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7. We saw a quick film showing the stages in the (生产) of glass.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1.学生们非常尊敬他们的历史老师。 (respect)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. Yuan Longping harvests without expanding the area of the fields. (P10)


① 本句是一个简单句。

② 句子的主干是 Yuan Longping searched for a way,to increase rice harvests 作定语修饰 way,with〇ut expanding the area of the fields 在匈中作务式状语。


[仿写]迈克决定不告诉父亲真相,独自寻求解决问题 的办法。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. They want to (使孩子们免受伤害) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     There are deserts in many parts of the world. Deserts are very dry places 41 there is so little rain. Most deserts have very hot weather during the day. 42,they can be freezing cold at night.

    People have always 43 in deserts. Many desert people are nomads(游牧部落的人) .They move from one place to another,to 44 food and water. In some deserts,there are oases (沙漠中的绿洲) where there is enough water for people to live. The people build 45 nearby. The houses have thick walls and small windows. In some deserts,people live under the ground. They dig 46 out of the rock. The houses are cool,and they are 47 from sand storms. Nomads who live in the 48 have tents made of goats,skins. When they move around,they take their 49 with them.

   In some deserts,people 50 goats for meat and milk. Many years ago,Aborigines in Australia spent most of the day finding 51 in the desert.  They hunted animals like kangaroos for meat. They 52 ate insects that they found among the roots of desert plants.

     Plants in the desert have to live with very little 53 . Some plants have 54 roots that find water under the ground. Some plants have leaves like needles (针) . Because of their 55 ,these leaves do not 56 as much water as flat leaves.

      Many desert animals live under the ground,away from the sun. Some of them 57 at night to feed,when it is cool. Many different insects,58 flies,wasps and beetles^ live in the desert. There are lizards(撕蜴) ,too. They eat insects,and hardly ever 59 to drink water.

       It is very hard to live in deserts,but people,plants,and animals have learned how to 60 .

41. A. because   B. so

   C. although   D. if

42. A. Besides   B. Therefore

   C. However   D. Rather

43. A. played   B. lived

   C. stopped   D. walked

44. A. store   B. find  

 C. share   D. prepare

45. A. bridges   B. roads

   C. walls   D. houses

46. A. windows   B. holes

   C. rooms   D. gardens

47. A. far   B. safe

  C. different   D. separate

48. A. desert   B. ground

   C. world   D. past

49. A. tents   B. goats

   C. rock   D. sand

50. A. sell 3. hurt   

   C. keep   D. train

51. A. plants      B woods 

  C. water        D.food

52. A. just   B. the  

   C. also   D. soon

53. A. sunliine   B. rain

   C. air   D. soil

54. A. thick   B. solid  

 C. wide   D. long

55. A. shape       B.size

   C. number   D. strength

56. A. hold   B. lose  

   C. enjoy   D. collect

57. A. come out   B. go back

   C. run oiT   D. pass by

58. A. next to   B. along with

  C. such as   D. instead of

59. A. fail   B. need   

  C. refuse   D. wait

60. A. move   B. work

  C. change   D. survive


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    The famous website known as Facebook began as a Harvard University dropout's hobby. It was once limited to university students,but it has now become the largest social networking website in the world. It is a good way for old friends to find each other and for new friends to meet.

    Facebook was started in 2004 and was then a site that only students with an email address ending in “edu” could join. It was like being part of a huge but exclusive club. College students throughout the USA joined the,website to create large networks. As Facebook's popularity grew,its founder,Mark Zuckerberg,realized even more people would love to sign up for- the service. In 2006,Facebook opened Its membership to anyone with an email address. Facebook experienced another increase in its popularity.

    In just minutes,anyone can sign up for the service and start enjoying photos or videos. Most new members also enjoy searching for friends they lost touch with years ago. Whether they knew each other from elementary,middle,high school or college,people around the world reconnect using Facebook's simple tools.

     Facebook also includes many specialized features. Members write on a friend's “wall”,a special part of each person's page. Friends post short public messages on each other's “walls”,or they can send  private(私密的) “messages”.

Facebook members also “poke(戳) ” each other Sending a “poke” to a friend is like saying “I'm thinking of you”. Like a real-life poke,a “poke” on Facebook shows you want someone's attention. Members also send “gifts”. “Gifts” are little icons(图标) of things you might really give. Members can buy these icons at a low price and send them,showing their appreciation.

32. What does the underlined word aexclusive,? in Paragraph 2 mean?

   A. Available only to some people.

   B. Teaching you something modem.

   C. Strange and difficult to understand.

   D. Supporting new ideas and methods. 

33. How did Mark Zuckerberg increase Facebook's popularity?

   A. By advertising it online.

   B. By working with schools.

   C. By making it open to any email user.

   D. By sharing students' photos and videos.

34. Paragraph 3 mainly talks about .

   A. some ways of using Facebook’s  tools

   B. what people can learn from Facebook

   C. how people make friends on Facebook

   D. some features that make Facebook popular 

35. If a Facebook member wants to get noticed by

a friend,he can.

   A. send a “gift”

   B. send a “poke” .

   C. write on the “wall”

   D. send long “messages”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


5. Prices have risen sharply in the last ten years.

Prices have risen sharply in the last.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. T ve only s his letter; I haven’t read it carefiilly yet.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. Be certain to eat slowly and (咀嚼) your food extremely well.

