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   Life hasn't always been easy for Sareana Kimia,16. Her parents split up when she was young,and she hasn't seen her dad since she was 10.In June 2014,she and her mom,Shefali Gupta,found out that they would soon be evicted(逐出) from their home. Sareana knew that her mom had money problems.

   Even before the eviction,Gupta had become very sad. Because she didn't have health insurance,Gupta couldn’t get a doctor's help for her emotional problems.

   Sareana took charge of things at home. For example,she often cooked her family's. meals. When she and her mom were about to lose their home,it was Sareana who arranged a place for them to stay.

   For years,Sareana had been an active volunteer with several organizations. She even started her own group,Youth for National Change. It works to support the rights of young people.

   Sareana called a few adults she had worked with. After finding out about her situation,one couple opened their doors right away. But by August 2014, the couple no longer had room for Sareana and her mom. The two ended up living in their car. They didn’t want to go to a homeless shelter out of fear that they could be split up. Through it all,Sareana kept working on projects and studying. “At no point did I let what was going on change my daily routine,” she says.

   Sareana is homeschooled online and goes to classes at a nearby college. Last fall,school bills began piling up. She had no way to pay them. A friend suggested that she try raising funds online. After a newspaper ran an article about Sareana,donations poured in — nearly $30,000!She paid for school and had enough money left to rent a small apartment. She and her mom moved into it in January 2015.

1. What happened to Sareana in 2014?

   A. She lost her father.

   B. She became homeless.

   C. Her mom abandoned her.

   D. Her house was destroyed.

2. Sareana started an organization to .

   A. teach people to cook   B. support poor people   C. earn money   D. help youth

3. After moving out from the nice couple's house,Sareana and her mom lived.

   A. in a vehicle   B. in her school

   C. in a friend's house   D. in a homeless shelter

4. Sareana finally found her own apartment .

   A. by raising money

   B. by doing part-time jobs

   C. with the help of her friends

   D. with the help of her college

5. Which of the following words can best describe Sareana?

   A. Modest. B. Intelligent.

   C. Optimistic. D. Determined.

1. B 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. D



1. B. 推理判断题。由第一段中的In June 2014.she and hef mom ... would soon be evicted from their home 及下 文母女俩#住处可推断,2014年 Sareana无家可归了。

2. D. 细节理解题。由第四段末的It works to support the rights of young people 可知。

3. A. 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中 的 the couple no longer had room for Sareana and her mom. The two ended up living in their car 可知。

4. A. 细节理解题。由最后一段可知, Sareana听从朋友的建议筹集到一笔 资金,这笔钱使她在付完学费之后还 租了一个小的公寓。

5. D. 推理判断题。由倒数第二段末 的 At no point did I let what was going on change my daily routine 推喊,Sareana是一个意志坚定的人。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第37期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


(W = William,N = Nicole)

W: It's Saturday today,1. ?

N: Yes,it is.

W: Turn the TV on,won't you?

N: You can turn it on yourself,2. ?

W: Don’t be so mean!You’ re never nice to me,3. ?

N: You,re so lazy. You know that,don't you? You can see I'm busy,4. ?

W: Busy!I don't call reading a stupid magazine busy. Anyway,you've read it before,5. ?

N: That's none of your business,6. ? I can read what I like when I like,can,11?

W: All right I'11 turn the TV on. Pass me the remote control,7. ?

N: You,re not going to watch “EastEnders”,8. ? I can't stand it.

W: You do what you want to do and I'11 do what I want,then we'11 both be happy,9. ?

N: Why don't you watch it in the bedroom,then you won’t disturb me?

W: I've had enough of you. Don’t expect me back until closing time.Goodbye.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


     Nick turned up late for work on Monday because he got stuck in a traffic jam on the ring road. Luckily Nick has a mobile phone so he was able to phone his boss and warn her that he would be late. She was furious(暴怒的) but managed to reschedule an important meeting for the afternoon.

1. Nick was late because he overslept,wasn't he?

No,it that he was late.

