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   Major League Baseball (MLB) had a problem that was hard to deal with this week,as word spread that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the United States Department of Justice are investigating the St Louis Cardinals. Employees of the team may have hacked(非法侵入) into the computer database of the Houston Astros. If the investigation proves that the Cardinals did do the act,it will be considered not only unsportsmanlike but also illegal.

   In a statement,the MLB said it is aaware of and has fully cooperated with the federal investigation into the illegsd act of the Houston Astros' baseball operations database.The organization added,“Once the investigative process has been completed by federal law enforcement officials,we will judge the next steps and will make decisions immediately.w The investigation began after the Astros* internal trade talks were posted anonymously(匿名地) on the Internet last year. People wanted to know who was responsible for making the private information public.

   The two major-league teams had been competitors for a long time,but things became even worse when the Astros hired Jeff Luhnow as their general manager in 2011. Luhnow had previously worked for the Cardinals as head of their player development department. Investigators think the Cardinals may have been able to get inside the Astros’ database using Luhnow's old passwords from when he was working for the St. Louis team.

   This is the first known case of a professional sports team hacking another team's network,but some cybersecurity(网络安全) experts say other teams may have done it before without getting caught. Craig Newman,chairman of the privacy and data security practice of the New York law firm Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler,told The AssociatedPress that it would be “irresponsible” to assume this is the first incident of hacking in the world of professional sports.

6. What happened to the Cardinals according to Paragraph 1 ?

   A. It was in cooperation with MLB.

   B. It was in need of the FBI’s help.

   C. It was under investigation.

   D. It was under construction.

7. Which event led to the investigation into the incident of hacking?

   A. The Astros' website went down suddenly.

   B. The Astros' private information was uncovered.

   C. Newman commented on the Cardinals' trade talks.

   D. The Cardinals’ private information was uncovered.

8. What cah we infer from the text?

   A. Jeff Luhnow betrayed his team on purpose.

   B. Jeff Luhnow's old information may have been used.

   C. Jeff Luhnow had been a general manager before 2011.

   D. Jeff Luhnow was not allowed to use the Astros' database.

9. The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph probably refers to .

   A. hacking other teams' network

   B. stealing money from a competitor

   C. offering a competitor useful information

   D. providing untrue information for other teams

10. Where does this text probably come from?

   A. A sports report.

   B. A finance report.

   C. A computer textbook.

   D. A newspaper advertisement.

6. C 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. A


本文是记叙文。圣路易斯红雀队 因被怀疑非法侵入休斯敦太空人队的 数据库而被调查。

6. C. 细节理解题。由第一段中的... are investigating the St. Louis Cardinals可知,垄路易斯红雀队(the Cardinals ) 正在接受调查。

7. B. 细节理解题。根据第二段倒数 第二句 The investigation began after the Astros’ internal trade talks were posted anonymously on the Internet iast year可知,休斯敦太空人队(the Houston Astros )的数据库遭到入侵, 去年其内部交易信息被匿名放到网 上。这一事件成为此次调查的导火索。

8. B. 推理判断题。由第三段末的the Cardinals may have been able to get inside the Astros’ database using Luhnow’ s old passwords 可知,调查 人员认为有可能Jeff Luhnow曾经 工作的圣路易斯红雀队甩他的旧密 码入侵了他现在所在的休斯敦太空 人队的数据库。也就是说,他的旧信 息可能被利用了。

9. A. 篇章结构题。划线词指代最后 一段首句中的hacking another team's network。如线词所在句应理 解为:这是第一起己知的专业球队非 法侵入另一球队网络的案例,但是有 网络安全专家说或许其他球队也做 过类似的事情,只是没被发现而己。

10. A. 文章出处题。本文主要讲美国 职业棒球大联盟中的圣路易斯红雀队涉嫌非法侵入休斯敦太空人队的数据 库。故本文应选自体育新闻报道。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第37期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


11. 1 hope Mary won't come to the party, ?

12. There is a bus to 1st Street every hour,?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   A few days before his eighth birthday,in February 1817,Abraham Lincoln shot a wild turkey. He hoped the kill would impress his father. Instead,the sight of the dead bird left the future president traumatized. Lincoln later wrote that he never again pulled a trigger (扳机) on any other animal.

   On the frontier,animals were seen as sources of labor,food,or amusement. It was a time when ripping (撕) the heads off live geese was entertainment like late-night TV. But Lincoln wasn’t shy about sticking up for animals. As a youngster,he saved a turtle when some boys tried to pour hot coals on the animal's back; he also warned his friends that “an ant's life -was to it as sweet as ours to us." The role animals played in Lincoln's life has been largely overlooked. But it's not an unimportant part of his life. As biographer Michael Burlingame writes, “Lincoln's anger at the mistreatment of animals foreshadowed his anger at the cruelties of slavery."

   Lincoln,s White House was full of cats,rabbits,goats,and horses. And once,he noticed three kittens on the floor of a telegrapher's tent, “moving about pitifUlly." Hearing that the kittens’ mother had died,Lincoln ordered an officer to see that the cats were cared for. Before leaving,he returned to play with them — three times.

   But there was one animal he adored above all. Around 1855,Lincoln adopted a lost yellow dog he named Fido (from fidelis,Latin for faithfur') , Fido lived up to his name,accompanying Lincoln everywhere. But after the election of 1860,Lincoln feared the trip to Washington would be too stressful,and left the dog behind with friends. He even left behind Fido's favorite horsehair sofa to keep him comfortable.

   When the president died,Fido returned his love,standing guard as thousands of mourners filed through Lincoln's home to pay their respects.

