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Today's word, pan, takes us back to the days of the gold rush in California.
On January 24th, 1848, a man named James Wilson Marshall discovered gold in California. The news spread quickly. Thousands rushed west. They traveled on foot, on horseback and by boat to reach the gold fields. By 1849, the great gold rush was on. Towns and cities grew overnight. Throughout California --- in the mountains, along the streams and rivers --- thousands of people searched for gold.
Some found areas of mountain rock thick with gold. These men got rich. But such areas were few and quickly claimed by the first men to find them. Others searched for gold in the rivers coming down the mountains. They were after pieces of gold that the rains had washed down from above .
The only way to find this gold was by panning. First a gold miner put dirt in a metal pan and added water. Then he shook the pan so that the water would wash the dirt. Slowly, he poured the water out of the pan. If he was a lucky miner, pieces of gold would remain.
Across the nation, newspapers carried stories of the gold being found. Each one hoped that the place he claimed panned out well --- had some gold.
For many, gold mining did not pan out. For a few, it panned out well. But in time, huge machines were built that could wash many tons of dirt at a time. Panning died out.
The word, however, remained in the language. Today, Americans still say, “ It panned out well ,” when something they have done pleases them. A business, a discovery, a simple event pans out well if it is successful. Unhappily, sometimes things do not pan out.
In recent years, the word pan has taken on another meaning. Today, it also means to criticize. How it got this meaning is hard to discover. But the job of a critic is to sometimes pan the work of a writer, artist or singer.
小题1:Why did so many people flood to California in 1848?
A.Because towns and cities there developed quickly.
B.Because the mountains in California were a great place for travel.
C.Because they wanted to get rich by looking for gold.
D.Because the land of California was fertile at that time.
小题2:The underlined part “It panned out well" in Paragraph 7 has the same meaning as “______”
A.Everything turned out wellB.Nothing could be worse
C.It's not the caseD.It's a pity
小题3:What is the purpose of this passage?
A.To tell us some stories about the gold rush.
B.To introduce the word "pan" in American English.
C.To teach us how to look for gold in rivers.
D.To introduce the history of the gold rush in California


小题1:细节题:从文章第二段的句子:Thousands rushed west. They traveled on foot, on horseback and by boat to reach the gold fields.可知很多人涌到加力福利亚是想通过找金子变得富有,选C
小题2:句意理解题:从第七段的句子:Americans still say, “ It panned out well ,” when something they have done pleases them.可知“It panned out well"是“一切进展很好”的意思,选A

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It is one of the most annoying words in the English language and it seems there is no escaping it.The word “huh?” is in worldwide use, a study found.
Researchers discovered that languages spoken in countries from Ghana and Laos to Iceland and Italy all include ‘‘huh?”, or something that sounds very like it. They said that while the study may sound silly,the word is an absolutely necessary part of speech.Without it and similar words,it would be impossible to show that we haven’t heard or understood what had been said and this would lead to constant misunderstandings.
But while other words used in the same context,such as ‘‘sorry'’ or‘ ‘what”,vary widely across languages,“huh?” remains unchanged.
The Dutch researchers carefully studied ten languages from around the world,including Siwu, which is spoken in Ghana, and an Australian Aboriginal language,as well as Italian,Spanish,Dutch and Mandarin Chinese.
They analyzed tapes of recorded conversations for words that sounded like ‘‘huh?” and were used to request that whatever had just been said be repeated.All contained a version of ‘‘huh?”.The word was also found in another 21 languages.While there were subtle differences in each country, all sounded basically the same.
This is surprising because normally unrelated languages will use very different words to describe the same thing.For instance,the Japanese for “dog’’ is ‘‘inu”,while the French is‘ ‘chien”.It is thought that languages around the world have developed their own version of “huh?’’ because the sound is quick and simple to form,as well as being easily understood.
The researchers,said that it might seem unimportant to carry out scientific research into a word like “huh?'’ but in fact this little word is an essential tool in human communication.They also have an answer for those who claim that ‘‘huh?’’ isn’t a word.They say that it qualifies because of the small differences in its pronunciation in different languages.It also can be considered a word because it’s something we learn to say,rather than a grunt or cry that we are born knowing how to make.
小题1:According to researchers,the word “huh?” is very important in speech because of       .
A.its important function in communication
B.its simple and easy sound and spelling
C.its popularity in every language
D.its stable meaning in language development
小题2:If you hear someone you’re speaking to say “huh?”, what should you do?
A.You should apologize to her for speaking in a low voice.
B.You should invite her to share her different views politely.
C.You should try to say what you’ve just said again in a clearer way.
D.You should ask her to repeat what she says before that.
小题3:The main method used in the research of “huh?” was_____________.
A.comparing different words with the same meaning in different languages
B.interviewing language experts in universities
C.talking with people from ten different countries
D.analyzing the recorded conversations in different languages
小题4: According to researchers,‘‘huh?” should be considered a word rather than a sound because  __________ .
A.it is pronounced quite differently around the world
B.it is something humans learn to say
C.there is a clear and consistent spelling of the word
D.it is listed in most dictionaries


