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7.Carmen's mother Maria had just survived a serious heart attack.But without a heart transplant(移植)her life was in constant(36)B.
    Both the mother and daughter knew that the chances were very(37)A:finding a donor heart that(38)AMaria's blood type could take years,(39)C,Carmen was determined to save her mother.She kept(40)Bhospitals all over the country.
    Days stretched out.By Christmas,Maria had trouble(41)Cfrom one end of the room to the other.Carmen lost all hope.She fell into a(42)Aof the hospital,crying.
"Are you okay?"a man asked.
Carmen sobbed as she told the stranger her(43)B.This middle-aged man was named Frank,whose wife,Cheryl,a tender and devoted mother of four lovely children,had been in hospital with a brain disease and wouldn't(44)Dit through the night.Suddenly,an idea came to Frank's mind.He knew Cheryl had always wanted to(45)Csomething from herself.Could her(46)Ago to Carmen's mother?
After reviewing the data,doctors(47)AFrank that his wife's heart was by some miracle a perfect(48)Bfor Carmen's mother.They were able to(49)Bthe transplant.
That cold night,when Cheryl was(50)Ddead,Frank came to knock at Maria's door.She was(51)Afor Frank's family as she had been doing every day recently.Though Maria had never met Frank before,they both felt a strange(52)Cas they hugged and cried.
On New Year's Eve,Carmen attended Cheryl's(53)Awith Frank's family,who were singing their favorite song"My heart will go on."
One day later,on New Year's Day,Maria(54)Bwith Cheryl's heart.Yes,Cheryl's loving heart would go on,for it was(55)Bin another loving mother's chest.
49.A.give upB.carry outC.search afterD.put off
54.A.passed awayB.woke upC.left behindD.dressed up

分析 文章主要讲述了一个感人的故事,故事里的谢丽尔在临死之前仍想着别人,用自己的心脏换取了别人的生命,旨在告诉人们要甘愿付出,甘心奉献,不求回报.

解答 36-40 BAACB  41-45 CABDC  46-50 AABBD  51-55 ACABB36.B 考查名词辨析.A.change改变,变化;B.danger危险,风险;C.disorder混乱,凌乱;D.pain痛苦.固定短语in danger 处于危险状况,由语境可知:如果没有心脏移植手术的话,她的生命会长期处于危险状态.故选B.
37.A 考查上下文串联.A.small小的;B.distant遥远的;C.hard困难的;D.precious 宝贵的.根据下文可知,找到与玛丽亚血型匹配的供体心脏可能需要数年时间,所以机会非常小.故选A.
38.A.考查动词辨析.matched相配;B.replaced取代,代替;C.controlled控制;D.cooperated合作,配合. 由语境可知:是要找到和玛利亚血型相匹配的供体心脏.故选A.
39.C 考查上下文串联. A.Certainly当然;B.Otherwise否则;C.However然而;D.So因此.根据上文可知,找到血型相匹配的供体心脏机会很小,但是卡门决心要救她的母亲.故选C.
40.B 考查动词辨析.A.finding发现;B.phoning打电话;C.touring旅游;D.interrupting打断;由语境可知:为了救母亲,卡门她不停地给全国的医院打电话.故选B.
41.C 考查动词辨析.A.rolling滚动;B.running跑;C.walking走,步行;D.jumping跳.由语境可知,到圣诞节的时候,玛利亚走路已经变得非常困难了.故选C.
42.A 考查名词辨析.A.corner角,角落;B.bed 床;C.man男人,人;D.nurse护士.由语境可知,卡门面对病痛的母亲无能无力,躲在医院的一角,放声痛哭起来了.考查A.
43.B 考查名词辨析.A.mother母亲;B.story故事;C.error错误;D.dream梦想.卡门哽咽着告诉了陌生人她的故事.故选B.
44.D 考查动词辨析.A.put放;B.support支撑;C.pass 经过,通过;D.make做,制造. 固定短语:make it through成功渡过,由语境可知:名叫弗兰克的男子的妻子患了脑病,熬不过今晚了.故选D.
45.C 考查动词辨析.A.save储蓄,贮存;B.recycle回收利用;C.donate捐赠,赠送;D.separate分开,隔离. 由语境可知:男子知道自己的妻子一直想捐赠自己身上的东西去帮助别人.故选C.
46.A 考查上下文串联.A.heart内心 心,心脏;B.大脑,智慧;C.husband丈夫;D.spirit精神,心灵.根据上文可知,卡门的母亲需要做心脏移植手术,所以男子在想自己妻子的心脏可以移植给卡门的母亲吗.故选A.
47.A 考查动词辨析.A.informed告诉,通知;B.warned警告; C.congratulated祝贺;D.reminded使想起.由语境可知,校对了数据后,医生们通知弗兰克说他妻子的心脏竟奇迹般地和卡门母亲的心脏十分匹配.故选A.
48.B 考查名词辨析.A.copy复制品;B.fit适合,匹配;C.variation变化,变动;D.baby婴儿.医生们通知弗兰克说他妻子的心脏竟奇迹般地和卡门母亲的心脏十分匹配.故选B.
49.B 考查上下文串联.A.give up放弃,认输; B.carry out 执行,实施;C.search after追求,寻找;D.put off延期.由上下文可知,医生可以帮助卡门的母亲实施心脏移植手术.故选B.
50.D 考查动词辨析.A.noticed注意;B.predicted预言,预测;C.found找到,发现;D.declared宣布,宣告.固定句型:declare sb---宣布某人怎么了 由语境可知:在那个寒冷的晚上,医生宣布了谢丽尔死亡的消息.故选D.
51.A 考查动词辨析.A.praying祈祷;B.begging乞讨,乞求;C.thinking想,思索;D.expecting预料,预期.由语境可知,好心的玛利亚和往常一样一直在为弗兰克的家庭祈祷.
52.C 考查名词辨析.A.belief信任,信念;B.love爱;C.bond纽带,联系;D.relief宽慰,安心.虽然玛利亚以前从未见过弗兰克,但他们在拥抱时都感到一种奇怪的联系.故选C.
53.A 考查名词辨析.A.funeral葬礼,丧礼;B.operation操作,手术;C.performance 表演;D.anniversary周年纪念.由语境可知,在新年的除夕夜上,卡门同弗兰克的家人一起参加了谢丽尔的葬礼.故选A.
54.B 考查短语辨析.A.passed away去世,停止;B.woke up醒来;C.left behind留下,丢弃;D.dressed up穿上盛装.由语境可知,一天之后,也就是在新年除夕夜的晚上,玛利亚也因为用了谢丽尔的心脏而苏醒了.故选B.
55.B 考查形容词辨析.A.active活泼的,起作用;B.alive 活着的;C.necessary必要的;D.changeable可变的,易变的.谢丽尔的爱心心脏将一直继续,因为它仍然在另一个爱心妈妈的胸膛里跳动.故选B.

