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 When under stress, even a most gentle person _______ be bad-tempered and get angry easily.

     A. shall                      B. should                        C. can                           D. ought


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年福建省福建师大附中高一上学期期末模块测试英语卷 题型:阅读理解


Honesty may well be the policy, but it often deserts us when no one is watching, psychologists report today. Experiments with an honesty box to collect payments for hot drinks show that people are better at paying up when under the gaze of a pair of eyes. The surprise was that the eyes were not real, but photographed.Researchers at Newcastle University set up the experiment in secret. They attached a poster to a cupboard of mugs above an honesty box alongside a kettle, with tea, coffee and milk. Over 10 weeks, they alternated (轮流替换) each week between images of eyes and pictures of flowers.
Dr. Bateson, a behavioral biologist and leader of the study, said that even though the eyes were not real they still seemed to make people behave more honestly. The effect may result from behavioral characteristics that developed as early humans formed social groups that increased their chances of survival. Individuals had to co-operate for the good of the group, rather than act selfishly.
“If nobody is watching us it is in our interests to behave selfishly. But when we think we’re being watched we should behave better, so people see us as co-operative and behave the same way towards us,” Dr. Bateson said.
“We thought we’d get a slight effect with eyes, by it was quite striking how much difference they made. Even at a subconscious level, it seems people respond to eyes, and that might be because eyes send a strong biological signal we have evolved(进化) to respond to.”
The finding, which researchers believe sheds light on our evolutionary past, could be turned to practical use. The psychologists say images of eyes could increase ticket sales on public transport and improve monitor systems to prevent antisocial behavior.
【小题1】This passage is mainly about ____________.

A.the policy of honestyB.an honesty box to collect money
C.evolution on honestyD.an experiment on honesty
【小题2】The reason for doing the experiment secretly is that the researchers __________.
A.wanted to get a comparatively more exact result
B.had known they wanted to do something illegally
C.meant to get the co-operation of their colleagues
D.intended to sell the hot drinks at a higher price
【小题3】People behave honestly under watchful gaze of eyes because ____________.
A.they want to leave a good impression
B.they fear to be laughed at by others
C.they’ve got the nature through evolution
D.they take the photo for a real pair of eyes
【小题4】The underlined phrase “sheds light on” in the last paragraph means _________.
A.causes somebody to become cheerful
B.makes something easier to understand
C.comes upon something by accident
D.brings something into the broad daylight
【小题5】Images of a pair of eyes can be applied to all except ________.
A.ticket sales on public transport
B.cold drink sales in public places
C.places with “No spitting!” signs
D.electrical appliances(电器) used at home


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届广东省中山市侨中高三第二次模拟考试英语卷 题型:写作题

If you like to break things when you are unhappy, the Nanjing Zhonghua Middle School is the school for you. This term, Nanjing Honghua Midlde School will build a "stress wall" to help students who feel unhappy because of schoolwork or for other reasons.
Tao Dehua, a leader at the school said the idea of a stress wall started when footprints were found on some newly painted walls and some school windows were broken.
"These things happen because some students feel lots of pressure from their studies or because they don't get along well with other students. When under stress, the body get ready to either run or fight and becomes very nervous. Hitting the wall can help relax the body and take away stress," Tao said.
"Tests and homework make me Sad," said Lu Yan, a junior girl."I can't wait to hit the wall. It will help me a lot with my problems."     
Another girl student who wouldn't give her name said that the wall won't help."Mainly because it can't talk," she said. "I need to talk to someone when I'm sad."
2、然后以约120个词就“Should the stress wall be built"这个主题发表你的看法,并


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年广东省高三第一次综合检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


If you like to break things when you are unhappy, the Nanjing Zhonghua Middle School is the school for you. This term, Nanjing Zhonghua Middle School will build a "stress wall" to help students who feel unhappy because of schoolwork or for other reasons.

     Tao Dehua, a leader at the school said the idea of a stress wall started when footprints were found on some newly painted walls and some school windows were broken.

