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  Feeling tired lately? Has the doctor said he couldn’t find anything wrong with you? Perhaps he sent you to a hospital, but all the advanced equipment there shows that there is nothing wrong.

  Then consider this, you might be in a state of subhealth.(亚健康的状况)

Subhealth, also called the third state or grey state, is explained as a border line state between health and disease.According to an investigation(调查)by the National Health Organization, over 45% of subhealthy people are middle-aged or elderly.The percentage is even higher among people who work in management positions as well as students around exam time.

Symptoms(症状)include a lack of energy, depression, slow reactions, insomnia(失眠), and poor memory.Other symptoms include shortness of breath, sweating and aching in the waist and legs.

  The key to preventing and recovering form subhealth, according to some medical experts, is to form good living habits, alternate work with rest, exercise regularly and take part in open-air activities.

  As for meals, people are advised to eat less salt and sugar.They should also eat more fresh vegetables, fruits and fish because they are rich in nutritional elements-vitamins and trace elements(微量元素)-that are important to the body.

  Nutrition experts point out that it is not good to eat too much at one meal because it may cause unhealthy changes in the digestive system.They also say that a balanced diet is very helpful in avoiding sub-health.


When you are in a state of sub-health, you should ________.

[  ]


stay at home and keep quiet


go to see a doctor and buy some medicine


have yourself examined in foreign countries


find out the reasons and relax yourself


As for food, experts suggest that ________.

[  ]


we should never eat meat


we should have meals with less salt and sugar


we should eat less


we should have meals without salt or sugar


The underlined word“alternate” in the passage means“________”.

[  ]


arrange by turns


cause to take place


keep up


take up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054



   In the past, American families tended __1__ quite large,and parents __2__ five or __3__ children were common. Over the years the __4__ of the family has decreased(减少). One reason for this is __5__ in the cost of __6__. On the average, children attend schools for more years __7__ they __8__, making them financially dependent __9__ their families longer. Moreover, children nowadays are better __10__ and have __11__ money to spend __12__ entertainment. The parents usually take the responsibility __13__ all the expenses.

   Meanwhile, families are __14__ close than they used to be. More and more American mothers work away from home. The break up of the family occurs when the parents divorce(离婚). A lot of children in the U.S. live part of their young __15__ with only one parent. __16__ families usually result in problems for children and parents alike. Children blame themselves when their parents __17__. They __18__ feeling unsettled as they are moved back and forth between parents.

   Usually one parent takes the responsibility for raising the children. These single parents must __19__ the children's emotional and psychological needs while also __20__ them financially. This is very demanding and leaves very little time for the parent's own personal interests. Single parents often marry other single parents. In this type of family, unrelated children are forced to __21__ brother or sister relationship.

   The situations of many American __22__ today are not good. However, recent signs indicate that things are getting __23__. The divorce rate is declining. The rate of __24__ is rising. Perhaps Americans have learned __25__ important families are.


(1)  A.    to be


Bto    form


Cto    turn


Dto    become


[  ]


(2)  A.    had








[  ]


(3)  A.    six








[  ]


(4)  A.    size








[  ]


(5)  A.    a drop


Ba    decrease






[  ]


(6)  A.    house








[  ]


(7)  A.    than








[  ]


(8)  A.    do






Dused    to


[  ]


(9)  A.    to








[  ]


(10)  A.    dressed








[  ]


(11)  A.    less








[  ]


(12)  A.    in








[  ]


(13) A.    for








[  ]


(14) A.    more








[  ]


(15) A.    time








[  ]


(16) A.    Divorced








[  ]


(17) A.    separate








[  ]


(18) A.    grown up


Bbuild    up


Cset    up


Dmade    up


[  ]


(19) A.    have lest




Ccare    for




[  ]


(20) A.    supporting








[  ]


(21) A.    defend






D develop


[  ]


(22) A cities


B towns


C families


D villages


[  ]


(23) A better


B worse


C fewer


D newer


[  ]


(24) A death


B marriage


C deserts


D children


[  ]


(25) A how


B what


C. that


 D. why


[  ]



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

If you asked high school girls to name their favorite sports, most would probably say basketball or volleyball. I happen to be one of the few girls who would    1   :surfing(冲浪运动). But isn’t that a boy thing? Some people    2    . Most certainly not.

I started surfing about five years ago and    3     in love with the sport on the very first day. Riding that first   4     was the best feeling I had ever experienced.

When I try to   5    surfing with other things, I find it very difficult because, in my

    6   there’s nothing like it. It involves(牵涉到)body,   7    , and soul. There’s sand between my toes and cool, salt water all   8     us. The feeling I get when I’m surfing across that    9    , becoming one with the    10    , is like I’m weightless.

