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My mother is taking a tour of the new house via Skype. I leaned the laptop so she can see where she's going,pleased that our Internet connection in Zimbabwe is holding. "This is the living room," I say. Then I tell mydaughter,s;Show Grandma the bed for the mummy and the daddy. " From a continent away, Grandma gave herapproval.

Mum had a dollhouse,too. My grandmother,a single mother, did not have enough money to buy my mother areal dollhouse. So Mum made do,laboring over her square cookie tin for years. She stuck patterns on the bright walls : tin cans of jam and bags of flour to make sure the dolls' store was overflowing.

My mother passed her love of life in miniature( 缩影 ) on to me very early. At age 5,1 made chests of drawers for my dollhouse bedroom from matchboxes glued together. Unlike my mother,l was given some ready-made doll furniture and accessories. My mother encouraged me,always responding to my calI,"Come to see what I've made Lrur IIly clollhuuse ! "

I spent hours writing a book with the unoriginal but certainly accurate title " How To Make Dolls' House Furniture". The book was lost in a household move. But the satisfying feeling of filling up blank pages with my

own ideas stayed with me,pushing me into a career centered on words.

My daughter turned 3 recently, and last month I put a strong empty cardboard box,about the size of a tea tray(托盘) ,in Cassia's bedroom. I searched the shops for dollhouse furniture. But an afternoon's searching yielded only a pink plastic toilet and sink. It doesn't matter,l told myself. I showed Cassia how to make plates for her table from coloured buttons. Fascinated, she collected black stones.

What my mother gave me was much more than a fascination with tiny things :It was the ability to view things from a new perspective(角度) , to put oneself in another person's shoes , and to solve problems with whatever is at hand.

1.What was the writer's mother looking at is_____.

A. a photo of a house online

B. a house in Zimbabwe

C. Cassia's self-made dollhouse

D. the writer's newly-bought house

2.While making her own dollhouse, the writer______.

A. often showed it off to her mother

B. asked for help from others

C. bought lots of doll furniture

D. spent hours reading a book about dollhouses

3.We can infer that the writer______.

A. built her own house with different materials

B. made all accessories herself for her house

C. learned to become a house designer

D. made a living by writing books

4.What did the writer learn from her mother?

A. To live independently in one s own house.

B. To find treasure of tiny things from the trash

C. To solve problems from a different view.

D. To avoid putting on another person's shoes.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江苏丹阳高中高二下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题



So far, they have _________ __________ the drug on animals a dozen of times.


He was very sad to find himself his own good friends in the election.


He didn’t _________ _________ our view that much of the crime in this area is relevant to drug abuse.


After drinking much alcohol, the man carelessly ___ ___ his secret to his colleagues that he had been in prison for two years for theft.


You can’t see things clearly through a telescope unless it is _________ correctly ________ your sight.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届天津河东区高三第二次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

They are smiling. There ______ much trouble solving the problem.

A. couldn’t beB. mustn’t be

C. can’t have beenD. mustn’t have been


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山西古县、高县、离石县八校高三下第一次适应性考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Real-life Room Escape Games

Real-life room escape games are a type of physical adventure game in which people are locked in a room with other participants and have to use the things in the room to settle a series of puzzles, find clues (线索), and escape the room within a set time limit.

The games are based off Escape the Room video games, such as Crimson Room and QP-Shot, created by TAKAGISM Inc. by Toshimitsu Takagi in 2005, in which the player is locked inside a room and must explore his or her surroundings in order to escape. 1. Other inspirations include adventure board games and movies. Real-life room escape games are becoming popular in the United States, Japan, and China. 2. For example, some games require you escape prison cells while others require you escape space stations.

3. Soon, they were exported to North America, Asia and Australia. Examples include the two pioneer companies Hint Hunt and Adventure Rooms.

The games were so successful that new locations began opening up across China, in cities big and small, according to Want China Times. In the southern city of Shenzhen, for example, the first escape game location opened last August. 4. “These real-life escape games can help those who stay at home on their computers and iPads all day to experience real social circles,” Tian Xiaochuan, who owns two room escape game stores in Jinan, told Want China Times.

Earlier this year, The South China Morning Post said the real-life escape games are a hit among “highly stressed students and overworked young professionals.” 5. Some players get so involved that they tear down equipment or decorations inside their “prisons”, as Zhu Yumeng, chief operating officer of Beijing room escape game store Taoquan told China Daily.

A. Each game adds local themes to settings.

B. And seven new game locations quickly followed.

C. They should also be brave enough to face their fears.

D. Sometimes the excitement becomes a bit much, though.

E. Weekend or day event escape games have been held in some stores.

F. Permanent real life escape games in a fixed location were first opened in Europe.

G. Players must be observant and use their critical thinking skills to escape the room.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三第一套原创猜题(新课标I)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Wise Man

Ten people were going from one village to another. On the way they had to cross a river. After crossing they1. ___(want) to be sure all were there. Each one started counting but counted only nine. They were very upset and began to cry for the 2. ___(lose) of the tenth.

A wise man came along and asked them,"Oh,my dear friends,why are you crying?”‘‘We were ten but now we are only nine, " they replied , and cried even 3. (hard).

4. ___wise man saw they were ten, so he asked them to count. Each counted nine but left out 5. ___(him). Then the wise man made them stand and count, and he said to the last person, "You are the tenth ! " They cheered for 6. ____(regain) the tenth at last.