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

America's Beauty Is in Its Diversity
America is built on the idea of freedom,and there is no exception for Muslim women.I ____ the freedom of religion and speech.But mostly,I believe it's OK to be ____,and to stand up for who and what you are.So I believe in wearing the hijab.
The hijab is a religious head covering,like a scarf.I am Muslim,and keeping my head covered is a ____ of maturity and respect toward my ____ and to Allah's will.____,I also like to wear it to be different.I don't usually like to do what everyone else is doing.I want to be a(n) ____,not just part of the crowd.But when I first wore it,I was also afraid of the ____ that I'd get at school.
I ____ on my own that sixth grade was the ____ I should start wearing the hijab.I was ____ about what the kids would say or even do to me.I thought they might make fun of me,or ____ be scared of me and ____ my headscarf.Kids at that age usually like to be all the same,and there's little or no ____ of differences.
On the first day of school,I put all those ____ thoughts behind my back and walked in with my head held high.I was holding my breath a little,but ____ I was also proud to be a Muslim,proud to be wearing the hijab,proud to be different.
I was ____ about everything I thought the kids would say or even do to me.I actually met a lot of people because of wearing my head covering.Most of the kids would come and ask me questions—____—about the hijab and why I wore it.
I did hear some kid was making fun of me,___ there was one girl—she wasn't even in my class,and we never really talked much—and she spoke ____ me,and I wasn't even there!I made a lot of new friends that year,friends that I still have until this very day,five years later.
Yes,I'm different,but everyone is different here,in one way or another.This is the ____ of America.
A.believe inB.stick toC.carry out D.push for
A.independent B.freeC.sensitive D.different
A.signal B.signC.reminderD.cause
A.religion B.countryC.parents D.status
A.In a word B.In generalC.To be exact D.To be honest
A.princess B.heroineC.individual D.adult
A.hoped B.expectedC.realizedD.decided
A.time B.chance C.caseD.occasion
A.disappointed B.scaredC.enthusiastic D.angry
A.show off B.pull offC.pick up D.put up
A.rejectionB.ignoranceC.awareness D.acceptance
A.negative B.optimisticC.serious D.strange
A.concernedB.particularC.wrong D.convinced
A.respectfully B.cautiouslyC.suspiciously D.critically
A.and B.so C.but D.or
A.in terms of  B.in front ofC.in charge of D.in favor of
A.significance B.beautyC.value D.power


