精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

(1)—I'll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.
—You must have told her last week.
(2)Students are not permitted ride their bikes on campus.
(3)By the time they reached the top of the mountain, they were exhausting.
(4)In order to keep fit, one has to be on a balance diet.
(5)When asked that they needed, the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved.
(6)When the fire broke up, I broke into the house and found my daughter; finally we successfully broke away from the burning building.
(7)It is said that it takes patient and imagination to do the work well.
(8)She didn't think she would ever be able to forgive him keeping that information from her.
(9)It's important for you to know your own strengths and weakness.
(10)Some notes will remember you how to present your ideas when you are giving a speech.

【解析】(1) 考查情态动词。句意:——我明天会告诉Mary关于新工作的事情。——你本应该上周就告诉他的。固定结构must have done一定做了某事,表示对过去发生的事情的肯定推测;should have done本应该做某事实际上却没有做;根据句意,这件事实际还没有做,故要改成should。因此答案为must改为should。
(2) 考查固定短语。permit sb. to do sth.固定短语,”允许做某事“,本句是其被动语态,be permitted to do sth.被允许做某事。,因此答案为permitted后加to 。
(3) 考查形容词。形容词“exhausted(感到疲惫的)”通常修饰人,形容词“exhausting(令人疲惫的)”常常修饰事物。本句主语是they,指人,所以使用exhausted修饰。因此答案为把exhausting改为exhausted 。
(4)考查形容词。 这里用形容词balanced(平衡的)作定语修饰名词diet,因此把balance改为balanced。
(5)考查宾语从句。本句中what引导宾语从句,并在句中作动词need的宾语。that在名词性从句中不充当任何成分,本句中need后面缺宾语,所以使用what。因此that→what 。
(6) 考查动词短语。break out”爆发“,break up”分解,关系破裂“。根据句意,这里表示“火灾爆发”,故用break out。因此up改为out。(7)考查名词。本句中该词作为动词take的宾语,应该用名词形式,而patient是形容词,因此把patient改为patience。
(8) 考查固定短语。forgive sb. for sth.固定短语,”因为……原谅某人“;介词for的后面接动名词作宾语。因此him后加for 。
(9)考查名词。本句中名词weakness意为“弱点”,是一个可数名词,与其并列的strengths用复数,weakness也要用复数。因此weakness改为weaknesses 。
(10) 考查动词。句意:一些笔记会提醒你当你发表演讲的时候如何呈现你的观点。remind提醒;remember记得,记住,后接记住的对象。因此remember改为remind。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Dear Allen,










Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

WeChat plays an extreme essential part in our daily life. We can chat with friends, shared our photos and kill time by reading WeChat public accounts. But now, we can even gain new knowledge in WeChal study groups, covering something from photography to English. WeChat study groups are a fascinated idea Learners can make a full use of our spare time by joining these groups. It can let us pick up a couple of useful expression on the subway or read a story while travelling. It's so easy for us to have access new knowledge by joining study groups, especially for those of us which lead a busy life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear friends,
The recent success of children's books has made the general public aware that there's a huge market out there.
And there's a growing need for new writers trained to create the $3 billion worth of children's books bought each year… plus stories and articles needed by over 650 publishers of magazines for children and teenagers. Who are these needed writers? They're ordinary people like you and me.
But am I good enough?
I was once where you might be now. My thoughts of writing had been pushed down by self-doubt, and I didn't know where to turn for help.
Then, I accepted a free offer from the Institute to test my writing ability, and it turned out to be the inspiration I needed.
The promise that paid off
The Institute made the same promise to me that they will make to you, if you show basic writing ability: you will complete at least one manuscript (手稿) suitable to hand in to a publisher by the time you finish our course.
I really didn't expect any publication(出版) before I finished the course, but that happened. I sold three stories. And I soon discovered that was not unusual at the Institute. Since graduation, I have written 34 nationally published children's books and over 300 stories and articles.
Free test and brochure
We offer a free ability test and will send you a copy of our brochure describing our recognized home-study courses on the basis of one-on-one training.
Realize your writing dream today. There's nothing sadder than a dream delayed until it disappears forever.
Kristi Hill
Institute of Children's Literature
(1)What do the first two paragraphs tell us?
A.Children's books are sold at high prices.
B.Publishers are earning $3 billion each year.
C.There is a growing need for writers of children's books.
D.Magazines for children and teenagers have drawn public attention.
(2)You are promised to publish one manuscript when you __________.
A.show basic ability
B.finish the course
C.have sold three stories
D.have passed the test
(3)Why does Kristi Hill mention her own experience of attending the courses?
A.To introduce the home-study courses.
B.To show she has realized her dream.
C.To prove she is a qualified writer.
D.To promote the writing program.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Study Links Video Game Use to Problems in School

A new study warns that too much time spent playing computer games could affect a child’s performance at school. 1 They show that too many hours spent playing games can reduce students changes of success in school.

More than 600 teenagers between the ages of 14 and 16 took part in research project.2 It is said to be the first ever long-term study of information technology on school test results in Northern Ireland.

The study found that teenagers who played computer games less than once a week were more successful in school than those who played them twice a day or more. 41% of the students who used gaming devices two or more times a day received passing grades on school exams.3.

The study found that social media use did not affect school performance. Celine McStravick is the director of the National Children’s Bureau Northern Ireland (NCBNI). She says “4— I think that’s more because social media is part of every child’s life. It’s the way they communicate. It’s the way they keep in touch with their friends.”

Many parents say their children are becoming increasingly dependent on computer games. Some have compared gaming to a drug addiction.5 It suggested that computer games can cause children to stay awake late at night. Less sleep makes children tired and unable to pay attention in school the next day.

