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4.[1]Calling a taxi is easy-you stand in the street and stretch out your hand.But have you tried to call a taxi using a mobile application (软件)?It's not hard-you download a taxi-calling application,input your location and destination,click"calling"and wait for a taxi to pick you up.Didi taxi and Kuaidi Taxi are two of the most popular taxi apps.
[2]However,what appeals to people about the apps is not only convenience but also potential prizes.In early January,Didi announced that for each successful ride arranged over the app,both passengers and drivers get 10 yuan subsidies (补贴).A few days later,Kuaidi decided to offer 10 yuan for passengers and 15 yuan for drivers per ride.
[3]However popular the  taxi-calling  apps  may  be,questions  have  arisen.One  big  concern is safety.In order to claim as many subsidies as possible,some  drivers constantly check the apps to grab more taxi calls,even while they're driving."It greatly distracts drivers'attention,thus causing a threat to road safety,"Beijing Review commented.Meanwhile,like many other digital devices,apps  may be quite  handy for tech-savvy young people,but it could bring a challenge for senior citizens who don't know how to use them,commented China Daily."As drivers prefer taking taxi orders from apps,they will overlook those people standing on the street,"Beijing Review continued.
[4]"Taxi-calling apps are a new thing and we should observe them carefully,"said Liu Xiaohua,deputy director of Guangdong Transport Department."Authorities are expected to regulate the market when they cause safety issues or market disorder."
[5]Some cities_______.Beijing said last month that each taxi is only allowed to be linked with one taxi-calling app,China Daily reported.In Shanghai,drivers will be banned from using these apps during rush hour starting on March l.The city also decided to include these taxi apps in its own taxi-calling service platform.
66.What's the main idea of the text?( no more than 15 words)Taxi-calling apps have benefited people,but they also cause problems.
67.Complete the following sentence using a proper word from Paragraph 2.
Apart from saving us money,calling a taxi using a mobile app also brings usconvenience
68.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?( no more than 5 words)Questions/Problems caused by taxi-calling apps.
69.What does the underlined word"they"in Paragraph 4 refer to?Taxi-calling apps.
70.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 5 with proper words.( no more than 5 words)have taken measures.

分析 本文为说明文.介绍了两种新型的出租车软件---滴滴和快车,以及他们带来的安全隐患.政府相应出台政策加强管理.

解答 66.Taxi-calling apps have benefited people,but they also cause problems.主旨大意概括题.根据第一段可得知,主要介绍两种打车软件以及带来的安全隐患.
67.convenience 细节查找题.在第二段"what appeals to people about the apps is not only convenience but also potential prizes"这句可以看出,打车软件除了便宜而且还方便.
68.Questions/Problems caused by taxi-calling apps. 主旨大意概括题."questions  have  arisen"第一句话为主题句.
69.Taxi-calling apps.第四段第一句话"Taxi-calling apps are a new thing and we should observe them carefully"提到这种打车软件为新型的事物,应该值得关注,所以"them"代指"Taxi-calling apps".
70.have taken measures 从上一段可以看出,面对打车软件带来的问题,一些城市已经开始采取措施.所以开头应为主题句.

点评 阅读表达考查学生在阅读基础上,对信息进行整合重组的能力.在答题时首先要通读全文,带着信息找答案.注意字数的限制.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.Weather in England is unpredictable---it can change in an instant.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

15."Hi!John."Mary ran towards me,saying,"I'm going to have a dance performance tonight.I hope you'll come.Here is the ticket."She left in a hurry,(41)B  in the crowd quickly.
"What performance?Dance?Is that(42)C?"I doubted.I had never seen her making up or wearing attractive clothes.She didn't know how to (43)A  indeed.That's really something incredible!
I arrived at the hall with the (44)D.Her performance was the seventh one.Having no (45)B of art,I suffered from a hard time before her turn.Time went  (46)A,and I struggled not to fall asleep.
"Let's welcome the next exciting dance-Latin!"Applause (47)D the hall at once.
I opened my eyes as large as possible,fearing to  (48)D  anything.Wearing a shining golden skirt,Mary appeared on the stage.Her dress went well  (49)C   the brilliant lights.I could feel all the audience in the hall focusing their  (50)B  on her and it was also hard for me to   (51)D  my sights from her.(52)C  with a charming smile,she was fully (53)A  in the Latin music.At this moment,she looked like a pretty butterfly flying on the  (54)B  …
After all the  (55)B  ended,I waited for her at the gate.She (56)B   in front of me with her crystal(水晶)shoes in her (57)A,dressed as she used to be,but the making-up still could be  (58)D.
"How do you feel?"She asked."Fantastic!"I answered.She could not hide her (59)C,laughing like a child.
"May I lend a hand?"She handed her shining crystal shoes to me.Suddenly I realized that every (60)D  has a pair of crystal shoes of Cinderella.