Similarly the four inner 7. ________(thing)----mind, intelligence, memory, personality-----all mourn (哀悼) 8. _ _____they lose sight of the self. Then you show that they are four all the time!

Count,but never stop until you find the tenth. The joy is9. finding the Ever Present. With the knowledge of the self inside,everything is10. (true) joyful.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届甘肃河西五市高三第二次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



“How does the yard look?” My father asked, with his eyes shining. I could tell he was eagerly waiting for my _________. “Wonderful!” I replied after I gave it a thorough _________ . Then I recited all the changes I had _________ in his yard and he smiled contently.

When I was young, my mother _________ in a car accident, leaving my father alone to _________ their three young daughters. At the beginning, life was not always_________and my younger sisters usually complained. However, Dad always _________ us to believe that life was good. Meanwhile, he tried his best to _________ that belief.

In 1972, my dad developed a piece of waste land that had been_________ on Okaloosa Island. Every year at the first sign of _________ , he would begin spending countless hours working there to make it be bursting with colors. Through his continuous hard work, the land _________ turned into a beautiful garden with different types of flowers and other unique plants. While our friends were enjoying their vacation through traveling to different places, we were _________ working with my dad in his yard, watering the flowers, weeding or cutting off the branches. Sometimes, our friends were envious of our working vacation, and we would _________ them. Dad made his yard very _________ so that it became our vacation paradise during our childhood.

For so many years, when we were _________ , we liked to visit Dad’s yard, because it could_________ us of Dad’s belief. It was Dad and his yard that gave us _________ that enabled us to survive and _________ major challenges in life. One day, it shocked us that Dad said he would not _________ the yard. Then he explained, “Twenty years ago I decided to start my work in that yard to tell you life is good. Now my work is done.” We were sitting in _________ , recalling what we had experienced. Life was good. Dad was right.

1.A. excuse B. answer C. decision D. suggestion

2.A. clean B. suggestion C. inspection D. arrangement

3.A. achieved B. imagined C. discovered D. promised

4.A. passed away B. turned up C. ran away D. gave up

5.A. scold B. raise C. rescue D. persuade

6.A. smooth B. sorrowful C. wealthy D. lonely

7.A. forced B. allowed C. authorized D. encouraged

8.A. change B. prove C. understand D. criticize

9.A. advertised B. abandoned C. disappeared D. provided

10. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter

11.A. suddenly B. gradually C. temporarily D. occasionally

12.A. impatiently B. carelessly C. happily D. unwillingly

13.A. invite B. challenge C. accompany D. consult

14.A. unnecessary B. unreasonable C. disgusting D. extraordinary

15.A. confident B. angry C. guilty D. low

16.A. warn B. accuse C. remind D. inform

17.A. emotion B. choices C. strength D. opportunities

18.A. forget B. admit C. create D. conquer

19.A. continue B. sell C. challenge D. extend

20.A. safety B. despair C. doubt D. silence


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆万州第二高级中学高一3月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错








It was the break time, and the students was playing on the playground. Jack was playing the basketball with a group of boys while Lily told him that the headmaster wanted to see him. Jack seemed confusing. He thought, “I did something wrong. Why did the headmaster ask me to his office?” Then he walked there nervously. In his surprise, the headmaster praised him, as he learned from some teachers that Jack usually volunteered to helping others. The headmaster told Jack he had set example to other students. Heard that, Jack was very happy. He promised the headmaster that he will continue to be a caring student.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁五校协作体高一下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达











What to Do During an Earthquake

As we all know, an earthquake is a kind of terrible disaster. So what should we do when an earthquake comes?


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆八中高二下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Today was my high school reunion. I was the most remarkable student for all the wrong reasons. I was born with some birth defects and learning disabilities. I overcame them, but it was hard. While working blue-collar jobs, I lived in my car for a few years.

On a cold winter night several years ago, I met Dr. X in the emergency room. He was a former classmate of mine, and we pretended not to know one another. He discovered I was living in my car and heard some of my stories. Then he arranged for me to be admitted to the hospital for a day so I could get warmed up and recover. When I left the hospital, I found a $100 bill in the gas tank door of my van (拖车). I’m sure it was from him.

I now have a home of my own and I'm doing OK, considering everything. When I sent my reservation and check to the reunion committee, it was returned uncashed with a $50 bill along with a note saying “Please don't come.”

I guess my classmates are more closed-minded than I thought they would be. I was hoping age would change them but my wish turned out to be nothing but a joke. In addition to the reservation return, I have also seen a few forwarded emails mocking my attempts to find out about the event. I hope none of those people were blessed with a child with learning or physical issues.

I guess people never change on some things. Thankfully, I have found nicer, caring people along my journey in life, and for that I'd like to thank all of the kind people in the world.

1.What made the author the most remarkable student?

A. Living in his own car.

B. His physical problems.

C. Providing wrong reasons.

D. His efforts to help others.

2.What can we infer from the 2nd paragraph?

A. Dr. X sent a van to the author as a gift.

B. The author was cured by Dr. X that night.

C. The author and Dr. X didn’t recognize each other at first.

D. The author and Dr. X felt embarrassed at first that night.

3.What might be the key barrier to the author’s reservation?

A. His experience in the hospital.

B. The closed mind of his classmates.

C. His uncashed check.

D. The location of the reunion.

4.What does the underlined word “mocking” (paragraph 3) refer to?

A. laughing at B. insisting on

C. caring for D. giving away

