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________ one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.

A. Whoever B. Whatever

C. Whichever D. wherever






科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江杭州求是高级中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解



4:38 pm.

I disagree with Jim. Andy sounds like every other singer. His voice is nothing special. On the other hand, Jacky’s voice is unique, and his songs are so romantic!



8:54 pm.

I think they’re about the same. But Andy is a better actor. I’ve seen almost all of his movies. Remember the one where he was an airplane pilot, and his plane crashed near a farm? I love that movie!



10:25 pm.

I also think Jacky is a better singer. I prefer his Cantonese songs. Maybe they sound better because Cantonese is his first language.



10:12 am.

I agree. Jacky’s Cantonese songs are better than his Mandarin songs. (Though, I still like all his songs!)


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建省高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The head teacher told us that most of the students born in the 1990s.

A. were B. had been

C. are D. have been


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年贵州遵义航天高级中学高三上第四次模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

As you grow older, you’ll be faced with some challenging decisions--like whether to cut class or try cigarettes. Making decisions on your own is hard enough, but when other people get involved and try to pressure you one way or another it can be even harder. People who are your age, like your classmates, are called peers. When they try to influence how you act, to get you to do something, it’s called peer pressure.

Peers can have a positive influence on each other. Maybe another student in your science class taught you an easy way to remember the planets in the solar system. Maybe you got others excited about your new favorite book, and now everyone’s reading it. These are examples of how peers positively influence each other.

Sometimes peers influence each other in negative ways. For example, a few kids in school might try to get you to cut class with them; your soccer friend might try to convince you to be mean to another player and never pass him the ball.

It is tough to be the only one who says “no” to peer pressure, but you can do it. Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do.

You’ve probably had a parent or teacher advising you to “choose your friends wisely.” Peer pressure is a big reason why they say this. If you choose friends who don’t cut class, smoke cigarettes, or lie to their parents, then you probably won’t do these things either, even if other kids do.

If you continue to face peer pressure and you’re finding it difficult to handle, talk to someone you trust. Don’t feel guilty if you’ve made a mistake or two.

1.For whom is the passage most probably written?

A. Students. B. Parents.

C. Teachers. D. Doctors.

2.In the last three paragraphs, the author mainly_____.

A. explains why friendship is so important

B. gives advice on how to deal with peer pressure

C. discusses how peers influence us

D. shows how to make more good friends

3.Which of following may help handle peer pressure?

A. Spending more time with classmates.

B. Taking up more relaxing hobbies.

C. Choosing friends with no bad habits.

D. Helping others who are in trouble.

4.What is the topic of the passage?

A. Friendship B. Making decisions

C. Self-confidence D. Peer pressure


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江省高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Students from Florida International University in. Miami walked on water Thursday for a class assignment. To do it, they wore aquatic (水上的)shoes they designed and created.

Alex Quinones was the first to make it to the other side of a 175-foot lake on campus in record time - just over a minute. Quinones, who wore oversized boat-like shoes, also won last year and will receive $ 500. Students had to wear the aquatic shoes and make it across the lake in order to earn an '6A" on the assignment for Architecture Professor Jaime Canaves, Materials and Methods Construction Class. "It's traditional in a school of architecture to do boats out of cardboard for a boat race. I thought our students were a little bit more special than that, " Canaves said. "We decided to do the walk on water event to take it to the next level. "

A total of 79 students competed in the race this year in 41 teams. Only 10 teams failed to cross the lake. Others who fell got back up and made it to the end. The race is open to all students and anyone in the community. The youngest person to ever participate was a 9-year-old girl who competed in place of her mother, while the oldest was a 67-year-old female.

A large crowd on campus joined Canaves as he cheered on the racers. He shouted encouraging words, but also laughed as some unsteadily made their way to the end.

"A part of this is for them to have more understanding of designing and make it work better, " he said. It is also a lesson in life for the students.

"Anything, including walking on water, is possible, if you do the research,test it and go through the design process seriously.

1.Which statement about Alex 'Quinones is ture ?

A. He finished the race in less than a minute.

B. He won the race with the help of 2 boats.

C. He failed the race last year.

D. He set a new record this year.

2.For what purpose did the students take part in the race?

A. To go across the lake to school.

B. To test their balance on the water.

C. To pass Professor Canaves’ class.

D. To win the prize money of $ 500.

3.Which of the following is true about the race?

A. The students who fell into the water had to quit.

B. More than 20 teams failed to cross the lake.

C. The students kept silent when the other racers competed.

D. The youngest competitor competed instead of her mother.

4.According to Canaves, this race can help the students

A. understand designing better

B. achieve almost everything

C. work together and unite as one

D. walk on the surface of water

5.What is the purpose of this passage?

A. To advertise a student' s program.

B. To report an interesting assignment.

C. To introduce a creative professor.

D. To encourage special events on campus.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江省高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

A number of graduates prefer to work in big cities , where there are lots of _______, like convenient transportation , more opportunities and better environment.

A. amusements B. attractions

C. collections D. achievements


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江省高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It is so noisy in the restaurant and hard for us to ________ a conversation.

A. go on B. keep on C. carry on D. take on


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江杭州求是高级中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Having been attacked by terrorists, _____.

A. doctors came to their rescue

B. the tall building collapsed

C. an emergency measure was taken

D. warnings were given to tourists


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年温州市高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

There was ________ time _________the English language was based more on German.

A. a; that B. the; that

C. a; when D. the; when

