精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
     I live in a big city with a lot of homeless people. Luckily there're small ways of helping them and you
needn't have a lot of__1__. One way to help is to buy their monthly magazine.__2__doing this one day,
I got to__3__a young homeless man. He was often__4__the magazine at the train station.
     He was a poor farmer from another country. After a while, I discovered that his__5 _was close to
mine. It__6__that we were born in the same month.
    I met him last year__7__after his birthday, and after congratulating(祝贺) him, without__8__,  I asked
if he had had a good day. He__9__and said that he hadn't really celebrated. I felt so __10__.
     I just couldn't bear the thought of (不敢想)this nice, young man being__11__on his 25th birthday
with no presents, no cake, nothing! So I went home and looked in my yarn(纱线) basket.__12__for me,
I had enough yarn__13__. I set to work and knitted(编织) a__14__for the young man. The yarn had
become a little dirty__15__I didn't knit very often. Then I washed the yarn so the scarf would be__16__
when he got it.
     I met him on my own birthday as I was going shopping. I had__17__to meet him so I had__18__the
scarf and a piece of my own birthday  19    around with me. He was very happy with these gifts and so
was I. The__20__in his eyes was the best present he could have given me!
(     )1. A. work      
(     )2. A. In        
(     )3. A. realize    
(     )4. A. selling    
(     )5. A. birthday  
(     )6. A. said      
(     )7. A. long      
(     )8. A. stopping  
(     )9. A. looked up  
(     )10. A. foolish  
(     )11. A. calm      
(     )12. A. Suddenly  
(     )13. A. used      
(     )14. A. scarf    
(     )15. A. when      
(     )16. A. different
(     )17. A. liked    
(     )18. A. made      
(     )19. A. cake      
(     )20. A. light    
B. energy    
B. On        
B. ignore    
B. reading    
B. house      
B. found      
B. shortly    
B. helping    
B. turned up  
B. excited    
B. happy      
B. Luckily    
B. done      
B. cap        
B. because    
B. dry        
B.  hoped    
B. thrown    
B. present    
B. pain      
C. money        
C. Besides      
C. know        
C. covering    
C. height      
C. guessed      
C. ever        
C. praising    
C. looked down  
C. clever      
C. alone        
C. Badly        
C. left        
C. sock        
C. so          
C. wet          
C. promised    
C. received    
C. song        
C. sight        
D. experience  
D. By          
D. recognize    
D. buying      
D. hobby        
D. meant        
D. even        
D. thinking    
D. got down    
D. worried      
D. hungry      
D. However      
D. produced    
D. glove        
D. and          
D. clean        
D. agreed      
D. carried      
D. party        
D. tear        
1-5: CDCAA  6-10: DBDCA  11-15: CBCAB  16-20: DBDAA

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

完形填空 (共20小题;每小题l分,满分20分)

When Andra Rush started her trucking company, all she had was an old van,two used pick-up trucks and the simple certainty of a 23-year-old girl. But she planned to make her fortune in about four years to    36   her true goal: dealing with poverty on Native American reservations across North America. "I thought I could retire by the time I was 27," says Rush, "At that age, you don't know  37  you don't know."

Rush is 49 now and  38  working hard. Her tiny start-up just outside Detroit has  39   to a $400 million North American business. Today Rush is a(an)  40  not only for Native Americans but also for women in the male-controlled world of trucking.

Rush was  41 30 miles outside Detroit. When the teenage Rush visited the reservation for the first time, she was  42  by the poverty and lack of hope. "I really wanted to  43  " she says.

She graduated from the University of Michigan in 1982. She took a nursing job with a 44 pay and then practiced at an air goods company, 45 the speed of package pickups and deliveries made a little more a little more profits. "I thought I could do that 46 ," Rush says.

Within six months, Rush had ten employees, and clients(客户)  47  Ford and GM were paying her to 48 small packages from the airport. Ford was the first to offer her a job trucking parts between its plants and supplier.

