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In James Cameron’s fantasy films, such as Avatar and The Abyss, the unexplored is decorated in color and filled with alien danger. But on his dive to the deepest place on Earth, which took place on a Sunday last month, reality proved far different: white, deserted, and dull.
“I felt like I literally had gone to another planet and come back,” Cameron said after returning from the cold, dark place in the western Pacific Ocean, nearly 7 miles (11km) below the surface. “It was a very fantastic day.” Cameron is the first person to explore the deepest valley in the ocean since two men made a 20-minute trip there in 1960.
He spent about three hours gliding through the icy darkness, brightened only by lights on the one-man sub(潜水艇). This deepest section of the Mariana Trench is so untouched that at first it appeared dull. But there’s something strangely interesting about the first pieces of video that Cameron shot — a sense of aloneness.
“It’s really the sense of isolation, realizing how tiny you are down in this big, black and unexplored place,” the Titanic director said. The wordless minute-long video, released by sponsor National Geographic, shows Cameron’s sub gliding across what he calls “the very soft, almost gelatinous(胶状的) flat plain.”
To Cameron, the main thing was to appreciate being there. “There had to be a moment where I just stopped, and took it in, and said, ‘This is where I am; I’m at the bottom of the ocean, the deepest place on Earth. What does that mean?’” Cameron told reporters during a conference call. The trip was only about half as long as planned because Cameron’s battery ran low. He said he would return and film it in 3D for later viewing.
“I see this as the beginning,” Cameron said. “It’s not a one-time deal and then moving on. This is the beginning of opening up this new frontier.”
【小题1】Why did Cameron dive to the deepest place on Earth?

A.To study ocean creatures in the deepest valley.
B.To prove his strong will and perseverance.
C.To get support from National Geographic.
D.To open up a new frontier.
【小题2】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Cameron’s fantasy film, Avatar was inspired by his dive to the deepest place on Earth.
B.Cameron glided through the icy darkness alone by lights of the one-man sub.
C.Cameron didn’t stay at the bottom of the ocean as planned because he was worn out.
D.Cameron felt bored when he went to the deepest valley in the ocean.
【小题3】The underlined sentence in the passage means that ______.
A.he appreciated and took pride in being at the bottom of the ocean
B.he was disappointed because the trip was only about half as long as planned
C.Cameron wanted to show the public he had been to the deepest place on Earth
D.he wouldn’t stop exploring the deepest place in the future
【小题4】According to the passage, which of the following words best describes Cameron?
【小题5】What’s the best title of the passage?
A.James Cameron’s Fantasy Films.
B.The First to Explore the Deepest Place on Earth.
C.A Dive to the Deepest Place on Earth.
D.Crazy Cameron.




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

---Well, James, I’m sorry to leave at once.

   ---______. I hope to hear from you again.

   A. Stay a little longer  B. Keep in touch  C. Take your time D. Don’t mention it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It seems parents have long been right. Going to bed early is key to getting enough sleep and helping adolescents feel on top of the world, a new study reported.

A   1   of sleep among youngsters may    2   depression and suicidal (自杀的)thoughts, according to the study by the Columbia University Medical Center.

"Our results are   3   with the theory that inadequate sleep is a risk factor for depression, working with other   4   and protective factors through multiple possible causal pathways to the development of this   5   disorder," said lead author James Gangwisch.

"  6   quality sleep could therefore be a preventative measure against   7  and a treatment for depression," he added in the study   8   in the Friday issue of Sleep magazine.

The study followed the nightly habits of some 15,659 college and high-school students, and   9  those who consistently went to bed   10  midnight had a 24 percent higher risk of depression than those who turned in before 10:00 pm.

Night owls(夜猫子)also ran a 20 percent   11  risk of battling suicidal thoughts, the study added.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine   12   that adolescents should sleep at least nine hours or more a night. Those who were tucked in before 10:00 pm reported they slept    13   about eight hours and 10 minutes.

But that amount of sleep   14  significantly for those in bed after midnight.

And adolescents who slept five hours or less a night were 71 percent more   15  to suffer depression and 48 percent more     16   becoming suicidal, the study said.

"It is a common perception and societal   17  that adolescents do not need as much sleep as pre-adolescents, yet studies suggest that adolescents may  18   require more sleep," said Gangwisch.

