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Work hard, dear.With your work done, you will feel much ________.

[  ]

A.at ease

B.out of work

C.in peace

D.as usual


考查短语词义辨析。at ease意为“舒适,快活,自由自在”,表示“工作做完后,你会觉得好轻松”。out of work失业;in peace安静,宁静;as usual通常,平常地。


科目:高中英语 来源:词汇 题型:单词拼写

II    根据首字母或汉语意思在空格中填入单词,使其句意完整。

1 .In the meeting , we agreed on the program without much further _________(争议).

2. Wealth and ________(地位)is not the most important thing for him.

3. He is a very _________(有影响的)man in the company, so everybody would like to follow his advice.

4 .He held the ________(信仰)that all man are equal.

5. ________(诚实) is one of the important human qualities.

6 .We should work hard in order to make great_________(贡献)to the cause of socialism.

7. As we all know, there are four important i________ in ancient China.

8. Pythagoras was one of the earliest Greek p_________.

9. He works hard and has a strong sense of r_________.

10. Working hard is one of his p_________ in life.

11. People respect the judge for his j______ in the work.

12 .He devoted himself to research work and made a lot of d_________ all his life.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年江西省高三上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

The speaker, a teacher from a community college, addressed a sympathetic(赞同的) audience. Heads nodded in agreement when he said, “High school English teachers are not doing their jobs.” He described the inadequacies of his students, all high school graduates who can use language only at a grade 9 level. I was unable to determine from his answers to my questions how this grade 9 level had been established.

My topic is not standards nor its decline(降低). What the speaker was really saying is that he is no longer young; he has been teaching for sixteen years, and is able to think and speak like a mature adult.

  My point is that the frequent complaint of one generation about the one immediately following it is inevitable. It is also human nature to look for the reasons for our dissatisfaction. Before English became a school subject in the late nineteenth century, it was difficult to find the target of the blame for language deficiencies (缺陷). But since then, English teachers have been under constant attack.

  The complainers think they have hit upon an original idea. As their own command of the language improves, they notice that young people do not have this same ability. Unaware that their own ability has developed through the years, they assume the new generation of young people must be hopeless in this respect. To the eyes and ears of sensitive adults the language of the young always seems inadequate.

Since this concern about the decline and fall of the English language is not perceived(察觉) as a generational phenomenon but rather as something new and peculiar(特有的) to today’s         young people, it naturally follows that today’s English teachers cannot be doing their jobs. Otherwise, young people would not commit offenses against the language.

1. The speaker the author mentioned in the passage believed that _____.

A.the language of the younger generation is usually inferior(差的) to that of the older


B.the students had a poor command of English because they didn’t work hard enough

C.he was an excellent language teacher because he had been teaching English for sixteen


D.English teachers should be held responsible for the students’ poor command of English

2. In the author’s opinion, the speaker ______.

A.gave a correct judgment of the English level of the students

B.had exaggerated(夸大) the language problems of the students

C.was right in saying that English teachers were not doing their jobs

D.could think and speak intelligently

3.The author’s attitude towards the speaker’s remarks is ______.





4.It can be concluded from the passage that ______.

A.it is justifiable(有理由的) to include English as a school subject

B.the author disagrees with the speaker over the standard of English at Grade 9 level

C.English language teaching is by no means an easy job

D.language improvement needs time and effort

5.In the passage the author argues that ______.

A.it is unfair to blame the English teachers for the language deficiencies of the students

B.young people would not commit offences against the language if the teachers did their

jobs properly

C.to eliminate(消除) language deficiencies one must have sensitive eyes and ears

D.to improve the standard of English requires the effort of several generations



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年江西省南昌市高三上学期12月月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Violin prodigies(神童), I learned, have come in distinct waves from distinct regions. Most of the great performers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were born and brought up in Russia and Eastern Europe. I asked Isaac Stern, one of the world’s greatest violinists, the reason for this phenomenon. “It’s very clear, “he told me. “They were all Jews and Jews at the time were severely oppressed and ill-treated in that part of the world. They were not allowed into the professional fields, but they were allowed to achieve excellence on a concert stage.” As a result, every Jewish parent’s dream was to have a child in the music school because it was a passport to the West.

