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    Jilly the giraffe lived at the Morgan Zoo. She liked the zoo and was friends with all the other giraffes. There was just one problem. Jilly was too tall. When she walked slowly around the zoo,she had to (俯身) to get past "some of the trees. The other giraffes just walked along without any problem. “Why can't I be like them? I get so tired of bending down to get past some of the trees!” she thought.

    One day Jilly was eating eavey (叶子) when she saw one of her friends,Granite,struggling (努力) to reach some leaves on the other trees. Jilly went up to him and asked, “What's wrong?” iThe giraffe said ,“I'm having trouble reaching the leaves of these trees. I wish I were as tall as you so I wouldn’t have any trouble getting my food." “You want to b? as tall as I am?” asked Jilly. “I always wanted to be shorter so I wouldn’t have to bend down to get past all these trees With that,Jilly pulled down the leaves for Granite. Suddenly two more giraffes came along and asi^ed if Jilly could get them some leaves. “Sure ,” said Jilly. “I would be glad to help you."

    After all the giraffes had their food that day,Jilly started back to the other side of the zoo to rest. She felt so happy and pr?ud(骄傲的) that she was able to help the other giraffes get their food from the tall trees. “How silly it was of me to want to be shorter like them ,” she thought to herself.


() 56. What was Jilly’s probleri。

   A. She thought she was to?"tall.

   B. Other giraffes always made fun of her.

    C. There was something wrong with her neck. 

    D. She had difficulty in communicating with others.

() 57. What does the underlined phrase a pulled down” mean in Chinese?

   A. 脱下   B. 推下   C.滑下   D. 拽下

() 58. How many giraffes did Jilly help?

   A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

() 59. How did Jilly feel at the end of the story?

   A. Tired and lonely.

   B. Happy and proud,C. Funny and excited.

   D. Surprised and angry.

() 60. What lesson can we learn from the story?

   A. Better late than never.

   B. Be happy with who we are.

    C. A friend is easier lost than found.

   D. Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

易读度★ ★ ★

    Most plants will die if they don’thave enough water. But one plant,called the resurrection ( 复活) plant,seems to come back to life after it dies. This plant can still be there after a long time of terrible drought because it travels to look for water.

    Many people say that one difference between plants and animals is that animals move from place to place to find food and water,while plants cannot. But in the desert areas of American West,the resurrection plant can move around to get what it needs,too.

    When there is lots of rain,the resurrection plant grows like any other plant. It sends roots (叶子) down into the ground and has green leaves (叶子) . But when there is little water,the resurrection plant pulls ( 拉) its roots back up and dries up. It turns into a brown ball of seemingly dead roots and leaves. This brown ball goes through the desert with the help of the wind.

    As soon as it touches water,the resurrection plant begins to act like a normal plant again. Its leaves turn green once more as it starts to grow. It is resurrected or brought back to life again in a new place. Because this plant can live a long time with no water,it has become a popular house plant. For anyone who always forgets to water his or her plants,the resurrection plant can be a fantastic gift.


任务一:判断正(T) 误(F) :

() 1. The resu?ection plant is a good example of showing the difference between plants and animals.

() 2. The resurrection plant's roots can dry up and turn brown when there is little water.


3. The resurrection plant can turn into a(n) to move around to find water.

4. Resurrection plants are fantastic gifts for people who always to water their plants


() 5. Who helps resurrection plants move,from place to place?

   A. Humans. B. The sun.

C. Animals. D. The wind.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          Finishing just one marathon in your lifetime is something you will be pretty proud of,but for 73-year-old John Maultsby,it just wasn't enough.

          Last Sunday,John made an achievement few have made. He finished running 50 marathons — one in every state of America. John was cheered on by a crowd that included his wife,mother,and three daughters as he crossed the finish line at a New Hampshire race,according to Today.com.

          John's daughter,Mabel Maultsby,said in an interview that John had always been a runner and took up long-distance running in his late 50s to help lower his blood pressure. He also adopted a vegan diet(纯素食谱).

          His first marathon was at the age of 60.It was during his first race when he saw a man wearing a shirt that said “50 States Finisher” that John thought he could accomplish that as well.

          It's taken him 13 years,but John finally completed

his nationwide goal and now plans on running marathons on every continent. He has run seven marathons this year alone and has run the Boston Marathon nine times.

         “He's so motivated,v Mabel said in an interview.“I'm so inspired by his motivation,and by his positive attitude. He still looks like the man he was irr his late 50s!” John believes he “looks older than he feels, ” Mabel said,adding that he's still very much “young at heart.”

          As for the secret to staying in shape in his 70s,it's  not difficult to find out.“The secret to a long life is happiness and a very supportive family,” Mabel said. “He's trying to keep positive,and he's always having goals. That's what's kept him going all this time.”

5. What makes John Maultsby stand out?

   A. Having walked to every state of America.

   B. Taking up long-distance running at the age of 50.

   C. Having won first place in a New Hampshire race.

   D. Having finished a marathon in every state of America.

6. John Maultsby began long-distance running to.

   A. improve his health

   B. complete his nationwide goal

   C. follow his daughter's example

   D. make his spare time meaningful

7. What is John Maultsby's plan now?

   A. To adopt a vegan diet.

   B. To run marathons on every continent.

   C. To take a trip to other foreign countries.

   D. To run the Boston Marathon for the ninth time.

8. What Mabel Maultsby said about her father shows that he is .

   A. curious            B. grateful

   C. optimistic         D. imaginative


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

          I love reading very much. My elder cousin Susan is 21 (interest) in reading,too. We often borrow books from each other. One day last month while I 22 (look) around in her study,I w^s drawn to a book called The Wedding Dress. It was written by Rachel Hauck. Before opening it,I didnt know 23 it was good or not. However,I 24 (attract) to it after I read a few pages. What a treat I found inside!

          In The Wedding Dress there are several characters,but the main one is a wedding dress. We follow it 25 when it was created for a young bride in Birmingham in 1912 to the next owner in 1939 and then to another bride in 1968. Each one of the brides has 26 story that the current owner of the dress,Charlotte,attempts 27 (discover) . Besides being woven with pearls and delicate details,the dress is fitted together with faith and courage 28 seem to be passed on to each young lady who wears it.

This is 29 (certain) a great book for young girls who love reading love stories. Don’t miss it if you love reading 30 (romance) love stories.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 今天要到达北京似乎不可能。(it'seem,possible)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 27. After months of hard work,Bob very good exam results.

   A. expected   B. cheated

C. reported   D. achieved


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 34. The girls the museum as soon as they saw it. They said they wanted to visit it again.

   A. looked forward to   B. were in control of C. got on with   D. fell in love with


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

69. I tried to clean the watch,but only (succeed) in breaking it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



Dear Rachel,

    I’m not working today,so I have enough time to write to you!Im writing in English because I want to (76) . You know,I need to improve my English.

    This time,I11 tell you about what I do every week — so you can (77) my life here. I work five days a week at the museum and have most weekends (78) . I go to work by (地铁) .It (79) me about 40 minutes to get to the museum,and I work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be a big art exhibition 览会) next month. These days we,re very busy (80) for it. The work is really hard.

(81) I like the challenge and I can leam a lot from it.

    After work,I sometimes go out with my colleagues(同事) ,or I just go home. (82) one of my new colleagues is a guitar teacher,so I'm learning to play the guitar!I have (83) from him on Mondays and Wednesdays.

    On weekends,I go touring in London. There are so many interesting places to (84) here — beautiful parks,ancient buildings and so on. But,best of all,it’s summer here now — my (85) summer this year!

    Looking forward to hearing from you!Best wishes!



