精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


1What are the speakers talking about?

A. The Browns’ plan for the trip to China.

B. The Browns’ trip to the USA.

C. The Browns’ trip to China.

2What did the Browns suggest the speakers do?

A. Book hotels in advance.

B. Take warm clothes.

C. Not buy souvenirs.

3What is cheap in China according to the conversation?

A. Clothes. B. Souvenir. C. Gold jewelry





【解析】M: Did you talk to the Browns about their trip to China?

W: Oh, yes. They carne back three days ago.

M: What did they say the weather was like?

W: They said it was very cold. They suggested we take some warm clothes.

M: Did they say something about the hotels there?

W: It seems they are excellent, and not very expensive.

M: And did they have any language problems there?

W: They told me only few people there speak English, but those working in the hotel do, and they are very helpful and friendly.

M: Well, that's good. And did they buy much while they were in China'?

W: Just some souvenirs. They said clothes were much more expensive than in the USA. But they told me you could get gold jewelry for very little.

M: I see.





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】(题文)A long time ago, soldiers fought wars on foot. Then they began to ride horses to battle. Until the invention of the stirrups (马蹬), though, men could not fight well with swords or spears while on horseback.

Without stirrups, soldiers had no place to put their feet. They could not stand up to use their swords without falling off their horses. They could throw spears only with the force of their arms.

Using stirrups, a soldier could stand up in his saddle (). He could put a spear under the top part of his arm and charge with the force of his horse. He could use force when fighting with a sword. And he could win most fights against soldiers who did not use stirrups.

The first stirrups were made in India. Because the weather was warm, people did not wear shoes. The Indian stirrup was made of rope. It fit around the big toes. Later, the Chinese made a foot stirrup of wood. Because the Chinese lived in a colder country, the stirrup had to fit around shoes. Still later, around A. D. 700, soldiers in Asia used strong iron foot stirrups.

1】(小题1Around AD. 700, the soldiers in Asia used stirrups made of ________.

A. wood B. shoes C. rope D. iron

2】(小题2On the whole, this story is about ________.

A. the soldiers in warm and cold countries

B. how to throw a spear in the fights

C. an invention that changed man’s way of fighting wars

D. the history of horse riding

3】(小题3How did the stirrup help soldiers fight better?

A. They looked better when they were using stirrups.

B. They could now stand in their saddles to throw spears.

C. Horses were safer to ride than before.

D. They made soldiers throw spears with the force of wind.

4】(小题4Which of the following sentences do you think is RIGHT?

A. There were no wars 2,000 years ago.

B. Men were fighting 2,000 years ago.

C. War is something new.

D. Chinese people didn’t wear shoes in the past.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Who would prefer to eat the roasted meat?

A. People in India.

B. Eskimos in the North Pole.

C. People in the desert.

2Where is coffee very popular?

A. In North America and in the east.

B. In Northern Europe and in the Middle East.

C. In South America and in the Middle East.

3How do people in England drink tea?

A. With nothing.

B. With sugar , milk or lemons

C. With sugar, cold milk or coffee.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Are energy drinks safe? In spite of the dangers 1 (know) to us all, the market for energy drinks is booming. The Global Energy Drink market 2 (expect) to teach $72 billion by 2024. This is great news for energy drink producers, 3 what are consumers really getting when they buy these drinks?

Energy drinks can cause dehydration (脱水). The main source of energy in most energy products is caffeine, 4increases urine (尿) production. People shouldn’t consume more than 400 mg of caffeine per day, but energy drink producers are not required by draw 5 (list) the amount of caffeine their products contain.

Energy drinks can increase heart rate. Caffeine contributes 6 a heart rate risk, says nutritionist Lisa Cohn, who found that energy drink abuse among teens 7 (cause) increased risk of heart attack, especially in those with potential heart conditions

Energy drinks can damage 8 (tooth) Most energy products contain large amounts of citric acid (柠檬酸), which is particularly 9 (harm) to enamel (牙釉质). In fact, the 10 (lose) of enamel after exposure to energy drinks is more than twice higher than after exposure to sports drinks.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The White House is the most visited residence in the world. Tours may be scheduled through our Washington D.C. office. Due to security and scheduling procedures, there are a few things you should know before requesting a tour:

Only groups of 10 or more may request a tour.

Requests must be submitted with a minimum of one month’s advance notice from the date of the tour. Notice of whether your application is accepted will be given 10 days prior to(在之前) the date requested. All tours, even after they have been confirmed, are subject to cancellation due to security interests.

Tours are only conducted Tuesday through Saturday from 7:30 am to 11:30 am.