The one thing I can   11     from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge(挑战). You can never be the “best surfer” because the ocean    12     an uncountable variety of waves that nobody can ever master. The variations of surfing styles are wonderful. Some surfers are free and flowing; others are very aggressive(活跃有力的)and   13    . All of these things attract me to surfing and make it    14     from any other sport.

I’ve   15     to tell every girl I know to do something that people don’t think girls can do. It's part of being human to advance to new    16    , so shouldn't it be expected that girls should step up and start    17     the limits of things boys and men used to dominate(主宰)?

There’re women   18     side by side with the President of our country, so why not side by side with the boys   19    the football team or out in the water surfing? Give girls a chance to    20    , and they will.

1. A. tell                           B. answer 

C. give                          D. realize

2. A. wonder                      B. understand
C. reply                           D. believe

3. A. stayed                        B. came      

C. dropped                         D. fell

4. A. wave                         B. storm      

C. sail                            D. boat

5. A. bring                         B. connect      

C. compare                        D. tie

6. A. work                         B. study       

 C. holiday                        D. life

7. A. mind                        B. effort      

C. health                          D. time

8. A. along                         B. above      

C. around                        D. by

9. A. beach                        B. water      

C. board                             D. lake

10. A. sky                        B. world      

C. earth                           D. ocean

11. A. take                         B. get      

C. make                           D. keep

12. A. catches                      B. includes      

C. offers                             D. collects

13. A. sharp                       B. great      

C. hard                          D. calm

14. A. known                          B. right      

C. far                            D. different

15. A. chosen                          B. tried      

C. learned                        D. promised

16. A. levels                       B. points      

C. steps                           D. parts

17. A. reaching                     B. accepting      

C. pushing                         D. setting

18. A. sitting                      B. walking      

C. fighting                         D. working

19. A. of                          B. from      

C. on                               D. with

20. A. think                        B. succeed      

C. perform                         D. feel



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

Some air companies give small presents to their passengers. One day a businessman was   1   in an aeroplane,   2   he remembered that he had promised to get some toy wings(飞机驾驶合格徽章), like the ones which   3   wear, for his children. When the air-hostess came round to ask each passenger whether he wanted something to   4   before supper, the businessman asked her whether she had   5   of the toy wings. “  6  , sir, ”she answered. “I’m going to bring the passengers their supper soon, but   7   that, I’ll bring you the wings. ”

Although it was a stormy day, the businessman   8   his supper, but he noticed that the man in the   9   in front of him was feeling   10   and that he didn’t eat any of his supper. The businessman felt sorry for him. After the passengers had   11   supper, the air-hostess came and took their trays(盘子) away and then she   12   the wings for the businessman's children, so she went to the box which the presents were   13   in and took some out. But she had forgotten   14   passenger had asked for the wings. She knew in which   15   of the plane he was, but she thought that   16   was the man in front of the businessman, the   17   man who was feeling sick. The air-hostess now   18   at the man’s seat and asked him whether he was the gentleman who had wanted the wings. The man looked up at her with   19   eyes. Then he looked out of the window at the threatening clouds which   20    the aeroplane and said, “No, I did not ask for wings. Are you going to need them?”

1. A. serving                            B. thinking

C. travelling                         D. reading

2. A. suddenly                          B. then

C finally                                  D. when

3. A. pilots                             B. air-hostess

C. drivers                           D. astronauts

4. A. eat                              B. introduce

C. drink                             D. choose

5. A. some                             B. few

C. many                               D. any

6. A. No                              B. Yes

C. Oh                              D. Pardon

7. A. expect                           B. besides

C. after                                   D. including

8. A. enjoyed                            B. cooled

C. bought                            D. prepared

9. A. stool                              B. sofa

C. bench                            D. seat

10. A. angry                           B. nervous

C. ill                               D. anxious

11. A. finished                          B. completed

C. solved                            D. passed

12. A. forgot                            B. brought

C. remembered                        D. thought

13. A. hid                                   B. kept

C. piled                            D. held

14. A. what                            B. which

C. whose                           D. where

15. A. beds                            B. seat

C. body                            D. part

16. A. it                               B. that

C. he                               D. this

17. A. poor                            B. ill

C. bad                              D. shy

18. A. turned                            B. arrived

C. cheered                          D. started

19. A. kind                             B. funny

C. satisfied                              D. frightened

20. A. covered                              B. prevented

C. surrounded                       D. delayed



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054

If you asked high school girls to name their favorite sports, most would probably say basketball or volleyball. I happen to be one of the few girls who would    1   :surfing(冲浪运动). But isn’t that a boy thing? Some people    2    . Most certainly not.

I started surfing about five years ago and    3     in love with the sport on the very first day. Riding that first   4     was the best feeling I had ever experienced.