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In 1935, the clarinetist and bandleader Benny Goodman, aged just twenty?six, left New York with his fourteen?piece “swing” band and, traveling in a ragtag group of cars, headed for the huge Palomar Ballroom in Los Angeles. It was not an easy trip. ?There were half a dozen dismal, sparsely attended one?nighters and three weeks at a dance hall in Denver, where the band was forced to play waltzes, tangos, and novelty numbers. On the opening night at the Palomar, the band played ballad numbers in the first set, and there was little response from the dancers. Then one of the musicians said, if they were going to bomb again they might well do it in style. So Goodman called for his hot, often uptempo arrangements, many of them by the ingenious black bandleader and arranger Fletcher Henderson, and the kids stopped dancing, clustered around the bandstand, and began roaring. ?Before the weeks at the Palomar were over, it was clear that Goodman had suddenly made jazz—still a suspect and largely subliminal American folk music, despite the brilliant inventions during the previous decade of Jelly Roll Morton and others—into a popular music.
Goodman?s surprising ways continued. In 1936, he shook up the white entertainment establishment by hiring two black musicians—the elegant pianist Teddy Wilson and the plunging vibraphonist Lione Hampton. (To be sure, Wilson and Hampton did not play in the band; instead, they appeared with Goodman and the drummer Gene Krupa during intermissions.) A year later, when the band went into the Paramount Theater in New York for three weeks, legions of kids appeared, and a screaming, dancing riot nearly took place. ?It was the first great American show frenzy, and it prepared the way for the Sinatra frenzy of 1947, and for all the Beatles frenzies, and for all the mindless rock?borne frenzies of the Seventies and Eighties.
Then, on the night of January 16, 1938, Goodman, challenging the long?hairs, took his band into a sold?out Carnegie Hall. The big band played a dozen numbers, the trio two numbers, and the quartet five numbers. ?Despite the immediate rumblings from Olin Downes, the Times?s classical music critic (“The playing last night, if noise, speed and beat, all old devices, are heat, was “hot” as it could be, but nothing came of it all, and in the long run it was decidedly monotonous”), Goodman?s concert moved jazz even further up the American popular register. [412 words]
小题1: This passage is mainly
A  a general review of Jazz music.
B  a biography of Benny Goodman.
C  about the origin of American folk music.
D  about how jazz became popular in America.
小题2:  Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A  The band?s first music show in Los Angles was an immediate success.
B  Goodman is considered the father of Jazz music.
C  Benny Goodman was unknown to public when he left New York.
D  The band scheduled to play waltzes, tangos and novelty numbers at a dance hall in Denver.
小题3: It could be inferred from the passage that
A  Jazz is a style of music native to America.
B  Classic music had become outdated at Goodman?s time.
C  Morton and Goodman were contemporaries.
D  Goodman was the first bandleader who hired Black musicians in 1930s.
小题4: The phrase “shake up” (Line 1,Paragraph 2) in the context probably means
A  to give a very unpleasant shock.
B  to make changes to an organization.
B  to get rid of a problem.
D  to point out, designate.
小题5:  Towards Goodman?s music show frenzy, Olin Downes, the classical music critic has
A  approving attitude.  B  satirizing attitude.
C  regretting mind.  D  exaggerated tone.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

New technology links the world as never before. Our planet has shrunk. It's now a "global village" where countries are only seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link. And, of course, our ability to benefit from this high-tech communication equipment is greatly improved by foreign language skills.
Deeply involved with this new technology is a kind of modem businesspeople who have a growing respect for the economic value of doing business abroad. In modern markets, success overseas often helps support home business efforts.
Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive ranks (管理层). The executive stationed in another country no longer need fear being "out of sight and out of mind." He or she can be sure that the overseas effort is central to the company's plan for success, and that promotions often follow or accompany an assignment abroad. If an employee can succeed in a difficult assignment overseas, superiors will have greater confidence in his or her ability to cope back in the United States where cross-cultural considerations and foreign language issues are becoming more and more popular.
Thanks to a variety of relatively inexpensive communication devices with business applications, even small businesses in the United States are able to get into international markets.
English is still the international language of business. But there is an ever-growing need for people who can speak another language. A second language isn't generally required to get a job in business, but having language skills gives a candidate the edge when other qualifications appear to be equal.
The employee posted abroad who speaks the country's official language has an opportunity to fast-forward certain negotiations, and can have the cultural insight to know when it is better to move more slowly. The employee at the home office who can communicate well with foreign partners over the telephone or by fax machine is an obvious asset(资产)to the firm.
小题1:What is the author's attitude toward high-tech communications equipment?
小题2:With the increased use of high-tech communication equipment, business people ________.
A.are eager to work overseas
B.have to get familiar with modem technology
C.are attaching more importance to their overseas businesses
D.are gaining more economic benefits from domestic businesses
小题3:In paragraph 3, "out of sight and out of mind" (Line 2-3) probably means ________.
A.leaving all care and worry behind
B.being totally out of touch with business at home
C.being unable to think properly for lack of insight
D.missing opportunities for promotion when abroad
小题4:According to the passage, what is an important consideration of international corporations in employing people today?
A.Ability to speak the customer's language.
B.Connections with businesses over seas
C.Technical know-how.
D.Business experience.
小题5:The advantage of employees having foreign language skills is that they can _________.
A.fast-forward their proposals to their bosses.
B.better control the whole negotiation process
C.easily make friends with business people abroad
D.easily find new approaches to meet market needs