Another element in the emergence of prodigies, I found, is a society that values excellence in a certain field and is able to nurture (培育) talent. Nowadays the most nurturing societies seem to be in the Far East. “In Japan, a most competitive society with stronger discipline than ours,” says Isaac Stern, “children are ready to test their limits every day in many fields, including music. When Western music came to Japan after World War II, that music not only became part of their daily lives, but it became a discipline as well.” The Koreans and Chinese, as we know, are just as highly motivated as the Japanese.

That’s a good thing, because even prodigies must work hard. Next to hard work, biological inheritance plays an important role in the making of a prodigy. J. S. Bach, for example, was the top of several generations of musicians, and four of his sons had significant careers in music.

1.Jewish parents in Eastern Europe longed for their children to attend music school because ______.   

A.it would allow them access to a better life in the West

B.Jewish children are born with excellent musical talent

C.they wanted their children to enter into the professional fields

D.it would enable the family to get better treatment in their own country

2. Nurturing societies as mentioned in the passage refer to societies that ______.

A.enforce strong discipline on students who want to achieve excellence

B.treasure talent and provide opportunities for its full development

C.encourage people to compete with each other

D.promise talented children high positions

3.Japan is described in the passage as a country that attaches importance to ______.

A.all-rounded development

B.the learning of Western music

C.strict training of children

D.variety in academic studies

4.Which of the following contributes to the emergence of musical prodigies according to the passage?

A.A natural gift.

B.Extensive knowledge of music.

C.Very early training.

D.A prejudice-free society.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届黑龙江省高一上学期期中考试英语题 题型:单项填空

He didn’t work hard. _____, he failed his exam again.

A. As a result          B. As a result of        C. In spite of       D. As a matter of fact



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年辽宁省大连市高二第一次月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

“Football is a very short-term career. Football really prepares you for almost nothing. The only thing I got out of football was the ability to work hard.” says Gales Sayers. So what do you do after your glory days on the field are over? Here’s what one of the top players, Gales Sayers did after he put down the pigskin.

Gales Sayers: #40, Chicago Bears, Running Back.  

Gales Sayers became famous in 1965. After recovering from a serious knee injury in 1968, Sayers returned to the Bears in 1969 and was awarded the George Halas Award as “the most courageous player in professional football.” At the award ceremony, he owed his prize to his friend and teammate Brian Piccolo, who was dying of cancer.

Sayers couldn’t get away from the injuries, though, and another blow to his knee put an end to his football career in 1971. His personal life was unfortunate as well, as he and his wife, Linda, split up that year. Shortly after that, Sayers started a new life and career as an assistant athletic director in the University of Kansas. By 1976 he was moving up the ladder at Southern Illinois University, becoming the first African-American athletic director at a major university.

Sayers started a computer supplies company in 1984 with his second wife, Ardie, whom he married in 1973. The couple was looking for a field with a future, and computers seemed to have it all. Seventeen years later, the company that bears his name is a national provider of technology solutions, with 10 locations and over 350 employees across the country. Just like in the old days the honors started rolling in. Sayers was listed into the Chicago Area Entrepreneurship(企业家) Hall of Fame in 1999.

1. What does the underlined sentence “he put down the pigskin” mean?

A. Sayers ended his football career.                     

B. Sayers was too tired to go on playing.

C. Sayers intended to start a new career.              

D. Sayers only wanted to rest for some time.

2.  How many times was Sayers honored in his life?

A. Only once as a football star.                              

B. Only once as a businessman.

C. Twice in all.                                               

D. We are not quite sure.

3.  Sayers started his new career mainly because of _______ .

A. the first knee injury in l 968                                     

B. his unfortunate personal life

C. another more serious knee injury                         

D. a friend’s being deadly ill

4. What can be learned from this passage?

A. Football players are not successful all the time.

B. A successful businessman should be a ball player first.

C. A retired football player can easily make money.

D. Whatever you do, working hard is the most important.