点评 在解答此类文体时,考生应将自己的情感融入到文章中去,用心去读.同时,在做题时要多注意固定搭配,平时加强对此类文体的训练.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.No one likes a person who _____ himself more than anyone else.(  )
A.looks forB.belong toC.cares aboutD.gives up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.When and where to go for the onsalaryholiday________yet.(  )
A.are not decidedB.have not been decided
C.is not being decidedD.has not been decided


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.How good are you at saying"no"?For many,it's surprisingly difficult.This is especially true of editors,who by nature tend to be eager and engaged participants in everything they do.Consider these scenes:
It's late in the day.That front-page package you've been working on is nearly complete; the last editing and it's finished.Then enters the chief editor,who makes a suggestion requiring a more-than-modest rearrangement of the design and the addition of an information box.You want to scream:"No!It's done!"What do you do?
The first rule of saying no to the boss is‘don't say no,.He probably has something in mind when he makes the suggestion,and it's up to you to find out what.The second rule is'don't raise the risks by challenging his authority,.That issue is already decided.The third rule is‘be ready to put forward choices and consequences,.The boss's suggestion might be appropriate,but there are always consequences.He might not know about the pages backing up that need attention,or about the designer who had to go home sick.Tell him he can have what he wants,hut explain the consequences.Understand what he's trying to accomplish and propose(提议)a Flan B that will make it happen without destroying what you've done so far.
Here's another case.Your least-favorite reporter suggests a silly story idea.This one should be easy,but it's not.If you say no,even politely,you risk holding back further ideas,not just from that reporter,but from others who heard that you turned down the idea.This case is common in newsrooms that lack a systematic way to filter(过滤)story suggestions.
Two steps are necessary.First,you need a system for how stories are proposed and reviewed.Reporters can bear rejection of their ideas if they believe they are given a fair hearing.Your natural reaction and strong rejection,even of a worthless idea,might not qualify as systematic or fair.
Second,the people you work with need to make a"What if".?,agreement covering‘‘What if my idea is turned down?,How are people expected to react?Is there an appeal process?Can they perfect the idea and resubmit it?By imagining"What if…?"situations before they happen,you can reach understanding that will help ease you out of opposition.
50.This passage is mainly aboutD.
A.the cases where ideas are rejected
B.the ways to give different opinions
C.the skills of saying no 
D.the methods for solving disagreements
51.Instead of directly refusing your boss's suggestion,you shouldB.
A.pretend that you are sick
B.seek what he is thinking about
C.state that your design is quite perfect
D.ask him to give the reason for his suggestion
52.By saying"This one should be easy…"(Paragraph 4),the writer means it's easy toD
A.understand the silly story idea
B.let others politely say no
C.fool your least-favorite reporter  
D.turn down that reporter's idea
53.Why is it important to set up a system for stories to be proposed and reviewed?D
A.To allow reporters enough time to change their attitude.
B.To develop reporters5 strong sense of fairness.
C.To encourage reporters to give valuable ideas.
D.To guarantee reporters chances to give further explanations.
54.What is conveyed in the last paragraph?A
A.Sometimes we may view a problem from another angle.
B.We may relax ourselves by raising questions when we're in trouble.
C."What if …?"situations help improve our relationship with others.
D.It's almost impossible for others to accept our ideas at once.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.--How did you find your visit to the Three Gorges Dam,James?
--_________.(  )
B.First by train and then by ship
C.I went there alone
D.A classmate of mine showed me the way


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.I think everyone likes music,so do I.Someone once said that if there(76)were no music,there would be no life.Music brings you happiness and(77)beauty (美).After a whole day of hard work,when I go back home,I'm(78)used/accustomed  to sitting down and listening to a wonderful piece of music.It always helps me get rid of my tiredness by building (79)arelaxing (轻松的)atmosphere.If you are somewhat angry,music will also make you c(80)calmdown and your unhappiness will d(81)disappear soon.
What's more,music has an extraordinary power(82)that/whichcan help people develop their imagination and do things in more(83)creative(创造性的)ways.
I like music and I wish that musicians t(84)throughout the world would keep on producing (85)valuable (有价值的) music works for us.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.---Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?
---___________.(  )
A.No,I won't be freeB.Thanks a lot
C.I'd love to,but I'm not freeD.I'm sorry to hear that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.When we laugh with one another,a positive ccollection(联系) is created.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.He is reading the article his daughter has just finished       any spelling mistakes.(  )
A.correctedB.to correct
C.correctD.having corrected