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

During the 1800s, African Americans worked long days in the fields of the American South.To ease their labor, they sang "field hollers" that they had brought from Africa.One person sang a line.Then a group of workers repeated it.The songs' words told of the hardships that people suffered.African Americans sang "shout spirituals", or joyous religious songs.They clapped their hands and stomped their feet to the music.
After the Civil War, the music changed dramatically.African American music, from ballads to church music, took new forms.It also adapted dance music, called "jump-ups".which had great rhythm. Banjos became popular.A blues singer usually played a call and response with the banjo.By the early 1900s, the guitar had replaced the banjo as the main blues instrument.
Northern Mississippi - called the Delta - was the center of the blues tradition.By the 1920s, the Delta had many clubs, so-called juke joints.African Americans listened and danced to music in these clubs.Some of the greatest blues men and women performed there.
Blues have a soulful sound that is easy to recognize.The musical notes are often "bent".That is, they are changed slightly to give a song more strength.Whatever their origin, these bent notes most often define the blues.
Lyrics are the words of a song.Blues lyrics describe everyday life.The lyrics, often about relationships between men and women, are often very intense and personal.They tell about sorrow and overwork.They tell about finding or losing love, having money or being broke, being happy or sad and lonely.The lyrics may use humor to describe life's trials and joys.They almost always use the rhythms of everyday speech.A typical blues stanza, or group of lyrics, has three lines.The second line repeats the first line.The third line has different words.
By the 1940s, large numbers of African Americans had left the Delta and moved north to work. Many settled in Chicago.There, a new kind of "electric", or "Chicago" blues began.Many of its themes were the same, but these blues had "wailing" electric guitars and harmonicas.The music had a steady, strong drumbeat.The loud, driving Chicago blues was excellent dance music.Chicago blues led to the birth of a new music style-rock and roll.
小题1:The "field holler" is a kind of music that came from ___.
A.the American South.B.Africa.
小题2:"Shout spirituals" and "field hollers" are similar in that both_____.
A.used banjos.B.were sung in church.
C.included call and response singing.D.expressed sadness.
小题3:A typical blues Stanza is made up of____.
A.three lines.B.a harmonica.
C.a driving beat.D.four lines.
小题4:One can conclude from the passage that the blues ___.
A.would have widespread without the juke joints of the Mississippi.
B.served as a form of communication and self-expression.
C.was successful only in the American South.
D.there were only greatest blues man performed in these clubs.
小题5:African Americans probably moved to Chicago because ____.
A.the South was too hot in summer.
B.they liked the Chicago blues.
C.there were more jobs there.
D.they wanted to create a new music style.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Three­quarters of a million tourists flock to the white beaches every year, but this booming industry has come at a price. Poisonous smoke rising from open fires, rubbish made up of plastic bottles, packets...it's_a_far_cry_from the white sands, clear waters and palm trees that we associate with the Maldives(马尔代夫), the paradise island holiday destination set in the Indian Ocean.
Of its 200 inhabited islands, which are spread across an area of 35,000 square miles, 99 are good resorts(度假胜地). So many tourists come every year, more than double the local population. Of these tourists, over 100,000 travel from the UK. The capital, Malé, is four times more densely populated than London. Given these facts, it's hardly surprising that the Maldives has a waste disposal problem.
Years ago, when the tourists left, the government had to deal with a stream of rubbish. Their solution was to turn one of the islands into a dumping ground. Four miles west of Malé is the country's dumping ground, Thilafushi. What you are seeing here is a view of the Maldives on which no honeymooners will ever clap eyes. Each visitor produces 3.5 kg of waste per day. The country dumps more than 330 tons of rubbish on the island every day.
Now, since many waste boats, fed up with waiting seven hours or more, directly offload their goods into the sea, the government of the Maldives has banned the dumping of waste on the island. So, the waste boats ship the rubbish to India instead.
小题1:What is the main cause of the waste disposal problem?
A.The big local population.
B.Too many waste boats.
C.The large number of tourists.
D.Open fires on the islands.
小题2:The underlined part can probably be replaced by “________”.
A.it's quite similar to B.it's a long distance from
C.it's a loud shout fromD.it's totally different from
小题3:What can we learn from the text?
A.It is much more crowded in Malé than in London.
B.Another island will be used as a dumping ground.
C.No honeymooners are willing to visit the Maldives.
D.Waste on islands will be offloaded directly into the sea.
小题4:What's the author's purpose in writing the text?
A.To attract more tourists to the Maldives.
B.To state the waste disposal problem in the Maldives.
C.To call on us to protect the environment.
D.To explain the causes of pollution in the Maldives.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

NO matter which tourist destination you visit, chances are you’ll see Lonely Planet guidebooks in the hands of travelers.

