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occupy           A.truly                B.accumulate       C.bunch              D.reputation


科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

The balance of natureis not an empty phrase. Nature provides a population to occupy a suitable environment and cuts down surplus population to fit the available food supply. One means of reducing surplus population is predators; others are parasitic diseases. Also, population density produces nervous disorders and even drives animals to mass migrations(移民群),like the lemmings of Norway who plunge(冲入)into the sea.

That predatory population increase to control other animals has long been known. Many years ago, the Hudson’s Bay Company records revealed that the fox population went up and down about a year after rabbit population had gone up and down.

Sometimes a situation occurs in which the predatory population is reduced to a level below which nature can readily replace. On Valcour Island in Lake Champlain, a costly campaign resulted in the elimination(消除)of predatory animals only to have birds and small animals increase for four years afterward. Then, lacking predator control, nature resorted to disease to cut down these populations.

Jamaica had an example of nature’s persistence in providing animals for existing habits. Sugar planters, about 75 years ago, imported mongooses(狐猴)to control rats. The mongooses killed off the rats, kids, puppies, and wildlife. Eventually, food became scarce and the mongoose’s population declines.

1. The fact that the number of predators has much to do with that of other animals     .

A. is not recent knowledge                  B.has just been learned

C.hasn’t been proved yet                      D.is not important now

2. When predator control fails, nature brings animal population into balance by       .

A. eliminating the number of predators

B.seeking the help of disease to reduce other animals

C.increasing the number of other animals

D.replacing the number of predators immediately

3. When the mongooses killed off the rats they     .

A. became problems themselves             B.ate the sugar crop

C.attacked humans                       D.had nothing to eat

4. It is implied in this passage that     .

A. sugar planter imported mongooses to control rats

B.man should never kill animals

C.man has complete control over nature

D.to upset the balance of nature can be troublesome



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:051

The balance of natureis not an empty phrase. Nature provides a population to occupy a suitable environment and cuts down surplus population to fit the available food supply. One means of reducing surplus population is predators; others are parasitic diseases. Also, population density produces nervous disorders and even drives animals to mass migrations(移民群),like the lemmings of Norway who plunge(冲入)into the sea.

That predatory population increase to control other animals has long been known. Many years ago, the Hudson’s Bay Company records revealed that the fox population went up and down about a year after rabbit population had gone up and down.

Sometimes a situation occurs in which the predatory population is reduced to a level below which nature can readily replace. On Valcour Island in Lake Champlain, a costly campaign resulted in the elimination(消除)of predatory animals only to have birds and small animals increase for four years afterward. Then, lacking predator control, nature resorted to disease to cut down these populations.

Jamaica had an example of nature’s persistence in providing animals for existing habits. Sugar planters, about 75 years ago, imported mongooses(狐猴)to control rats. The mongooses killed off the rats, kids, puppies, and wildlife. Eventually, food became scarce and the mongoose’s population declines.

1. The fact that the number of predators has much to do with that of other animals     .

A. is not recent knowledge                  B.has just been learned

C.hasn’t been proved yet                      D.is not important now

2. When predator control fails, nature brings animal population into balance by       .

A. eliminating the number of predators

B.seeking the help of disease to reduce other animals

C.increasing the number of other animals

D.replacing the number of predators immediately

3. When the mongooses killed off the rats they     .

A. became problems themselves             B.ate the sugar crop

C.attacked humans                       D.had nothing to eat

4. It is implied in this passage that     .

A. sugar planter imported mongooses to control rats

B.man should never kill animals

C.man has complete control over nature

D.to upset the balance of nature can be troublesome



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

The Style of Living

Many years ago, my lady friend and I were on a trip to Carmel, California for some shopping and exploring. On the way, we   36    at a service station. As soon as we parked our car in front of the pumps, a young man about eighteen or nineteen, came bouncing   37    to the car and with a big   38    saying, “Can I help you?”

“Yes,” I answered. “A full tank of gas, please.” I wasn’t prepared for   39    followed. This young man checked every tire, washed every window   40   the sunroof----singing and whistling the whole time. We couldn’t believe both the quality of service and his   41   attitude about his work.

When he   42   the bill I said to the young man, “Hey, you really have taken good care of us. We   43   it.”

He replied, “I really enjoying working. It’s   44   for me and I get to meet nice people like you.”

This kid was really __ 45   .

I said, “We are on our way to Carmel and we want to get some milk shakes. Can you tell us  ___46   we can find the nearest Baskin-Robbins?”

“Baskin-Robbins is just a few blocks away,”  he said as he gave us exact   47  .

What a kid!