"Studies have found that adolescents do not go to bed   19  enough to make up for earlier school start times, and transitions to earlier school start times have been shown to be   20  with significant sleep deprivation(剥夺). "

(    ) 1. A. night                B. moderation       C. limit                D. lack

(    ) 2. A. result in           B. lie in                C. come about       D. bring in

(    ) 3. A. opposed           B. mixed              C. related              D. consistent

(    ) 4. A. risk                  B. chance              C. potential           D. reason

(    ) 5. A. mood                      B. body                C. feeling             D. mind

(    ) 6. A. little                B. lack                 C. Adequate          D. over

(    ) 7. A. suffering          B. depression               C. disorder            D. sadness

(    ) 8. A. reported           B. published          C. reflected           D. noted

(    ) 9. A. found                      B. investigated      C. appraised          D. supported

(    ) 10. A. before            B. from                C. by                    D. after

(    ) 11. A. lower             B. higher              C. more                D. less

(    ) 12. A. appeals           B. recommends     C. calls                 D. plans

(    ) 13. A. on average      B. in place            C. ahead of           D. in number

(    ) 14. A. increased               B. disappeared       C. strengthened     D. dropped

(    ) 15. A. likely             B. probable           C. possible            D. perhaps

(    ) 16. A. at sight of       B. at risk of          C. in front of               D. as a result of

(    ) 17. A. wish               B. expectation       C. suggestion               D. attempt

(    ) 18. A. exactly           B. immediately      C. directly            D. actually

(    ) 19. A. early              B. lately                      C. soon                 D. quickly

(    ) 20. A. separated               B. associated         C. divided             D. depended


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建省南安一中高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Is it wrong to use someone else’s wireless (Wi-Fi) connection? Just recently, a man was arrested for doing just that. At that time, he was sitting in the street with a laptop(便携式电脑) and using an unsecured(无安全保护措施) wireless connection to surf the Net. What do you think about this topic? Listen to the following different views on it.
For a start, if someone is using your Internet service or downloading, this will affect your speed of access or download limit. Also, it’s bad for Internet service providers. They will suffer in the long run because fewer people will pay for an Internet service if they know they can get it for free. And finally, just imagine this: what if the person who is stealing your Internet connection is involved in an illegal activity? I think the police are totally right to arrest these criminals.
— by Sandra Wilkins
Basically, if the person who paid for the service still has everything they paid for, what’s the problem? It’s just like using the light from streetlamps to read your book, or watching someone else’s firework display. It’s not stealing.
Also, if you leave your wireless connection unsecured, then it is your own fault(过错) if someone else uses it. Just as you wouldn’t leave your front door unlocked, or your car door open, neither should you leave your wireless connection open. By leaving your wireless connection open, you are inviting people to use it. Securing your wireless connection is as easy as clicking a few settings on your router(路由器). And finally, haven’t the police got more important crimes to solve? They’re always saying how they haven’t got the manpower to solve real issues. But this is just ridiculous(荒谬的).
— by James Hoarley
【小题1】 Why was the man mentioned in the first paragraph arrested?

A.For stealing someone’s laptop.
B.For surfing the Net in the street.
C.For destroying others’ wireless connection.
D.For using an Internet service without permission.
【小题2】 What does Sandra Wilkins think of people using others’ Internet service?
A.He thinks it is unacceptable.
B.He thinks it is necessary sometimes.
C.He thinks it requires good computer skills.
D.He thinks it is good for Internet service providers.
【小题3】 In James Hoarley’s opinion, ______.
A.Internet service should be improved.
B.it is hard to secure one’s wireless connection.
C.using others’ Internet service is not stealing at all.
D.people should leave their wireless connection open.
【小题4】 What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Wireless connectionB.Wireless worries
C.Internet serviceD.Internet users


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届浙江省金华一中高三4月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Last week Adele's second album, 21, sold 257,000 copies in the UK, a sales figure that would look incredible as an opening sales week for any album by any global superstar. The fact that the album was celebrating its 10th week at No.1, and that each of the previous nine weeks it had sold over 100,000 copies, makes what Adele has achieved look miraculous. The last female singer to spend that long at No.1 in the UK was Madonna in 1990 with her greatest hits compilation, The Immaculate Collection.
For Adele, the success of 21 is part of a perfect storm of talent, timing and a connection that went beyond gender, age and credibility. But what does it say about the state of the music industry? Does Adele's success signal a return to the MOR(适合大众口味的音乐) musical depression, when the likes of James Blunt dominated the charts? Her success may well lead to a great many similar acts aiming for an MOR audience, but that's more the fault of an industry desperate to recreate any kind of success by creating poor copies until the world shouts "stop now".
What seems to have set Adele apart is her apparent ordinariness, besides that incredible voice. While Gaga parades around in a dress made of meat and Beyonce orbits a world out of touch to the majority of most human beings, Adele's chain-smoking, girl-you'd-like-to-go-to-the-pub-with persona stands out. Even for a British act, her ordinariness goes against trend, with fellow Jessie J adopting a very American habit of over-emoting, talking about a "journey" and making the idea of being a pop star seem fairly difficult.
It's this universality and broad appeal that's helped her translate talent into sales. While the first single from 21, Rolling in the Deep, appealed to Radio 1 listeners and bloggers, the second single, Someone Like You, is so successful that silenced the grand O2 Arena during this year's Brit Awards. The press can write pages and pages in that there's enough of a connection of musicians – Rick Rubin worked on the album, there's a cover of the Cure, Mumford & Sons were an influence – while the gossip magazines have been excited by the fact that the album is one long break-up record, eager to find the ex.
In 1990, Madonna was a global superstar with a back catalogue of era-defining hits to her name. She was untouchable and, tellingly, unknowable. She was (and still is) a megastar, but a megastar of a different age. These days, we want to know a bit more about our artists; that they have relationship problems, walk their dog. Her selling point and appeal is precisely the fact that she exists at the point between everyday ordinariness and pop star.
For now, Adele's success should be celebrated, especially for becoming an unlikely global star on her own terms. The danger is that we're headed for a lot of fairly boring pop, a situation that led to the "birth" of Gaga a few years back. Pop goes in cycles and it feels like we're headed back towards the very middle of MOR.
【小题1】Adele’s achievement seems unbelievable for the reason that ____________.

