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(BBC News April 18) All flights in and out of the UK and several other European countries have been cancelled as ash from a volcanic eruption in Iceland moves south.
Up to 4,000 flights are being cancelled with airspace closed in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark among others.
The UK’s air traffic control service (Nats) said no flights would be allowed in UK airspace until at least 07:00 BST on Friday for fear of engine damage.
Safety group Eurocontrol said the problem could last for 48 hours.
The volcano is still erupting and the wind direction is expected to continue bringing clouds into UK and European airspace for some time to come.
The UK’s airspace restriction was the worst in living memory, a Nats spokesman said. Some 600,000 people are thought to have been affected.
Nats suggested that the restrictions were unlikely to be lifted (解除) after 07:00, saying it was “very unlikely that the situation over England will improve in the foreseeable future”.
Passengers were advised to contact their carriers before travelling.
Transport Secretary Lord Adonis said he was “closely monitoring the situation” and would be meeting with key transport officials on Friday morning.
Experts have warned that the tiny particles of rock, glass and sand contained in the ash cloud from the still-erupting volcano could be sufficient to jam aircraft engines.
The Health Protection Agency said the ash from the eruption did not bring a significant risk to public health because of its high altitude.
However, the British Lung Foundation has warned people with lung conditions to keep their medication (医疗护理) with them as a precautionary measure.
These are some of the knock-on effects:
● Eurocontrol says Germany is monitoring the situation and considering partial airspace closures.
● The two main airports in Paris and many others in the north of France are closing. 
● There is severe disruption (崩溃) in France and Spain, where all northbound flights are cancelled. 
● Nats is due to make an announcement shortly as to the arrangements that will be in place
through to 13:00 BST on Friday.
● British Airways offers refunds or an option to rebook after all its domestic flights are suspended.
Flybe announces it has cancelled all flights up until 13:00 BST on Friday and more than 25 services due to run after that.
British sports teams have been hit by travel problems after flights were grounded.
60. What may passengers do on hearing the news according to the passage?
A. They may cancel their international flights.
B. They may contact the airlines before traveling.
C. They may take measures to protect their lungs from the ash.
D. They may stay indoors till the volcanic eruption dies down.
61. Why have some European countries cancelled flights after the volcanic eruption?
A. Because the volcanic ash may make passengers ill.
B. Because people refuse to take the international flights.
C. Because the volcanic ash may jam or damage the engine.
D. Because the flights may be hit by the rocks from the eruption.
62. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. All the flights are likely to return to normal in 48 hours.
B. British people had experienced a worse airspace restriction before that.
C. Germany is monitoring the situation and considering closing all airspace. 
D. The UK airspace restrictions are unlikely to be lifted in the foreseeable future.

60---62   BCD  



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届江西省上饶县中学高三第一次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Zhu Haoyu, 18, a history major, wears his iPod everywhere on campus. The freshman has it going out for a walk, visiting the library or lying in bed. However, he found that his habit is like displaying a big “Do not disturb ”sign for himself.
As time slips away, he has begun to regret not having conversed much with his peers around . “As I put the little buds (耳机) into my ears, I’m immersed in a universe of my own, forgetting all troubles in the real world,” said Li.
The MP3 player is one of a number of gadgets (小玩意)—starting with the Sony Walkman, which led to the iPod, iPhone and iPad —that give people the ability to shut themselves off from world around them.
Youngsters delight in handset (手持的) technology. In public, students chat on their cell phones, stopping only to talk briefly to friends. On buses or trains it’s common to see youngsters with PlayStations instead of playing poker or sharing jokes or games. And during airline flights, people watch episodes (连续剧) of US TV dramas on their iPads, rather than talking.
The BBC News magazine recently published an article saying that headphone wearing culture is making us anti-social. “Half of humankind is wired to a parallel universe that leaves them ignoring their surroundings and fellows,” wrote Tom de Castella.
Actually, it’s a decade since Apple unveiled the iPod, which promised “1,000 songs in your pocket”. In 2007 more than half of Western residents were using an iPod or MP3 player.
Entertainment is on offer in all surroundings, not just at home. But in the meantime, it has created barriers between us. Many people subscribe to the view that the headphone culture is creating a “spoilt, selfish generation that lacks civic(公民的)culture”.
However, many users of portable MP3 players argue that the device, as a mind drug, helps them relieve stress by escaping for a while. It is also said to be able to help some students concentrate on work or study. “If you want to get away from the hucksters (小贩) on the way, just start listening to your player,” said Liu, a freshman. “They do not approach people with headphones on.” This might also mean he’s blocking those who want to ask him for the directions.
Experts, however, say that short contacts or mini conversations with strangers are helpful to our mind. Many experts warn that it is dangerous to lose touch with people in our lives.
【小题1】Zhu Haoyu found that his wearing the iPod        .