To process your request for a tour, please contact our Washington office at (202) 224-5521 and provide the following information:

Date(s) requesting.

Safety information for each person in your party, including: name as it appears on I.D. (I.D. required for ages 14 and up), date of birth, social security number, country of origin, and citizenship.

A home address and daytime and evening phone numbers for the designated (指派的) leader of the group.

A contact number while in DC for the designated leader of the group.

After your request is confirmed or denied, our office will contact you with further instructions.

1This notice is to provide information about ________.

A.scheduling of Washington DC tours

B.the safety system of the White House

C.application for a tour of the White House

D.duties of a tour group leader

2The White House is open to the public ________.

A.on weekdays onlyB.five days a week

C.every few daysD.on weekends only

3Application for a group tour of the White House must be submitted ________.

A.exactly on the date of applicationB.at least 30 days in advance

C.any day between Tuesday and SaturdayD.10 days before the date of the tour


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Dear Editors,

With the approach of Senior 3 studies, students who have almost finished Senior 2 are under increasingly great pressure, which has affected some students’life.


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Hi Danny,

Greetings from the Great Barrier Reef! I’m riding on a sailing boat with some relatives as I write this. We’re diving here all next week. The reef is located in the Coral Sea that is off the northeast coast of Australia.

The reef is made up of many corals. Corals are very hard and made of many tiny animals called “polyps” that look like underwater flowers. The corals need help to eat. They have a special relationship with other small animals, “algae” (藻类), that take in sunlight and make energy for the coral. It’s the algae that give color to the corals. Because algae need sunlight, the corals are very close to the surface of the water.

Together, the many corals create a magical environment. They make a home for the animals that live in the sea. When I went diving the other day, I saw all types of different animals-dolphins, turtles (海龟) and sea snakes. I was surprised at being able to see some fish I see only in movies, like clown fish (小丑鱼). As I am diving, I can feel the spirit of this magical place. It seems that these animals aren’t surprised to see me. Maybe they think I’m another fish!

Sadly, according to scientists, the Great Barrier Reef is dying because the water is getting warmer due to global warming. As the ocean gets warmer, the algae that live in the corals are cut off from the food they need for making energy. As a result, they leave the corals, and the corals die and lose their color. We see many dead white corals when we dive. We need to stop global warming and keep the water from getting hotter!

See you soon,


1Where is Gloria writing from?

A.A sailing boat.B.Great Barrier Reef.

C.A hotel room.D.A relative’s house.

2What do algae do for corals?

A.They give sunlight to the corals.

B.They make energy for the corals to grow.

C.They capture fish for the corals to eat.

D.They allow the corals to move around.

3Why is the coral reef described as “magical”?

A.The author had never been there before.

B.The area can allow the animals to do magical things.

C.It’s another world with many animals and colors.

D.Corals grow only at the Great Barrier Reef.

4Why is the writer sad about the future of the corals?

A.She fears they will eventually die from global warming.

B.When corals die, they lose their color and turn to a boring white.

C.Not enough people will have a chance to see this magical place.

D.She’s sad that the corals and algae will break their relationship.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Why did the boy spit the cookie out?

A.It has too much milk.B.It was too hard.C.It was too hot.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Finding time for yourself

Few people, these days would disagree with the theory that it’s vital to take time for yourself. Creating some space for enjoyment and restoration each day or at least every week, is a win-win proposition. It’ll make you both happier and more effective in fulfilling your responsibilities at work and home. 1. Here are some useful suggestions.

Don’t wait until it feels right. 2, so you want to tell yourself that you’ll only relax once everything is under control. But since both work and family life generate an infinite number of to-dos, that strategy is doomed (注定要失败的). As time-management writer Laura Vanderkam points out, it’s far more useful to learn to tolerate the discomfort of knowing your email inbox is filling up, or that the living room is still a pigsty.

3. It’s all too easy to fill ‘me time’ with things you think you should enjoy, above all exercise. If you genuinely love such activities, they’re perfect. But if the truth is that you don’t, you’ll only get angry. 4, even when the person doing the telling is ourselves. Make sure at least a small part of your week is spent doing something you can honestly say you enjoy for itself.

Pay attention to good feelings. Once you do get some restorative time, borrow a Buddhist technique for making it count: when you realize you’re enjoying yourself, spend half a minute consciously paying attention to the feelings of pleasure. 5.

A. Choose true enjoyment

B. We hate being told what to do

C. Make commitments in advance

D. It’s unpleasant to have unfinished tasks bother you

E. So, you’ll often find that those feelings increase as a result

F. Making a plan in advance can create the space you need for your own happiness

G. Making sure you actually get a moment to yourself requires a shift in perspective