43.A.dress upB.break upC.mess upD.pick up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.The greatest recent social changes have been in the lives of women.During the twentieth century there has been a remarkable shortening of the proportion of a woman's life spent in caring for the children.A woman marrying at the end of the nineteenth century would probably have been in her middle twenties,and would be likely to have seven or eight children,four or five of whom lived till they were five years old.By the time the youngest was fifteen,the mother would have been in her early fifties and would expect to live a further twenty years,during which health made it unusual for her to get paid work..Today women marry younger and have fewer children.Usually a woman's youngest child will be fifteen when she is forty-five years and can be expected to live another thirty-five years and is likely to take paid work until retirement at sixty.Even while she has to take care of children,her work is lightened by moder living conditions.
This important change in women's life-patterns has only recently begun to have its full effect on women's economic position.Even a few years ago most girls took a full-time job after they left school..However,when they married,they usually left work at once and never returned to it.Today the school-leaving age is sixteen,many girls stay at school after that age,and though women usually marry older,more married women stay at work at least until shortly before their first child is born.Many more afterwards return to full-or-part-time work.Such changes have led to a new relationship in marriage,with the husband accepting a greater share of the duties and satisfactions of family life,and with both husband and wife sharing more equally in providing the money,and running the home,according to the abilities and interests of each of them.
24.At what age did most women marry around the 1890 according to the passage?A
A.At about twenty-five             B.In their earl fifties
C.At the age of fifteen            D.At any age from fifteen to forty-five
25.What happened to an ordinary family in about 1900?D
A.The youngest child could live to fifteen.
B.Four of five children died after they were five.
C.Seven or eight children lived to be more than five.
D.Some children died when the were very young.
26.When she was over fifty,a late nineteenth-century motherD.
A.was usaully expected to die fiarely soon
B.would expect to work until she died
C.would be healthy enough to take up paid jobs
D.was less like to find a job even if she wanted to
27.What do we know from the passage?A
A.Husbands and wives share equal responsibilities at home.
B.More and more women are looked down upon by husbands.
C.Today women prefer to get married rather than get jobs.
D.A husband plays a greater part in looking after the children.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Indian's snake charmers are to be retrained as wildlife teachers under a plan to prevent their unique skills and knowledge from being lost.The charmers,who make snakes dance to the sound of flutes (笛子),used to be a traditional feature of Indian life,performing in towns and villages,until they were banned in 1972to control the trade in snake skins.
The government is now considering a plan to train the saperas,as they are known,to visit schools and zoos to tell children about forests and wildlife.There is also a proposal to set up a"dial a snake charmer"service to help householders to deal with unwelcome intruders.
"For generations they have been a feature of Indian life but now they can't earn a living for fear of arrest,"said Behar Dutt,a conservationist behind the plans,"if a policeman doesn't catch them,animal rights activists report them."
Many snake charmers have continued to work clandestinely since the ban,despite the threat of up to three years in jail.But their trademark cloth-covered baskets,hung from a bamboo pole carried across their shoulders,make them an easy target for police.
The fate of Shisha Nath,56,from Badarpur,a village just outside of Delhi,is typical of practitioners (从业者) of the dying art."I used to earn enough to support my family and send my children to school,"he said."Now it's hard to earn even£1a day.My children want to be snake charmers.It's our identity.We love the work.But it's become impossible."
Next month Dutt's project to train 30snake charmers will begin at a snake park in Pune,western India,where experts will enrich their home-grown skills with some formal knowledge.
More than the law,though,it is the dishonest attitude of their fellow countrymen that angers many snake charmers.
"We're disturbed all the time but when people want a snake removed from the house,they rush to us,"said Prakash Nath,who was ordered recently to the home of Sonia Gandhi,the Congress party leader.