By 2001, many of Rush's 1,000 employees were Native Americans, working alongside people of every    49   But she felt she hadn't done enough. 50  she joined forces with a Canadian parts maker to design and gather auto components.

She located the plants near reservations, 51 opportunities where they were needed most. By 2009, her auto parts business was earning $370 million   52   .

She's come a long way from the  53    23-year-old who thought "the cash would just roll in." But Rush wouldn't change a thing: "I love my job," she says. "I 54  the fact that you can start to get some motivation and keep   55   yourself—and then suddenly you lift your head and it's been 25 years"

A.make     B. accomplish C.  receive    D.arrive

A.what      B.which       C.why  D.who

A.so B.somehow  C.still   D.anyhow

A.  grown B.become     C.got    D.gone

A.able housewife      B.ordinary woman      C.role model       D.truck driver

A.brought       B.lived C.risen        D.raised

A.moved B.interested  C.struck       D.encouraged

A have an influence   B.make a difference    C.set an example  D.make a decision

A.low      B.high  C.cheap       D.expensive

A.which    B.that   C.when D.where

A.well       B.badly C.worse       D.better

A.like       B.besides     C.for    D.except

A.take       B.fetch C.bring D.lift

A.education      B.family      C.background      D.city

A.Because B.For   C.But   D.So

A.seizing   B.creating    C.grasping   D.losing

.A.in case  B.in turn      C.in return   D.in need

A.inexperienced       B.experienced      C.expert       D.skilled

A.enjoy     B.hate   C.doubt       D.refuse

A.fighting B.forcing     C.challenging      D.amusing


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届河北省石家庄市高三第二次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:完型填空

Twenty years ago,I drove a taxi for a living.I met  2l  people.But none touched me  22  than a woman I picked up late one night.
I received a call from  23 in a quiet part of town.When I arrived at 2:30 a.m.,the building was  24  except for a single light in a ground floor window.I  walked to the door and  25 .“Just a minute,”answered a  26 ,elderly voice.After a long pause,the door opened.A small woman  27  her 80s stood before me.Beside her was a small suitcase.I took it to the taxi.and then returned to  28 the woman.She took my arm and we walked  29  toward the roadside.
Seated,she gave me  30 .“I’m on my way to a hospice(临终关怀医院).I'm in no hurry.Can you drive through downtown?” I saw her eyes shining with  31 in the rearview mirror.“I don’t have any  32  left.”she continued.“The doctor says I don’t have very long.”
During the next two hours’ 33 , sometimes she asked me to  34 in front of a particular building or corner and she  35 stare into the darkness.When we got to the destination,she asked,“How much do I   36 you?” “Nothing,”I said.“You            37 make a living.”she answered.“I have  38  passengers,”I replied,and gave her a hug. She held onto me  39 .“You gave an old woman a little moment of joy,” she said.“Thank you.”
After that,I drove aimlessly,lost in thought.People usually believe that our lives center upon great moments.  40 great moments often catch us unaware,beautifully wrapped in what others may consider a small one.

A.honestB.familiarC.various D.similar
A.worseB.moreC.better D.1ess
A.a storeB.an officeC.a clinic D.an apartment
A.lookedB.knockedC.1istened D.pushed
A.clearB.10udC.sharp D.weak
A.ofB.byC.in D.over
A.helpB.callC.early D.pull
A.a notebookB.an addressC.a present D.an envelope
A.familyB.moneyC.trouble D.idea
A.discussionB.rideC.silence D.cry
A.wouldB.shouldC.might D.could
A.provideB.chargeC.afford D.owe
A.want toB.used toC.have to D.seem to
A.someB.otherC.few D.rich
A.doubtfullyB.warmlyC.honestly D.tightly
A.AndB.ButC.So D.although