As we got to the ice cream store we ordered milk shakes, except that instead of two, we ordered   48  . Then we drove back to the station. Our young friend   49  . “Hey, I see you got your milk shakes.”

“Yes, and this one is    50    you!”

His mouth fell open. “For me?”

“   51  . With all the unbelievable service you gave us, I   52   leave you out of the milk deal.”

“Wow!” was his astonished   53  .

As we drove off I could see him in my rear-view mirror just __ 54  _ there, grinning from ear to ear.

Now, what did this little act of generosity (慷慨)    55   me? Only about two dollars----you see, it’s not the money, it’s the style.

36. A stopped                B. stayed        C. lived               D. rested

37. A. away            B. off           C. on               D. out

38. A. laugh          B. smile         C. cry                 D. shout

39. A. that           B. which        C. what             D. it

40. A. still           B. ever          C. even              D. so

41. A. correct         B. energetic      C. active             D. optimistic (乐观的)

42. A. brought               B. got           C. showed             D. offered

43. A. enjoyed               B. appreciate     C. know              D. praise

44. A. necessary        B. cool          C. fun               D. worth

45. A. anything       B. everything     C. nothing             D. something

46. A. when                 B. whether       C. where              D. why

47. A. words         B. directions     C. shops                    D. sellers

48. A. three          B. one          C. four                     D. two

49. A. dashed out      B. rushed in      C. charged forward       D. went out

50. A. to             B. with          C. beyond              D. for

51. A. Perfectly              B. Generally     C. Sure                D. Actually

52. A. mustn’t        B. couldn’t              C. dare not             D. needn’t

53. A. reply          B. expression     C. excuse              D. action

54. A. working       B. waving       C. staring              D. standing

55. A. take                  B. suffer         C. cost                D. occupy


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The Style of Living

Many years ago, my lady friend and I were on a trip to Carmel, California for some shopping and exploring. On the way, we   36    at a service station. As soon as we parked our car in front of the pumps, a young man about eighteen or nineteen, came bouncing   37    to the car and with a big   38    saying, “Can I help you?”

“Yes,” I answered. “A full tank of gas, please.” I wasn’t prepared for   39    followed. This young man checked every tire, washed every window   40   the sunroof----singing and whistling the whole time. We couldn’t believe both the quality of service and his   41   attitude about his work.

When he   42   the bill I said to the young man, “Hey, you really have taken good care of us. We   43   it.”

He replied, “I really enjoying working. It’s   44   for me and I get to meet nice people like you.”

This kid was really __ 45   .

I said, “We are on our way to Carmel and we want to get some milk shakes. Can you tell us  ___46   we can find the nearest Baskin-Robbins?”

“Baskin-Robbins is just a few blocks away,”  he said as he gave us exact   47  .

What a kid!

As we got to the ice cream store we ordered milk shakes, except that instead of two, we ordered   48  . Then we drove back to the station. Our young friend   49  . “Hey, I see you got your milk shakes.”

“Yes, and this one is    50    you!”

His mouth fell open. “For me?”

“   51  . With all the unbelievable service you gave us, I   52   leave you out of the milk deal.”

“Wow!” was his astonished   53  .

As we drove off I could see him in my rear-view mirror just __ 54  _ there, grinning from ear to ear.

Now, what did this little act of generosity (慷慨)    55   me? Only about two dollars----you see, it’s not the money, it’s the style.

36. A stopped                B. stayed        C. lived               D. rested

37. A. away            B. off           C. on               D. out

38. A. laugh          B. smile         C. cry                 D. shout

39. A. that           B. which        C. what             D. it

40. A. still           B. ever          C. even              D. so

41. A. correct         B. energetic      C. active             D. optimistic (乐观的)

42. A. brought               B. got           C. showed             D. offered

43. A. enjoyed               B. appreciate     C. know              D. praise

44. A. necessary        B. cool          C. fun               D. worth

45. A. anything       B. everything     C. nothing             D. something

46. A. when                 B. whether       C. where              D. why

47. A. words          B. directions     C. shops                    D. sellers

48. A. three          B. one          C. four                     D. two

49. A. dashed out      B. rushed in      C. charged forward       D. went out

50. A. to             B. with          C. beyond              D. for

51. A. Perfectly              B. Generally     C. Sure                D. Actually

52. A. mustn’t        B. couldn’t              C. dare not             D. needn’t

53. A. reply          B. expression     C. excuse              D. action

54. A. working       B. waving       C. staring              D. standing

55. A. take                  B. suffer         C. cost                D. occupy


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

Passengers, don't occupy the chairs with your luggage, ________?

  1. A.
    don't you
  2. B.
    will they
  3. C.
    don't they
  4. D.
    will you

