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6.Why is the woman so worried about her daughter?
A.She met an outlaw.
B.She didn't show up at school.
C.She ran away from home.
7.What did the man say to comfort the woman?
A.He is not angry with her.
B.The girl can look after herself.
C.She shouldn't feel shame so much.
8.What does the man suggest doing?
A.Calling the police.
B.Contacting her classmates.
C.Turning to the neighbors.


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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.As we know,everyone can make mistakes,but don't worry about it.The following is what we should do when we make mistakes.
•Just admit (承认)it.Don't think that our mistakes are caused by others.(36)CDon't blame (责备)other people,and don't cheat ourselves,either.
(37)DIn order to stop the problem from getting worse,we should act
quickly to solve it.If we don't act and deal with the problem quickly,it'll only make us feel more stressed.Also it is necessary to make a plan o action and correct the mistake according to it.(38)F
(39)AThose who have made the most mistakes can get an A,for they are the ones who have learned the most.The more we learn from our mistakes,the cleverer we are.
(40)GWhat caused us to make the mistake?How can we avoid making the same mistake in the future?When we act with a method to get a good result,do it that way next time.If we don't,we should stop,think about it,change it and try again.

A.Realize that making mistakes is the best way to learn.
B.Don't be afraid of failure.
C.Be brave and face the fact that we have made the mistakes.
D.Solve it at once.
E.So be away from stress.
F.So decide quickly and act.
G.Think about what we can learn from our mistakes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

17.What do we know from the text?
  A.People nowadays prefer to live in the same place.
  B.People nowadays don't stay in the same place all their lives.
  C.No one still lives where they used to live nowadays.
18.How old is the man?
  A.70.      B.85.     C.100.
19.What is the secret of long life according to the man?
  A.Laughing and taking exercise.
  B.Talking to people as often as possible.
  C.Moving from place to place.
20.How many times has the man been married?
  A.Only once.      B.Twice.      C.Three times.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

13.What are the speakers going to do tonight?
A.See a movie.   B.Have a meeting.   C.Attend a party.
14.What kind of food does the woman prefer?
A.Chinese food.   B.Mexican food.   C.American food.
15.How are the speakers going there?
A.By bus.    B.By bike.   C.By subway.
16.What do we know about Tina?
A.She lives in the city.
B.She is a humorous and nice girl.
C.She and the woman went to the same school.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

14.When did Meg hand in the report?
A.On September 3rd.    B.On September 5th.     C.On September 1st.
15.What is the most important to Starbuck's success,according to the professor?
A.The taste of its coffee.
B.Its selections of stores and service.
C.Its management.
16.What does the professor advise Meg to do?
A.To leave out some figures.
B.To change a new topic.
C.To do more research.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

17.How long has the woman been coughing?
   A.Two days.   B.Three days.   C.Four days.
18.What is wrong with the woman?
   A.She has a headache.   B.She is tired.   C.She has got the flu.
19.What does the man tell the woman to do?
   A.Stay in bed for some time.
   B.Go around from time to time.
   C.Come to see him tomorrow morning.
20.Where does the conversation most probably take place?
   A.In the street.
   B.In the man's office.
   C.At the woman's.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

14.Where will the girl stay if she takes the course?
A.In a teacher's home.    B.In a high school.    C.In a college
15.What will the students do on Saturday?
A.Do sports.   B.Go on an outing.    C.Go to the cinema
16.what should the students take?
A.A dictionary.   B.A course book.   C.A grammar book.
17.How much does a four-week course cost?
A.£250.    B.£680    C.£860.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

9.The speaker's childhood
TimeEventOther information
19 95Born on (11)略in Mexico 
(12)略Went to the Primary School in IPCAStudying there for (13)略years
2003Started to (14)略ballet classesGetting her first (15)略
On the whole,the speaker enjoyed all her childhood.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

15.Why does the man know the woman?
A.She is famous   
B.She is his friend  
C.She is a regular customer.
16.Where does the talk take place possibly?
A.At a restaurant.
B.In a shop.
C.At the woman's house.
17.What can we infer from the dialogue?
A.The woman is old.
B.The woman is not old.
C.It is not clear the woman is young or old.