A. However, the study did not explore addiction.

B. The new games are much different from older ones.

C. The study showed no connection between social media and test results.

D. It took place over a period of three years from 2013 to 2015.

E. Thai compared with 77% of those who rarely played the games.

F. Drug addiction does great harm to their health and performance at school.

G. Britain’s National Children’s Bureau Northern Ireland reported the results of the study.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Yesterday, as I was queuing at the checkout at a store, there was an old lady in the front of me in line. She seemed very confusing when the cashier asked her pay US$38. She had about US$5 in her wallet. The cashier told her that she could not buy the items because she didn't have enough money. So, I told the cashier I would pay for that she bought. Afterwards, I paid for all the items. When I got outside, the lady was standing there. While I was talking about her, her daughter appeared. She told me that her mother had Alzheimer's disease. Then she noticed that her mother had three bag of groceries and wondered how she managed to pay for them with enough money. I told her that I had paid for it. The daughter wanted to pay me back, so I refused. I believe make others feel good makes me feel good.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)He stared me hopelessly for a while and said nothing.
(2)Tony works hard and likes asking questions, greedy knowledge.
(3)Mr. Black is going to turn his garage a playroom for children.
(4)The old man was forced to dispose his art treasures.
(5)After the operation the woman's condition was described comfortable.
(6)The boy picked up the (receive) and listened to his father patiently.
(7)How do you find the job as a (type)?
(8)The company has two (represent) in every European city.
(9)The management and labor unions have reached a (settle) over new working conditions.
(10)The mayor had to make a decision (instant) for many people were waiting outside for the result.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Mike Miles hadn't had a stable job in years. He bounced around from one position to another, never sure when his last day would be. Sometimes, he lost a position with less than a day's notice. This wasn't due to a poor work ethic—from arriving early to staying late, Miles says he did everything he could to build a good relationship with employers. But because Miles had a criminal record, he was always cut loose when it came time to let staff go.
It wasn't until October 2015, nearly a decade after his release from prison, that a cousin told Miles about Lancaster Food Company, a local business that focuses on hiring people released from prison. Hoping this would clear up what felt like a thick cloud of uncertainty over his future, Miles submitted an application. He got an interview, and he then began a new job.
Miles' scenario is rare in Lancaster, where the poverty rate holds steady at 30%. This figure riled Charlie Crystle, Lancaster's co-founder and CEO. Crystle was raised in Lancaster but left in 1986 to purse a college degree and later, a career in technology. He co-founded four tech companies, one of which sold for millions of dollars back in 2000.
Crystle is skeptical that many of Lancaster's low-income residents can get started the way he did. He believes food production is a key way to meet former offenders who may lack a college degree. Lancaster produces products like bread. Nowadays the company is rapidly expanding; however, at just 16 full-time employees, including administration and owners, it doesn't lower the city's poverty rate.
Crystle says he wants to inspire other companies to rethink their current practices and start conversations around minimum wage and employment opportunities for everyone, including ex-offenders. Dan Jurman, who chairs the city's Commission to Combat Poverty, believes that Crystle's business is a great way to make this happen. "None of us can handle these issues alone, " he said.
(1)The purpose of the first paragraph is to show __________ .
A.a man's difficulty in living a stable life
B.an increasingly competitive workplace
C.a decrease in employment opportunities
D.the reason why Lancaster Food Company was founded
(2)What does the underlined word "riled" in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?
(3)What words can best describe Charlie Crystle according to the text?
A.Outgoing, kind and considerate.
B.Wealthy but a little bit greedy.
C.Humorous, diligent and ambitious.
D.Successful and socially responsible.
(4)In Dan Jurman's opinion, what is the biggest achievement of Lancaster Food Company?
A.It greatly increases employment opportunities.
B.It suggests an idea for fighting poverty.
C.It provides a way to handle ex-offenders.
D.It creates a stable environment for people.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Elephants might be the most well-known and well-loved animal in African wildlife. But conservation (保护) of the African elephant faces special difficulties. While the elephant population is half of what it was 40 years ago, some areas of Africa have more elephants than populated areas can support. That's why AWF scientists are studying elephant behavior, protecting habitats and finding ways for humans to live peacefully with elephants in Africa.
Years ago, over hunting and the ivory trade were the biggest threats to elephants survival. Luckily, ivory bans (禁令), hunting rules and protected areas protect elephants from these dangers today.
The 21st century brings a different challenge to elephant conservation —land-use. Elephants walk across borders and outside parks and other protected areas. So they often destroy crops, causing conflicts (冲突) between local farmers and these big animals.
Successful conservation strategies (策略) must allow elephants to walk freely in their natural habitats while reducing conflicts between elephants and local people.
AWF researchers are searching for a way to give both elephants and people the space they need. The AWF is collecting information on elephant habitats and behavior. The information they gather will help to develop the widest possible space for elephants.
The AWF is helping elephants by protecting their habitats. And they also work with local farmers to improve their life in order to encourage them to protect rather than destroy elephants.
(1)The first paragraph of the text is mainly to tell readers _____.
A.African elephants are endangered now
B.there remains a lot to do to protect African elephants
C.African elephants are popular animals
D.the number of African elephants has increased over the years
(2)What is the biggest difficulty in protecting African elephants now?
A.They are still being killed.
B.Their habitats are being destroyed.
C.They don't have enough food.
D.They can't live in peace with farmers.
(3)To protect elephants, the AWF does all the following EXCEPT _____.
A.keeping elephants
B.protecting elephants' habitats
C.doing research on elephants
D.helping farmers improve their life
(4)What is the best title for the text?
A.African elephants conservation
B.Living with African elephants
C.African elephants' situation
D.African elephants being endangered

