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As you grow older, you’ll be faced with some challenging decisions--like whether to cut class or try cigarettes. Making decisions on your own is hard enough, but when other people get involved and try to pressure you one way or another it can be even harder. People who are your age, like your classmates, are called peers. When they try to influence how you act, to get you to do something, it’s called peer pressure.

Peers can have a positive influence on each other. Maybe another student in your science class taught you an easy way to remember the planets in the solar system. Maybe you got others excited about your new favorite book, and now everyone’s reading it. These are examples of how peers positively influence each other.

Sometimes peers influence each other in negative ways. For example, a few kids in school might try to get you to cut class with them; your soccer friend might try to convince you to be mean to another player and never pass him the ball.

It is tough to be the only one who says “no” to peer pressure, but you can do it. Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do.

You’ve probably had a parent or teacher advising you to “choose your friends wisely.” Peer pressure is a big reason why they say this. If you choose friends who don’t cut class, smoke cigarettes, or lie to their parents, then you probably won’t do these things either, even if other kids do.

If you continue to face peer pressure and you’re finding it difficult to handle, talk to someone you trust. Don’t feel guilty if you’ve made a mistake or two.

1.For whom is the passage most probably written?

A. Students. B. Parents.

C. Teachers. D. Doctors.

2.In the last three paragraphs, the author mainly_____.

A. explains why friendship is so important

B. gives advice on how to deal with peer pressure

C. discusses how peers influence us

D. shows how to make more good friends

3.Which of following may help handle peer pressure?

A. Spending more time with classmates.

B. Taking up more relaxing hobbies.

C. Choosing friends with no bad habits.

D. Helping others who are in trouble.

4.What is the topic of the passage?

A. Friendship B. Making decisions

C. Self-confidence D. Peer pressure







1.You’ve probably had a parent or teacher advising you to “choose your friends wisely.””可知,文章的作者不是父母或老师,根据第二段“Maybe another student in your science class taught you an easy way to remember the planets in the solar system.”和第三段的例子可知,作者以上科学课、新书、逃课、踢足球等发生在学校的事情为例,说明这些事情就发生在作者的身边,故选A。

2.It is tough to be the only one who says “no” to peer pressure, but you can do it.”和第五段“.You’ve probably had a parent or teacher advising you to...”及第六段“talk to someone you trust”可知,最后三段是作者给学生的应对同辈压力的建议,故选B。

3.If you choose friends who don’t cut class, smoke cigarettes, or lie to their parents, then you probably won’t do these things either, even if other kids do.”可知,如果跟不逃课、不抽烟、不撒谎的人交朋友,你很可能也不会做这些事情,说明与没有不良嗜好的人交朋友能够有效应对同辈压力,故选C。

4.When they try to influence how you act, to get you to do something, it’s called peer pressure. ...Peers can have a positive influence on each other. ...Sometimes peers influence each other in negative ways.”可知,文章前三段讲的是同辈压力的概念和积极、消极的影响,根据后三段“It is tough to be the only one who says “no” to peer pressure, but you can do it. ...You’ve probably had a parent or teacher advising you to...talk to someone you trust”可知,最后三段讲的是应对同辈压力的建议,说明文章主要讲的是同辈压力,故选D。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建安溪第八中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The teacher called Tim’s mother ________ what he had done in the test.

A. because of B. because

C. since D. as


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建省高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Which of the two computer games did you prefer?

—Actually I didn’t like .

A. both of them B. either of them

C. none of them D. neither of them


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年云南省等)高三12月统考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

It was a rainy day. I was riding on a bus downtown to go to . I was sitting next to a man in a business suit and didn’t much attention until we both got off at the same stop and walked to the same to get a morning paper.

The man running the stand was having a bad day. He was and unsmiling as we purchased our papers, which served to only more gloom(抑郁) to my day. The businessman caught my eye and . He then continued to smile and thanked the newsstand owner for the and for being open on such a morning to make sure we were able to get our papers. , he expressed his appreciation for something most of us would take for granted.

