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To get better night’s sleep, get into bed with Zeo

Introducing the revolutionary Zeo Personal Sleep Coach

The inability to get a good night’s sleep is one of the top health issues. A night of poor sleep can affect one’s mood, energy level, and performance. Most people have felt powerless to do anything about it--until now. Introducing Zeo, a revolutionary approach to the problem of poor sleep.

A revolution in the science of sleep

Designed by leading sleep scientists, the Zeo Persional Sleep Coach is the first consumer product to help you take control of your sleep. Because understanding your sleep is the first step toward managing it.

Wear the light Zeo Headband to bed and Zeo technology tracks and records your personal sleeppatterns and wirelessly send them to the Zeo Bedside Display. When you wake up, you simply touch a button to get your sleep data: the time you took to fall asleep, your time in deep sleep and light sleep, and how often you woke up. Seeing how you slept is just the beginning. What you do with that information is what makes Zeo so remarkable.


Take control of your sleep

Zeo puts the science of sleep at your fingertips. The Zeo Bedside Display stores your sleep data so you can easily upload it to the Zeo Personal Coaching website. Here you’ll find a collection of online tools that help you analyze your sleep and uncover the links between how you live and how you sleep. Zeo’s Seven Step Sleep Fitness program assists you in creating a personalized action plan based on your own sleep patterns and goals, and delivers user-tailored coaching emails that help you get the sleep you need.

Try Zeo risk free, and enjoy free shipping

Order Zeo today and receive the headban, bedside display, full access to our powerful user website and you personalized, multi-week sleep coaching program--plus our satisfaction guarantee and free shipping.


The more you know, the better you sleep.

Zeo Personal Sleep Coach is neither a medical device nor a medical program and is not intended for the treatment of sleep disorders.

1.Zeo is a revolution in the science of sleep mainly because it _____.

A. can record one’s sleep process

B. is the first product to manage one’s sleep

C. is free of medical risks

D. provides access to sleep fitness websites

2.What is the most remarkable(杰出的) feature of Zeo?

A. Its direct contact with sleep scientists.

B. Its individualized coaching program.

C. Its effectiveness in curing sleep disorders.

D. Its immediate analysis of sleep data.

3.What customer service does Zeo provide?

A. Cheap online tools.

B. A 30-day action plan.

C. Personalized bedside display.

D. Free delivery of the product.

4.The passage is primarily written to _____.

A. encourage people to try the new product

B. instruct people how to use a new tool

C. provide the latest health information

D. illustrate(说明) the importance of good sleep habit








1. Zeo Persional Sleep Coach is the first consumer product to help you take control of your sleep.”可知,Zeo Persional Sleep Coach是首款能够管理个人睡眠的产品,故选B。

2. by leading sleep scientists”可知,这款产品是睡眠专家设计的,但文章没有提到说此产品能与科学家取得直接联系,排除A;根据文章最后“Zeo Personal Sleep Coach is neither a medical device nor a medical program and is not intended for the treatment of sleep disorders.”可知,Zeo Personal Sleep Coach并非医学设备,也不是医学程序,并不是为治疗睡眠障碍而研制的产品,排除C;根据第三段“The Zeo Bedside Display stores your sleep data so you can easily upload it to the Zeo Personal Coaching website. Here you’ll find a collection of online tools that help you analyze your sleep and uncover the links”可知,你需要把数据上传到网站,之后还需要借助在线工具进行分析,排除D,故选B。

3. money-back guarantee ...FREE SHIPPING”可知,Zeo提供30天退款保证和免费邮递服务,故选D。

4.Try Zeo risk free, and enjoy free shipping ...Order Zeo today and receive the headban...”和全文可知,这是向顾客推荐Zeo产品的广告,主要目的是鼓励大家尝试新产品,故选A。



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建莆田第八中学高三上第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Are you a dog person or a cat person?

With so many photos and videos of cats and dogs doing cute things online, it’s easier than ever to answer which of these furry friends you like more. There are many reasons why people prefer one type of pet over the other. So, have you ever wondered what your preference for cats or dogs says about you?

In fact, a 2010 study done by Sam Gosling, a psychologist at the University of Texas, US, and his graduate student Carson Sandy found that dog people are more extroverted (外向的), agreeable and con- scientious (认真的) than cat people.

“Cats will occasionally engage in social activities, but usually after only a few minutes they will abandon the game. Dogs, on the other hand, will often engage in play, like fetching a thrown ball, for hours at a time,” said Modern Dog magazine.

Just on the basis of dogs’ nature being more sociable than cats’, you may expect that the personalities of dog people also reflect higher sociability. And Gosling’s study found that dog people are generally about 15 percent more extroverted and 13 percent more agreeable, both of which are linked with social orientation (态度).

In addition, dog people are 11 percent more conscientious than cat people. “Conscientiousness” is a tendency (趋势) to show self-discipline (自律), to complete tasks and aim for achievement. This trait (特点) also shows a preference for planned rather than spontaneous (一时冲动的) behavior.

