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1.Nowadays we can see a______________ everywhere, on the walls, in the newspapers and on TV.

2.More and more v___________ will serve the Olympic Games.

3.My mother is our of work, so my father works hard to s_________ our family.

4.Having experienced many failures, I have the courage to meet all kinds of ____________ (挑战).

5.There are two _________________________ (表演) of the musical show each night.

6.You can reduce your stress by ____________ (组织)your work and time better.

7.This kind of desk is ____________ (设计) for the children who are shortsighted.

8.Postcards always____________(搅得不安)my holidays. (新概念2)

9.I want to live in a place more ____________ (和平) than here.

10.“It’s none of your business,” the young man said rudely. “This is a____________ (私人的) conversation!” (新概念2)


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省张家港市2016-2017学年高二下学期周考4英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

The term “Industry 4.0” refers to the fourth industrial revolution. The first industrial revolution was the production of goods with machines like steam engines, which was followed by the second industrial revolution that introduced mass production with the help of electric power, followed by the digital revolution —the use of electronics and IT in production.

Industry 4.0 is a high-tech project, which promotes the computerization of manufacturing (制造业). The basic principle of Industry 4.0 is that by connecting machines, work pieces and systems, we are creating intelligent networks along the entire value chain that can control each other automatically. The goal is the Smart Factory, which adapts well and uses resources efficiently as well as linking customers and business partners with great intelligence. Technological bases are the Internet systems and advanced factories. Experts believe that Industry 4.0 could be a reality in about 10 to 20 years.

So, what effects does this change have on the classic manufacturing? According to an expert, “it is highly likely that the world of production will become more and more networked until everything is connected with everything else.” Networks and processes have so far been limited to one factory. But in the time of Industry 4.0, the boundaries (界限) of individual factories will most likely no longer exist. Instead, they will be lifted in order to inter-connect multiple factories or even geographical regions.

How is an Industry 4.0 factory different from a today’s factory? In current industry environment, providing high-end quality service or product with the least cost is the key to success. Factories are trying to increase their profit as much as possible. In the time of Industry 4.0, various data sources are available to provide worthwhile information about different aspects of the factory. Using data for understanding the current condition and checking faults and failures is a natural thing. The sharing of information around the clock and around the globe will enable these connected systems to manage themselves independently, work more efficiently and identify any errors quickly.

The good news is that Europe is much better prepared for the Industry 4.0 revolution than one might think. Europe will position itself as a pioneer in the fourth revolution. Industry 4.0 is a project in the high-tech strategy of the German government. Meanwhile, in the U.S., some companies are also working hard on it. But the success of industry depends on whether business and politics can work together. It’s not only politics that needs to help open the door for Industry 4.0. Every company is advised to seize the new digital opportunities.

1.What marks the coming of Industry 4.0?

A. Steam engines. B. Mass production.

C. Intelligent networks. D. Use of electronics.

2.Industry 4.0 will probably result in ________ in the world of manufacturing.

A. everything connected with everything else

B. production limited to an individual factory

C. networks and processes no longer existing

D. classic factories stopping their competition

3.What’s the meaning of the underlined part in Para. 4?

A. Sharing information of the world time.

B. Global news broadcast at any time.

C. Spreading news widely on the hour.

D. Instant worldwide information exchange

4.The writer’s attitude toward Industry 4.0 can best be described as ________.

A. negative B. supportive

C. doubtful D. cautious


科目:高中英语 来源:重庆市2016-2017学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(有答案) 题型:完形填空

My wife Pat and I were having drinks outside our home, The weather was unusually____for March in Mississippi, There was barely any breeze, After we finished the second cup, flashes of____danced across the sky. When the first drops of rain drove us____, the phone rang.Pat’s face____on that gray and hot day. It was our son, David, a helicopter pilot who____in the US Air Force in South Korea. David intended to sound____, but we recognized the sign of homesickness from his voice.____,the power of conversation made us feel____,until a crash shook the windows.

David wondered what it was,“Just thunder,”Pat said.

There were several seconds of silence,“David”,I asked, “are you____there?”

“Yes…apart from the two of you, do you know what else I____most? Thunder, We have rain, wind, and____here, but it never thunders, Remember? Dad, when I was a kid, you laughed me out of fear of thunder? I wish I were there to____with you now.”

“Yes…”I said, trying to____my tears, On hanging up the phone, I told Pat,“I’m going to record our son some ____.”“Bob, the neighbors will think you’re crazy.”

“David won’t,” I said and went outside with a recorder, Later I ____the tape to David with a single line:A ____gift.

David called again, “Dad,”he said,“you won’t believe that some friends and I had a thunder party where we realized we were listening to the sounds of ____, Thanks, Dad! It was really a special present,” While David was in Korea, we found ourselves ____thunderstorms. ____feeling blue, we regarded the thunder as special which let us know that wherever we might be, we were _____together as a family.

