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13.Spending just a few minutes each day massaging (按摩) your baby can help to increase the bond,interaction and communication between the two of you.But how do you start?Tina Allen,an internationaIly respected educator,author and expert in the field of infant massage therapy,shares her advice.
•(36)ACreating the best environment for massage is an ideal way to give yourself and baby time to relax.Choose a familiar place that is warm,quiet and with few distractions.The best time for massage is when baby is awake,healthy and happy.(37)G
•Be comfortable.Relax,enjoy and have fun.Position yourself so that you are comfortable.Be sure baby is safe and placed on a soft area.Keep in mind that babies roll and become slippery when using oil.(38)E
•Listen in.(39)FMassage is not something that parents do to their baby,but rather with their little one.Listen to your baby.He or she will give you the signals to let you know his or her comfort level.
•Know when not to massage.Avoid massage when your infant is sleeping,crying,ill,has a fever or infection,or if your little one has broken skin,or bruising.(40)DIf your child has any special health( care needs,seek further guidance as to what would he tire safest approach to use.

A.Choose the best time and place.
B.Send your baby to hospital immediately.
C.So the massage time is of great importance.
D.For a stomach massage.wait 30minutes after eating.
E.Be sure your hands are warm and clean before you begin.
F.Infant massages can be a wonderful tool for increasing your communication.
G.Some babies prefer the morning,while others prefer the afternoon or before bedtime.

分析 本文主要讲述给婴儿做按摩的四条建议.

解答 36-40:AGEFD
36  A  Choose the best time and place.根据后文的Creating the best environment for massage 和The best time for massage is when baby is awake,可知做按摩时应该创造最好的环境和最好的时间.
37   G  Some babies prefer the morning,while others prefer the afternoon or before bedtime.根据前文The best time for massage is when baby is awake,healthy and happy可知给婴儿按摩的最佳时间是婴儿醒着健康高兴的时候,本段是关于时间的.
38  E  Be sure your hands are warm and clean before you begin.根据前文Be comfortable可知本段是关于按摩时一定要舒服,因此在开始前手必须是温暖并且干净的.
39   F   Infant massages can be a wonderful tool for increasing your communication.根据后文He or she will give you the signals to let you know his or her comfort level.可知在按摩的时候婴儿会给予你他舒服程度的信号,因此婴儿按摩是增强你们交流的好手段.
40  D  For a stomach massage.wait 30minutes after eating.根据前文Avoid massage when your infant is sleeping,crying,ill,has a fever or infection,可知当婴儿睡觉或者生病,哭泣时,避免按摩,本段是关于不适合按摩的时间.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Our food has beenrunoutof.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.Four Steps to Begin Your Path to Greatness
Feeling stuck is quite common.Many times,we have thoughts and dreams of what we want in life.(36)FOur thinking pattern holds us back from going forward.The good news is,at any moment in time,we have the ability to start taking action toward creating the life we want.Here are four steps to get started:
1.Celebrate Your Success.
Write down all the successes you've already achieved and all the awesomeness that you are today.(37)EAnd once you're in that positive routine with your thoughts,it will lead you to make better choices and take better actions toward your greatness.
2.Create Your True Vision.
Many times we live based on others'expectations or we stay stuck in a particular place because it's our safety zone.Own your path.It can be hard to do,but allow yourself to get out of your head(or stop listening to what others want for you)and focus on your heart and what it's telling you.(38)G
3.(39)BIf you want to start going to the gym,going from 0 days a week to 5 days a week right away is extreme,and setting yourself up by biting more than you can chew typically doesn't result in success,but failure.Instead,start slow and go once or twice a week.After you do that for a while and get into a nice routine,up it to more days.Over time,you will build toward your goal by taking realistic,smaller steps to get there. 
4.Have the Right Support.
(40)AFind the right support to cheer you on in the process.It could be a friend,a family member,or significant other who you trust.Whoever it may be,having someone on your journey will be just what you need to keep you on track and celebrate with you as you work toward the life you dream of.

A.Don't do it alone.
B.Be realistic about your goals.
C.Be kind to yourself and accept the moment.
D.Your failure can lead you to another success.
E.Sadly,they only stay as thoughts and dreams inside of us.
F.This practice will direct your thinking to a positive place.
G.Look within yourself deeply and decide what you want and what's true for you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.Procrastination (拖延) is a phenomenon we are familiar with.When we procrastinate,we waste our free time and put off important tasks we should do till it's too late.(36)EHere,I will share some personal steps taken to overcome procrastination with great success.
Break your work down into little parts.Part of the reason why we procrastinate is that we find the work too overwhelming (巨大的)for us.Break it down into little parts,and then focus on one part at a time.If you still procrastinate after doing so,break it down even further.(37)G
Change your environment.Look at your work desk and your room.Do they make you want to work or do they make you sleepy?(38)D
Create a detailed timeline with specific deadlines.Having just one deadline for your work is like an invitation to procrastinate.That's because we would get the impression that we have time and keep pushing everything back until it's too late.(39)F In this way,you know you have to finish each task by a certain date.
(40)BI'm pretty sure if you spend just 10minutes talking to people like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates,you'll be more inspired to act than if you spend the 10minutes doing nothing.The people we are with influence our behavior.