66.Snake charmers will be retrained as wildlife teachers mainly becauseD.
A.schools need large numbers of such teachers
B.most of them cannot support their families
C.their performances on the street are banned
D.the government plans to save the dying art
67.The purpose of the proposed"dial a snake charmer"telephone service isD.
A.to give performance of snake dancing
B.to teach householders how to catch and kill snakes
C.to offer cleaning service to wealthy householders
D.to help remove unwanted snakes from the houses
68.The word"clandestinely"in paragraph 4can be best replaced by the word"A".
A.secretly   B.publicly   C.subconsciously   D.diligently
69.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?B
A.Snake charmers can easily be recognized by the police on the street.
B.Children of snake charmers would not like to continue their fathers'job.
C.Snake charmers are quite angry with the attitude of their fellow countrymen.
D.The animal rights activists take a negative attitude towards snake charmers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.[1]Every year,lots of children die in traffic accidents,and many of these tragedies occur because child safety seats are not properly installed or are not used at all.As more and more families buy private cars,it's time to ______ the safety of children.
[2]Parents tend to let the child sit alone in the front passenger seat,or leave the child alone in the back of the car without any safety restraints,have the child held in an adult's lap,or have the child use an adult's safety belt.All of these can potentially add elements of danger for a child in a car.
[3]In the 1970s,Western countries began to research safety devices for children in cars.It was later found that special safety devices for children in cars will help to reduce injury by about 70 percent,and child safety seats play a key role in protecting children in case of traffic accidents.
[4]Since 1999,automakers have been required to put child restraint systems in cars in the United States.There are more than 25 million child safety seats in the United States,compared to only 600,000 in China.Today,more than 40 countries in the world have already issued relevant legal regulations,making it compulsory that children sit in safety seats.In Germany,the Netherlands and Japan,children under 12 years old are required to sit in child safety seats.
[5]China is a manufacturing base for child safety seats,but the market in China is still limited.As a result,while we export our products to other countries,our own children in China are rarely provided with safety seats for various reasons.We hope this situation will be improved.
66.What's the main idea of Paragraph 2?(no more than 10 words)
Elements of danger for a child in a car.
67.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 1 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)
pay more attention to
68.Explain the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5?
Though large quantities of safety seats are made in China,few are used by the Chinese car owners.
69.List at least 3 elements of danger for a child in a car.
1)sit alone in the front passenger seat
2)leave the child alone in the back of the car without any safety restraints
3)have the child held in an adult's lap
70.What does the author want to tell us by writing such an article?(no more than 12 words )The situation of using safety seats in China should be improved..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.[1]In America,when the eighth graders leave the middle school,they are often worried about moving to the high schoo1.It is a hard time for them,but it can be an exciting one as well.To make it easier,students need to get familiar with their school.
[2]Even though they've done this already in the middle schoo1,it's still important to find where their classrooms are.Most schools take students to the high school for a visit at the end of their eighth grade year.And most schools also have a freshman speech for parents and students before the first year begins.Sometimes the main office will give away a map of the schoo1.This can help students and parents to find different places of the schoo1.
[3]One way to know your high school more and make new friends is to _______________or play a sport.Schools often offer chances to join different clubs and sports.Fall activities begin in August before the first day of schoo1.If you are not interested in sports,there are clubs for any interest,such as drama,dance,chess,photography,community service,etc.These clubs allow students from different grades.By joining an activity,students can find new friendships,not to mention improving their chances in future college applications.The school office will have a 1ist of activities offered at the schoo1 and information on how to join them.
[4]What's more,to have a great start to a high school year,students can write down some of their worries and ask for help from teachers and school workers.

66.What does the word"it"in the first paragraph refer to?(no more than 5words)moving to the high school.
67.Why do many schools take students to visit their new high school?(no more than 10words)To make the students get familiar with their school..
68.Fill in the blank in paragraph 3with proper words.(no more than 3words)join a club.
69.What can the students benefit from joining an activity?(no more than 10words)
①make new friends②improve their chances in future college applications.
70.What is the purpose of this passage?(no more than 12words)To give advice to new high school students..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.A decades-old tradition,illustrated in a modem children's book,links the sweetness of honey with the joy of learning to read.
The grandpa held a jar of honey so that all the family could see.He then dipped a spoon into it and put some honey on the cover of a small book.
The little girl had just turned five.Stand up,little one,"he asked the girl softly."I did this for your mother,your uncles,your
old brother,and now you!"
Then,he handed the book to her."Taste f"
She touched the honey with her finger and put it into her mouth.
"What  is  the  taste?"the  grandpa  asked.
The little girl answered,"Sweet!"
Then all.the family said in a single voice,"Yes,and so is knowledge,but knowledge is from the bee that made that sweet honey,you have to go after it through the pages of a book!"The little girl knew that the promise to read was at last hers.Soon she was going to learn to read.
This is the beginning of a profoundly moving children's book entitled Thank You,Mr.Falker.
In this book,Patricia Polacco writes of her own passion to read,inspired by the honey on the book.It wasn't until fifth grade that she met her beloved teacher who provided the help that she needed to finally unlock the magic of the written world.
The child learning to read is admitted into a collective memory by way of books.And with the printed words that are active with.meaning,the child bees acquainted(熟悉的) with a common past which he or she renews,to a greater or lesser degree,in every reading.Much as the author of the book Thank You,Mr.Falker puts it,"Almost as if it were magic,or as if light poured into her brain,the words and sentences started to take shape on the page as they never had before-And she understood the whole thing---Then she went into the living room and found the book on a shelf,the very book that her grandpa had shown her so many years ago.She spooned  honey on the cover and tasted the sweetness---Then she held the book,honey and all,close to her chest.She could feel tears roll down her cheeks,but they weren't tears of sadness-she way happy,so very happy."

28.The girl who tasted the honey on the book wasC.
A.nearly six years old                     B.less than five years old
C.a little more than five years old        D.more than six years old
29.It can be inferred from this passage thatD.
A.the girl's mother and uncles were good scholars
B.Mr.Falker helped Patricia Polacco write her book for children.
C.the girl who tasted the honey on the book grew into an artist
D.the honey-on-book tradition has been practiced for many generations
30.The book entitled Thank You,Mr.Falker is aboutC.
A.the early life of Mr.Falker
B.the magic power of oral words on children
C.Polacco's early experience with reading
D.how the honey on the book makes children feel happy
31.The last paragraph implies that the happiness of the little girl came fromA.
A.the ability to read books               B.the honey she tasted
C.the book her grandpa had shown her      D.the collective memory that accepted her.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.For quite       students,their teacher's advice is more important than      of their  parents'.(  )
A.few; oneB.a few; thatC.a little; someD.a lot; many