A.disturbed others
B.made it easy for him to keep in touch with others
C.made it easy for him to visit the library
D.made others unwilling to talk to him
【小题2】The underlined word “immersed” can be replaced by         .
【小题3】What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
A.Students are always busy chatting on their cell phones in public.
B.Young people are fond of portable listening or visual devices.
C.Young people like to watch US TV dramas on their iPads.
D.People like to enjoy the networking.
【小题4】Which of the following is not true?
A.Headphone wearing culture makes people ignore their surroundings and fellows.
B.Apple released the iPod ten years ago.
C.There are still many people support the headphone culture.
D.It’s dangerous to have conversations with strangers.
【小题5】What is the writer’s attitude towards the headphone culture ?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The use of the mobile Internet in Britain grew eight times as fast as the growth of the PC Internet, according to the latest study from research firm Nielsen Online. Of course, the actual number of Britons surfing the PC Internet is much higher. A recent report found that from April to September in 2008, the number of Britons using the mobile Internet increased by 25 percent, from 5.8 million to 7.3 million. However, the number of Britons surfing the PC Internet is 35.5 million, up only 3 percent. As expected, the report found that the mobile online audiences are younger than the PC-based users, with 25 percent of mobile Internet users aged 15-24 years old, compared to 16 percent for PC-based users. Also as expected, there are more people aged over 55 surfing the PC Internet (23 percent) than those on the mobile Internet (12 percent). This last figure —12 percent of those aged over 55 surfing the mobile Internet, however, surprised me because I had expected to be lower. Mobile audiences are interested in sites that can provide immediate information, or immediate access like BBC News, Google Search, Sky Sports, BBC Weather and G-mail. BBC News is visited by nearly one in four British mobile Internet users, or 1.7 million people. Three of the most popular sites, BBC Weather, Sky Sports and G-mail, actually have a greater reach on the mobile Internet than they do on the PC Internet. BBC Weather gets 21 percent of all mobile users with 17 percent on the PC-based Internet.

44. According to the first paragraph, the majority of Britons are_______.

    A. surfing the mobile Internet

    B. surfing the PC Internet

    C. taking part in the research

    D. studying on the mobile Internet

45. The underlined words "PC-based users" in the second paragraph refer to "people ________".

    A. using personal computers

    B. surfing the mobile Internet

    C. repairing personal computers

    D. making personal computers

46. According the report, which of the following statements is NOT true?

   A. Some people who are over 55 like to surf the PC Internet.

   B. BBC News is very popular with the mobile audience.

   C. BBC Weather gets more mobile users than PC-based users.

   D. Only young people like to use the mobile Internet.

47. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

   A. Most Popular Web Sites In Britain

   B. Fast Growth Of Mobile Internet In Britain

   C. Young People Prefer the Mobile Internet

   D. Old People Also Like the Mobile Internet


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The use of the mobile Internet in Britain grew eight times as fast as the growth of the PC Internet, according to the latest study from research firm Nielsen Online. Of course, the actual number of Britons surfing the PC Internet is much higher. A recent report found that from April to September in 2008, the number of Britons using the mobile Internet increased by 25 percent, from 5.8 million to 7.3 million. However, the number of Britons surfing the PC Internet is 35.5 million, up only 3 percent. As expected, the report found that the mobile online audiences are younger than the PC-based users, with 25 percent of mobile Internet users aged 15-24 years old, compared to 16 percent for PC-based users. Also as expected, there are more people aged over 55 surfing the PC Internet (23 percent) than those on the mobile Internet (12 percent). This last figure —12 percent of those aged over 55 surfing the mobile Internet, however, surprised me because I had expected to be lower. Mobile audiences are interested in sites that can provide immediate information, or immediate access like BBC News, Google Search, Sky Sports, BBC Weather and G-mail. BBC News is visited by nearly one in four British mobile Internet users, or 1.7 million people. Three of the most popular sites, BBC Weather, Sky Sports and G-mail, actually have a greater reach on the mobile Internet than they do on the PC Internet. BBC Weather gets 21 percent of all mobile users with 17 percent on the PC-based Internet.