A.Seek out someone who has already achieved the similar outcome to your goals.
B.Hang out with people who inspire you to take action.
C.Having a companion makes the whole process much more fun.
D.If it's the latter,you should begin to change your workspace.
E.It's a bad habit eating us away and stopping us achieving greater success in life.
F.Break down your project,and then create an overall timeline with specific deadlines for.each small task.
G.Soon,your task will be so simple that you will be thinking you can do it now.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.You should try to get a good night's sleep _____ much work you have to do.(  )
A.althoughB.no matterC.howeverD.whatever


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

18.As a teenager,I was pretty lazy when it came to doing things for my family.I worked hard at school,and sometimes looked after my younger sister.Still,I found myself regularly resisting the urge to (41)A out at home with even the simplest things.
Every Wednesday afternoon,for example,my mother(42)B me to another town for a piano lesson.During my two-hour lesson,she'd rush to the nearby store and buy a week's worth of (43)C.Given the fact that my mom had driven me twelve miles there,twelve miles back,(44)Afor my lesson,and bought me a candy bar,you'd think I'd be very (45)B to help her bring the groceries into the house.(46)D I wasn't.I generally just brought in an armload and left the (47)D for Mom as I ran to my room,shut the door,and started studying.
Don't get me wrong:even back in my room,I felt(48)Cabout not helping my mother more.Deep inside,I wanted to change my (49)A.But I also realized that once I did change,there would be no going back.(50)D I took on more responsibility,my parents would start (51)C  more of me.At age fifteen,I sensed that this one small (52)B would mark something much bigger:my personal change from a cared-for,spoiled (被宠坏的) child to a more (53)D,caring and giving young man.
I'll never forget the Wednesday when I made a(n)(54)B to jump in and see what happened.Returning home from the(55)C,I disappeared into my room,as usual.But once inside,I felt that deep and burning(56)B.Throwing my school books on the bed,I suddenly opened my door and (57)C back to the garage to help my mother.How happy I felt that day!
Surely,over time,I continued to help out with more housework.The neat thing was,the more I helped out,the (58)AI felt about myself and my place in my family.As Mom and Dad realized they could (59)D  on me more,our trips became far less stressful,too.In short,it was a win-win situation for everyone.
Sometimes the little things we put off doing the longest (60)A out to be the simplest things to complete.And feeling happy beats feeling guilty any day.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.Inviting More Happiness into Your Life
Happiness is a decision.(36)E Don't make a happy time just a high point of your life--make everyday a high point.And this starts with a decision to do so and rise above chaos and a disappointing environment.Be happy during the ordinary moments,not for the exciting adventures.
★Remove the Negative
Remove things in your life that are negative or no longer bring you joy anymore.(37)C
If you've put off cutting off relationships that are unpleasant,or feel that you're stuck in a routine,start getting rid of negative influences.
★Get Creative
Start a new hobby,or get out more in the world.When we constantly remain in our world or thoughts,we become an auto person.(38)G
★Conquer Fear
(39)F This can defeat fear of heights,crowds and speaking up,so that you will become more confident.There is a ton of material to help you in this area.Also learning to be grateful will get your mind off problems.
Find something you enjoy doing alone.This can be writing,traveling,painting,or serving others.If you don't have anything,start now.
Forgive and love others by nurturing relationships,with time
,and thoughtfulness.Research finds meaningful relationships that make you feel wanted and loved are keys to happiness.Additionally,forgiving yourself is a must if you want to experience a fulfilling life.

A.Find Alone Time
B.Start Something Now
C.Make room for new positive things.
D.Being positive can help remove the negative.
E.So make a decision that you will be happy.
F.Try something you are afraid of and conquer that fear.
G.Look for a new organization or social group to join and expand the horizons.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

2.请根据以下提示,以"交友"为题,完成作文     字数:120 字左右
Making friends                                           


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

5.[1]Hi,I write this letter to you,my parents,to let you know what I'm thinking.
[2]Running a business,raising three children,then raising all three into self-sufficient college graduates is difficult to do.While loving each child individually and fairly,strict house rules have also developed…going out late is difficult to accomplish.I would like to suggest setting a later curfew (宵禁),maybe midnight,or even one o'clock in the morning.
[3]While working up to twenty hours a week,my social life has been on the decline since school started.Naturally,you understand how important my friends are to me.Looking back to the summer,there have been many nights that I have wanted to go out,but if it was past nine o'clock,I would not be allowed to.You tell me to go to the party until my curfew,but if the rule continues,I will see my friends for an hour.Seeing my friends for an hour is better than nothing,but not enough to communicate with others.
[4]Gaining confidence and trust from you both are things I look forward to,and hopefully I am at an age where I can live up to your expectations.I acknowledge that you are watching over me,and don't want your little girl to be hurt,and I appreciate that fully.But I can ____________ now that I am older.
[5]For the time and effort it has taken you to raise me,I sincerely thank you,but letting freedom into my teenage years will be beneficial to all of us.Please feel free to talk to me whenever you have made a decision.I'll always be around.

76.What is the writer's purpose in writing the letter?(within 10 words)
To let her parents know what she is thinking./To communicate with her parents./To get more freedom.
77.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(within 6 words)
take care of myself
78.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?
    I will always be available and ready for a talk.
I'll always be around
79.Do you think strict house rules are necessary for teenagers?And why?(within 30 words)
No,because letting freedom into my teenage years will be beneficial to all of us.
80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 into Chinese.和朋友见面一小时总比不见强,但是和其他人交流却远远不够..