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届四川省南充高中高三第七次月考英语卷 题型:完型填空

完形填空(共20小题;每小题l 5分,满分30分)
After winning a big game,athletes are often asked how they feel.Usually athletes say how  21  it is to win this big game.On the contrary,the fact is that losing a big game,or in my case,all the games,can be even harder.
From the spectators’ point of view,last year’s basketball 22 for my high school team was nothing  23  of an embarrassment.And  24  0—20 is certainly nothing to be proud of,that season had a bigger impact on me than any other.As a team captain,I knew it probably wouldn’t be the  25  year,but did I ever think we would lose every game?Of course not.Since six of our top players had graduated,it was clear that we were a (n)  26  team who would struggle.The struggle began earlier than expected,  27  ,as our team center was suspended (禁赛) for the season,and two key members decided to  28  for some reason.At this point,dropping out probably passed through every player’s mind,but in the end,we all stuck it out,  29  to work still harder.
Then there came a time when even our  30  had given up on us.Personally,I felt like it was  31  worthwhile giving my all.I thought,if even the coach doesn’t believe in us,why should I?But just as my hope began to  32 ,a teammate called a meeting.He said,“Nobody thinks we are going to win,but,as teammates and friends,we  33  it to each other to go all out every game.”
It was that moment that  34  me how to be a leader.It hit me that I certainly didn’t 35  the role.As a leader you can never quit  36  the team who looks up to you.It is one  37  to be named captain,feel great and go through the motions,but it is quite another to be a real captain and make sure everyone realizes their full  38  all the time.
I am sure it is great to go through without losing and bringing home awards.But in all honesty,I  39  the fact that my team lost every game last year.It may not help me to become a better basketball player,but it already has made me a better leader,and  40

A.asB.whileC.sinceD.now that
A.most interestingB.dullestC.most difficultD.easiest
A.uniqueB.adventurous C.youngD.untraining
A.hopingB.swearing C.claiming D.wishing
A.only tooB.more thanC.not a littleD.no longer
A.oweB.think C.demandD.recommend
A.withB.alongsideC.on D.for
A.characterB.captain C.personD.coach


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省2009-2010学年高一下学期期中考试试题(英语) 题型:完型填空

第二节. 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)

I ran into a stranger as he passed by, and I at once apologized to him. We were

both very       31    , the stranger and I. Then we went       32    our way after saying good-bye.

But at home a    33    story is told. Later that day, when I    34    supper in the kitchen, my daughter suddenly stood behind me very 35    . When I turned back, I               36    knocked her down. “Don’t be in my   37    !” I shouted angrily. She walked away with her little heart             38    . On the kitchen floor later, I found some flowers by the door.

That night, while I lay          39    in bed, a voice in my deep heart said, “While    40    with a stranger, you are so polite, but with the children you love, you are so easily       41    . Why are there some flowers by the door? Those are the flowers she brought for you. She          42    them herself, pink, yellow and your favorite blue. She stood quietly in order to give you a   43    , and you never saw the         44    in her eyes.”

By this time, I felt very               45    and now my tears began to fall. I quietly went and knelt (跪下) by her   46    , “Wake up, little girl, wake up,” I said, “Are these the flowers you picked for me?” She smiled, “Yes, because I knew you’d like them, especially the               47    .” I said, “Daughter, I’m sorry for the way I acted today; I               48    have shouted at you that way.”

She said, “Oh, Mom, that’s okay. I love you       49    .” I hugged her and said, “Daughter, I love you too, and I do like the flowers.”