     "These things happen because some students feel lots of pressure from their studies or because they don't get along well with other students. When under stress, the body get ready to either run or fight and becomes very nervous. Hitting the wall can help relax the body and take away stress," Tao said.

     "Tests and homework make me Sad," said Lu Yan, a junior girl. “I can't wait to hit the wall. It will help me a lot with my problems." 

     Another girl student who wouldn't give her name said that the wall won't help. “Mainly because it can't talk," she said. "I need to talk to someone when I'm sad."



 2、然后以约120个词就“Should the stress wall be built"这个主题发表你的看法,并包括以下要点:

     (1) 学生的压力来源;

     (2) 是否该建此墙;

     (3) 提供一些其他有效的减压方法。






科目:高中英语 来源:2013届江苏南京三中(六中校区)高二下学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Honesty may well be the policy, but it often deserts us when no one is watching, psychologists report today. Experiments with an honesty box to collect payments for hot drinks show that people are better at paying up when under the gaze(注视) of a pair of eyes. The surprise was that the eyes were not real, but photographed.

Researchers at Newcastle University set up the experiment in secret. They attached a poster to a cupboard of mugs above an-honesty box alongside a kettle ,with tea, coffee and milk. Over 10 weeks, they alternated each week between images of eyes and pictures of flowers.

Dr. Bateson, a behavioral biologist and leader of the study, said that even though the eyes were not real they still seemed to make people behave more honestly. They effect may arise from behavioral characteristics that developed as early humans formed social groups that increased their chances of survival. Individuals had to co-operate for the good of the group, rather than act selfishly.

"If nobody is watching us it is in our interests to behave selfishly. But when we think we're being watched we should behave better, so people see us as co-operative and behave the same way towards us, "Dr. Bateson said.

"We thought we'd get a slight effect with eyes, but it was quite striking how much difference they made. Even at a subconscious(潜意识的) level, it seems people respond to eyes, and that might be because eyes send a strong biological signal we have evolved(进化) to respond to."

The finding, which researchers believe sheds light on our evolutionary past, could be turned to practical use. The psychologists say images of eyes could promote ticket sales on public transport and improve monitor systems to prevent antisocial behavior.

1.This passage is mainly about _______________.

A.the policy of honesty

B.an honesty box to collect money

C.evolution on honesty

D.an experiment on honesty

2.The reason for doing the experiment secretly is that the researchers _____________.

A.wanted to get a comparatively more exact result

B.had known they wanted to do something illegally

C.meant to get the co-operation of their colleagues

D.intended to sell the hot drinks at a higher price

3.People behave honestly under watchful gaze of eyes because _____________.

A.they want to leave a good impression

B.they fear to be laughed at by others

C.they've got the nature through evolution

D.they take the photo for a real pair of eyes

4.The underlined phrase" sheds light on" in the last paragraph means _____.

A.causes somebody to become cheerful

B.makes something easier to understand

C.comes upon something by accident

D.brings something into the broad daylight



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年广东华南师大附中高三综合测试英语卷(三) 题型:书面表达



     If you like to break things when you are unhappy, the Nanjing Zhonghua Middle School is the school for you. This term, Nanjing Honghua Midlde School will build a "stress wall" to help students who feel unhappy because of schoolwork or for

other reasons.

     Tao Dehua, a leader at the school said the idea of a stress wall started when

footprints were found on some newly painted walls and some school windows were


     "These things happen because some students feel lots of pressure from their

studies or because they don't get along well with other students. When under stress,

the body get ready to either run or fight and becomes very nervous. Hitting the wall

can help relax the body and take away stress," Tao said.

     "Tests and homework make me Sad," said Lu Yan, a junior girl."I can't wait to

hit the wall. It will help me a lot with my problems."     

     Another girl student who wouldn't give her name said that the wall won't help.

"Mainly because it can't talk," she said. "I need to talk to someone when I'm sad."



2、然后以约120个词就“Should the stress wall be built"这个主题发表你的看法,并