1.A. wonderful B. fine C. hot D. unique

2.A. images B. lightning C. electricity D. clouds

3.A. over B. off C. outside D. inside

4.A. darkened B. lightened C. widened D. opened

5.A. served B. employed C. searched D. studied

6.A. miserable B. respectful C. comfortable D. Cheerful

7.A. Suddenly B. Gradually C. Increasingly D. Frequently

8.A. simpler B. less C. worse D. Better

9.A. still B. even C. instead D. yet

10.A. possess B. miss C. offer D. say

11.A. sky B. stars C. snow D. earth

12.A. play B. run C. Listen D. Work

13.A. gave out B. hold back C. took in D. Set off

14.A. music B. songs C. wind D. Thunder

15.A. gave B. presented C. mailed D. rushed

16.A. typical B. special C. common D. Strange

17.A. countryside B. city C. suburb D. home

18.A. expecting B. lacking C. trusting D. having

19.A. Other than B. Less than C. Rather than D. More than

20.A. established B. qualified C. linked D. pressed


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省五市十校教研教改共同体2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

iPads vs Textbooks

What if you could have your whole backpack at the touch of your fingertips? In the first month of the Apple iPads release, 25million were sold! People all over the world use iPads for all sorts of different things, but one of their finest qualities is the ability to be a textbook. 1.

To begin with, iPads are less expensive. Textbooks become outdated and schools have to buy new books, but with an iPad schools can update them for free. 2. Schools don’t have to spend $500 every year for iPads because they last a while and can be updated.

3. Students usually have multiple classes, which results in multiple textbooks. Heavy backpacks filled with books can cause back problem. A solution to that is an iPad, which only weighs 1.33 pounds and can hold all of a student’s textbooks.

Third, schools should get rid of their textbooks and get iPads because they have more capabilities. Some might think all of the apps are distracting, but the apps actually make iPads more efficient. 4. Textbooks cannot do those tasks, but iPads can easily do them with just a tap of the fingertip.

Lastly, iPads are a better choice for schools instead of textbooks because these devices allow students to access their learning anywhere at any time. 5. With iPads, they find it easier to get their homework done.

In conclusion, schools should get rid of their clumsy textbooks and switch to iPads. iPads have allowed this generation to have their entire backpack in the palm of their hands.

A. Second, iPads cost less and are more popular.

B. These tablets are perfect for busy students.

C. Therefore, they can use the saved money for other programs.

D. Moreover, in high school, textbooks have an average of 4.8 pounds each.

E. iPads have already replaced textbooks in over 600 American counties.

F. Schools have every reason to do away with their school books and switch to iPads.

G. iPads absorb the need to buy calculators, dictionaries, and other items that are found within the device.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省佛山市2016-2017学年高一上学期第一次大考英语试卷 题型:完成句子

Could you go and ____________(确认) that everyone is ready? (sure)


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省佛山市2016-2017学年高一上学期第一次大考英语试卷 题型:完成句子

The man who ___________________ (stand) there is the headmaster of our school.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省佛山市2016-2017学年高一上学期第一次大考英语试卷 题型:七选五


Your Teen Is Falling Asleep in Class

Teens have a busy morning schedule as they need to wake up and get moving very early in order to catch a bus and get to school by the required time. This means teens need to get their rest the night before or they will be too tired to learn anything at school. 1.

When a teen falls asleep in class, two things happen: he/she misses what is being taught and he/she loses the respect of the teacher. He/She may also receive a consequence (后果) from the school, depending on the classroom discipline (纪律) policy. 2.

To prevent your teen from being sleepy in class, try these three tips:

*Set a time for “lights out” on school nights. This is never be any later than 10 p.m. and preferably 9 p.m. 3. Soft music can be on and used to help calm your teen.

*Help your teen develop a night?time routine (常规) that involves(牵涉) activities that slow them down for the end of the day. 4. Turning off the computer and disconnecting from friends and the excitement of the day an hour before bedtime will also help your teen relax.

* 5. This will reinforce (增强) what it feels like to be rested and capable (有能力)of achieving what he/she wants.

A. What's worse, they may even fall asleep in class.

B. Taking a bath and reading are two activities that work well.

C. Set a good example and show him/her your love for learning.

D. Point out the positives after your teen has had a good night's rest.

E. “Lights out” means the computer, television, lights and cell phone should be off.

F. All of these things affect your teen's academic(学术) success and can be avoided(避免).

G. While your teen keeps his/her goals(目标) in line with(与……一致) your expectations, he/she may have his/her own goals.


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省沈阳市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

It was a beautiful morning, though every morning was beautiful. And I think that morning was ______. As usual I ______ myself for office, locked my room and stepped outside from my hostel(宿舍). Suddenly, I saw two poor kids ______ under a tree, shivering(颤抖) and ______ people as they were passing by.

