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Wise Man

Ten people were going from one village to another. On the way they had to cross a river. After crossing they【1】 ___(want) to be sure all were there. Each one started counting but counted only nine. They were very upset and began to cry for the 2】 ___(lose) of the tenth.

A wise man came along and asked them,"Oh,my dear friends,why are you crying?”‘‘We were ten but now we are only nine, " they replied , and cried even 3 (hard).

4 ___wise man saw they were ten, so he asked them to count. Each counted nine but left out 5 ___(him). Then the wise man made them stand and count, and he said to the last person, "You are the tenth ! " They cheered for 6 ____(regain) the tenth at last.

Similarly the four inner 7 ________(thing)----mind, intelligence, memory, personality-----all mourn (哀悼)8 _ _____they lose sight of the self. Then you show that they are four all the time!

Count,but never stop until you find the tenth. The joy is9 finding the Ever Present. With the knowledge of the self inside,everything is【10 (true) joyful.







【6】having regained











【6】having regained 考察动名词。结合前面的介词for后面应使用动词ing形式,表示再次找到了第十个人。






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I climbed Kilimanjaro with Lava Expeditions during the rainy season.

I1(fly) to Nairobi in Kenya and spent several days there. At my hotel in Nairobi I met the rest of the group with 2 I would spend the next week. We all traveled on the bus together for 3 8-hour journey into Tanzania and then Arusha, a quiet town.

After we arrived at our hotel in Arusha, we had dinner and a few drinks. Then we 4(introduce) to more members including Taddeus Minja, the main guide, who was very 5(experience) --- climbing Kilimanjaro runs through the generations of 6(he) family.

The next day the Lava Expeditions members checked if we had the correct and enough clothing for our expedition on Kilimanjaro. Only one person needed to bring more clothes. After that we set off,7(walk) in the rain through the beauty of the rainforest, all the way to the first camp. I was happy the next few days as the view was so wonderful and changed every day. I suffered a little during the trip and I felt so tired. But the members of Lava Expeditions provided me 8 lots of encouragement, which was one of the best 9(memory). Finally we reached the top of Kilimanjaro in bright blue skies.

I felt excited about climbing Kilimanjaro and the feeling didn’t change during my trip. The fellow members of Lava Expeditions looked after me so well that I was 10(deep) thankful for their help.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with nature. However, whether you are on the mountains, in the waves, or on the grassland, you should be aware that your sport of choice might have great influence on the environment.

Some sports are resource-hungry. Golf, as you may know, eats up not only large areas of countryside, but also tons of water. Besides, all sorts of chemicals and huge amounts of energy are used to keep its courses(球场) in good condition. This causes major environmental effects. For example, in the dry regions of Portugal and Spain, golf is often held responsible for serious water shortage in some local areas.

There are many environment-friendly sports. Power walking is one of them that you could take up today. You don't need any special equipment except a good pair of shoes; and you don't have to worry about resources and your purse. Simple and free, power walking can also keep you fit. If you walk regularly, it will be good for your heart and bones. Experts say that 20 minutes of power walking daily can make you feel less anxious, sleep well and have better weight control.

Whatever sport you take up, you can make it greener by using environment-friendly equipment and buying products made from recycled materials. But the final goal should be "green gyms". They are better replacements(代替物) for traditional health clubs and modern sports centers. Members of green gyms play sports outdoors, in the countryside or other open spaces. There is no special requirement for you to start your membership. And best of all, it's free.

1Which of the following is the author most probably in favor of?

A. Motor racing in the desert.

B. Cycling around a lake.

C. Playing basketball in a gym

D. Swimming in a sports center.

2The author uses power walking as an example mainly because_________.

A. it is an outdoor sport

B. it improves our health

C. it uses fewer resources

D. it is recommended by experts

3What do we know about golf from the passage?

A. It is popular in Portugal and Spain.

B. It needs water and electricity to keep its courses green.

C. It pollutes the earth with chemicals and wastes.

D. It causes water shortages around the world.

4The author writes the passage to ________.

A. show us the function of major sports

B. discuss the major influence of popular sports

C. encourage us to go in for green sports

D. introduce different types of environment-friendly sports


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







My English was very poor before I entered senior high school. I didn't like English at all. I couldn't understand that the teacher was talking about, and I felt it so difficult remember so many long English words. But everything has changed since I come to study here. My English teacher is a humorous young man, he has a way to make his class lively and interesting, so gradually I became interesting in English. He is also pretty patient. Every time I have a question to ask, no matter how easy it may sounds to other students, he will explain it for me and try every means to make me understand it. Most important, with the help of my English teacher, I have mastered several way of remembering English words. Thanks to my English teacher, I have made a great progress in English learning.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Nowadays, the ice bucket challenge is among the1(hot) news of all. It is an activity2 (hold) by an American charity organization. It not only helps the sick people to get the money to heal their disease, but also makes more and more people aware3the disease, so that they can give more care to the patients.

Ice bucket challenge is like the epidemic(流行病), 4becomes popular around the world very 5 (quick). The starter holds the activity, 6(hope) people can experience the ALS patients’ pain. In the activity, people need to pour the ice water down from their heads, and then propose three people. They can either choose to accept the challenge7 donate 100 dollars, or do the both.

The ALS makes people’s muscles become hard. It is hard for the patients to move. Stephen Hocking is one of the8(suffer). Ice bucket challenge is9great success. Until now, a big donation10(receive).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。

Yesterday our club held an English speech contest, which theme was “Challenge Myself”. A large number of students attended to the contest and showed their wonderful performances. In the stage, though face great pressure, the speakers bravely overcame it and challenged them to achieve great success. Moreover, they impressed us deep with their unusual confidences and performances. Through such activity, we know a lot more about our students but we have gained much, such as self-confidence and bravery. Besides, our club was growing stronger.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Most people know how difficult it is to get along with others. 1If one doesn’t get along with himself, how could he be expected to get along with others?

Getting along with self is the most important point in getting along with others in this world. So first and foremost you must learn truly to appreciate and love yourself. 2Some people live in the worst situations but are wonderful in their ability to get along with themselves. Others have every chance in the world, but they cannot get along with themselves. 3You must not wait for your situations to change. If you wait for that, you will never make any progress. There is no excuse that you cannot correct yourself because of any other conditions.4If you want to meditate(冥想), you will find a way to meditate in spite of your surroundings. If you want to study to improve your English, you will do so regardless of (不管)outer conditions.

5So you are the only one who knows whether you can get along with yourself. That is why it is up to you to struggle every day to find out whether you are at peace with yourself. When you learn to get along with yourself, you will know how to get along with everybody.

A. They are constantly at war with themselves.

B. You hide yourself very cleverly from others.

C. We should learn to show concern for others.

D. You can tell yourself you’re all right in spite of your environment.

E. Children should be taught how to get along with others.

F. But I do not mean love for your selfishness or self-interest.

G. But have you ever given thought to getting along with yourself?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Mongolian wolves are e__________(使……处于险境;危及) nowadays.

2Inside the theater, they were giving a p__________(表演) of Bizet’s Carmen.

3I asked him to be more s__________(具体的).

4The night was dark, and the stars were h__________(隐藏) behind cloud.

5Last year they sold twice as many computers as their c__________(竞争者).

6Disney’s Beauty And The Beast has won many positive r__________(评论).

7He s__________(发现) a man with a shotgun taking aim.

8This restaurant offers simple but t__________(美味可口的) meals.

9This product comes with a 5-year g__________(保证;保修).

10He p__________(购买) a ticked and went up on the top deck.

