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Martin is a man of all trades and of many experiences. He never stays at one job for more than six months and never leaves the job of his own will. He is not actually lazy or unfit and his employers ( 雇主)can not be said to be unreasonable. He is only, according to one of his former employers, too eager for the work that his employer hasn’t the intention ( 打算) to let him do. One fact about Martin is that he never waits long to find a new job.

Last month, he was fired again. Mr King, the owner of a small shop hired him to paint his new house. He readily accepted the job without a word. When later Mr King went to see how things were going on there, he couldn’t find Martin. Instead he saw four workmen carefully painting the wall.

“What’s the matter?” he wondered.

“Hi, Mr King!” he heard Martin’s voice calling from behind, “They are working hard, aren’t they?”

Mr King turned back. He saw Martin smiling at him. “What’s happened,Martin? And why are these workers here?” Mr King asked.      

“I’ve hired them at 8 dollars for each man, ”Martin told him happily.

“But I will only pay 30 dollars for the whole work. ”Mr King couldn’t understand.

“I know, Mr King. But just think. I only need to pay another two dollars and then can enjoy the happy feeling of being a boss. Isn’t it worth the money?”

56. Why is Martin often fired? Because he _________

   A. is too lazy

   B. has few experiences    C. tries to be a boss

   D. often acts against his employers’ will

57. Martin seems to be a_____

   A. narrow-minded fellow                    B. light-hearted man

   C. man who is at loose ends(无所事事)      D. person full of fears

58. Mr King was _______ when he saw four workers painting his house.

   A. happy      B. angry       C. satisfied        D. surprised

59. The best title for the passage should he _________

   A. Martin and Mr King           B. painting a new house

   C. it’s worth the money           D. reasonable or not


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Disney’s cartoon, Finding Nemo, tells a touching story of a father called Martin and his son Nemo.

Martin loses his wife and an entire family of unhatched eggs to a huge shark. Only one fish egg remains, Nemo. Martin promises his dead wife that he will protect his young son at any cost. So, Martin becomes fearful of almost everything in the ocean. That makes him over protective-he hopes to keep his kid safe from the challenges that life presents. Martin’s nagging(唠叨)makes Nemo feel that he doesn’t need his dad telling him what to do.

 So on his first day of school, Nemo and some friends swim to the edge of their coral reef, a place Martin always thinks is very dangerous. When Martin shouts at Nemo come back, Nemo refuses to listen to him and swim out to a boat in the distance. Suddenly, he gets caught by some divers. So begins Martin’s journey to find Nemo, who ends up in an aquarium in an office in Australia. Soon the worried father runs into Dory, a forgetful blue fish, who helps Martin find his son. Meanwhile, Nemo misses his father terribly. He soon hears that he will be given to an eight-year-old girl who likes to kill fish.

Can Martin find his son before it is too late?

Finding Nemo is a physical and mental journey. Martin overcomes his shyness and anxieties and Nemo discovers his own and his father’s hidden strengths. It celebrates the relationship between fathers and their sons.

The cartoon paints a sea world that is alive with color. All the characters are very human-like and have their own personalities.

Finding Nemo was released in the US on may 30, earning about US $70.6 million in just three days, it has set a new opening records for a cartoon.

11. What is the passage mainly about?

How a father finds his son.

How to get home when getting lost.

A brief introduction to a cartoon film.

The love between a father and his son.

12. Which of the following statements is True according to the second paragraph?

Martin’s wife and most of his children died because of disease.

Martin is a coward(胆小鬼)that he is afraid of everything.

Nemo has grown up and doesn’t need his father’s protection any longer.

Martin loves his son so much that he becomes so protective.

13. It can be concluded according to the cartoon that ________.

Nemo has a wonderful journey after leaving his father.

Martin has met a lot of difficulties finding his son.

Nemo is really independent after leaving his father.

Nemo never needs any protection from his father.

14. What is the theme of the cartoon?

We should always listen to our parents.

Parents should let their children have an independent life.

Parent should take care of their children in case they get lost.

Parental love is the greatest love in the world.

15. In which section of a newspaper can you probably find this article?

A. Entertainment    B. News     C. Society       D. Advertisement 


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏盐城阜宁县陈集中学高一下期期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Sophie whispered to me,” Martin is said to          the murder.”

A. be related to             B. link to

C. be relating to            D. be linking to



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江苏省高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

句子转换根据上一句的意思,完成下一句,每空一词 (共20个空格;每空0.5分,满分10分)

1.To accelerate the speed of the design process, the workers will be divided into three teams.

To _____ _____ the design process, the workers will be divided into three teams.

2.It was not until then that they realized their son had addiction to computer games and often skipped school.

Not until then _____ they _____ that their son was _____ _____ computer games and often skipped school.

3.Since clean air is not easily accessible to the local people, the majority present at the meeting agreed to the proposal that treatment of emissions from factories should be closely supervised.

Since the local people _____ no easy _____ to clean air, the majority present at the meeting _____ _____ the proposal that treatment of emissions from factories should be closely supervised.

4.It is believed that so many accidents have resulted from carelessness, so it is necessary for us to get rid of the habit of making telephone calls while driving.

It is believed that so many accidents have _____ _____ carelessness, so it is necessary to _____ ourselves _____ the habit of making telephone calls while driving.

5.When Martin is in trouble, the first person he can think of to get help from is his head teacher, Miss Burk.

When Martin is in trouble, his head teacher, Miss Burk is the first person he can think of to _____ _____ for help.

6.With the development of 3G technology, more and more new products using this technology have been introduced to the market.

_____ 3G technology _____, more and more new products using this technology have been introduced to the market.

7.Some cyclists assume that traffic laws do not apply to them, but this is not true.

Some cyclists _____ the _____ that traffic laws do not apply to them, but this is not true.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

Sophie whispered to me,” Martin is said to          the murder.”

  1. A.
    be related to
  2. B.
    link to
  3. C.
    be relating to
  4. D.
    be linking to