Lonely Planet is one of the world’s largest travel guide brands, publishing more than 500 different guides in eight languages. This year marks the company’s 40th anniversary. The popular brand also produces television shows, websites and podcasts, all dedicated to travel.
Some people praise Lonely Planet books because they make traveling easy and affordable. They save you time and keep you from missing the very best things in a place. And of course, their reviews of hostels, hotels and restaurants, in addition to ticket information about your destination, are useful.
This can be great if you’re a nervous traveler, or if you haven’t traveled by yourself before. If you’re in a country where you don’t speak the language, sometimes there’s nothing better than getting into a taxi and opening up a guidebook. You simply point to a map, directing the taxi driver to a hostel that’s cheap and clean, with friendly staff and cold beer.
But others criticize Lonely Planet and other travel guide publishers. They say guidebooks take the fun and spontaneity(自发性)out of traveling, and that part of the enjoyment of travel comes from the fact that anything can happen. They also lament(哀叹)that if you follow a guidebook, you’ll end up doing the same things and having the same experiences as everyone else. You might end up seeing the same group of people over and over, because everyone is reading the same book and following the same trail.
Another criticism of travel guides is that they have an overly(过度的)large influence on local communities. For example, some locals dedicate their lives solely(仅仅)to behaving in ways that attract tourists. They fake a traditional lifestyle, wear traditional clothes and live in traditional houses just to attract tourists’ dollars.
小题1:The Lonely Planet guidebook can bring you the following advantages EXCEPT that   .
A.it can help you to save time and money when traveling
B.you will not miss the best things without having to make choices
C.it provides a lot of useful information about your destination
D.you can easily find a nice place to stay in a strange city
小题2:Who will find a Lonely Planet guidebook very useful?
A.Someone who always takes a taxi when traveling.
B.A tourist who likes to repeat others’ experiences.
C.A person who’s nervous touring an unfamiliar place.
D.A native traveler who is traveling alone.
小题3:People criticize the guidebook because   .
A.the guidebook is not as useful as most travelers expect
B.travelers using it will be bored with meeting the same people on their journey
C.travelers using it may not get the chance to have unexpected adventures
D.local people keep their old lifestyle under the guidebook’s influence
小题4:What does the underlined word“fake”in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.mistake  B.learn  C.pretend  D.create


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Usually, when your teacher asks a question, there is only one correct answer. But there is one question that has millions of correct answers. That question is “What’s your name?” Everyone gives a different answer, but everyone is correct.
Have you ever wondered about people’s names? Where do they come from? What do they mean?
People’s first names, or given names, are chosen by their parents. Sometimes the name of a grandparent or other member of the family is used. Some parents choose the name of a well-known person. A boy could be named George Washington Smith; a girl could be named Helen Keller Jones.
Some people give their children names that mean good things. Clara means “bright”; Beatrice means “one who gives happiness”; Donald means “world ruler”; Leonard means “as brave as a lion”.
The earliest last names, or surnames, were taken from place names. A family with the name Brook or Brooks probably lived near a brook (小溪); someone who was called Longstreet probably lived on a long, paved road. The Greenwood family lived in or near a leafy forest.
Other early surnames came from people’s occupations. The most common occupational name is Smith, which means a person who makes things with iron or other metals. In the past, smiths were very important workers in every town and village. Some other occupational names are: Carter—a person who owned or drove a cart; Potter—a person who made pots and pans.
The ancestors of the Baker family probably baked bread for their neighbors in their native village. The Carpenter’s great-great-great-grandfather probably built houses and furniture.
Sometimes people were known for the color of their hair or skin, or their size, or their special abilities. When there were two men who were named John in the same village, the John with gray hair probably became John Gray. Or the John who was very tall could call himself John Tallman. John Fish was probably an excellent swimmer and John Lightfoot was probably a fast runner or a good dancer.
Some family names were made by adding something to the father’s name. English-speaking people added –s or –son. The Johnsons are descendants of John; the Roberts family’s ancestor was Robert. Irish and Scottish people added Mac or Mc or O. Perhaps all of the MacDonnells and the O’Donnells are descendants of the same Donnell.
小题1: Which of the following aspects do the surnames in the passage NOT cover?
A.Places where people lived.B.People’s characters.
C.Talents that people possessed. D.People’s occupations.
小题2:According to the passage, the ancestors of the Potter family most probably _______.
A.owned or drove a cartB.made things with metals
C.made kitchen tools or containers.D.built houses and furniture.
小题3:Suppose an English couple whose ancestors lived near a leafy forest wanted their new-born son to become a world leader, the baby might be named ________.
A.Beatrice SmithB.Leonard Carter
C.George LongstreetD.Donald Greenwood