44. According to the first paragraph, the majority of Britons are_______.

    A. surfing the mobile Internet

    B. surfing the PC Internet

    C. taking part in the research

    D. studying on the mobile Internet

45. The underlined words "PC-based users" in the second paragraph refer to "people ________".

    A. using personal computers

    B. surfing the mobile Internet

    C. repairing personal computers

    D. making personal computers

46. According the report, which of the following statements is NOT true?

   A. Some people who are over 55 like to surf the PC Internet.

   B. BBC News is very popular with the mobile audience.

   C. BBC Weather gets more mobile users than PC-based users.

   D. Only young people like to use the mobile Internet.

47. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?

   A. Most Popular Web Sites In Britain

   B. Fast Growth Of Mobile Internet In Britain

   C. Young People Prefer the Mobile Internet

   D. Old People Also Like the Mobile Internet


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


(BBC News April 18) All flights in and out of the UK and several other European countries have been cancelled as ash from a volcanic eruption in Iceland moves south.

Up to 4,000 flights are being cancelled with airspace closed in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark among others.

The UK’s air traffic control service (Nats) said no flights would be allowed in UK airspace until at least 07:00 BST on Friday for fear of engine damage.

Safety group Eurocontrol said the problem could last for 48 hours.

The volcano is still erupting and the wind direction is expected to continue bringing clouds into UK and European airspace for some time to come.

The UK’s airspace restriction was the worst in living memory, a Nats spokesman said. Some 600,000 people are thought to have been affected.

Nats suggested that the restrictions were unlikely to be lifted (解除) after 07:00, saying it was “very unlikely that the situation over England will improve in the foreseeable future”.

Passengers were advised to contact their carriers before travelling.

Transport Secretary Lord Adonis said he was “closely monitoring the situation” and would be meeting with key transport officials on Friday morning.

Experts have warned that the tiny particles of rock, glass and sand contained in the ash cloud from the still-erupting volcano could be sufficient to jam aircraft engines.

The Health Protection Agency said the ash from the eruption did not bring a significant risk to public health because of its high altitude.

However, the British Lung Foundation has warned people with lung conditions to keep their medication (医疗护理) with them as a precautionary measure.

These are some of the knock-on effects:

    ● Eurocontrol says Germany is monitoring the situation and considering partial airspace closures.

● The two main airports in Paris and many others in the north of France are closing. 

● There is severe disruption (崩溃) in France and Spain, where all northbound flights are cancelled. 

● Nats is due to make an announcement shortly as to the arrangements that will be in place

through to 13:00 BST on Friday.

● British Airways offers refunds or an option to rebook after all its domestic flights are suspended.

Flybe announces it has cancelled all flights up until 13:00 BST on Friday and more than 25 services due to run after that.

British sports teams have been hit by travel problems after flights were grounded.

60. What may passengers do on hearing the news according to the passage?

       A. They may cancel their international flights.

       B. They may contact the airlines before traveling.

       C. They may take measures to protect their lungs from the ash.

       D. They may stay indoors till the volcanic eruption dies down.

61. Why have some European countries cancelled flights after the volcanic eruption?

A. Because the volcanic ash may make passengers ill.

B. Because people refuse to take the international flights.

C. Because the volcanic ash may jam or damage the engine.

D. Because the flights may be hit by the rocks from the eruption.

62. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. All the flights are likely to return to normal in 48 hours.

B. British people had experienced a worse airspace restriction before that.

C. Germany is monitoring the situation and considering closing all airspace. 

D. The UK airspace restrictions are unlikely to be lifted in the foreseeable future.