When I try to   5    surfing with other things, I find it very difficult because, in my

    6   there’s nothing like it. It involves(牵涉到)body,   7    , and soul. There’s sand between my toes and cool, salt water all   8     us. The feeling I get when I’m surfing across that    9    , becoming one with the    10    , is like I’m weightless.

The one thing I can   11     from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge(挑战). You can never be the “best surfer” because the ocean    12     an uncountable variety of waves that nobody can ever master. The variations of surfing styles are wonderful. Some surfers are free and flowing; others are very aggressive(活跃有力的)and   13    . All of these things attract me to surfing and make it    14     from any other sport.

I’ve   15     to tell every girl I know to do something that people don’t think girls can do. It's part of being human to advance to new    16    , so shouldn't it be expected that girls should step up and start    17     the limits of things boys and men used to dominate(主宰)?

There’re women   18     side by side with the President of our country, so why not side by side with the boys   19    the football team or out in the water surfing? Give girls a chance to    20    , and they will.

1. A. tell                           B. answer 

C. give                          D. realize

2. A. wonder                      B. understand
C. reply                           D. believe

3. A. stayed                        B. came      

C. dropped                         D. fell

4. A. wave                         B. storm      

C. sail                            D. boat

5. A. bring                         B. connect      

C. compare                        D. tie

6. A. work                         B. study       

 C. holiday                        D. life

7. A. mind                        B. effort      

C. health                          D. time

8. A. along                         B. above      

C. around                        D. by

9. A. beach                        B. water      

C. board                             D. lake

10. A. sky                        B. world      

C. earth                           D. ocean

11. A. take                         B. get      

C. make                           D. keep

12. A. catches                      B. includes      

C. offers                             D. collects

13. A. sharp                       B. great      

C. hard                          D. calm

14. A. known                          B. right      

C. far                            D. different

15. A. chosen                          B. tried      

C. learned                        D. promised

16. A. levels                       B. points      

C. steps                           D. parts

17. A. reaching                     B. accepting      

C. pushing                         D. setting

18. A. sitting                      B. walking      

C. fighting                         D. working

19. A. of                          B. from      

C. on                               D. with

20. A. think                        B. succeed      

C. perform                         D. feel



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054

Some air companies give small presents to their passengers. One day a businessman was   1   in an aeroplane,   2   he remembered that he had promised to get some toy wings(飞机驾驶合格徽章), like the ones which   3   wear, for his children. When the air-hostess came round to ask each passenger whether he wanted something to   4   before supper, the businessman asked her whether she had   5   of the toy wings. “  6  , sir, ”she answered. “I’m going to bring the passengers their supper soon, but   7   that, I’ll bring you the wings. ”

Although it was a stormy day, the businessman   8   his supper, but he noticed that the man in the   9   in front of him was feeling   10   and that he didn’t eat any of his supper. The businessman felt sorry for him. After the passengers had   11   supper, the air-hostess came and took their trays(盘子) away and then she   12   the wings for the businessman's children, so she went to the box which the presents were   13   in and took some out. But she had forgotten   14   passenger had asked for the wings. She knew in which   15   of the plane he was, but she thought that   16   was the man in front of the businessman, the   17   man who was feeling sick. The air-hostess now   18   at the man’s seat and asked him whether he was the gentleman who had wanted the wings. The man looked up at her with   19   eyes. Then he looked out of the window at the threatening clouds which   20    the aeroplane and said, “No, I did not ask for wings. Are you going to need them?”

1. A. serving                            B. thinking

C. travelling                         D. reading

2. A. suddenly                          B. then

C finally                                  D. when

3. A. pilots                             B. air-hostess

C. drivers                           D. astronauts

4. A. eat                              B. introduce

C. drink                             D. choose

5. A. some                             B. few

C. many                               D. any

6. A. No                              B. Yes

C. Oh                                D. Pardon

7. A. expect                           B. besides

C. after                                   D. including

8. A. enjoyed                            B. cooled

C. bought                            D. prepared

9. A. stool                              B. sofa

C. bench                            D. seat

10. A. angry                           B. nervous

C. ill                               D. anxious

11. A. finished                          B. completed

C. solved                            D. passed

12. A. forgot                            B. brought

C. remembered                        D. thought

13. A. hid                                   B. kept

C. piled                            D. held

14. A. what                            B. which

C. whose                           D. where

15. A. beds                            B. seat

C. body                            D. part

16. A. it                               B. that

C. he                               D. this

17. A. poor                            B. ill

C. bad                              D. shy

18. A. turned                            B. arrived

C. cheered                          D. started

19. A. kind                             B. funny

C. satisfied                              D. frightened

20. A. covered                              B. prevented

C. surrounded                       D. delayed