Through this 50    , I realize what FAMILY means:


36. A. rude            B. polite                   C. educated        D. happy

37. A. in              B. to                          C. on                   D. for

38. A. different       B. funny                 C. moving            D. terrible

39. A. had              B. ate                     C. prepared          D. took

40. A. quickly       B. quietly             C. noisily              D. seriously

41. A. nearly        B. hardly             C. already            D. even

42. A. kitchen      B. room             C. place           D. way

43. A. beaten       B. missing               C. broken              D. hit

44. A. alive             B. asleep                 C. awake               D. afraid

45. A. talking          B. dealing           C. working           D. meeting

46. A. worried               B. nervous          C. excited             D. disappointed

47. A. grew            B. picked                C. bought              D. planted

48. A. gift              B. flower                C. kiss                      D. surprise

49. A. expression   B. tears                          C. happiness          D. joy

50. A. small            B. proud                C. weak            D. hurt

51. A. table             B. desk                      C. bed                      D. knees

52. A. pink             B. blue                          C. yellow              D. green

53. A. couldn’t               B. mustn’t               C. shouldn’t                 D. needn’t

54. A. however       B. truly                      C. though             D. anyway

55. A. accident               B. experience          C. question            D. problem



科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:完形填空

    I had my first job at the age of thirteen,when a friend of my mother's who owned a bookshop
   1  me for six hours a week to help her in the shop. I was
very  2  to earn my own pocket money and my parents    3_ interfered(干涉) with how I spent
it,even when I was spending it    4   . They believed that by eaming money, spending it, and
leaming from the_5__ ,1 would become more mature (成熟的)  and  6  about how to handle
work,relationships with others , and  money.
      Like many _7    parents,my parents also let me and my brothers do things over which they
   8   a  great deal. When I was sixteen,for example,after I finished high school and before I
entered university,l wanted to spend the summer months travelling around   9  .My mother was
against the idea of my travelling alone at such a young age,but my father felt that it would be a
great    10    for me. In the end,my father won the    11   0n the condition that I limited my travelling
to France,my mother's home,where I had many uncles, aunts and cousins  13   through the country
who could    12     shelter and help if I needed them.
     Three years later,my younger brother decided to _14   a year off after his first year in university
and travel through the United States and the Caribbean. Again niy mother was very worried and not
   15   to see my brother leave school,but my father encouraged him and my brother had a(n) _16  
year working his way on trains and ships to   17passage to different
ports and cities, and discovering many fascinating places and people.
       These kinds of experiences are probably rare(稀少的) for children in many countries but in the
US they are fairly   18  . Most parents start    19  their children at a young age to do small things by
themselves.By the time they have finished high school,many American kids have already had part-time
jobs, traveled around the US or other countries on their own,have  20  the university they plan to attend
and maybe even decided on their future career,and so on.
(     )1.A. taught    
(     )2.A. anxious  
(     )3.A. never    
(     )4.A. quickly  
(     )5.A. work      
(     )6.A. strict    
(     )7.A. American  
(     )8.A. helped    
(     )9.A. Asia      
(     )10.A. journey  
(     )11.A. argument
(     )12.A. send out
(     )13.A. promise  
(     )14.A. leave    
(     )15.A. angry    
(     )16.A. unusual  
(     )17.A. accept  
(     )18.A. welcome  
(     )19.A. bringing
(     )20.A. selected
B. allowed    
B. content    
B. ever      
B. foolishly  
B. mistakes  
B. reasonable
B. Japanese  
B. supported  
B. Africa    
B. experience
B. game      
B. give out  
B. afford    
B. make      
B. eager      
B. hard      
B. eam        
B. fit        
B. forcing    
B. admired    
C. treated    
C. proud      
C. always    
C. seriously  
C. others    
C. polite    
C. Chinese    
C. shared    
C. Europe    
C. chance    
C. discussion
C. carry out  
C. provide    
C. take      
C. sorry      
C. strange    
C. find      
C. necessary  
C. pushing    
C. afforded  
D. hired      
D. hopeful    
D. even      
D. honestly  
D. books      
D. responsible
D. British    
D. worried    
D. Korea      
D. possibility
D. plar.      
D. spread out
D. serve      
D. prepare    
D. sad        
D. busy      
D. search    
D. common    
D. protecting
D. left      