I could see the light in their eyes, smile on their faces, as they were ______ watching people. I went to them and asked ______ they were sitting over there and where their house was. They ______ in their childish voice that their ______ was nearby, and that they were sitting there because sometimes people gave them ______ or gave them money.

It was ______, but I could feel their ______ of getting something was still alive.

I told them to stay there and I ______ to hostel’s canteen, packed some food and gave them to those children. Their faces were covered completely with ______ and they started eating ______. I also gave them few packets of biscuits and told them to go home, ______ them with their family. They ______ me with smile and said goodbye to me. I was feeling extremely happy that I could at ______ give them some food that of course wouldn’t fill their stomach or ______ their needs, but could give them a little strength. I ______ want to give the two little hearts some ______ on a cold morning.

1.A. special B. snowy C. cold D. usual

2.A. ordered B. advised C. prepared D. arranged

3.A. playing B. sitting C. reading D. crying

4.A. looing at B. laughing at C. galring at D. staring at

5.A. fortunately B. silently C. patiently D. calmly

6.A. how B. whether C. when D. why

7.A. replied B. apologized C. agreed D. promised

8.A. school B. home C. parents D. kindergarten

9.A. books B. fruit C. food D. toys

10.A. terrible B. sad C. hopeless D. freezing

11.A. need B. chance C. honor D. hope

12.A. pointed B. decided C. escaped D. returned

13.A. joy B. surprise C. sadness D. worry

14.A. finally B. timely C. hurriedly D. gradually

15.A. discussing B. sharing C. keeping D. collecting

16.A. responded B. praised C. answered D. thanked

17.A. last B. first C. least D. most

18.A. improve B. discover C. satisfy D. keep

19.A. really B. totally C. completely D. partly

20.A. support B. praise C. warmth D. information


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省哈尔滨市2017届高三下学期第三次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

Learning a second language fuels children’s intelligence and makes their job prospects brighter. _______ the fact is, in U.S.A, as in many other English speaking countries, speakers of two or more languages are in the ______. Eighty-four per cent of US people are monolingual (speakers of only one language). This leaves a small number who ______ to speak two or more languages.

No matter how proud people are of their cultural roots, to speak anything ______ English is a marker of difference here. That’s why fourteen-year-old Umar is ______ when people comment on the fact that he is able to speak Arabic. Umar’s mother points out: “In U.S.A, it’s not ______ for kids to be bilingual. But, if you speak another language to your children in U.S.A, it is thought that you are not helping them to ______ society.”

But in fact, the general ______ among experts is that learning a second language is good for children. Experts believe that bilinguals – people who speak ______ languages – have a clear learning advantage ____ their monolingual schoolmates. This ______ on how much of each language they can speak, not on which language is used, ______ they are learning Arabic, French, Chinese or any other language.

Vinss Millon, a professor of Foreign Language Training, says: “A lot of studies have ______ that children who speak more than one language sometimes learn one language more ______, but in the end they do as well as their monolingual schoolmates, and often better, in other subjects.”

The view is that there is a(n) ______ from the effort of learning another language. A few other _______ agree that “Bilinguals tend to use language better as a whole. They also ______ greater creativity and problem-solving ability, and they learn further languages more easily”.

With all of the benefits, why do we not show more ______ for learning other languages? Parents and teachers ______ in bilingual education say it is pressure from friends at school, general ______ to other languages in English-speaking countries, and problems in the school system that are to blame.

1.A. And B. So C. But D. Thus

2.A. minimum B. maximum C. minority D. majority

3.A. claim B. pretend C. decide D. plan

4.A. more than B. less than C. rather than D. other than

5.A. excited B. embarrassed C. disappointed D. appreciated

6.A. common B. unusual C. unique D. general

7.A. fit in B. build up C. contribute to D. figure out

8.A. distinction B. commission C. announcement D. agreement

9.A. one B. two C. three D. more

10.A. beneath B. beyond C. over D. of

11.A. determines B. focuses C. comments D. depends

12.A. if B. whether C. when D. because

13.A. rejected B. released C. revealed D. reminded

14.A. slowly B. rapidly C. easily D. efficiently

15.A. outcome B. improvement C. advantage D. tendency

16.A. parents B. learners C. schoolmates D. professors

17.A. display B. produce C. inspire D. discover

18.A. concern B. respect C. enthusiasm D. intelligence

19.A. involved B. impressed C. competing D. replacing

20.A. opinions B. obstacles C. senses D. attitudes