The newsman only with a cold expression. The businessman then pleasantly wished him a pleasant day. As we , I asked this man why he had to be pleasant to the newsman when he obviously didn’t care about and didn’t respond to his expression of and friendliness. The businessman smiled at me and said, “Why would I let someone else what I say and what I feel or what kind of day I’m going to have?”

We then to go to our respective work places. To this day, I don’t know anything about that business man. But I’ve never the words he said or the way his smile seemed like a ray of light on a gloomy day. That was a good deed 25 years ago, but the this had on my life has lasted. I never had a to thank him personally, but the way in which I choose to look at life as a result of those words is his legacy (遗赠) to me and my thanks to him.

We cannot control people and situations that come to us, but we can always control our response to them. And in such decisions lie our control and personal power to make a positive difference. And it’s something anyone and everyone can do.

1.A. schoolB. churchC. workD. hospital

2.A. drawB. payC. makeD. attract

3.A. marketB. standC. officeD. library

4.A. curiouslyB. graduallyC. eventuallyD. obviously

5.A. rudeB. modestC. angryD. kind

6.A. addB. referC. devoteD. apply

7.A. shoutedB. wavedC. confirmedD. smiled

8.A. quicklyB. luckilyC. brightlyD. loudly

9.A. bookB. presentC. paperD. food

10.A. In shortB. After allC. On averageD. As usual

11.A. respondedB. objectedC. appealedD. disagreed

12.A. ran outB. left behindC. turned awayD. put aside

13.A. attemptedB. continuedC. intendedD. expected

14.A. excitementB. gratitudeC. impressionD. assessment

15.A. ignoreB. manageC. controlD. enjoy

16.A. travelledB. disappearedC. separatedD. drove

17.A. forgivenB. sharedC. evaluatedD. forgotten

18.A. effortB. lessonC. effectD. pain

19.A. wishB. chanceC. rightD. power

20.A. positiveB. properC. fortunateD. nervous


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年贵州遵义航天高级中学高三上第四次模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错



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注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Tim,

I’m so excited and happy to hear that you’re coming to China. Since your trip is schedule for the middle of July, time is no a problem for me because I would be having my summer holiday at that time.

I’ve been very busy recent, for I’ve been prepared for the coming entrance exam, that is vital for me and my future life. Last week, I attended an English speech intending for high school students all over the province and I won first prize. Therefore, I’ve always dreamt of having the opportunity to travel in English-speaking countries like yours to practice and improve my English, as well make friends with people from other countries.

I am looking forward to seeing you.


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江省高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配


A.Learn to Evaluate Data Correctly

B.Learn to Speak Clearly and Persuasively

C.Learn to Make Decisions Quickly and Properly

D.Learn to Relax Timely

E.Learn to Use Internet Efficiently

F.Learn to Express Yourself Effectively

Top tips on How to Succeed in Life

What does it take to succeed in life? Author Dustin M. Wax has compiled a list of the top five skills you need for a successful life.


Good writing skills are essential for today’s competitive job market. But writing well isn’t just a case of producing grammatically correct sentences---- it involves an ability to organize your thoughts, as well as being able to target your ideas to an audience in the most effective way possible.


With so much information out there, you need to be able to sort the potentially valuable data from the trivial, to analyze its relevance and meaning, and to relate it back to other information.


Analyzing information is all very well, but at some stage you also need to make a decision. Over-analyzing can lead to hesitation, so you need to learn how to respond quickly and effectively, and to know what to do based on the information available.

4. _______________

You don’t have to know everything, but you should be able to find out what you need to know quickly and painlessly. This means learning how to use the internet effectively, how to read productively, and how to draw on your network of contacts efficiently.


Being able to switch off is extremely hard for some people, but you need to find time for exercise or ways of relieving stress and tension, or the pressure could end up literally killing you!


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江省高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

________ one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.

A. Whoever B. Whatever

C. Whichever D. wherever


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江省高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Many companies treat their employees to ______ year-end party to reward them for their hard work and celebrate_____ start of a new year.

A. a; the B. the; the C. a; a D. a; /


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年温州市高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Many of them ignored his advice, _______ they knew it to be very useful.

A. as if B. because of

C. even though D. so that

