(1) _______ She was buried beside her husband's grave. (2)_______She buried her face in her hands and cried. (3)_______She is buried in reading the book.
翻译以下短语并完成句子。 1. be buried alive ____ 2. bury sth. in... ____ 3. bury one's face in hands ____ 4. bury oneself in/be buried in____ 5. Many men were____underground when there was an accident at the time. 矿山发生意外事故时,许多矿工被埋在地下. 6. He walked slowly, his hands _____ in his pockets. 他走的很慢,两手插在衣袋里. 7. She sat there,____in thought. 他坐在那里陷入沉思.