1. What does the underlined word “traumatized” in Paragraph 1 mean?

   A. Excited and proud.

   B. Shocked and upset.

   C. Brave and confident.

   D. Sad and discouraged.

2. On the frontier,people amused themselves .

   A. by killing animals   B. by saving animals

   C. by training animals   D. by keeping animals

3. According to Michael Burlingame,the way Lincoln treated animals had something to do with.

   A. his family background

   B. his academic experience

   C. his interests and hobbies

   D. his political performance

4. What can we infer about Lincoln from Paragraph 3 ?

   A. He enjoyed playing games.

   B. He was interested in animal stories.

   C. He felt great sympathy for the weak.

   D. He dreamed of becoming an animal doctor.

5. Which word can best describe Fido?

   A. Wild. B. Brave.

   C. Strong. D. Devoted.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Whatever we do,let's not forget the burbot (江鲟) , a dark,mysterious,unusual creature which lives down deep in the bottom of deep lakes.

   The fish is “fat looking and a little bit soft”. With large flat heads,small eyes,downtumed mouths full of sharp teeth,they are not exactly pretty. They are also extremely slimy(粘糊糊的) and under the chin is a single long,fleshy barbel(鱼的触须) ,

giving the impression of a goatee(山羊胡子). These characteristics are important. Their teeth are essential for catching a huge variety of food. “They’ re a very greedy animal,says Steve Simpson,marine biologist and lover of burbot at Exeter University. “There are reports of them eating birds,eating snakes,eating frogs 一 they really will eat anything they can get.”

   Once upon a time,they were ice-age fish that once swam freely in a cold world,until the ice moved away 10,000 years ago leaving small populations throughout the northern hemisphere including eastern England. For several months a year burbot can be trapped under ice 一 they need cold temperatures to lay eggs and all that unpleasant thick ice provides excellent protection.

   Although still present throughout the rest of Europe and North America,the only burbot in England today can be found in the rooms of the Natural History Museum in London, preserved in jars. The Angling Times offered a reward of £100 to anyone who found one in the UK,but that money lies unclaimed.

   When it comes to animals threatened with extinction,the cute and soft ones tend to get the most attention. But what about the unattractive ones that go unnoticed when their numbers start to become gradually smaller and smaller? Someone has got to speak up for the burbot.

5. Which of the following best describes burbot's appearance?

   A. Bony. B. Ugly.

   C. Small. D. Attractive.

6. The burbot .

   A. eats a lot

   B. is a light eater

   C. is a picky eater

   D. eats many kinds of food

7. For what purpose do burbot stay under ice?

   A. To go to sleep. B. To meet friends.

   C. To produce eggs. D. To look for food.

8. What does the underlined part “that money lies unclaimed” mean?

   A. A reward of £100 is not appealing at all.

   B. The English don't care much about money.

   C. The burbot only lives in the bottom of lakes.

   D. The burbot has disappeared in British waters.

9. What is the author's attitude towards the burbot?

   A. Worried. B. Critical.

   C. Crazy. D. Proud.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  If you are a do-it-yourself type of person,then learning how to build a greenhouse will provide you with a lot of satisfaction. You might want to build a greenhouse in order to protect your plants during the time the weather is extremely cold,or you may simply want to get an early start for the spring. 1 

   The first thing you need to do is check your local laws. Do you need to get a building permit? Do you have to have your greenhouse plans first approved before you start building? 2 

   Once you decide to build your greenhouse,you will need to determine what materials to purchase. Usually the greenhouse covering is constructed from polycarbonate(聚碳酸酯) ,glass,plastic,or fiberglass. 3 The frame will usually be made from wood or plastic piping.

   Usually a larger greenhouse is called a hothouse or glasshouse. A smaller unit is referred to as a cold frame. 4 At the same time,you have to consider the budget you have available for materials,tools,and so forth.

   Whatever you do,it is wise to have some kind :of understanding of how to build a greenhouse before you begin. 5 You can also check out a how-to book from your local library or bookstore. However,if you are not certain about how to do it,then you might want to buy a greenhouse kit(成套工具) .Inside the kit you will find all of the parts you need and the directions on how to fix them together.

   A. Use recycled materials.

   B. Greenhouse plans can be found online easily.

   C. A greenhouse project is very different from normal gardening.

   D. These materials allow the sunlight to shine through.your greenhouse.

   E. Be aware of all of these requirements,or you may experience a sad ending.

   F. You should build your greenhouse based on the amount of space you have available.

   G. Whatever reasons you have,knowing the basic steps of building a greenhouse counts.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   When Pheidippides left school,he was proud 1. (serve) in the Athenian army. A famous battle was fought on the plain of Marathon. Finally their enemy knew 2. their arrows were not strong enough and they ran back to their ships. The Greeks won 3. battle.

   The soldiers were very happy,and they wanted to tell their people about the battle. 4.(sudden) Pheidippides decided that he must carry the good news to the people in Athens. So he 5.(start) running towards the city.

   He seemed to have wings on his feet. He was running 6. (fast) than ever before in his life.He never stopped to think about the distance to Athens,7. was over 20 miles away from Marathon. The brave soldier didnt stop 8.(run) until he reached the market place in Athens.9. his last breath he shouted,uThe battle is over and Greece is safe!” and he fell dead.

   Pheidippides had run the longest race and he became a Greek hero. Even today,the longest distance run in the Olympic Games 10.(call) the Marathon.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Wendy's success has nothing to do with good luck.     (是多年的努力工作) that has made her what she is today.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

12. —Who is making so much noise? ’

(There are,It is) a couple who are quarrelling.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

根据括号内的汉语提示用含it的内容补全下面句子(每空一词) 。

5. —I'm thinking of the driving test tomorrow. I'm afraid I’11 fail again.

—Cheer up. I'm sure   (你会成功) .