2. How on earth did Nick let the boss know he'd be late?

Well,what he call her from his mobile phone.

3. Was Nick late on Wednesday?

No,that he was late.

4. Nick's boss had to start the meeting without him,didn’t she?

No,what she the afternoon.

5. Did Nick get stuck in a traffic jam in the town centre?

No,not in the town centre; it got stuck.

6. 1 heard the boss was a little annoyed with Nick for being late.

No,she wasn’t “a little annoyed”. What she was!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


   In the United States,Christmas is celebrated through the country. Many people,regardless of their religion,put up and decorate a Christmas tree. The tree can be a real evergreen or 1. can be an artificial tree. Lights,strings and even popcorn can be used to decorate a Christmas tree. On the top of the tree is a star or an angel. The decorations are usually red and green.

   The purpose of a Christmas tree is to have a central location to place gifts. According to legend,Santa Claus leaves presents under the tree. Children in the US often write lists of things 2. want Santa to bring them. Many parents bring their children to shopping malls across the country to tell a man dressed as Santa 3. they want. On Christmas Eve many children leave milk and cookies for Santa. Of course it is the parents 4. buy the gifts from the wish lists and even eat the cookies and drink the milk.

   On Christmas Day children usually wake up early and run to the tree so they can see what Santa brought 5. . Adults can also exchange gifts at 6. time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   “Because living at home is the best way to  live!w We help your loved one maintain freedom and a well-deserved quality of life.

   Home Care Assistance provides skilled caregivers to attend to your loved one's needs. We have hourly care available,and also 24hour live-in;care for people looking for an alternative to any type of facility or preferring the comfort and safety of round-the-clock monitoring.

   Some of the services our caregivers provide are: Companionship and recreation,Light housekeeping,Meal preparation,Medication reminders,Bathing,grooming (打扮) and dressing assistance,Personal care,Transportation to appointments or social activities.

   Home Care Assistance caregivers are experienced and carefully screened. We run thorough background checks on all of our caregivers,including local and national criminal records,driving records,and employment verification(证明). We even administer a psychological examination,developed by Ph. D. psychologists,to test for honesty and conscientiousness (尽责) . All of our caregivers are bonded and insured. Case managers monitor our caregivers to make sure they deliver the proper care.

   We train all of our caregivers in our exclusive Balanced Care MethodTM. This home care method is based on the scientifically studied lifestyle choices of the longest and healthiest living people on earth. Focusing on lifestyle and dietary choices,the Balanced Care MethodTM promotes healthy activity,stress reduction,and social interaction to help seniors live their best possible lives in the comfort of home.

   Wherever you are,24 hours a day,7 days a week,365 days a year,we are at your service. Whether it's changing a caregiver's schedule or dealing with an emergency,we are just a call away.


   “I can't thank you enough for all your help during this process. You were the first call I made,and the last one I needed to make." 一 liana S.

   “You were an excellent advocate for my mother and the whole family." 一 Susan L.

10. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

   A. Service range. B. Service hours.

   C. Service guarantee. D. Service standards.

11. How does Home Care Assistance know if its employees are honest?

   A. Through an exam.

   B. By monitoring them.

   C. Through background checks.

   D. By letting them talk to psychologists.

12. The Balanced Care Method? is used to.

   A. study lifestyle choices

   B. change a caregiver's schedule

   C. help caregivers live a healthy life

   D. train caregivers to provide better services

13. liana S. and Susan L. are Home Care Assistance's.

   A. former customers

   B. former employees

   C. would-be customers

   D. would-be employees 

14. Where does this text probably come from?

   A. A news report.

   B. A book review.

   C. A research paper.

   D. An advertisement.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   It has been with me every place V ve lived since I left home at 18 in 1977.

   Dad made it: Carved out of several pieces of wood glued together,shaped and sanded so smooth,it looked as if it had always been a single,solid piece. It was eventually to be a music box; the top flips (翻) up and the inside is hollow(空的). Dad could — and

over the years did — make just about everything anyone can make out of wood.