A.the sales of her second album achieved an incredible success last week in the UK
B.her second album ranked first in a row with the incredible average sales per week
C.Madonna was the last female singer in the UK to stay at No. 1 as long as she did
D.she is such an ordinary singer with so fascinating a voice in the music industry
【小题2】According to the author, the success of Adele’s second album __________________.
A.to a large extent depends on her apparent talent for music
B.is because of her extraordinariness and the wonderful voice
C.lies in gift, timing and something beyond sex, age and trust
D.is largely due to the state of the music industry currently
【小题3】Compared with other female pop stars, what does the author think of Adele?
A.She stands out in a totally different way from Gaga and Beyonce.
B.She and Madonna are contemporary megastars in music.
C.Only she and Madonna spent that long at No.1 in the UK.
D.Jessie J and she both have an American habit of expressing themselves.
【小题4】What helped Adele successfully turned her gift of singing into sales?
A.Her musical talent.
B.The joint work of musicians in the album.
C.Her incredible voice.
D.Her universality and broad appeal.
【小题5】The author thinks that the current musical trend in the UK is _______________.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省09-10学年高一下学期单元检测试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解


The film “Avatar” has received great popularity around the world. It turned out to be a great success. The film got $1 billion in ticket sales in a very short time. The story in the film happens on an alien planet called Pandora where many strange species live. Among the planet’s inhabitants(居民,栖息动物),the one that has the most similarities with humans is the Na’vi, and it is the struggle between the Ma’vi and human invaders(入侵者) that forms the story of the film.

As to the factors(因素) leading to the film’s success, many think that the entertaining feast(盛宴) for the eyes and the wonderful story shouldn’t be forgotten, but the new language invented especially for the film which provides audiences with a new experience also plays an important part.

In order to increase the truthfulness of an alien race(外星人), the film’s director James Cameron asked an expert in languages from the University of Southern California to invent a language for the Na’vi. Professor Paul Frommer combined the languages spoken among Indians, Africans and mid-Asians and worked with James Caneron for four years to create the Na’vi language based on the original 30 words that the director had already come up with.

According to Professor Frommer, the most important characteristic of the Na’vi language is that it could be pronounced. “This is an alien language but obviously it has to be spoken by human actors and actresses,” Professor Frommer told the BBC, “it has to sound natural and it should make human beings comfortable when using it.”

The language has a vocabulary of around 1000 words but Progessor Formmer hopes to enlarge the vocabulary in possible follow-ups to the film and in video games. The professor hopes that one day his creation will be as successful as the Klingon alien language from the “Star Trek”films. “There’s a translation of Hamlet into Klingon and it has received great popularity among the audiences,” says Professor Frommer,“if anything like this happens to the Na’vi language, I’d be very happy.”

1. What do we know about“Avatar” from this passage?

A. The story in it is a moving love story.    

 B. It brings the producer $1 billion in total.

C. The story in it happens on an alien planet.

 D. It talks about humans and aliens’ friendship.

2. The director of “Avatar” James Cameron had a language invented for the Na’vi to     

A. make the film a whole mystery          B. make the Na’vi more believable

C. make the Na’vi different from humans    D. make the film have specific characteristics

3. Who first created the basic words of the Na’vi language?

A. Paul Frommer.        B. An Indian.    C. James Cameron     D. Hamlet.

4. The important feature of the Na’vi language is that      

A. it can be spoken by humans         B. it has just 30 original words

C. it has a vocabulary of 1000 words.    D. it is like the Klingon alien language

5. We can infer from the passage that       

A. James Cameron will produce follow-ups to “Avatar”

B. the Na’vi language is another kind of the Klingon language

C. the director believes the Na’vi language will be popular

D. Paul Frommer hopes to add new words to the Na’vi language