In comparison, cat people are about 12 percent more anxious, but they are also 11 percent more “open” than dog people, due to a general appreciation for art, emotion, imagination, curiosity, adventure, unusual ideas and variety of experience. And people high on openness are more likely to hold unconventional (非传统的) beliefs.

Despite vast differences, there are some things that cat people and dog people have in common. “Both types of people consider themselves close to nature, dislike animal-print clothing and are generally optimists,” noted Mother Nature Network.

1.What does the article mainly talk about?

A. Differences between dogs and cats in their personality traits.

B. Factors that influence people’s preference for dogs or cats.

C. How raising a pet helps shape your personality.

D. What your preference for dogs or cats tells about you.

2.The underlined phrase “engage in” in the fourth paragraph probably means______.

A. get involved in B. benefit from

C. take little interest in D. perform well in

3.According to the study done by Sam Gosling, dog owners tend to ______ than cat owners.

A. be more imaginative and creative

B. live a more organized life

C. love to get close to nature more

D. be more easygoing and adventurous

4.According to the article, both dog people and cat people ______.

A. are generally self-disciplined

B. are usually positive and care about nature

C. are likely to hold unconventional beliefs

D. like to wear animal-print clothing



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建莆田第八中学高三上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

If anyone happens to drop in while I am out, ____ him or her leave a message.

A. have B. get C. ask D. tell



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建福州文博中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— May I stop here?

— No, you ___________.

A. mustn’t B. might not

C. needn’t D. won’t



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建福州文博中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I’d appreciate ___________ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.

A. you B. this C. one D. it



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建省高三上学期第二次质量检查英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Every day we are flooded _____ all kinds of sounds, ____ which most are noise.

A. with; in B. with; of C. by; in D. at; among



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建省高三上学期第二次质量检查英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---Why does the Lake smell terrible?

---Because large quantities of water .

A. have polluted B. is being polluted

C. has been polluted D. have been polluted



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建清流第一中学高三上第一次阶段英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.

--With so much work filling my mind, I almost ______.

A. break in B. break out

C. break down D. break off



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建四地六校高三上第二次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Next time a customer comes to your office, offer him a cup of coffee. And when you’re doing your holiday shopping online, make sure you’re holding a large glass of iced tea. The physical sensation(感觉)of warmth encourages emotional warmth while a cold drink in hand prevents you from making unwise decisions — those are the practical lesson being drawn from recent research by psychologist John A. Bargh.

Psychologists have known that one person’s perception(感知)of another’s “warmth” is a powerful determiner in social relationships. Judging someone to be either “warm” or “cold” is a primary consideration, even trumping evidence that a “cold” person may be more capable. Much of this is rooted in very early childhood experiences, Bargh argues, when babies’ conceptual sense of the world around them is shaped by physical sensations, particularly warmth and coldness. Classic studies by Harry Harlow, published in 1958, showed monkeys preferred to stay close to a cloth “mother” rather than one made of wire, even when the wire “mother” carried a food bottle. Harlow’s work and later studies have led psychologists to stress the need for warm physical contact from caregivers to help young children grow into healthy adults with normal social skills.

Feelings of “warmth” and “coldness” in social judgments appear to be universal. Although no worldwide study has been done, Bargh says that describing people as “warm” or “cold” is common to many cultures, and studies have found those perceptions influence judgment in dozens of countries.

To test the relationship between physical and psychological warmth, Bargh conducted an experiment which involved 41 college students. A research assistant who was unaware of the study’s hypotheses(假设), handed the students either a hot cup of coffee, or a cold drink, to hold while the researcher filled out a short information form. The drink was then handed back. After that, the students were asked to rate the personality of “Person A” based on a particular description. Those who had briefly held the warm drink regarded Person A as warmer than those who had held the iced drink.

“We are grounded in our physical experiences even when we think abstractly,” says Bargh.

1.According to Paragraph 1, a person’s emotion may be affected by ______.

A. the visitors to his office

B. the psychology lessons he has

C. the things he has bought online

D. his physical feeling of coldness

2.The author mentions Harlow’s experiment to show that ____________.

A. adults should develop social skills

B. caregivers should be healthy adults

C. babies need warm physical contact

D. monkeys have social relationships

3.In Bargh’s experiment, the students were asked to _______________.

A. evaluate someone’s personality

B. write down their hypotheses

C. fill out a personal information form

D. hold coffee and cold drink alternatively

4.We can infer from the passage that _____________________.

A. abstract thinking does not come from physical experiences

B. physical temperature affects how we see others

C. feelings of warmth and coldness are studied worldwide

D. capable persons are often cold to others

5.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Drinking for Better Social Relationships.

B. Experiments of Personality Evaluation.

C. Physical Sensations and Emotions.

D. Developing Better Drinking Habits.