   He gave me the little man in the bathtub a few weeks after he told me in a letter that he and my mother were divorcing. He apologized for cruel words of days past and said he would understand if I never wanted to see him again. I cried while reading that. I was much closer to my mother,but how could Dad even think that? It never occurred to me to cut my father out of my life.

   Dad was an intelligent,creative and talented man,but he was also deeply insecure,something I didn't fully appreciate until years later. We both matured,and our relationship as adults was far better than when I was younger.

   And he was a fun,loving grandfather whom my sons adored. Dad died in 2013 of cancer. While I will forever treasure it,the little man in the bathtub will never be finished; it was supposed to play “I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles."

1. What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 1 refer to?

   A. A present bought by the author.

   B. A present from the author's son.

   C. A present from the author's mother.

   D. A present made by the author's father.

2. The little man in the bathtub.

   A. looked fragile

   B. was very expensive

   C. was skillfully made

   D. looked quite ordinary

3. When the author read the letter from his father,he.

   A. was very angry

   B. felt sad and surprised

   C. was proud of his father

   D. felt happy and thankful

4. As time went by,the relationship between the author and his father .

   A. worsened   B. had failed

   C. had improved   D. remained the same

5. What is the author regretful for?

   A. What he has done.

   B. Cruel words he said.

   C. His parents getting divorced.

   D. The music box not being finished.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                        How to overcome shyness 

   Does the thought of talking in front of people make you embarrassed? 1 Many people in the world suffer from mild to extreme shyness and are struggling to overcome it. Remember that breaking out from that shell doesn’t magically happen overnight. It takes time,effort,and of course,the desire to change. You' re on the right track by just reading this article 一 now let's keep going.

   Figure out your triggers (诱因) . Do you become shy in front of new audiences? Or when surrounded by people you know and admire? Try to find out the thoughts that go through your head right before the shyness hits. 2 You’ re okay being around your family,right? Are they different from the strangers around you? Of course not 一 you just know them better and what's more,they know you.

   Place your attention on others. For 99% of us,we become shy when we think if we speak up or stand out,we’ 11 embarrass ourselves. 3 When we stop focusing on ourselves,we stop worrying about our performance.

   4 You have gotten used to hearing your own voice!Record yourself pretending to have conversations. Sounds ridiculous,sure,but you’ 11 notice patterns,when and why you drop off,etc. At the beginning you’ 11 feel like an actor,but it will become an old habit. Practice makes habits,you know!

   Don’t compare yourself to others. The more you compare yourself to others,the more you will feel that you are not able to measure up. There is no use comparing yourself to anybody else. 5 Everyone else has his own confidence problems,too!

   A. If so,you are far from alone.

   B. Even if you do,do it realistically.

   C. Practice speaking clearly to yourself.

   D. Chances are not all situations make you shy.

   E. That's why it's important to focus on others.

   F. Practice placing yourself in not-so-comfortable situations. 

   G. After all,you may never see them again,so who cares what they think about you? 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Two or three times a week,Miss Martha had a customer in 1. she began to take an interest.He was a middle-aged man 2. glasses and a brown beard. He spoke English with a strong German accent. His clothes were worn,but he looked neat and had very good manners. He always 3.(buy) two loaves of stale bread. He never asked for anything but stale bread; it cost a lot 4.(little) than fresh bread. Once Miss Martha noticed a red and brown stain on 5. (he) finger. She was sure that he was an artist and very poor.

   Often when having her evening meal,Miss Martha would sigh and wish the artist might share her food instead of 6. (eat) his dry bread. One day the customer came in as usual and asked for his stale bread. As a sudden noise made him hurry to the door,Miss Martha inserted 7. generous quantity of butter into the loaves and put them into a paper bag.

   It turned out 8. the stale bread was used to rub out the pencil 9. (line) in the man's drawing of a new city hall. And Miss Marthas kindness 10. (complete) ruined the artist's work.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

14. (It,This) is not how much you read but what you read that counts.

