sounds. Regular cleaning of the ears is necessary.Temporary hearing loss can be easily treated. If there’s any kind of ear injury, you may have to undergo a surgery. If there are some ear infections, they can be treated with the anti-bacterial solutions. As soon as you suffer from the temporary hearing loss, you should immediately meet the doctor and get proper treatment to prevent further damage to the ears. Temporary hearing loss can also be treated by using a hearing aid.

A. If you’re in the loud environment, protect your ears by wearing earplugs or other protective devices.

B. There are various reasons for temporary hearing loss.

C. But good news is that hearing loss may come with a lot of health benefits, including making your other senses sharper.

D. However, some people lose this ability due to certain reasons, which is known as hearing loss.

E. Here are some preventive measures.

F. If we can improve our hearing with operation, we can probably make the same change with our sight as well.

G. If the exposure is continuous and if left untreated, the hearing loss may be untreatable and permanent.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







When I was a child, I spent more than ten years learn the violin. Therefore, I couldn’t understand “real music”. After I graduated at high school, a friend of mine suggested that we started to learn the guitar because we all thought it was cool. I will never forget the day on that we went to buy guitars in the guitar store. There I saw a guitar player playing the guitar, which I really enjoyed, and he became my the first guitar teacher. It took me such a long time choose a guitar among several wonderful model. Now the guitar is the most importantly part of my life and I practice it every day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】阅读理解填词: (共10个空;每空1分,满分10分)

In a town in France, there was a farmer who lived alone. Every day he s 【1】 a pound of butter to his neighbor, who was a baker. One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to see i__【2】___ he was getting a pound. After he weighed it, he found that he wasn’t. The baker then took the farmer to the judge (法官).

The judge wanted to know the farmer’s ways to weigh the butter. The farmer replied, “ I’ m so p 【3】 that I do not have enough money to buy anything to weigh it. H 【4】 , I do have a kind of scale (天平).” The judge asked, “Then h 【5】 do you weigh the butter?” The farmer replied, “Before the baker started buying butter from me , I had bought bread from him. So now every time when I b 【6】 home the bread from the baker, I put it on the scale and give him the butter of the same w 【7】 .”

We always get back what we give to others. Whenever you take action, ask yourself this question, “Am I honest?”

Honesty or dishonesty can become a habit. Some dishonest people can lie w 【8】 a red face. Others lie so m 【9】 that they do not even know what the truth is any more. But who is it bad for? In fact, those who lie will hurt t 【10】 by their own dishonest behavior.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In a movie, a woman reads a storybook to her friend’s daughter. As they approach the last page, she reads, “...and Cinderella and the prince lived happily together ever after.” She closes the book and looks at the young girl, adding, “You know, things don’t always happen like this in real life. I just think you should know that now.”

We were all raised on fairy tales with glass slippers, brave princes and magic! It didn’t take too long to realize that stories like that aren’t necessarily true. In the life, you learned that glass slippers are really uncomfortable, no prince is perfect and magic doesn’t always work.

So what do you do when the way you planned things is not the way they turned out?

Know that parts of your fairy tale have already been written, and sadly, there’s not a whole lot you can do about those first few chapters.You didn’t get the best start.Your trust was unexpectedly betrayed. You didn’t get the job. Whatever falls and failures that happened in your past are just that in your past. There’s still more to the story.

While your life has a lot of contributors(投稿者), you are the editor-in-chief. You take whats there and create the masterpiece. All the good pages and the bad can come together to make a beautiful adventure.

When you find yourself wishing your life was more like the fairy tales, remember that in some ways it already is. There will be dragons, bad witches, great romances, winding roads and friends to help you along the way. So, keep rewriting your story every day that you’re alive. Whether it’s a comedy, tragedy or a little of both, the pen is in your hand. How it all ends is up to you.

【1】 What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To help the readers to live a good life.

B. To encourage the readers to write their own stories.

C. To advise parents to tell the fairy tale to their kids.

D. To describe the difficulties in today’s education.

【2】Which of the following may NOT often appear in the fairy tale?

A. Glass slipper. B. Winding roads.

C. Sad ending. D. Bad witches.

【3】According to the fires paragraph, we know the woman is ________.

A. wise B. cruel C. brave D. stupid

4Why does the author mention the question in Paragraph 3?

A. To express the doubt to life

B. To compare different ideas.

C. To introduce a point for discussion.

D. To describe the conditions in life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Once, a king loved music so much that he searched the world for the best instrument. One day, a magic man  the king a harp(竖琴).

The king took it to the palace, but   he played it, the harp sounded terrible. Many ___ people tried it. They agreed that the harp was __  and the king had been fooled. The harp was thrown out as rubbish.

A poor little girl  found the harp, and even though she didn’t know how   it, she decided to have a try. She played and played, the whole day through, for months and years. The music she produced was never perfect, __  each time it sounded a little better.

Then one day, suddenly, the harp started to play the most beautiful music. It was in fact _____ magic harp, and could only be played well by someone who would put in the necessary effort.

The king heard the music from his window, and called the girl to the palace. When the king saw that she was playing his old harp, he was filled ___  joy. At that moment he made the girl his own private __  , giving her and her family many riches.

【1】A. offer B. offers C. offered D. has offered

【2】A. when B. before C. if D. because

【3】A. another B. other C. others D. the other

【4】A. used B. using C. useless D. uselessness

【5】A. late B. lately C. latest D. later

【6】A. played B. to play C. playing D. to playing

【7】A. so B. and C. or D. but

【8】A. a B. an C. the D. /

【9】A. in B. of C. by D. with

【10】A. music B. musical C. musician D. musically


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Some 5-star hotels specialize in mouth-watering buffet(自助餐),offering a rich selection of quality food. With a discount card, you can surely drink and eat to your heart’s _________.

A. association B. circulation

C. entertainment D. content


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Maybe you are an average student. 【1】 This is not necessarily so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here’s how.

Plan your time carefully. When planning your work, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. First your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a good, regular time for studying. 【2 A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time.

Make good use of your time in class. 【3 Listening carefully in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.

Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes; look at the important points that your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material. 【4 If you do these things regularly, the material will become more meaningful, and you’ll remember it longer.

Develop a good attitude towards tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be over worried.

5 You will probably discover them after you have tried these.

A. There are other methods that might help you with your studying.

B. Don’t forget to set aside enough time for relaxation.

C. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teacher says.

D. No one can become a top student unless he or she works hard.

E. You probably think you will never be a top student.

F. Make full use of class time to take notes of what the teacher says in class.

G. This will help you understand the next class.

